I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 291 Come and call daddy

"They entered the dark zone, but for some reason, they circled around."

Listening to the news reported back by his men, the leader of the assassination team frowned slightly.

He looked at the old nanny: "Why did this group of people come to Poison City?"

The old nanny lowered her eyes: "This is not something you and I need to consider. Entering the dark zone will only make it easier for us to start. We must hurry up."

The white mist exhaled by the leader covered the breathing mask with a layer of haze. This was not because the weather was too cold, but because he was vigorously driving his own powers.

Worried that Bai Youming would leave and come back, they did not dare to take action immediately after entering Poison City, so they followed him from a distance.

Although most of the dangers on the road ahead have been eliminated by Sean and his group, they also need to face other troubles, namely the poisonous gas in the poisonous city.

Traveling lightly, they did not bring many supplies. The simple protective equipment needed to be replaced every twelve hours to ensure effectiveness, but they all changed it every twenty-four hours.

Moreover, there is no special military rest cabin, so they can only try to find a place with obstructions to replace it on the spot, during which they will continue to be eroded by toxins.

Continuing to move forward, the rest cabin left by Sean and his group soon appeared in front of them.

The leader's eyes lit up and he immediately ordered people to investigate the surrounding area and was about to enter the rest cabin.

The old nurse frowned, stopped the other party, and said dissatisfied: "What do you want to do?"

The leader frowned and said: "We are about to enter the dark zone. It is best to replace all the equipment with new ones and replenish them on the spot - the rest cabin they left behind can be used just right for us. I have seen this thing. It is valid for twenty-four hours. Now inside Absolutely no problem.”

"No, we have to catch up." His proposal was immediately rejected.

The leader was dissatisfied: "We are all traveling lightly. All the brothers have been eroded by toxins. It is the right thing to take advantage of the last moment to replenish their supplies. They have just entered the dark zone and cannot move forward at full speed."

The old nanny said coldly: "Don't treat others as fools. Sean may not be aware of it yet, but His Highness the Prince is assigned to send out the army. Will he react at all? Although the other party is not sure, he will never pretend that nothing happened. This Maybe it’s just a temptation, or even a trap inside.”

Her voice was serious. After hearing this, the leader also reacted.

He hesitated for a moment, then called his men back: "Then keep walking, but we must solve it quickly. If we delay it any longer, it will be difficult to remove the corrosive toxins."

"That's how it should be."

The team quickly left the spot, and not long after, an eye flashed past the observation window of the rest cabin.

"It's just like what Sean said."

Zhu Zhu hid back in the mirror space and said to Xiao Ci in surprise.

Xiao Ci nodded, without Sean by her side, her behavior actually had a bit of Sean's shadow.

Yu Jie's hoarse voice is still so contradictory to her cute and delicate appearance, but she sounds quite mature when she speaks it now.

"Brother said that the other party has two choices. One is to go into the rest cabin to reorganize." She held up a jar. "That way, they will be chronically poisoned without knowing it."

"Second, they will be careful, for fear that we will set a trap and will only avoid this place." Xiao Ci stood up and put on protective clothing. "This way we can go back quietly."

She wore a somewhat bloated protective suit and her movements were very cute, but her words were extremely cruel.

"The person who came to assassinate my brother must be very powerful. If he escapes without solving the problem, it will be very troublesome -" Xiao Ci's eyes were bright, "Let's go, let's kill his whole family."

Another person in the mirror space smiled: "Let's go and kill his whole family."

The mirror flickered, and there were countless places to jump in the huge abandoned city. Even outside the Poison City, in the wasteland, things that Sean and his group dropped casually could be used to jump quickly.

Blood and pieces of flesh spattered, and amid screams, a member of Unit 0 was torn off his protective clothing and stabbed in the abdomen by an elephant-sized killer bee. He was then hooked on a tail needle and flew away. Up in the sky.

"Kill!" There was an explosive roar, and Sherrill, who had torn off his gold-plated chin, was naked and his upper body was completely exposed to the poisonous gas. He appeared above the killer bee with a single leap.

The sharp forelimbs of the killer bee immediately stung.

Sherrill ignored it and allowed his forelimbs to penetrate his body. He stretched out his big hands and closed them in a cone shape, and actually stabbed them into the killer bee's compound eyes!

Amidst the inhuman screams, Sherrill roared again. With no one to use in the air, he actually pulled out the killer bee's brain from the compound eyes!

This upper-level king-level killer bee died suddenly on the spot. Sherrill pulled the chainsaw while falling, and used the force of the fall to tear open the entire body of the killer bee.

Turning around, he pulled the impaled unfortunate guy above, and the two of them landed with a crash.

Climbing out of the smoke and ruins, Sherrill's body was twisting and deformed, and the flesh and blood of the impaled team member's abdomen was squirming.

"Just give it a head first, and then treat it later." He said in a sullen voice.

The team member was still in a daze, and Moza crawled over and dragged him away and put him into the rest cabin.

"Moza, you are responsible for guarding here, I will help big brother and the others." Sherrill shouted.

"Okay, go quickly."

A kilometer away, Sean and Acker were already surrounded by swarms of killer bees.

The corpses of killer bees were constantly falling down. They were either smashed to pieces with a punch, or they twitched and pulled out their tail stings, dying miserably.

"Why do I think this is a trap?" During the fight, Ake still found time to ask Sean.

Sean evaded the attack lightly while using one hand to draw ritual symbols in the air.

He replied: "I was fooled, tsk, I didn't expect that my first time was handed over to a crazy beast?"

"You are so pretentious, Your Highness, have you never been fooled before?"

"No, and I usually lie to women. When women think they have deceived me, they are usually in my bed."


Dodging the attack, Sean retreated and merged into the gray mist: "Acker, hold on for a while."

"Leave it to me, but the key lies with the queen bee!"

"rest assured."

The gray mist floated, Sean muttered words, and an evil force was ready to strike.

This was the first time that he was plotted by someone. Of course, he was not prepared to say that. It was probably plotted by a beast.

Before entering the dark zone, Sean noticed that the crazy beasts along the way were leading them to another entrance.

So, he decided to go back to the original place.

What I didn't expect was that after entering from the original entrance, there was a real trap.

They encounter a group of socially insane beasts that are difficult to deal with.

There are only a few Crazy Beasts with brains, even if they reach the Crimson level. Most of the Crimson Crazy Beasts only have the wisdom of ordinary humans, and they are still driven by animal nature and instinct.

But social crazy beasts are an exception. These crazy beasts are often represented by ant colonies and bee colonies, and there is a clear division of labor when hunting.

Sean and the others encountered such a swarm of crazy beasts.

Moreover, perhaps due to the changes brought about by Poison City, the swarms here were extremely ferocious, and their team was scattered as soon as they came into contact.

The dense swarms of king-level killer bees rushed towards him like they were desperate for their lives. Even the crimson ones were not easy to deal with.

What's even more annoying is that they never find the queen of the swarm.

The reason why Sean said that they were plotted by the Crazy Beast was because they originally noticed the bee swarm and planned to go around it, but the bee swarm somehow discovered them.

While fighting, Sean caught a glimpse of the woman's figure flashing nearby.

He immediately realized that it was Apat.

The crazy beast he was targeting actually targeted them when they entered the city, and even laid traps to take advantage of people's reverse thinking.

This was Sean's first encounter.

Sean didn't know why yet, but it didn't affect his excitement.

The stronger you show, the happier I am...

Hidden in the gray fog, Sean suddenly opened his eyes, and the last syllable of the prayer in his mouth fell.


This time, there is no weakening of the lure!

The densely packed swarms that were frantically besieging Aker all stopped in unison. Amidst the noise, which was as noisy as the roar of fighter jets taking off, the swarm suddenly fell into madness.

They no longer followed the queen bee's command to besiege the enemy, but started fighting each other crazily.

Yellow-green blood, tail needles, compound eyes, wings... countless killer bee parts fell down, like a heavy rain.

The terrifying ability of inducing potential further stimulates their madness when facing crazy beasts. Without the existence of crimson-level crazy beasts, Sean is the only nightmare in this place at the moment.

Even Akko was in shock. The surrounding swarms were all attacking all the creatures around him like crazy. Even if his own wings were broken, they would pierce their tail needles into the bodies of their companions and inject them crazily. toxin.

His Highness, the Crown Prince, must be at the peak of the king level... Even I can't match this ability to deal with large numbers of enemies. I'm afraid only Zora or His Highness the Prince can defeat him...

Moreover, this vague power gives people a terrifying feeling...

Ake couldn't help but glance at the place where the gray fog was, only to find that the gray fog had penetrated into a building not far away.

Found the queen bee? Ake immediately followed.

The eerie building is filled with the remains of various creatures, and from time to time you can see some parts of killer bees.

After bypassing the beehive built inside the building, Sean arrived at the underground level.

It's very open here, but as soon as you enter, a strong smell comes out, and even a breathing mask cannot filter it out completely.

"After all, is it the crazy beast that doesn't even have a guard left..."

Sean muttered a few words in the gray mist and slowly moved closer inside.

Just now, he let Bai Qian explode wildly, and finally deliberately mitigated the impact on several killer bees. As expected, the few killer bees that still had the last trace of instinct left were seriously injured and headed towards their nests.

Along the way, you can still see the traces left by those seriously injured killer bees.

However, a queen bee that can control so many killer bees must be of the Crimson level, so be careful.

Of course, the group of social crazy beasts is very powerful, but the individuals are generally weak. They all rely on quantity and cooperation. The queen bee is often not the type with outstanding individual combat power.

The flesh and blood and madness after the luring ceremony condensed into strength, just enough to touch the crimson-level queen bee.

After walking some distance, Sean saw the corpses of the killer bees. They could no longer hold on and fell to the ground.

However, they no longer need to lead the way. Ahead, a huge beehive supports the ceiling, surrounded by countless squirming bee pupae.

"On Earth, bee pupae of this size must be very expensive to sell." Sean muttered, slowly approaching the hive.

It was indeed the crazy behavior of the Crazy Beast, and not a single guard was left around.

Easily bypassing the obstacle, the huge hive appeared in front of Sean.

"Let me see what this little cutie of yours looks like..."

Looking up, in the center of the hive is a huge 'bedroom' where all kinds of soft materials are collected.

Pipes with yellow and black patterns connected the surrounding areas, but the top of the pipes where they gathered hung down on the ground.

A large amount of mucus and blood spread from the ground, soaking the fleshy behemoth.

That was the queen bee, the dead queen bee.

The body of the queen bee fell to the side, and its soft body was used as a big velvet bed. A woman in gauze was leaning comfortably on the 'big bed'.

Sensing the visitor, the woman turned her head gently, revealing a delicate and moving face. Pure, charming, delicate, sharp... all kinds of qualities seemed to be visible on the other person's face.

Everyone can see the face they want... Such an idea came to Sean's mind.

That is a woman who can make everyone, even women, attracted.

"You're so fast." The woman made a clear voice like a silver bell, and then she started to giggle.

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly, and he revealed his figure from the gray fog: "The beginning was not very polite...Apat."

The humanoid mad beast Apat!

Apat showed an expression as confused as a deer, then suddenly her face turned red again, and she said angrily: "Why did you even think of going there? It's so bad."

Sean smiled, then raised his foot and stepped on a catheter spreading around him, trying to get into Sean's body.

Apat immediately showed a surprised expression: "Thugs and frauds!"

The wisdom is far beyond my expectation... Sean slowly crushed the catheter: "Did you notice it from the beginning?"

Apat laughed happily: "Of course, how could I forget the smell of villains and fraud? I smelled it as soon as you entered... It's great. Many people can't even detect my methods. But you can find it without even entering Crimson, you are so awesome!"

As she said that, she blinked innocently: "I'm a little scared. I can't fight. My abilities are ineffective against you, so you can do whatever you want with me~"

Sean smiled and squatted down: "Then come over and call daddy."

Apat chuckled: "You are so interesting~"

She stretched out a hand, as if she had grabbed something.

"Of course, your ability has no effect on me either."

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