I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 299 Black Pigeon Prison

In the quiet room, Sean slowly opened his eyes.

It took him a whole month to finally digest all the abilities he gained after upgrading to Crimson.

Of course, in addition to getting familiar with the new abilities and strengthening the old abilities, he also had to adapt to something he had never experienced before - pollution.

No matter how deep his understanding was before, even if Sean himself had come into contact with and removed many different types of pollution, when it really happened to him, the experience was immediately different.

The pollution itself is difficult to describe in words. If I have to say it, it is very similar to the feeling of ants when ordinary people are nervous, and they feel that there are small insects wandering around for no reason - the difference is that the feeling of ants coming from the depths of the soul.

Every time the feeling of ants comes, Sean can feel that something on his body seems to be eaten away by non-existent insects, and in another corner that is closely related to him, new things are constantly surviving.

That is proliferation.

Sean finally understood why once he reached the level of Crimson, the growth of strength suddenly became extremely difficult.

His power is constantly being divided by proliferation. At the same time, he needs to constantly absorb power to support himself and proliferation. In layman's terms, before, one person could feed the whole family, but now he has to support a family of three. Proliferation is like a wife who is keen on petty bourgeoisie life and a tireless gold-eating beast combined into one, constantly absorbing Sean's own power.

"We have to fight against the mental instability, bloodlust, devouring and other negative emotions brought by pollution itself. No wonder..."

Sean muttered with his fists clenched.

In this world, the greater the power you have, the greater the price you need to bear.

Although Xiao Ci exists, Sean can constantly purify the pollution, but he also noticed that once the pollution process is interrupted, the growth rate of his strength will immediately slow down.

"It's a dilemma... Only when the strength reaches a certain level can it be purified to maintain its own level... The problem is that most of the deep reds may find it difficult to hold on until then."

Sean couldn't help but think of Bai Youming. According to his speculation, the other party is most likely deep blue. Even if not, he should have one foot in the realm of deep blue.

How did he survive the previous process... It seems that there are still many things I still don't know...

When Sean walked out of the secret room, a group of people were gathered in the hall outside... Eating hot pot?

"Brother, are you okay?" Cheryl handed over her bowl... a large basin.

Looking at the pile of food in it with disdain, Sean rolled his eyes at Cheryl, then turned his head and scooped a lot of garlic paste over: "Do you know how to eat hot pot?"

As he said, he sat down, picked up Cheryl's large basin and started eating directly.

After the deep red level, he can convert external energy into his body, and it is no problem not to eat.

However, on the one hand, the energy of the whole world is not very pure and full of pollution. On the other hand, food is also a way to quickly replenish energy. There are still few deep reds who don't eat.

Cheryl happily picked up some food and put it in his bowl: "I don't like the taste... Brother, I feel like I'm almost there. I can go and try it in half a month."

Sean's eyes lit up: "Okay, pick a place then. No need to hunt this time. We'll just guard it for you."

As he spoke, he nodded at Ak.

Ak, who came to eat, was moved. He always blamed himself for not protecting Sean at the time. Although Sean was resurrected, he would never let go of this responsibility.

Now, Sean still trusts me...

Ake nodded and swallowed a few pieces of meat: "Leave it to me."

This guy is a simple guy... Sean nodded with satisfaction: "How are you recently?"

"Basically there is no big change," Ake continued, "The prince has told the insider about your survival, and now other people don't know. After the prince was furious that time, the imperial capital has been very honest during this period. Everyone thought you were dead, plus other factors, no one dared to make a fuss at this time."

As he said, he seemed to remember something: "By the way, the speed of the Golden Dawn area has been full. The Dawn Gate area has been completely cleared a week ago, and the territory department has been assigned to your name-although you are dead, no one dares to ask His Royal Highness how to deal with it."

Sean thought about it while holding the chopsticks in his mouth. He still remembered that Bai Youming said that there were still benefits, but he had to take it back by himself, referring to the Dawn Gate area.

It seems that there should be some secrets that cannot be moved there.

He nodded to indicate that he understood.

Moza thought and said, "The third prince Bai You has been imprisoned in Hei Ge. By the way, Concubine Lan's old nanny has also been imprisoned. Concubine Lan has temporarily moved out of the palace. Lan Youshan bought her a place and she lives there temporarily."

Ak nodded, "The subsequent search of Lan Youshan and Grand Duke Wen Qie did not yield much results. We only investigated and dealt with some illegal assets in strict accordance with the imperial law, and the amount was not small."

Seeing Sean's inquiring eyes, he chuckled, "I was the one who went to search. To be honest, it is unrealistic to touch them without the order of His Majesty. But I have created a lot of industries, which are all under your name."

Sean didn't care about some of the assets. He waved his hand and said, "The working capital is enough. You can distribute the fixed assets to the brothers in Unit 0."

Seeing that Ake was about to refuse, he shook his head and said, "I know that you in Unit 0 have cut off your relationship with your original families, but what if you start a family in the future? How to distribute it is your business. I am not interested in this."

Ake was slightly stunned, then nodded, "Thank you, Your Highness."

Sean reached for the meat in the hot pot with chopsticks again, and asked while eating, "Grand Duke Wen Qie and Lan Youshan, Have you been hanging out with the Fourth Prince quite often recently?"

Ake shook his head: "I was just about to tell you, it's a bit strange. Logically speaking, the Third Prince has lost his right of succession, and the Fourth Prince is the easiest to receive his remaining things. If the two families want to find a new buyer, they should get closer to the Fourth Prince."

"I have been exchanging information with Moza during this period. What's strange is that Grand Duke Wenqie, who is not so close, has more interactions with the Fourth Prince, while Speaker Lan Youshan's attitude is very unclear, and he even has contact with the Second Prince."

Seeing Moza nod, Xiao En thought about it, smiled and said, "Lan Youshan, that old fox... I'm afraid he has figured out something... In name, he is the grandfather of the two princes, but Bai Si even schemed against his own brother, so he doesn't dare to trust his grandson."

"It's possible." Moza nodded, "But generally speaking, during the month that you were in seclusion, only the second and fourth princes were more active. The eldest prince Bai Zhan actually suffered some losses in the incident, but he seemed to have disappeared during this month, and even..."

He Glancing at Ake, the latter said, "I haven't even gone to see His Royal Highness. It's strange. Everyone thinks His Royal Highness will start to participate in the fight for the right of succession, but the eldest prince, who was closest to His Royal Highness, didn't react at all."

"It is said that the eldest prince is impulsive and reckless. I don't think he is stupid. He even found a master to guide him..." Sean smiled, patted his butt and stood up, "It's just that he is too conservative..."


Black Pigeon, this prison is located in the northern suburbs of the entire imperial capital, and it is sparsely populated.

The four directions of the imperial capital, east, west, and south correspond to the three major political regions respectively. Only in the north, there is the rumored Raya volcano and the violent sea, and there is only a small safe area in the middle.

There is no value in opening up, and there are natural dangers around, so few people will go there.

It is said that different species live on the other side of the violent sea. When they cross the sea and bathe in the magma of the Raya volcano, they will become terrible creatures-of course, these are all rumors. With the current technological means, there are not even pictures and records, and there are still few people who believe it.

The Black Pigeon Prison is located on the wasteland between the imperial capital and the Raya Volcano and the Raging Sea.

This prison is very famous in the imperial capital. In addition to receiving new prisoners, the special gate here is only opened once a month for the prison guards to change shifts and obtain daily necessities.

As long as they enter here, no prisoner has ever successfully escaped.

What's more interesting is that this place never executes the death penalty, and those sentenced to death will be transferred to other places. Moreover, the Black Pigeon also has a commutation of sentence regulation. After ten years of good performance, the warden is eligible to reduce the prisoner's sentence.

Theoretically, there is a possibility of being released from prison after entering here-of course, the number of people released from prison is currently 0, because, in order to protect the warden's mental health, the warden is replaced every five years.

What does your good performance as the last warden have to do with my new warden?

Just like the black pigeon trapped in the cage at the prison gate, this place is an eternal dark prison.

At this time, in the rarely used reception room in the prison, a woman was crying softly.

"Bai You... it's me... I'm sorry for you..." Lam couldn't help but burst into tears.

How could the withered and decadent man in front of her be the high-spirited Third Prince Bai You in her impression?

Bai You's chapped lips moved a little, and he showed a miserable smile: "The winner is the king and the loser is the enemy, Bai You knows this... But, Bai You doesn't understand why the nanny would frame me? Can you tell me?"

Lam's pupils trembled violently, but she could only shake her head in pain.

Although it was the nanny who proposed to assassinate Sean, she finally agreed.

Lam thought that she had no chance to expose herself, but what she didn't expect was that the nanny actually put the blame on Bai You.

How could she not feel guilty and annoyed.

Moreover, although she was not thoughtful, she was not stupid to that extent.

As a person involved, if she thought about it carefully, how could she not know that it was the fourth brother who made a move in it.

Seeing that Elisa Lam refused to speak for a long time, Bai You laughed bitterly, tidied up the prison uniform that smelled of stench and blood, and bowed respectfully.

"In this situation, my mother is still willing to take the risk to comfort me. Bai You is already grateful... I hope my mother takes care of herself. Bai You can't be filial to you."

After saying that, he stood up staggeringly and walked towards his cell.

"Bai You..." Big tears fell, and Elisa Lam stretched out her hand to keep her, but Bai You's back had already disappeared into the darkness.

After sobbing for a while, she wiped her tears, wrapped her clothes tightly, and walked out.

When she saw the head of the prison guard who brought her in, she stuffed a package in his hand: "Please take care of him."

The other party showed an embarrassed look: "Don't be like this...I brought you to see him and removed the surveillance. This is my maximum authority. He has a special status. To be honest, he already has special care, but if we go further If so... the warden will be held accountable, and my status is even more unforgivable. "

He didn't lie to Concubine Lan. Bai You's life in Black Pigeon was already pretty easy.

Some pampered big shots come in and become crazy and unable to speak within a month.

Lan Ke'er couldn't help but put it into the other person's arms. She had no choice now, she could only hope that some of her thoughts could make Bai You's life a little easier.

Just as he was about to leave, suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps in the darkness.

Lan Keer subconsciously wanted to cover up, but after realizing it, she straightened her clothes.

Although it was against the rules for her to visit the third prince, she would only get a few scoldings at most, so it was not a big deal.

In the darkness, the figures of two people gradually emerged.

Beside him was the smiling warden, who was slightly bowed and his face was full of flattery.

The person on the other side made Lan Keer's face instantly turn pale.

The cynical smile, the lazy and casual expression, and the pair of lake-blue eyes that hide countless things.

That is the person Lan Keer can never forget, and that person should obviously be the one who died!

"Xiao... Sean..." Lan Keer called out the other person's name in disbelief.

Hearing the sound, Sean turned his head casually. Immediately, a smile of surprise appeared on his face: "What a coincidence, Concubine Lan?"

"Aren't you... already dead?" Lan Ke'er said in horror.

Sean smiled slightly and signaled, and the warden immediately led the people out.

Lan Ke'er panicked and wanted to follow, but a hand appeared in front of her eyes, and a sinister voice sounded in her ears: "Madam...I am so wronged..."

"No, it's impossible..." Lan Keer backed away in panic, but the place was only so big, and he reached the base of the wall in a few steps.

"Isn't this all... thanks to you?" Sean's smile gradually turned sinister and terrifying.

"Master Warden, what, what is that?" The prison guard stammered and followed.

Suddenly, the figure of the warden in front started to squirm.

A man carrying a black stick pushed up his glasses: "I just sneaked in to take a look, but I didn't expect to meet you... I'm sorry, you shouldn't remember anything today."

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