I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 295: Substituting one thing for another, everything is in your hands!

On the wasteland, a team was advancing at full speed without any cover.

All the crazy beasts around were alarmed. They roared and rushed out, trying to stop the convoy with their huge numbers. Some of them even caught up with the aircraft and jumped on it.

They stretched out their claws and tried to smash the panel of the cockpit. However, as soon as they raised their claws, they found that they could not stretch them out.

Not only that, their bodies were also moving backwards uncontrollably.

A black hole with a diameter of about ten meters appeared above the center of the team.

The crazy beasts roared and struggled, and their claws scratched marks on the armor, but it had no effect.

They were like duckweed in a pond. After the water outlet was opened, they could only be sucked into the vortex without resistance.

Among them, there were even several crimson-level crazy beasts.

In the leading aircraft, the red angel Zhuola secretly glanced at Bai Youming in front of her

After following His Royal Highness for twenty years, she remembered that this was the second time His Royal Highness was so angry.

Straight through the beast tide area, just to buy a moment.

Zhuola didn't know what happened, but there should be only a few things that could make His Royal Highness feel it and be so angry thousands of miles away, right?

And looking at the direction of this return, it went straight to the Poison City.

Everyone in the palace was in danger.

Countless important officials rushed to the meeting hall in a hurry, wanting to know why His Majesty was so angry.

Speaker Lan Youshan saw the approaching Palace Minister Covens, and he immediately stepped forward and whispered: "Prime Minister, what happened?"

Covens shook his head, walked to the center of the meeting hall and said loudly: "Your Majesty is a little unwell, there is nothing else, everyone, please go back."

Officials and nobles looked at each other, making a big noise that made the whole imperial capital panic, and now nothing happened?

However, no one dared to disobey the will of an old emperor. Even if the emperor did not show up, under the leadership of Lan Youshan and others, a group of officials and nobles still bowed respectfully and retreated.

However, this incident is enough to make many people remember and panic for a long time.

At this moment, Bai Ye also received the news from Shadow, and she frowned: "Father said nothing happened..."

Glancing at Moza who was silently moving forward quickly beside him, he looked calm, with a bottle tied around his waist, and a cluster of strange flames in it.

Bai Ye somehow came up with an idea-this is because of Sean.

No, no, Sean is the adopted son of the Emperor's uncle, and he has nothing to do with his father. Something that could make his father move must be something earth-shattering...

However, the person that Moza asked him to find... what Sean wanted to do was also very bold.

After going around in circles, the two of them passed through the depths of the city and finally came to a house that looked very ordinary.

Covering his face, Bai Ye whispered: "The proliferation you showed me is called the shackle python. It was also very famous among the crimson crazy beasts. The strong man who killed and merged it was called the Snake King. He was also very famous, but for some reason, I haven't heard of him for many years."

Moza said calmly: "Your Highness, you just need to help me confirm whether the people living in that house are the family of the Snake King."

Bai Ye nodded: "With this information, it is very simple to confirm. That is where the Snake King and his family live. Here ... how do you determine, the family of Snake King lives in this area? When you need to pay the price. "... The exit of the poisonous city, a dark green snake with a finger flashed, flashed, and the speed was as fast as lightning. He was still a little rational snake king. When he passed a seemingly flat hill, the snake king paused for a while, and immediately left again. I can only put it there, and I can't take it away for the time being ... Thinking of what happened in the poisonous city, the snake king was still worried. Just a lower level who has just been promoted can create that kind of nearly real illusion...

Fortunately, fortunately he has just been promoted and is far from familiar with the control of his abilities, otherwise, it would be difficult for him to completely break free from that illusion.

Of course, I am still the winner...

The dark green snake, the size of a finger, showed a human-like sinister and complacent look on its face.

That kid is still too young. How could he know that one of the characteristics of the shackled python is that after the shackles of the body are untied, it still has a purer body.

This is like a second life! Moreover, it can only be done after the mad beast transformation!

The Crimson in this world has spent countless efforts to resist pollution. There are only a few people who can retain their rationality like me.

Moreover, after breaking free from the shackles, although I have lost my huge power and various means, my poison is definitely not something that a lower-level Crimson can resist.

My mission... is completed...

He moved wantonly, heading straight for the direction of the imperial capital, but he did not notice that there were always some shiny metals and broken lenses scattered at a distance in the wilderness along the way.

When the snake king swam away and approached the side of a proliferating stone, the broken lens flashed.

In the mirror space, Xiao Ci, who had been silently feeling, raised his head.

She looked at Zhu Zhu: "Sister Zhu Zhu, I feel something dirty has passed by."

Zhu Zhu, who was bored at first, suddenly became alert: "It must be the Crimson who wanted to assassinate Sean!"

Xiao Ci nodded, she glanced at the flame on her fingertips, with a little expectation in her big eyes: "Wait for Brother Moza to give me information, I will burn him to death."


The green little snake was very fast, and the snake king quickly bypassed the imperial capital's security and sneaked into the city.

He didn't have much sanity left, he knew that he had to return home quickly... Fortunately, I left something at home that can help me recover quickly.

Moreover, I was hiding in the imperial capital, and I haven't had any news for many years, and no one would know where I was sitting.

Although thinking so, the snake king was still cautious when approaching the residence.

The little snake jumped up to the corner of the wall and felt it carefully. The warning measures he left did not take effect.

He breathed a sigh of relief and looked into the house. The night was already dark. Through the lights, he could see several figures walking behind the curtains.

The Snake King knew that it was his wife and mother who were busy preparing dinner.

Feeling tired, he slowly entered the restaurant through the small hole he left.

The figure of his mother was just above him, and the green little snake actually made a human voice: "Mom, I'm back."

"Son..." The cry sounded, and then was interrupted by a dull sound.

The Snake King was stunned. He watched his mother being hit on the back of the head by a steel pipe and fell heavily to the ground.

A person who was obviously killed by him pushed his glasses and smiled at him.

He flicked the bottle of fire on his waist.

'We've been discovered... How did they do it...' The thought flashed through his mind, and the Snake King subconsciously wanted to escape.

The other party must have come prepared and cannot be left here! Otherwise, the family will definitely die!

However, just as he twisted his body, a sharp pain from the depths of his soul surged into his heart.

Proliferation... Someone is touching my proliferation!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss--" A painful cry sounded, and the green little snake turned in place.


The window was smashed open, and the warning measures were loud, but the snake king could no longer detect it.

The dark shadows entangled up, and the white moonlight sprinkled from above. The snake king, who was in severe pain, was confined to the spot with almost no resistance.

Consciousness was rapidly dissipating, and in the last second of his vision, he saw the man bowed to him.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Snake King."

He raised the stick and walked towards his screaming family.

"No, don't..."

He only had time to spit out the last word before he fell into a coma.

In the distance, in the huge cave where the shackle python proliferation was hidden, the fire was burning.

Zhu Zhu, who could not effectively resist the pollution, could only hide far away from the cave entrance, and occasionally shouted into the cave: "Xiao Ci, are you done?"

Xiao Ci raised her middle finger, and the pollution seemed to have no effect on her.

She jumped up and down, leaving clusters of flames on the shackle python proliferation.

The proliferation was twisting wildly, but without the control of the master, it could only stay in place and try to use instinctive rolling to get rid of the pervasive flames.

But everything was in vain.

Xiao Ci set another big fire, and then stood there, watching the fire burn quietly.

She blew out the flame on her middle finger, and her voice was calm: "If you dare to deal with my brother, I will kill your whole family and burn your whole family."


In the poisonous city, a team was rushing towards the exit quickly.

Some of them were not even wearing protective clothing. The leader was a big man, with his upper body naked, holding a silent body in one hand.

If there was any obstacle, whether it was ruins or crazy beasts, he would be blown up by a roaring punch.

Ake followed behind, his hands were cold and his head was dizzy.

Sean... is dead...

His Highness is dead...

In Cheryl's arms, was Sean, who had lost all life.

Ak wanted to call Cheryl back. Even if he ran back to the city now, it would be too late to save Sean who was being rapidly eroded by the poison. However, he could not say it.

I failed to save him... I failed to complete His Highness' instructions...

One of Sean's hands fell weakly from the gap in his arm, swinging with the bumps.

It seemed to paint Ak's world black at random.


"After advancing to Crimson, there is still such a place?"

In the pure white space, Sean looked around with interest.

Apate's body emerged, but this time she was no longer the charming and changeable woman. She was dressed in white, with a mask that was a combination of a ghost face and a fox face on her forehead, and a look of resentment on her face.

Sean turned around and smiled at her: "Does all Crimson do this?"

Although Apate looked resentful, he answered honestly: "No, only a few will do this, and you can only talk to me if you enter the deep space of consciousness. You can treat me as a proliferating legacy consciousness. Of course, everything here is under your control."

Sean stretched lazily with satisfaction: "Not bad, there is still someone to chat with. I thought I would have to stay away for a while."

Apat's expression became more resentful: "First you lie to me, then lie to others, what on earth do you want."

Sean laughed: "Did I lie to you first?"

Apat gritted his teeth: "As soon as I entered the poison city, I Observing everyone around you, Moza is definitely a very important person to you, and the interaction between the two of you doesn't seem fake... You did so much on purpose, just waiting for me to take the bait?"

Sean waved his finger: "Let's correct the wording. My hook was not originally for you, but you brought it up yourself."

He blinked: "Who told you to lie to me?"

Apat was stunned, and then knelt down like a deflated balloon. She was puzzled: "Why do you know?"

Sean also sat on the ground, with his hands behind his back. Perhaps he knew that he would be asleep for a while, so he explained enthusiastically:

"We are together. When we met, you kept emphasizing one thing, that is, our abilities have no effect on each other. "

Apat raised his head somewhat unconvinced: "This is the fact."

Sean spread his hands: "Of course, the origin will not lie. Your best illusions and lies come true have no effect on me, plus you emphasize it many times, under normal circumstances, I do think, 'Oh, this damn fox is telling the truth.' "

Seeing Apat grit his teeth, Sean laughed heartily: "Hahahaha, Apat, your tricks are useful to everyone else, but not me. You said a lot of facts, and I also feel it myself... You really want to merge with me, this is you 's goal. "

"As for me, no matter what your purpose is, I just want to get your blood, so I have the confidence to deal with the problems that may arise later. "

Sean snapped his fingers and said lazily: "Then, your secondary goal seems strange... Let Moza die, and then you take his place in my heart? This relatively abstract description is the easiest to make a fuss. "

"You emphasize that you will not lie, and you want to merge with me, and you keep bewitching me during the fusion process... Tsk, I am still quite alert. "

Apat pursed his lips: "When did you realize it, and who exactly is that Moza..."

Sean showed a smug expression.

"You noticed it at the beginning, so didn't I say that my hook was not originally prepared for you, but you bumped into it yourself. You want me to kill Moza, tsk, then let it be as you wish... Sure enough, even if the person who died was not Moza, you still couldn't wait to merge with me perfectly, and you didn't notice it until after the fusion."

"Tsk, little fox, although your ability is ineffective on me, you still lied. You can merge with me if Moza doesn't die, but you use this as an excuse to want Moza to die... Both of our abilities are conceptual and concrete, there should be some explanation for this, right?"

Apat pouted: "So annoying... You will know later, I can't tell you now... Who is that Moza?"

Sean shrugged: "Of course it's the fifth prince, My ability is ineffective against you, but it is not difficult to let the fifth prince who has no superpowers regard himself as a thorough Moza. "

Apat was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said: "No wonder you want to direct the ritual power to him... It's not for restriction at all, you are afraid that I will notice that he has no power... What restriction, that is strengthening!"

Sean said with a smile: "Look, you are not stupid."

He clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Originally, it was just to solve the problem of the fifth prince, solve the competitors by the way, and finally get more benefits. You "voluntarily" joined as a part of it, making the whole plan more complete. Apat, I like you more and more. "

Apat said resentfully: "Then you'd better like me a little more..."

Suddenly, she was stunned, then frowned: "Fifth Prince... So you let 'Moza' die, and then fake your own death... You had a way to make people mistakenly think you were the Fifth Prince? Now, you want to completely prove this point, and make it impossible for people to find any fault?"

Sean whistled: "How smart, you thought of it yourself."


Cheryl and others were stopped.

Bai Youming walked out, looking at the silent Sean, his face was extremely cold.

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