I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 294 Lies and Truth, Sean advances to Crimson!

"Try this."

Several dark green snake tails stretched out from behind the snake king, and they whipped at the same time, so fast that the human eye could not follow.

Sean was hit almost without any reaction, and the blood ball wrapped around him trembled violently, and he, who was in the center of the blood ball, also spit out a mouthful of blood.

"I said, there is no real fusion, you only have a crimson shell now, too weak, too weak!"

The snake tail almost pierced through the air, because the speed was too fast, there was even a burst in the surrounding air, and even the toxins deeply entangled in it were temporarily forced out of this area!

The blood ball was hit and retreated again, and the huge building collapsed with a roar.

The snake tail followed, lifted up the entire ruins, and continued to attack Sean frantically.

"No wonder, no wonder Bai Youming values ​​you so much, a foreigner can also become the prince...ha."

The snake king showed appreciation in his eyes.

His snake tail was constantly attacking, and his head had become a snake man-like head.

"To advance from the peak of the King level to the Crimson level, we need to break through our own limits. If we can't break through with human power, we can only rely on the characteristics of the Mad Beast."

"By fusing blood, we are using the limit factors that humans cannot reach. Unfortunately, the huge power of the Crimson Mad Beast cannot be used by us, and can only gradually dissipate in this world after fusion."

"You actually mastered this part of power for a short time? Genius, this is the first time I have seen it. Your talent even makes me feel a little bit sorry - you may even reach the height of Bai Youming in the future!"

"But, with only pure power, but no way to control it, you are like the oldest steam train...too slow, Sean!"

The blood ball has begun to tremble uncontrollably.

This is the first time facing the real Crimson middle level.

The first time was when facing the old man brought by Viscount Rhodes, and that man fell into Sean's trap. In addition, he was too old and his physical skills had reached the limit.

The second time was when facing Gan Hu, the leader of the plunderers. Unfortunately, the other party used special proliferation to reach the Crimson middle level. After that, even if he used other means to reach the Crimson upper level, he was still weak and powerless.

Sean could sense by intuition that the snake king in front of him was much stronger than those two people!

Even at the same level of strength, the difference between different individuals was terrifying...

What was worse was that Sean had not advanced to Crimson.

He was still stuck at the node between King and Crimson.

His two most powerful abilities, Evil Reporter and Heart of Fraud, plus the second chapter of Crying that had just merged into his body, were all in an awkward state.

Like a butterfly about to break out of its cocoon, if it succeeds, it can spread its wings and fly, but if it fails, it will never be able to break through that boundary and will be trapped in the solid cocoon.

All this was because of Apat's specialness.

Apat's voice sounded in Sean's mind. Compared with before, her voice was much calmer, and even with regret.

"Sean, I have nothing to hide from you... I said, even if I volunteer to die and merge with you, you need to make room for me, otherwise, we will never be able to truly merge."

Sean did not reply, but blocked all the power he could use now in front to deal with the snake king's seemingly simple but actually eroding blood cells with the snake's tail.

Apat's voice was a little charming: "Before, you killed the bee colony and collected the power, and gave it all to Moza, right? I thought you were using some ritual I didn't know... but I have sensed it."

"Moza's power is bound, he is restricted, and even his supernatural power can't be used well... He should have some magical ability, are you afraid of him... running away?"

Sean's somewhat irritable voice sounded: "Shut up!"

Apat did not stop, her voice kept echoing in Sean's mind: "Hypocrisy! Sean, I thought you would be a very honest person..."

Her laughter became more and more harsh.

"You've clearly made a decision, you've clearly prepared to let Moza die... but at the most critical moment, you hesitated?"

Sean pursed his lips tightly.

"Didn't you realize? If Moza doesn't die, I can't really enter your heart, and we can't really be together!"

Her voice was full of regret and pity: "You hesitated too much, too much..."

The blood cell was trembling violently, and the snake king's attack became more and more fierce.

Sean interrupted Apate angrily: "Shut up! If I die, you will die too!"

Apat's voice was indifferent: "Correction, I'm dead now."

Sean said angrily: "What's the meaning of the so-called important position? Even if Moza died, I wouldn't trust you immediately. And if he didn't die, as long as you have enough sincerity, I would believe in your power sooner or later."

"No, it's different..." Apate laughed, "Only when enough people die can I "occupy" that position."

Sean spat out a mouthful of blood: "Is that just what you want to do, or do you have to do it?! Who knows if you are lying to me?!"

"Both... Since the first time we met, I told you that you also felt it yourself. Our abilities don't work on each other. My lies can't come true. Your fraud doesn't work on me... What are you waiting for?"

The snake's tail lashed out again, and the snake king's hideous laughter became more and more piercing.

The people outside wanted to come over to help, but the old nanny happened to be a control-type veto. With the cooperation of Cheryl, the seriously injured Ake still suppressed the opponent, but he couldn't get away.

The blood cells became more and more unstable.

Apate's voice sounded again: "You must have a vague intuition about how wonderful my power is..."

"I think you were able to find me because you learned about it from the human who forced me into the Poison City?"

"Has anyone told you that when that person was chasing me, I was in the lower level of Crimson, and he was only one step away from reaching the middle level of Crimson... The snake in front of me is indeed powerful, but compared to that person, he is still far behind."

Sean sneered: "You were just chased here."

"I don't deny this... But what if I tell you... I have never been affected by the Poison City, and now I am... already in the middle level of Crimson?"

As he spoke, a dazzling light burst out from the blood ball, and an invisible wave spread out, forcing the snake king to retreat dozens of meters, and a circular area was directly cleared around him.

The snake king's pupils shrank for a moment, and then he laughed again: "You squeezed out the remaining power of the crazy beast again? What a genius, but this will only make you die a little later."

"What a noisy human..." Apate's contemptuous voice sounded.

She spoke to Sean again: "The barrier between the crimson is more exaggerated than you think... As long as the two of us are completely integrated, there will be absolutely no problem in leaving safely, not to mention killing him... In fact, if you think you are strong enough, you can try our new ability and let this clamoring idiot know what the original power is."

"What you are going to do is too simple..."

Sean subconsciously looked at the ruins in the distance, where the seriously injured Moza was lying.

Apate's voice sounded at the right time: "You obviously restricted him, don't be a hypocritical person... and your friend... no, your brother. The relationship between the two of you is really good... Ha, he has noticed it, hasn't he?"

"Moza noticed all this, but he didn't say anything and still guarded you... Isn't his meaning obvious?"

Sean's breathing became more and more rapid, and a trace of blood red slowly climbed up in the center of his lake blue eyes.

Apate sighed softly: "You don't even have to bear the infamy of killing your brother... We just need to change our position and move quietly, no one can notice it, and no one can blame you."

"The snake is attacking you, you have nowhere to hide, you can only keep moving... It just so happens that your poor brother is on your moving path..."

"This abominable snake didn't intend to leave any survivors at all... Poor Moza, unfortunately, was affected and lost his young life..."

Apat's voice became excited: "And you, because of your brother's death, broke through the limit, all this is natural!"

"You will avenge Moza! The snake king is just a hurdle on your road to revenge!"

"I will be the sharpest knife in your hand, we will truly merge three original-level powers, this world will be ours... No, it will be yours."

Sean's chest rose and fell violently, and his fists, which were always firmly clenched together, trembled uncontrollably.


Sean had just uttered a word when Apate interrupted him immediately: "No? If you die, will Moza live? Not only Moza, but everyone else will die... It's just a simple calculation. How can a person with villains and fraud hesitate on such a thing? Sean, don't make me think that I have misjudged someone..."

Sean held his head and roared: "Shut up!"

Apat was silent.

The snake king was attacking more and more fiercely.

Then, Apate sighed a little: "Then I will help you..."

The blood ball suddenly paused, and the snake king's eyes lit up. He stood up high and turned into a snake man.


He opened his mouth wide, his tongue danced, and a sharp green light spurted out of his mouth!

The blood ball fluctuated violently, and the green light became stronger and stronger.

Amid the inaudible sound of breaking, a big hole melted in the center of the blood ball.

The green light pierced straight in, pointing straight to Sean's heart.

Then, a figure broke through the protection on the side of the blood ball and stood in front of Sean.

The green light sank in, and dark green and red illuminated Moza's face.

"Brother... you are really... too ignorant..." Moza stretched out a hand, as if he wanted to grab Sean.

Sean froze in place, and he stretched out his hand tremblingly.


Moza smiled for the last time, and then his arm fell softly.

He died.

The air seemed to stagnate in place.

The snake king spit out his tongue: "Ha, interesting."

Then, the green light was strong again!

Sean entered a strange world, surrounded by colorful lights, and he stood on a white floor.

In the front was a nine-tailed fox with a human face and a white body, with ghost faces of various colors on the tail end. She was wrapped in red mist.

Sean clenched his fists, his eyes red: "It's you..."

Apate said as a matter of course: "Of course it's me, otherwise how would he have the strength to rush out and break through the blood barrier when he was seriously injured?"

Sean stared at her intently.

Apate just raised his paw and licked it: "So, do you want to accept this fact?"

Sean was silent.

After a long time, he raised his cold face: "Merge with me."

"A wise choice." Apate chuckled.

The distance between the man and the fox was shortened in an instant.

Sean opened his hands and let the fox shrink and drill into his heart.

Until, he felt something in his body broke.

Sean, promoted to Crimson.

The bizarre world was fading quickly, and Sean's cold face finally showed a smile.

"The fox of lies, the source of deception..."

Apate's voice sounded in the space, and this time, it was an indescribable shock.

"How is this possible... How is this possible!"

Sean stretched out his hand and turned it gracefully: "Lies and deception never require ability... You think you are the only one who knows, but, sorry."

Apat was silent.

"Now, Apat, use me."

"...Yes, Master."


When he opened his eyes again, he saw the green light close at hand.

Sean's eyes were red, and the blood cells around him suddenly expanded and contracted and returned to his body.

The green light was dispersed casually.

The snake king's smile froze on his face: "Advanced... How is it possible..."

Then he spit out his tongue viciously: "It's just the lower level of crimson..."

Before he finished speaking, he felt that the surrounding scene changed, the poisonous city disappeared, and it was replaced by a burning city.

In the raging flames, a fire dragon slowly turned its head and looked at him.

"It's just an illusion!"

The snake king roared and attacked, but the flames really came.


In reality, Sean calmly looked at the snake king, who was attacking madly on the spot, and his body was burning itself in an evil way.

Glancing at Moza's body, Sean raised an invisible smile at the corner of his mouth.

He waved his hands like an elegant conductor.

On the periphery, Cheryl and others who were fighting to the death suddenly noticed a strange wave, and then they saw that the people who were fighting madly with them before were fighting with the air, and their bodies were inexplicably wounded, as if an invisible creature was attacking them.

"This is..." Ake and Cheryl looked at each other.

Cheryl's eyes lit up: "Big brother has advanced!"

He turned and ran: "Take care of them, Captain Ake, I'll go and see!"



"Big brother!"

"Cheryl, don't get close, this guy is a middle-level crimson after all, and I'm not familiar with his abilities. He should be able to break free later." Sean shouted.

Cheryl nodded, and then saw Moza's body.

His eyes lit up and he ran over in small steps.

In the center of the field, the body of the snake king began to completely transform into a huge dark green python.

"Crazy beast turned..." Sean's eyes became more solemn, and then he sneered, "Then try this."

The huge python finally broke through the illusion, and then, the snake king, who only had a trace of reason left, saw that the real fire dragon appeared in front of him.

"How... is it possible..." A difficult voice sounded.

When Ak and the others had dealt with everything and arrived at the scene, they only saw the huge python that fell to the ground and the calm Sean.

"Your Highness..." Ak smiled, and suddenly his face changed, "Be careful!"

Sean just raised his head, and a small snake as thick as a finger jumped out of the fallen giant python, piercing Sean's heart at an incomprehensible speed!


A sound like biting on the soul sounded.

Sean looked down blankly and saw the fine teeth marks on his chest, and then his body fell stiffly.

The small snake rushed into the ruins and disappeared in an instant.


"Your Highness!"


Bai Youming, who was slaughtering, suddenly paused, then stood up in astonishment and looked into the distance.

"Your Highness?"

"...Go back!"



The entire imperial capital was shaking, and everyone looked up at the palace in horror.

Is this... Your Majesty angry?

In the palace, Bai Ye also raised his head in shock: "What happened, why is my father like this..."

"It's not important... Now, please help me find this information."

Bai Ye calmed down, looked at the person opposite, and glanced at the photo: "With the information you brought, it's enough... Give me two minutes."

"Thank you, Princess."

Moza raised the steel pipe in his hand and pushed his glasses calmly.

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