I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 298 Go with the Flow

"Tighten your core and embrace your spiritual power. Now your body and spirit are dry, and you must turn the power into your own."

Seeing Sean wake up, Bai Youming shouted immediately.

Sean closed his eyes immediately after hearing this, even though he didn't know whether to laugh or cry in his heart.

Dry chicken feathers, he had just advanced to Crimson, and it was the time when his whole body was full of strength, and he hadn't even learned to fully absorb his breath into his body.

If he hadn't used the Deception Heart on himself when he woke up once before, Bai Youming would have found the problem just by looking at his breath and physical strength.

Sean's fake death was using the fake death potion brought back from the Rainbow Nest. The insidious high priest really didn't lie to him.

Not to mention Crimson, even Bai Youming didn't find anything unusual.

Of course, according to the actual situation, it would be a better choice for Sean to "die" for a while, but he had to face a realistic problem.

There was no medicine...

The fake death potion couldn't be preserved for too long, so Sean put it in a bottle and preserved it with the special cork given by the high priest.

The potion takes effect for half an hour each time, and he has to drink it secretly every time.

Fortunately, Cheryl, the veto of the reinforcement system, can freely control his flesh and blood, and his hands are very thick - the medicine bottle is stuffed in his arm...

Under Bai Youming's gaze, Sean seemed to be grasping the last straw, but in fact he was silently purifying his power with the ritual.

After it was over, Sean slowly opened his eyes.

Godfather, too much at once...

Originally, it was just to increase credibility, but I didn't expect Bai Youming to directly get so much flesh and blood power.

"Hu..." He let out a long breath and looked at his whole body and hands with a strange expression.

Then Sean smiled: "I am also resurrected from the dead?"

Bai Youming narrowed his eyes slightly, he glanced at Cheryl: "Go out for a while."

After getting Sean's signal, Cheryl walked out of the basement.

Immediately, a majestic spiritual power rushed straight to Sean.

"Noah, don't defend for me."

Sean instructed, and resisted with his own spiritual power.

Of course, the so-called resistance was just a formality, he was like an ant in front of Bai Youming.

"Do you remember your true identity?"

Sean resisted the discomfort and replied: "The fifth prince... but that was in the past."

The mental pressure faded quickly.

Bai Youming finally smiled: "Not bad."

Sean rubbed his temples and smiled bitterly: "You don't have to be so cruel if you want to test me, right?"

Bai Youming said leisurely: "Although I don't know what your ritual of regaining the anchor point of consciousness is, it is probably one of the means of a certain sect. I won't ask more about the source and specific effects, but I must make sure whether the person who has returned now is Sean, or the sub-consciousness of a certain evil god."

Sean stretched out his hand and shook it, then sighed: "I'm back... Tsk, I didn't expect to be tricked."

"The man who killed you is called Snake King, and he is still being marked and hunted. His hand Duan Duobian is a very strong one in the middle level of Crimson. I originally thought that Ake, together with other people and your thoughts, should be no problem... Forget it, let's not talk about this. "

Bai Youming patted Sean's shoulder and smiled: "It's a lesson. You haven't suffered much since you walked out of Paradise City until now, right?"

Sean pursed his lips: "I suffered a big loss... If it weren't for my good luck, I would have really died this time."

Bai Youming nodded: "Fortunately, you were promoted to Crimson before you died. If you were still at the peak of the King level, Cheryl couldn't remove the poison even if she helped you change blood and flesh."

Sean chuckled and looked around after a moment.

After hesitating for a while, he asked: "What did he say?"

Bai Youming frowned slightly: "Order to punish..."

Sean interrupted him rudely: "Justice is what you are asking for me, right?"

Bai Youming didn't speak.

Sean clenched his fists a little, and finally smiled with relief: "Okay, change blood and flesh, I am no longer the fifth prince... It is best to be my Sean in the future, royal blood, no matter what."

Bai Youming frowned: "Nonsense, royal identity can't be determined by so-called bloodline?"

Sean said indifferently: "Without bloodline, I can't even enter the treasure house, right? There is nothing wrong with this, it saves me from thinking about some messy things occasionally."

Bai Youming glared at him with authority: "It's not your turn to draw conclusions."

Sean snorted: "Dead people can't draw conclusions, and they are naturally qualified to come back alive."

He looked at Bai Youming calmly: "In the future, I will do things according to my own way."

Bai Youming looked at him and finally shook his head: "Forget it, do it yourself."

"You don't support me with all your strength?" Sean said with a smile.

Bai Youming chuckled: "I seek justice for the prince. But if it's for the prince, I won't stand up."


After Bai Youming left, Xiao En stretched his body.

In this way, all the bad debts were wiped out, and the competitors were hit.

Moreover, he could make more choices...

In the mirror, Xiao Ci and Zhu Zhu jumped out.

"Brother, everything is done." Xiao Ci raised her head and said.

Rubbing her orange-haired head hard, Xiao En said with satisfaction: "It's getting more and more reliable."

Zhu Zhu held the lollipop in her mouth: "Xiao Ci's fire was really terrible. The snake king's proliferation was completely burned, and the body of the fifth prince was also disposed of."

Sean's lips curved slightly: "They still owe me a life..."

Just as he was talking, Moza rushed back from outside.

"The Snake King is under control. Do you want to pick a time to bring him out to meet the guests?" Moza pushed up his glasses.

Sean shook his head: "No, he has other uses..."

"Bai Ye has gone back. She knows about the existence of the Snake King. Maybe she can detect something?" Moza said.

"It doesn't matter whether you realize it or not. It's only good for her. Moreover, she is the future queen. I have to communicate with her." Sean smiled, and then something sounded like, "By the way, she hasn't yet You know, right?”

"What did you say?" Bai Ye had just sat down and poured a cup of tea. After hearing the news reported by Bing Lan, he immediately stood up in disbelief.

"The news is true, Your Highness Princess."

"How is this possible..." Bai Ye murmured.

Sean is dead? This is impossible... The third brother was responsible for this and was beaten to the black pigeon...

Moza came to see me, which proves that Sean had anticipated the assassination... How could he die?

For some reason, an indescribable feeling surged into my chest, as if something was throbbing.

"I heard that it seems that the plot was not expected... His Royal Highness the Prince was furious. Many important figures, including generals, directors, and bishops, were directly killed in the side hall of the palace, and..." Binglan paused. Obviously, she was also frightened by this, "His Royal Highness the Prince and His Majesty the Emperor had a big quarrel."

Bai Ye had no intention of listening to what Bing Lan said after that. There was only one thought left in her mind.

Sean is dead...how is it possible...how is it possible that such a sinister and cunning bastard is dead...

"Your Highness the Princess? Your Highness the Princess?"

Bai Ye barely came back to his senses: "I...I'm fine..."

However, before she knew it, the armrest she was holding turned into powder.

"Your Highness Princess, next..."

Bing Lan reported countless contents eloquently, but Bai Ye couldn't listen to it.

After a long time, she stood up suddenly: "I'm leaving the palace, I want to see him."

"Your Highness? At this time..."

"Leave the palace."

The new residence of His Highness the New Crown Prince should have been bustling with traffic in the past, but now, let alone the people who came to visit, there were very few people around the block.

One is that the dead prince has no value, and the other is that he is worried about being angered by the prince.

Bai Ye got out of the car in a hurry and walked into the villa.

There was no one here, and Moza, who had just returned, had no idea where he had gone.

Only the door to the basement entrance was open.

Bai Ye forced himself to calm down and walked in slowly.

Then she saw Sean.

The other party was lying alone on the altar, making no sound.

Staggering, Bai Ye pursed his lips and walked to the altar.

"You deserve it..." She gritted her teeth.

He seems to be really dead...

Bai Ye felt that he should feel a little happy that this bastard who had always taken advantage of him, lied to him, and played with him died.

However, looking at the cold Sean just lying there, what filled his mind was endless sadness.

She clenched her fists tightly, lowered her head, not daring to look at the pale face, and cursed: "Why do you want to die now..."

Something cold splashed on the ground.

Then, a gentle hand covered her cheek.

Bai Ye looked up in shock and saw Sean smiling evilly at him: "Your Highness, you still said you don't like me?"

"You're not dead..."

Bai Ye's temples twitched violently.

Sean wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes leisurely: "Are you so sad? Well, I'm back. Aren't you surprised?"


When Bai Ye calmed down and didn't know what happened, he was put into Sean's arms.

Glancing at the cold altar with disgust, she broke away and said coldly: "As expected of my cousin, even the emperor's uncle can deceive him."

Sean spread his hands: "If I hadn't died, how could so many things have happened?"

Bai Ye paused, then looked over doubtfully.

Sean sighed and told the other party about his 'resurrection'.

Bai Ye originally wanted to scold him, but when he thought that he had really died once, he couldn't curse him anymore.

However, Sean's next words immediately made her angry.

"I didn't expect that my cousin still felt sorry for me and started crying."

Bai Ye sneered: "The trading partner who just reached cooperation is dead, can I not be sad even for a moment?"

"Okay, that's great." Sean laughed.

Bai Ye tidied her clothes. Now that Sean was not dead, she unconsciously felt much better.

She returned to the topic and asked doubtfully: "It's understandable to be plotted by the Snake King, but how do you know where the Snake King is hiding?"

Sean blinked mysteriously: "Isn't it up to you to find this out?"

Bai Ye frowned and said, "The information Moza brought was comprehensive enough and the area was small enough, so I was able to find the location quickly, but the work ahead is the most difficult and tedious."

Sean didn't hide it. He smiled and said, "Of course it's my brothers."

"Brothers? Those gang bosses."

Sean nodded and said leisurely: "The gangsters all over the city are natural spies. Moreover, after I subdued them, they were investigating all the wrong places in the city for me."

"Wrong places?"

"Hmm," Sean snapped his fingers, "The biggest feature of Crimson is proliferation, and the pollution brought by proliferation is not something that ordinary people can resist, most of the vetoers and bitter people can't resist. If you want to isolate the pollution, you must have enough space and strong isolation materials."

"If they are hiding in the imperial capital, then the place where the proliferation is stored is most likely a special basement - what do the gangsters know best? Of course, it's the underground pipes throughout the city."

Seeing that Bai Ye seemed to understand, Sean explained with a smile: "The design of the city's sewers has certain rules, so as long as there are enough spies and accurate maps of the sewers, many approximate locations can be found. "

Bai Ye nodded thoughtfully, and then asked: "But the range is still very large, right?"

Sean shrugged: "Of course, but I expected that someone would come back to assassinate me with a high probability, so I would naturally have people keep a close eye on each location after leaving the city - the moment the proliferation was moved out, there would inevitably be pollution leakage, and the range would be further reduced, wouldn't it? "

"But the information Moza gave was very accurate, and the range can't be reduced so much, right?"

Sean sneered: "Of course it can - don't forget, we always use snake-type and tiger-type to refer to the crazy beast, not only in appearance, but also in some of its characteristics. After knowing that the prototype of the snake king's proliferation is a snake, the range can be reduced again... How could there be no rats near the sewer? The empty part means that there are creatures that rats fear nearby. "

"It's still not enough. "Looking at her expression, Bai Ye already had admiration, but she still asked questions.

Sean could only shrug: "The one who killed me was the Third Prince, right?"

"You know?"

"No, I don't know, but I know that the person accused must be him."

Bai Ye frowned slightly: "Why?"

"Because that old nanny is the Fourth Prince's man." Sean said calmly, "So, the place where the Snake King lives must be related to the Golden Dawn or the forces under the Fourth Prince. Even, that place is the secret site of the Golden Dawn or something - if I guessed correctly, this is written in the information Moza gave you, right?"

Bai Ye was completely speechless this time. She said in disbelief: "How did you judge so much information?"

Sean smiled: "Brain."

Of course, there is a simple point in it.

Concubine Lan took a huge risk to steal things on the fourth floor, on the premise that the Fourth Prince hoped to be compensated - does Elisa Lam have such courage and courage?

The Fourth Prince has a connection with the Golden Dawn, so some rituals can achieve such an effect, because Elisa Lam is very weak.

But the old nanny is deep red, how could she not notice it, and even proposed to silence Sean?

I'm afraid that even if Sean really died, this incident would eventually be blamed on the Third Prince.

For Sean, everything was just going with the flow. He was the biggest victim, and of course, he could also become the biggest beneficiary.

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