I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 296: Prince's Wrath, Heads Rolling

Bai Youming walked over step by step. With every step forward, everyone present felt their breathing become heavier.

When he came to Sean, except for Cheryl who was holding Sean, everyone else had already knelt on the ground.

Unimaginable pressure filled the entire area. Bai Youming looked calm, but everyone knew that the prince was angry.

After just one look, Bai Youming sighed deeply.

There was no life fluctuation, and the blood was full of the smell of decay.

Sean... was dead.

Bai Youming's eyelids drooped a little, and after a moment, he finally asked, "What happened?"

Cheryl, who was originally expecting a little, took a half step back stubbornly after noticing Bai Youming's expression, and the disappointment in his eyes was visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, the distraught Ake walked out and knelt on the ground with a plop.

"My subordinates... are incompetent... Your Highness..."

When Ak described the incident in a bitter voice, Bai Youming lowered his head and closed his eyes, which was rare.

It was Cheryl who interrupted him: "Can you save my brother?"

Bai Youming shook his head slightly: "He is already dead, the shackle python... that person is the snake king... that kind of poison corrodes the soul."

Cheryl's huge body staggered, and then he took a deep breath and bypassed Bai Youming and his group, then rushed onto a flying vehicle and threw the pilot out directly.

The flying vehicle took off crookedly and rushed towards the direction of the imperial capital.

Red Angel Zora helped the thrown out pilot up, and after hesitating for a moment, he still said to Bai Youming: "Your Highness... do you want to bring him back?"

Bai Youming raised his head and moved his neck. His voice was still calm, but the anger in it was already overwhelming.

"He wants to try to save Sean... Let him try." Bai Youming paused, the power around him made Zhuola feel cold behind his back, "I said, I want to get some justice for Sean."

A sharp look swept to the distraught Ake: "Will kneeling be useful?"

Ake's voice was full of bitterness and self-blame: "It's all my fault... Your Highness, I am willing to be buried with Your Highness!"

"Idiot!" Bai Youming's voice finally carried anger.

The air was compressed invisibly, and the ground around him actually sank halfway!

Zhuola's eyes were full of horror, Your Highness... became more powerful!

And Ake looked up in confusion and saw Bai Youming's cold and calm face.

"It's better to kill more people than to kneel and be buried..." Bai Youming waved his hand gently, "Get up, where are the others?"

Ake woke up as if from a dream, he wiped his eye sockets hard, and then threw a person out.

It was the seriously injured man in black, she was unconscious on the spot, and the mask on her face had been taken off.

Elisa Lam's wet nurse.

Bai Youming's mouth twitched: "Very good...very good!"


The night was getting darker, and the curfew tonight came very early.

People returned to their houses early, and the movements of His Majesty during the day also made officials and nobles dare not go out.

Although they didn't know why, people living in the imperial capital were vaguely aware that the air had an inexplicable sense of solemnity.

In the bedroom, Elisa Lam, who had driven all the maids out, was restless. She kept pacing in the room. Even in the hot weather, she felt a chill on her back.

I haven't received any news from the wet nurse yet... Why did His Majesty make such a big noise today... What happened...

Elisa Lam felt that her heart was about to jump out, and she had many bad premonitions in her mind.

Suddenly, an ornament in a hidden corner of the room moved.

That is... Bai Si's secret method of contacting me...

Lam Lam walked over anxiously and picked up the ornaments. A piece of white paper came out of it with a line of words written on it.

"The nanny was captured alive by the prince. Mother, please quickly sever your ties with her!"

Lam Lam was struck by lightning!

After taking back the white paper, she staggered a few steps and was about to sit down on the ground, but the anxious voice of the maid outside had already sounded.

"Master, His Royal Highness, please go to the side hall!"

Lam Lam's breath was choked.

She hurriedly found a box of tranquilizers. She, who was afraid of pain in the past, quickly inserted the needle hole into her body.

Under the effect of the drug, she calmed down a lot. Various thoughts flashed through her mind, and finally frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

This time, it was not the maid's voice that sounded.

"Princess Lan, I am Zhuola, the captain of the No. 0 unit. There is something important. Please go to the side hall immediately."

Princess Lan took a deep breath, trying to make the drug work faster. After a moment, she stood firm and opened the door.

"What's the matter?"

Zhuola looked at Concubine Lan and just held out her hand: "Please."

When she came to the side hall, it was already crowded with people.

All four princes were present, not only that, her father Lan Youshan, Grand Duke Wenqie and his eldest son were also here, in addition, some military generals, many important officials, and bishops of the Golden Dawn were all present.

All the people standing here are well-known figures in the empire. It can be said that even the most inconspicuous person in the corner has the final say in the place under his jurisdiction.

Seeing Concubine Lan walk in, everyone cast their eyes over.

She swallowed her saliva involuntarily. Bai Si and Bai You stood aside for some reason, their eyes were inexplicable. The expressions of the others were even weirder, except for her father, Lan Youshan, who shook his head at her invisibly.

After taking two more steps, Lam finally saw the person in the crowd clearly.

With an old face, a slightly heaving chest, and a body full of scars, she floated helplessly in the air, like a wild dog waiting to be slaughtered.

Nanny... a sense of sadness surged in her heart.

However, Lam, who had never been very smart, finally understood what she should do now.

She opened her eyes in disbelief: "This... what is this for?"

She even looked at the high-ranking Bai Youming with a questioning look, and then said as if suppressing her anger: "Your Highness, what are you doing?"

Can't this woman see the current situation clearly? Many people present showed disgust in their eyes.

But almost everyone had an idea. It seemed that Concubine Lan had nothing to do with this matter...

Bai Youming walked down the steps slowly and came to Concubine Lan.

Everyone silently stepped back half a step, and Concubine Lan lowered her head directly under the pressure of the terrible momentum.

"Your people murdered the prince."

Everyone present took a breath of cold air. No wonder, no wonder the prince asked them to come in the middle of the night... No wonder he was so terrible...

Lam Keer trembled in horror: "This... How is this possible..."

Bai Youming raised his chin slightly: "So, do you think this king is lying?"

The others felt a little nervous. When Bai Youming called himself the king, he was afraid that he was going to kill someone...

"I, I don't know..." Lam Keer shrank her head, and her voice was filled with tears.

Lan Youshan hurriedly stepped forward: "Your Highness, I dare to guarantee that this matter was definitely not instigated by Concubine Lan... Where did she get the courage and manpower?"

Bai Youming turned his head slightly, and Lan Youshan was frightened and immediately lowered his head.

"So, it was you, Lan Youshan, who ordered this?"

"I absolutely wouldn't dare. Although this person is from my Lan family and raised Concubine Lan, but, Lan Youshan dares to guarantee with the lives of his entire family that this matter has nothing to do with my Lan family!"

"Oh?" Bai Youming suddenly chuckled, and Lan Youshan's face suddenly turned red, as if the air was strangling his neck.

Bai Youming finally glanced at the trembling father and daughter of the Lan family, and then glanced at the people around him.

No one dared to look at each other.

He took out a candle, lit it, and placed it on top of Lan Youshan's head.

I don't know what material this candle is made of, Lan Youshan only felt that the dripping wax was extremely hot, almost burning his scalp.

But at this moment, he could only endure the severe pain and dared not move.

He came from that year, so he knew better what kind of scene this usually casual prince would be when he got angry.

Bai Youming sat back in the first seat again, looking down at everyone from a high place.

Until everyone held their breath, the side hall was terribly quiet.

Bai Youming picked up a booklet and started flipping through it.

After a moment, he tapped the booklet with his finger without even raising his head.

"Director of the Security Bureau?"

"I'm here." The trembling director of the Security Bureau hurried out.

The second prince frowned slightly.

"The city's security is not good enough," he paused and waved his hand casually, "I should be responsible."

"I know..."

Before the word "crime" came out, he felt a light chill, his vision turned upside down, and everyone's head appeared in front of him.

The head jumped high, and the blood spurted up to the roof and sprinkled on everyone's head.

Zhuola slowly retracted his knife.

The violent heartbeat almost gathered into a long river of fear. No one thought that Bai Youming would dare to take action directly!

The director of the Security Bureau is also a high-ranking official. Officials of this level all need to go through countless procedures before they can be convicted and removed from office.

But Bai Youming, without even asking the Emperor, did it in the side hall of the palace, in full view of everyone...

This time, even Grand Duke Wenqie, Cardinal Karado, Lan Youshan, and even several princes felt the chill that penetrated their bones.

Bai Youming flipped the booklet lightly, and the rustling sound of the paper was like the scythe of the Grim Reaper slashing across the ground.

"The one in charge of monitoring the city... Let me see, the head of the public opinion department." Bai Youming reported another person's name.

"Your Highness! Your Highness, spare my life!"

Another head flew high.

Bai Youming continued to report names.

"Intelligence department, which general is in charge of this?"

"Your Highness, Your Highness, I was your..."

Red Angel Zora did not hesitate at all.

"By the way, the person in charge of the poison city..."

"And this..."

"I almost forgot..."

Names were reported one after another, and the people who used to be high and mighty did not even dare to escape, but just begged for mercy frantically.

But Zora's knife did not hesitate at all.

"Oh, and this, the Cardinal of the Golden Dawn..."

Karado looked up in astonishment, and the heads of his confidants beside him had already flown off.

Why...what does it have to do with my Golden Dawn...

He didn't dare to ask, but Bai Youming seemed to have guessed his thoughts.

The prince waved his hand casually: "The speed of handing over the territory is too slow. If it is faster, maybe Sean will not leave the city?"

Karado almost fainted, but at this moment he could only raise his head.

The ground was soaked with blood, and headless bodies were lined up in the hall. Heads of all sizes rolled to the corners, the thresholds, and the feet of the living.

Is Bai Youming crazy... Even if he is a prince, he can't just kill so many powerful people!

But everyone dared to think so, and no one dared to speak, because their hair had been dyed blood red.

When Bai Youming closed the book, a quarter of the people in the side hall had died, and the smell of blood even spread outside the hall.

Bai Youming stood up and knocked on the old nanny's temple.

The latter woke up with convulsions all over her body, and then looked around in confusion and horror.

Bai Youming said calmly: "Who instructed you?"

"No...no..." The old nanny said tremblingly.

A black light spot from Bai Youming's fingertips sank into her head. After a moment of stagnation, she screamed wildly.

The pain in that voice made everyone shudder, as if someone had pierced her body with a million burning needles.

She screamed, but couldn't even faint.

Her eyes rolled back, all the blood vessels were protruding from her ugly skin and trembling, and even her jaw was dislocated because of the loud screams.

Bai Youming helped her jaw to fix it and said calmly: "Who ordered you to do that?"

Lam found that even the sedative couldn't suppress her trembling.

She fainted very easily.

Bai Youming didn't even look at it, and another black light spot appeared from his fingertips: "Three, two, one..."

The light spot sank again.

This time, the old nanny couldn't even scream. She was in so much pain that her vocal cords broke and her hair fell off one by one.

Bai Youming's fingertips emitted a third light spot.

The old nanny trembled and turned her head.

Then she stopped in front of the unbelievable man.

"What are you doing?!"

Bai Youming narrowed his eyes slightly: "Bai You..."

Not only Bai You, but also Grand Duke Wen Qie and his eldest son, Count Simon, Lan Youshan and others all looked pale.

The third prince found that he could not clench his hands, and he gritted his teeth: "Uncle, I definitely did not instruct her! She is framing me! This is a naked accusation!"

Bai Youming's deterrence was so terrible that Bai You's face was distorted.

Bai Youming raised his head slightly, and Bai You knelt on the ground with tears streaming down his face: "Uncle, believe me!"

"Bai You..."

Bai Youming had just opened his mouth when anxious steps came from outside.

It was the palace minister Covens.

He pursed his lips tightly, stepped over the blood on the ground, and came to Bai Youming.

"Your Highness... Enough..." Covens said tremblingly.

Bai Youming took a deep breath of the bloody smell in the room: "I have just begun to seek justice..."

"Your Highness, it's really enough..."

Bai Youming chuckled: "Does he think it's enough?"

"Enough, enough..."

"Is it enough?!"

Bai Youming shouted angrily, and everyone knelt down.

In the palace, a long sigh sounded.

The sound was not loud, but it seemed to echo in the ears of everyone in the side hall.

"Deprive Bai You of the title of prince, put him in the Black Pigeon Prison, and thoroughly investigate Grand Duke Wen Qie and Speaker Lan Youshan... Let's do this for now, Youming."

It was the emperor, and everyone buried their heads even lower.

Only Bai You's limbs were trembling.

Not only did Bai Youming not kneel down, he also glanced at Covens, whose eyes suddenly turned white in front of him, with disgust.

He sneered: "Brother, you are worthy of it."

The emperor's voice paused, and then took on majesty: "That's it."

"What if I say no?" Bai Youming did not give in at all.

"I have an order!" The emperor said in a louder voice.

Everyone present was sweating profusely. Could it be that the prince was going to turn against the emperor?

At this moment, a hurried figure rushed into the side hall and whispered a few words to Bai Youming.

Bai Youming's eyes lit up slightly, and then he sneered: "This matter is not over yet."

His figure flashed straight and disappeared in the side hall.

Zhuola grabbed the unconscious old nanny and followed immediately.

Covens' body trembled and returned to normal. He looked around, but didn't know what to say. In the end, he just said: "Everyone, please wait."

After that, he left the place quickly.

In the side hall, only the people with faces full of surviving a disaster and Bai You who was dumbfounded were left.

The other three princes had different expressions, but Bai Si had a gleam in his eyes.

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