I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 293 The Assassin Arrives

"Brother, how are you?"

Moza trotted over. He was panting a little, and his limbs showed signs of weakness, as if they were not his.

Sean glanced at Moza, then raised the two people in his hands.

Throwing Ake to the ground, Sean gestured: "Take Ake inside to rest. He has been poisoned and illusive, but it shouldn't be a big problem."

Sean did not say who the female body he was holding was.

Although Moza was a little confused, he didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he grabbed Ake and ran towards the rest cabin.

He turned around, leaving his back defenseless to Sean.

However, Moza didn't notice that an invisible blood-red mist was overflowing from Sean's palm and slowly wrapped around him.

Seeing Moza's slightly stumbling back as he trotted away, Sean pursed his lips slightly.

The woman with the broken neck slowly raised her head.

The blood in her neck was still spurting out through the huge wound, and then gathered in the palm of Sean's other hand.

Apat's trachea was severed, and he spoke like a leaking bellows, still speaking intermittently: "Hee hee... cough, are you preparing to kill him, or... are you preparing to help him fight against me?"

Sean said calmly: "You don't need to care about this. In addition, when you die, please die in a dignified manner. Why do you have to do this if your neck is broken?"

Apat turned around with difficulty, and the brilliance in her eyes faded: "People, people like to talk to you..."

Sean shook the other person unceremoniously to make her blood spurt out faster.

"I prefer you to be more dead."

Apat spoke softly, and her old and hoarse voice made people unconsciously get goosebumps: "It's so annoying, men are all big pigs, and they don't know how to cherish me after they get me."

"Shut up."

"Why should you shut up? Are you worried that what we say will be heard by that handsome guy named Moza? Also, his eldest brother wants to regard him as one of the sacrifices for his promotion to Crimson. He should be very disappointed, right? "

The corner of Sean's mouth raised a mocking arc: "He is willing to die for me."

Apat spit out another large mouthful of blood. Her thin body seemed to contain a blood reservoir the size of a water tower, and the spewing has not ended yet.

"He is willing to die for you, and so am I," Apat said with a smile. "Look, aren't I dying right now?"

"Then just die quickly," Sean shook his head. "The deal on the surface is the simplest. From now on, whether you control me or I control you, the decision will be finalized when I get to Crimson."

Apat pouted a little aggrievedly: "I told you, I'm not trying to control you, I just think you have a great future... Forget it, you are so suspicious, you won't believe me even if I tell you. In the future, you When I take the initiative to turn into a crazy animal, I will know why I did it.”

Sean glanced at him: "You don't have a mouth? The Riddler doesn't have an asshole."

Apat coughed blood and smiled sweetly: "How rude. I can't say it, not because I don't want to say it, but because I can't say it now. Forget it, you will always know... But where do you like to go?"

"It doesn't matter where I go."

"It's so heartless, none of us have ever tried that kind of thing..."

While talking, the rest cabin door not far away opened, and Moza, who had settled Ake, came out.

Apat showed some excitement: "He's here... Don't forget, if you can't free up a seat next to you, I won't be able to integrate with you... Of course, if you can't do it, I will To help you..."

The last sparkle in her eyes completely dissipated, leaving only a weird smile on the corner of her mouth.

Moza walked over quickly. He looked at the body in Sean's hand, frowned slightly and said, "Who is this brother? Apat?"

Sean nodded: "The swarm we encountered was controlled by her. She took the place of the queen. I happened to catch her when I went to the nest."

Moza's eyes shone slightly: "Doesn't that mean you can start fusion now?"

Sean took a deep breath, looked at Moza, and his lips moved, but in the end he still didn't say what he wanted to say.

Walking not far away, he said calmly: "I will fuse the second chapter of Crying first. When the fusion is completed, the blood should be extracted. Please guard it for me."

Moza showed a rare smile: "Don't worry, I will never let anyone interrupt you."

Sean paused for a moment, then quickly walked towards a nearby building.

After Sean left, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

He took off his glasses and wiped them, then tightened his grip on the black stick in his hand.

Sherrill is back.

"I just smelled big brother."

Moza nodded, explained a little, and then pointed in the distance: "Sheryl, go there. You are strong and guard the most important opening. I am inside."

Reasonable distribution, Sherrill nodded and left quickly.

Halfway through, Moza called out to him from behind: "By the way, eldest brother said, don't believe anything that happens inside as long as it's not an enemy attack."


Sherrill walked away.

Moza looked around, found a place with the best view, and slowly leaned against the wall.

The surrounding area has been cleaned up and seems quiet.

The unsightly poisonous gas in the Poison City was already lingering around, and even when you raised your head, you couldn't see the sky.

However, even if the view here is good, what you see when you look up is just the evil dome... Moza smiled self-deprecatingly.

He looked back at the place where Sean went in. Through some gaps, he could vaguely hear the roar of suppressed anger and some strange lights.

Moza looked for a long time, and finally, he breathed a long and slow sigh of relief.

The movement inside disappeared.

The second chapter of crying, the eldest brother should have merged successfully...

A sincere smile appeared on his face, a smile that Sean and Cheryl rarely saw.

"The eldest brother is indeed more talented than me... Very good..." He muttered silently.

He took off the gloves of the protective suit and reached into the clothes to fumble for a while.

A small recorder was taken out, with a hand-carved, crooked head on it, a bit like Mo Jiajia, the young but knowledgeable face-paralyzed loli.

Gently stroking the head, Moza pressed the button of the recorder.

"Jia Jia, from now on, you have to listen to your elder brother..." His throat moved, and then he smiled with relief, "You are not allowed to marry him either."

He turned it off and put it away.

The magical black stick was clenched, and Moza pursed his lips.

"It hasn't been named yet..."

"Then, from now on, you will be called...Moza."


The blood was burning, and the bursting feeling burst out in every corner of the blood vessels.

The severe pain that no one could bear was stimulating all parts of Sean's body, and he didn't even have the qualification to faint.

Pain, only endless pain.

He fell to his knees on the ground with a plop, and the cement floor was dug deep marks by his fingertips. Sweat like a waterfall, tears caused by unbearable, and blood dripped down.

Just above Sean was a huge blood ball, and Apat's body, which had lost all breath, fell palely beside it.

The blood ball kept sending out wisps of blood mist to drill into Sean's body, and then continued to intensify the pain he suffered.

Sean knelt on the ground with his back hunched, his eyeballs swollen with pain almost popping out of their sockets.

"Ha... ha..." He actually smiled.

Another sharp pain came, and Sean, who couldn't bear it, pounded his fists hard.

"Bang!" After the loud noise, the whole building shook like an earthquake.

"Fuck you... it hurts a little more than I thought... ha..." Sean's face had turned blood red with veins bulging.

At the same time, the breath he used to cover up in the past also lost all obstacles.

The strength brought by the peak of the king level made this area tremble, and unlike the ordinary peak of the king level, his power was more condensed, purer, and more violent.

What was even more powerful than this was pure mental power. Sean lay on the ground and pounded the ground hard, while his shadow was twisted in pain.

Amid the inhuman roar, a twisted black humanoid shadow was slowly squeezed out of Sean's shadow.

In the shadow, there is a device similar to a facehugger. The device emits strange light and black sparks, and it is about to explode at any time.

It is the shadow cavity and the ascension seed implanted in it!

The huge power like the sea is roaring, and the huge blood ball above his head is actually separating mist and drilling into Sean's body at a faster speed.

Round pupils, gray mist, the game controller representing Mio Shisan, and the white tiger crazy beast representing the heart of fraud, their shadows flicker around.

Sean's power is getting bigger and bigger, until it is about to break through that limit!


"It's now... Kill!"

Suddenly, dozens of black shadows suddenly appeared from a distance. They rushed straight to the place where Sean was advancing, and they were about to interrupt his fusion rhythm!

"Don't know whether to live or die!" Cheryl didn't hesitate at all, and his body instantly expanded to more than five meters. The nearest black shadows suddenly felt their flesh and blood wriggling in a weird way.

"How audacious!" Cheryl's eyes were full of rage, and he released his abilities without reservation. The people closest to him also began to swell up.

"Bang!" The sound of flying on the ground was like an explosion!

Before the attackers could get rid of the abnormality in their bodies, their vision was completely covered by an angry little giant!

"Ah--" As soon as the short scream fell, it was completely covered by the sound of blood and flesh twisting.

Blood and flesh splattered, and the yellow and white things turned into muddy rain.

The three people who first encountered the furious Cheryl, two upper kings and one peak king, were defeated without any resistance!

There were only a few pools of meat sauce left at the position where the three stood.

However, the other black shadows did not stop and went straight to Sean's position.

Cheryl chased after him, the chainsaw roared violently: "Who dares?!"

"Reckless man." The old voice sounded, and the old nanny turned in the air, the surrounding concrete and steel bars floated up, and rushed directly to Cheryl, tying him firmly to the ground.

She was also a deep red level strongman!

However, how could Cheryl be trapped so easily? With a roar, his body swelled again, and directly reached a size of seven meters!

"Die!" His eyes were already covered with red, and he ran straight to the enemy.

The old nanny's eyes showed a trace of surprise. Such a pure and powerful strengthening talent, the peak of the king level could actually break free from my control.

However, there is still a huge chasm between the king level and the crimson level!

Various objects were floating and rushing forward, constantly hitting Sherrill's body. The scene was almost a one-sided suppression!

The people in the rest cabin also realized that something was wrong, and without caring about recuperating their injuries, the people from Unit 0 rushed out despite the poisonous gas and ran straight towards the enemy.

There are no restrictions on protective clothing, even if the injury is serious. Unit 0 also immediately formed an advantage.

"Dare to disturb us." One of Ake's hands dropped, but his face was filled with a ferocious smile.

A fierce battle broke out instantly!

Sensing the movement not far away, a chill flashed across Moza's eyes, but he did not go to support, but stood in front of the entrance.

"Hey, upper level king..." A mocking voice sounded.

Before Moza could react, he encountered a huge force in his abdomen and flew backwards.

Amidst the rumbling sound, he fell to the ground near the ruins, and he actually had no strength to move.

The black shadow slowly appeared, it was the leader who came to assassinate Sean.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Snake King, and the person who comes to kill is Sean."

The Snake King sneered and glanced at Moza disdainfully.

Xu clenched his fist and spat: "It's empty and powerless. The rich young master is really lucky. When I was an upper-level king, I suffered a lot, tsk, and it still has the power of restriction? This power is quite a bit I mean, is it your own or someone else’s?”

"It doesn't matter..." He laughed ferociously, "When I kill Sean, I can study you carefully."

Moza fell to the ground weakly, and [Moza] also rolled to the side. One of his fingers was twitching, but he couldn't lift it up.

"too weak……"

"you're right."

A cold and violent voice sounded, and the Snake King's pupils suddenly shrank.

His body swam backwards like a snake, and a big hole was smashed directly into the place where he was standing!

The Snake King looked up and saw that he was wrapped in blood balls and surrounded by men with unstable forces staring at him.

"Sean..." The Snake King's eyes lit up slightly, "For normal people to advance to Crimson, it takes a fusion process, which can take anywhere from a few days to a few years. It all depends on talent and endurance... How long has it been since you were able to move? "

"So much nonsense..."

Another burst of pure power seemed to be able to directly level the place it aimed at!

This is a power that far exceeds that of a king!

However, this time the Snake King did not retreat.

Sean's pupils shrank instantly.

The pure power was firmly grasped by the Snake King, and he smiled.

"A good brother who is in a hurry to save you? Haha, the power has not been fully integrated, and the supernatural powers are still in the adapting stage. You can only use the pure power you just obtained... You are too naive, His Highness."

The Snake King's hand trembled violently, and with a 'bang', the concentrated energy attack was crushed away like smoke.

"You are a genius... If I were at the lower level, I might really let you run away..." The Snake King stretched out his tongue like a letter and licked his face.

His face was turning towards a snake.

Then, huge power suppressed the entire area!

Sean, who was wrapped in blood balls, also took a few steps back and looked at the other person in disbelief.

Crimson mid-layer, but completely different from the one he had dealt with before.

Genuine, complete crimson middle layer!

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