I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 297 Godfather, this is too much!

Chapter 297 Godfather, this is... too much!

When Bai Youming arrived, he immediately noticed that a force he had never seen before was making noise in the building in front of him.

Worried that the flash of his own power would have an unstable effect, Bai Youming stopped at the outside and ran into the yard.

The courtyard was crowded with people. Bai Youming looked around and saw that they were all the bosses of the underground gangs in the imperial capital.

Moreover, there were not many people in the imperial capital who did not know him as a prince. When they saw him walking in, the group of bosses not only did not kneel down to salute, but instead all took a step forward.

This means guarding and driving away.

A trace of surprise flashed in Bai Youming's eyes. Originally, he gave Sean a month to integrate all the underground forces in the imperial capital. Now it seems that without his knowledge, he has done better than imagined. .


Bai Youming was not angry at this group of people. On the contrary, he was much gentler than the prince who was killing people in the side hall.

"how's it going?"

The leaders, brothers Zhang Long and Zhang Hu, came out and said, neither humble nor arrogant: "I have seen His Highness the Prince... Brother Sherrill has given instructions that no one can approach."

Bai Youming frowned slightly: "Neither can I?"

He had the power of intimidation. Zhang Long, who was standing in front, was not even deep red. He almost fell to the ground under direct gaze, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "No."

Just as he was talking, someone ran out from inside.

After whispering, the bosses stepped aside: "Your Highness, please be careful not to let your power go out."

Bai Youming nodded and walked in quickly.

As soon as he walked into the hall, a force full of blood smell made Bai Youming frown. After entering the basement, he looked even more shocked.

A power that has never been seen before, and can only be judged from some clues. This power comes from rituals.

A strange-looking altar was built in the basement at some point, and the scarlet power had condensed into substance.

The person standing beside the altar was the little giant Sherrill. His huge body had shrunk a bit, and his face was extremely pale at the moment.

The soundless Sean lay on the altar, with the blood mist lingering around him, but nothing could get into his body.

A ritual that has never been seen before... Bai Youming flattened his palms and felt it, and his eyes immediately showed a look of shock.

"This is..." Bai Youming, who was well-informed, had no choice but to ask.

Sherrill looked extremely burdened. He gasped and said: "The ritual left behind by my eldest brother... My superpower can replace his whole body with blood and flesh, and reactivate the activity of his body... And the ritual, maybe it can Help him reshape his soul."

Bai Youming's eyes lit up.

"I have just been promoted to Crimson. It is the moment when strength and life are strong. It is indeed possible..." He closed his eyes and felt it with his heart, and then said immediately, "The strength is not enough. I can feel the cells in Sean's body awakening a little. There are signs, but his consciousness has drifted away, and the lifeless cells cannot carry the activity of the physical body. "

He glanced at Sherrill: "Although you are the veto of the enhancement system, Sean is already deeply red. You will definitely not be able to hold on if you consume your own strength like this."

Sherrill just stared at Sean: "You have to hold on even if you can't hold on."

Bai Youming sighed silently.

His hands seemed to be playing in the air, and dots of starlight and black light spilled out.

After a moment, Bai Youming suddenly opened his eyes: "This ritual...maybe it is really possible..."

He made a choice instantly: "Then just hold on."

Sherrill finally turned his head, his voice full of fatigue: "What do you want to do?"

Bai Youming's eyes flashed with a sharp look: "I'll find you some suitable power."

In the side hall, the living stood next to the dead, and no one dared to move even half a step.

The devastated Bai You slumped on the ground, staring at the corpses aimlessly.

To be deprived of the title of prince and beat into a black pigeon... this is equivalent to a death sentence.

The people around him remained silent, only daring to occasionally exchange glances.

I don't know what Bai Youming was doing when he disappeared just now... and I don't know if His Majesty will give any other orders.

While he was thinking about it, the air in the center of the side hall fluctuated.

Bai Youming, who disappeared not long ago, came back again.

Everyone immediately lowered their heads.

Bai You seemed to have grasped the last straw. He crawled, hugged Bai Youming's thigh, and cried: "Uncle Emperor, it's really not me. It's all a frame-up, it's all a frame-up!"

But Bai Youming just shook his thigh casually, and Bai You was thrown out like a broken sack.

Under everyone's nervous and fearful gaze, Bai Youming started to spin around in the side hall as if he were picking goods.

Finally, his footsteps stopped in front of Grand Duke Wen Kun.

The patriarch of the Bai Qiangwei family suddenly tensed up, and he barely raised his head: "Your Highness, I don't know what's going on..."

Bai Youming interrupted him directly: "Xi Liuer..."

He called Grand Duke Wen Cheng by his first name.

"I remember your superpower... call your White Rose dead soldiers over. You don't need more. Ten king-level peaks and one crimson will be enough. Then inject your blood clones into them."

Count Simon, who was listening on the sidelines, raised his head in astonishment.

What is this going to do?

The father's blood clone is indeed extremely powerful, but it is only used to protect White Rose's direct lineage. Every time it is used, it consumes a lot of power.

Except for his dead second brother, there are only a few people among White Rose who retain blood clones in their bodies.

And... a dead soldier? Bai Youming wants to kill people?

How can the king-level peak and Crimson be dead soldiers? No one has such luxury, treating the backbone of a family as consumables. Is the prince crazy?

Grand Duke Wen Cheng obviously knew this, and suddenly he was filled with anger. He held back and said, "I wonder if His Highness the Prince has anything to give you?"

Bai Youming said impatiently: "Just do what you are told, why is there so much nonsense?"

Grand Duke Wen Cheng bent a little and said, "I am a Grand Duke who was bestowed upon you by Your Majesty himself. I am afraid that I will not be held responsible for some innocent crimes... Your Highness, please forgive me for obeying your order."

Bai Youming sneered: "You still want to use the imperial brother to oppress me? You Bai Qiangwei embezzled the Queen's family inheritance. I haven't settled the accounts with you yet. Now you don't know how to persuade Bai You and condone him to do such a big thing. What do you think?" Can you stay out of it?"

Grand Duke Wen Kun's face changed slightly, and he said quickly: "My Bai Qiangwei family has absolutely no knowledge of what Bai You has done. Your Majesty has already made a decision. After a thorough investigation, he will naturally know my Bai Qiangwei's innocence. If it is true that I, Bai Qiangwei, are innocent, If Qiangwei is involved, I won’t say a word if Your Highness wants to determine the blame, but I’m afraid it’s not appropriate now, right?”

In the field, apart from Bai Youming, he and Kalado were the strongest, and he did not know about this matter, so he had some confidence.

Who would have thought that Bai Youming's domineering power completely exceeded everyone's imagination.

"Did I say 'please' just now?" Bai Youming chuckled.

"Your Highness..."

An unprovoked huge force appeared in the side hall, and Grand Duke Wen Kun fell to his knees without any resistance.

His eyes were full of horror, he knew his own strength, Bai Youming... He went one step further and reached the legendary deep blue realm? !

"I didn't say it, so I'm just ordering you," Bai Youming's face was calm and indifferent, "Or do you want to do it yourself?"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, save me!" Grand Duke Wen Cheng shouted directly, asking for help from the emperor.

Palace Prime Minister Covens ran over again. His eyes were still white. Perhaps he was carrying too much power, and there was blood spilling from the corner of his mouth.

"You have a destiny, do you still want to fool around?!" the emperor angrily yelled.

It looked like he was really angry.

But Bai Youming didn't give in at all. He suppressed Grand Duke Diwen Zheng with one hand and couldn't move, and slapped Covance directly with the other hand.

Covance took a half-step back in a strange way to avoid the attack. The emperor's voice was already full of anger: "You want to attack me?! You are in vain, I think you have lost your soul!"

Bai Youming sneered: "If your son dies, can his soul be preserved?"

Others were so frightened that they didn't even dare to take a breath.

However, to everyone's surprise, His Majesty the Emperor's voice was filled with helplessness when he heard it again: "It's irreversible, so it should end here."

Bai Youming's lips moved a few times, but no one heard what he said.

There was silence for a moment.

His Majesty the Emperor's voice sounded again: "Grand Duke Wen Cheng deserves to be punished for embezzling the late Queen's inheritance."

Grand Duke Wen Cheng's pupils shook violently.

"Just do what the prince said. Bai You will be thrown into prison, and the others will wait for a thorough investigation..." The emperor's voice paused, "Afterwards... we will discuss it later, let's leave."

After saying this, Covance trembled.

He woke up and quickly walked to the cold and stern Bai Youming, leaned over and whispered a few words.

Bai Youming sneered: "This matter will never end."

Covance smiled apologetically and said: "Of course, of course... His Majesty also hopes that you will not be too angry and don't get so angry like him."

Bai Youming frowned slightly, and the expression on his face softened a little.

While the two were talking, no one looked at Grand Duke Wen Cheng again.

After receiving the order, the others dared to wait here. They stepped out of the side hall one by one, stepping on the blood on the ground.

Bai Youming turned around and said, "Xiliu'er, what are you waiting for?"

"...Silius, take the order..."

"Father, are you okay?"

In the study, Grand Duke Wen Cheng was lying on a chair with a weak face. He was actually several years older to the naked eye.

Grand Duke Wen Cheng took the supplements from his eldest son and said tiredly: "This time, the third prince was accused in public, and those of us following him will have to be stabbed in public..."

Simon frowned: "Then Sean is just the godson Bai Youming just recognized. Does he actually value him so much?"

"Maybe it's because of love for talent, maybe it's to show the majesty of the prince..." Grand Duke Wen Cheng's voice was cold and stern, "Bai Youming, I'm afraid he will have to personally participate in the fight for the inheritance."

"Whether Bai You is unjust or not, but for him to be in this situation, it means he is not capable enough..." Grand Duke Wen Zhen let out a long sigh, "Bai You has been given up by His Majesty... I'm afraid the days ahead will be difficult for us. "

Simon sighed: "If it were just some resources, that would be fine, but you paid too much today..."

Grand Duke Wen Cheng coughed and said, "I don't know what Bai Youming is going to do with my blood clone... This time, my vitality is severely damaged. I'm afraid I need to rest for more than half a year to regain my strength, and the lost origin is even more difficult to recover... …”

He picked up the supplement and was about to drink it. Suddenly, Grand Duke Wen Zhen's pupils suddenly shrank!

A large mouthful of blood spurted out, and Grand Duke Wen Zhen's eyes were about to burst.

"Bai Youming, you killed the backbone of my White Rose and destroyed my blood clone... What a cruel method!"

Another mouthful of blood spurted out, and Grand Duke Wenqie fainted.

"Father! Father! Someone! Someone come quickly!"


"What, Grand Duke Wenqie fainted at home?"

At the headquarters of the Golden Dawn, Karado, who was urgently ordering people to move out of the territory, was shocked.

Beside him, the fourth prince Bai Si whispered, "The emperor's uncle is really angry... He thinks highly of Sean... However, I don't know if this is for punishment or for some other reason... However, killing that group of assassins and destroying the blood clone of Grand Duke Wen Qie is enough to seriously injure Grand Duke Wen Qie and his family."

Karado nodded, and then asked, "Then maybe we can avoid this storm?"

Bai Si shook his head, "My third brother has been abandoned, I have to take over what he left behind..."

As he was talking, someone suddenly came to report quickly, "Sir Karado! Fourth Prince! A sacred object and a large amount of resources were stolen from our headquarters!"

The two of them paused in disbelief, "What happened?"

"For some reason, the thief has the hiding method of our headquarters' alert ceremony. The last person we saw was Ake from Unit 0!"



Above Sean's villa, eleven bodies fell to the ground palely, and the surrounding gangster bosses looked at each other.

These are all big shots... Can they be killed just like that?

Not only that, at the moment when the eleven people were killed, the blood in their bodies rolled out, forming eleven blood clones.

But the clones had just emerged and had no reaction, and were crushed by Bai Youming.

The huge power was gathered, and then Bai Youming took out a milky white bottle.

He poured the bottle in the air, and the bottle turned gray at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then turned into powder and dissipated in the air.

The surface of the crushed blood was stained with a layer of white and golden light.

At the same time, the people of Unit 0, led by Ake, threw a large number of items containing huge power into the air.

It can be clearly seen that the symbols of the Golden Dawn were all printed on those items.

A black vortex appeared in Bai Youming's palm, and everything was condensed together.


The condensed colorful light spots were thrown directly into the basement.

Sean on the altar shook violently.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A strong heartbeat sounded!

Then, he finally opened his eyes slowly.

What came into view were Cheryl and Bai Youming.

Feeling the tremendous power in his body, Sean's temple twitched.

Damn, I was just pretending...

Godfather, the power you stuffed into me...

Isn't that too much? !

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