I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 292 The Crimson Crazy Beast from the ‘Same Origin’

The deceitful heart was ‘caught’.

This conceptual power was directly discovered for the first time after Sean obtained it.

In the past, even those who were far more powerful than themselves could only detect the abnormalities caused by the deceitful heart, but could not detect the concept of deceitful heart.

Apatte, who was in front of her, burst into laughter before Sean could speak.

"Little brother~ You look so handsome when you are thinking~ But you must be thinking why I can catch..." She bit her lip charmingly and held a handful in the air again, "Concept."

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly.

Villains and fraud... He remembered what the other party had just said.

His two powers happen to be the villain reporter and the deceitful heart... Not only does the other party know my powers, but he also knows how to deal with them...

However, Sean didn't notice anything strange when he stepped on the tube - to be precise, he subconsciously sensed a foreign object approaching.

Sean originally thought that this was due to the effect of his strong mental power, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Its abilities have no effect on me, and my abilities have no effect on it...

When I learned about Apate, I decided that he was the best material for me to advance to Crimson. Apate noticed my existence when I first entered the Poison City and started to set a trap...

Moreover, for some reason, Sean always felt that Apatte in front of him didn't seem to have any murderous intention towards him, and everything before seemed to be just for so-called testing.

Have I fallen into Apat's illusion? No, my etheric body is protected by the Hall of Thought, but Noah didn’t give any reminder—to be precise, no reminder was sent that I encountered an impact and was resolved by the Hall of Thought.

What’s even more surprising is that Apat seems to have seen through Sean.

She showed a slightly distressed expression, and then she changed into another face. The cold and domineering voice of Yu Jie sounded, and her facial features also changed accordingly.

"Brother...heh, you smart little brain, haven't you figured out the key to the matter yet?"

Sean chuckled softly: "My little head is not interested in you for the time being. Do you really see what is in my big head?"

Apat's face changed again, this time in a pretentious manner: "I, I'm only a teenager according to human age, how can you tell others this? It's so bad for you...and, besides, you are really Are you not interested in them?"

Sean looked back, and then found a relatively clean place to sit down, even with a thick catheter leaning next to it: "Why do I feel that you have been arousing my interest in you? ?”

Apat timidly bit her lip, twisted her hands together, and whispered: "I, I didn't..."

Sean looked at the other person up and down and said with a smile, "Are there any other modes?"

Apat pouted and looked at him angrily, then shook his body.

Her height jumped up a bit, her originally plump breasts shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her long black hair shortened like it was growing in reverse.

Appearing neatly but with a delicate image, her voice became full of youthfulness: "Let's chase the unpredictable future together. Only the unknown is the real adventure."

Sean's temples twitched - Damn it, I didn't remember anyone on the production team adding this type of easter egg?

As if she felt that Sean was still not satisfied, Apat raised her body a little higher, and this time her voice completely changed into a magnetic young male voice.

"Hey, you actually like this?"

Sean rolled his eyes with a bored look on his face: "You might as well complain, but as a peak king, I probably can't tell the true gender of the humanoid crazy beast?"

Amid laughter, Apat turned into the same person as when they first met. She smiled sweetly and said, "To be precise, as long as they are human beings, they are indistinguishable... Well, you can guess the reason."

"Not interested in."

"Hey~ You are so uninteresting," Apat rolled her eyes coquettishly, and then said with a smile, "Okay, let me tell you, I am a pretty girl~"

Sean touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "Then if the pollution breaks out and causes me to lose control and eventually approach proliferation, damn, won't I become a man and a woman?"

Apatte burst out laughing, and then she moved lazily so that she and Sean could be closer.

"Out of control? Villain, fraud, deception... If you can lose control like this, you'd better not come to me to advance to Crimson. I can't afford to lose that person."

Sean narrowed his eyes: "Thug, fraud...are you a deceiver?"

Apat nodded cheerfully: "Of course, my most powerful illusions and lies are all for deception. Of course, you fused me, and I am one of yours... Besides, turning into a girl Isn’t it pretty good, geez.”

If they hadn't known that the other person was a crazy beast in human form, anyone would have thought that the two of them were playing some couple's tricks.

More importantly, Sean vaguely noticed something.

Apat... doesn't seem to be resisting?

This is unreasonable. To advance to Crimson, you need to fuse all the blood of the Mad Beast, and you must kill the owner of the blood... After that, even if Sean loses control and approaches multiplication, the Apatate who comes back will not be what he is now. Just one.

It is rare for Sean to not be able to figure out a person's thoughts, but it is understandable if he encounters it. However, this was the first time that he couldn't figure out the thoughts of a crazy beast.

The sound of footsteps sounded, and Apat stood up and walked over. Her steps were easy, and the gauze on her body was looming, which made people's blood rush.

"I feel like I'm being kind. Hee hee, let me give you some tips. Didn't I tell you that my ability has no effect on you." Apat walked slowly until she reached Sean's side.

She squatted down and tilted her head: "I have been using illusions on you when I came over, and they were all the strongest ones, but you only stared at my breasts. Isn't this very polite?"

Sean shrugged: "You're shaking. I don't think it's the behavior of a thunderstorm."

Apat pulled off the tulle a little more, and as long as she raised her head a little, she could see the important parts dimly revealed.

Seeing Sean nodding with satisfaction, she smiled sweetly, then pursed her lips toward the outside: "Your friend has been there for a long time."

Sean looked out after hearing this. Not far away, Ake was panting and facing the air, seemingly confronting some terrifying creature.

"Boom!" Ake seemed to be unable to bear it anymore and finally rushed out.

With the sound of the explosion and flying dust, Ake attacked the hive wildly, and after a piece of debris splashed onto his skin, he quickly retreated and covered his arm.

There was nothing up there, but Ake felt like he had been stung.

Apat burst out laughing: "Your friend fell under my illusion. He should be fighting the queen bee right now."

As she said that, she silently put her arm on Sean's shoulders: "With your friend's strength, there is no problem in defeating that 'queen bee'. It's just that he was 'accidentally stung' by the queen bee." , the pain and numbness will become more and more severe.”

She laughed loudly, as if she was extremely happy about something.

"Actually, there is nothing wrong with him, but... gurgle, he thinks he has been stung. Slowly, he will actually be stung, and the toxins from the queen bee will invade his body. Hahaha, so interesting. ”

Sean's expression was calm, but there was already a turmoil in his heart.

The moment Apat touched him, he naturally understood something.

The villain reporter and the deceitful heart, his two powers are from the same source as Apat...

Sean slowly raised his head and looked at Apat: "So, our abilities don't work on each other?"

Apat nodded, then held Sean's head with both hands, and said seriously: "We are born to be companions."

Not far away, Ake, who was covering his arm, was already showing signs of poisoning. His "stabbed" hand began to turn purple and yellow, accompanied by violent twitching.

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly: "Remove the illusion."

Apat laughed: "I thought you would ask something else, and then I would make you angry if I didn't tell you... Well, is he important to you?"

Sean shook his head: "Not very important, but he is very useful to me."

Apat said regretfully: "That's it... It would be great if he was important to you. But, it doesn't matter, since it's not important..."

She waved her hand calmly: "Then let him die."

Not far away, Ake, who was fighting the illusion, suddenly changed his expression, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

Before Sean could speak, Apat explained kindly: "He now saw a crimson-colored crazy beast. That was a guy I had killed before. It took me a lot of effort, oh , By the way, because my strength has increased, it has also become stronger.”

While he was talking, Ake actually flew out of thin air.

He hit the basement wall hard, and a little bit of debris flew out.

Logically speaking, this impact was nothing to Ake, but he vomited a mouthful of blood and his chest dented strangely.

Apat covered her mouth to prevent her laughter from being too loud.

"Giggle, he was beaten so badly. It's a pity that my illusion doesn't work on you, otherwise you can watch an interesting show - but now, a pantomime like this is also very interesting, right?"

A hand climbed up to her snow-white neck, and a gentle voice sounded: "Since we have the same origin, let's get together as soon as possible."

Sean's hand tightened without hesitation.

Apat's face turned purple at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her eyes almost popped out under the force of the strangulation.

"Uh... uh..." A broken voice came from her throat, "You, can't you... kill... me..."

Sean increased his strength again.

Trembling violently, Apat pushed his legs as hard as he could, and then fell down softly.

She quickly lost her voice.

However, Ake is still fighting the illusion.

"Aha, I lied to you!" Apat, who had just 'died', straightened up and shook his head, revealing a sweet and charming smile.

She rubbed her neck against Sean's still pinched hand: "I said, you can't kill me if I don't want to."

Sean raised his head slightly: "In other words, you can't kill me."

"You can say that, but you can let others kill me, and I can also let others kill you. Unfortunately," she flattened her mouth pitifully, "No one you can find can beat me, but my illusion skills are... You can control some good children, well, you are so lucky, I am reluctant to kill you."

Sean let go of Apat, and held his hands to feel it: "Is this what is called the same origin? My two powers, and yours, are of a very high level, and they are both pure?"

Apat looked surprised: "Wow, you are so smart, can you reason this out by yourself?"

The evil god's knowledge base comes from scriptures...

Sean looked at Apatate calmly: "Tell me what you want."

Apat blinked: "I just said, I'm sorry, he is not an important person in your heart."

She glanced at Ike, who was covered in injuries but still standing with difficulty.

"Your friend is much better than I thought, well..."

She waved her hand, and Ake's stern eyes gradually became confused.

Immediately, yellow and purple quickly spread out from the wound where he was stabbed before.

He convulsed and fainted.

Apat turned his head and smiled sweetly: "Look, am I very obedient?"

Sean looked at her calmly: "Tell me what you want."

Apat blinked: "Look, I have to die first before I can merge with you. And I am very powerful, caring, and obedient. After we are together, I can give you a lot of help..."

She looked forward to it: "Should you treat me as an important person?"

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly: "Are you expecting the pollution to explode after me, or do you want to use me to advance?"

"No, I will die so that you can advance..." Apat's breathing became excited and her eyes seemed to be shining, "I just need you to treat me as an important person in your heart."


Apat's breathing quickened, and his voice was full of joy and anticipation: "But I can't squeeze in there... So, one person has to die, and then give that person's place to me."

Sean's pupils reflected a nine-tailed fox with a human face and a white body with various ghost faces at the end.

"Where's the eldest brother?" Moza asked, looking at Sherrill who was leaving and returning.

Sherrill's body returned to its original size, and he scratched his head: "The swarms over there are all dead, and they are all killing each other. Big brother must not be able to help but take action. I didn't find them, so I guess I have to deal with the bees." It’s over.”

Moza nodded: "Then let's stay on guard for now. Brother will be here soon."

"Then I'll go clean up the area."

After waiting for a while, not long after, a figure slowly walked over in the distance.

The corners of Moza's mouth raised slightly, then stopped, and then stood up.

There were two people floating next to Sean, one was Ake with his eyes tightly closed, and the other was a woman he had never seen before.

A big hole was opened in the woman's neck, and blood gurgled down and gathered in Sean's palm.

Blood... Moza's eyes lit up and he said, "Brother, have you found that crazy beast?"

Sean didn't speak and walked over slowly.

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