Even though he had expected it before coming, after actually seeing it, the scale of Poison City exceeded Sean's expectation.

Not just the area size, but everything else too.

"Gah...gah..." A giant giraffe with a height of more than 20 meters fell to the ground.

Its pattern resembles tiger stripes, and its long neck has been broken off, revealing the metallic silver bones inside. The weirdest thing is its head, which looks less like a giraffe and more like a hideous-looking platypus.

Sean waved the blood-stained You Ye in his hand. The strange rust spots on the energy blade flickered for a few times, and then returned to their original appearance.

"It's very strong. The strength of the upper-level king level gives me a sense of oppression no less than that of the peak king-level outsiders... It's a pity that the creatures in Poison City, whether they are crazy beasts or mutants, have the same ability to solidify into Youye. It has something to do with toxins and has nothing to do with the original strength and shape of the killed creature," Sean said with a little regret.

You Ye has the ability to grow. It can solidify certain abilities of the person being killed, but Sean has also killed many creatures in Poison City. Apart from the poisonous cuts getting stronger and stronger, he has not seen any other abilities.

It's a bit of a pity, after all, You Ye unsheathed it just for the sake of seeing blood, and although the toxins of Poison City creatures are difficult to get rid of, the poison is not strong enough and it is difficult to quickly exert its effect in battle.

Mo Zabu, who was guarding the surroundings, said: "The more kills we make, the more effective the poison attack will be. However, the creatures here are quite difficult to deal with. They are so big, and they actually know how to hide in the shadows and sneak up on us." "

Ake on the other side stood up. He roughly handled it and only took away the most valuable parts of the giraffe, the neck and the beak.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Ake smiled and said: "Sneak attacks are normal. The creatures in Poison City are much stronger in comparison, but the products produced here have side effects. Just like these two things, no matter what they are made, they will be used in the future. It has to be soaked in chemicals before it can be used continuously. If the toxicity is eliminated by powerful means, its own effect will be greatly reduced. "

With that said, he slipped the trophies in his hand towards Shaunti: "His Royal Highness, do you want these things?"

Sean waved his hand: "I can't use it. You're already deep red, so you can't use this thing, right?"

"After we went back and renovated them, we put them on some disabled veterans. They all volunteered." Ake said calmly, "Just in time to use the last remaining heat... Our Unit 0 also needs a certain amount of consumables."

"Then keep it and use it."

At night, Sean and his team cleared away the nearby threats and found a place to rest in the middle of an abandoned shopping mall.

There are still many inconveniences in wearing protective clothing. Their group is strong, their advancement speed is not slow, and they have a clear goal. They only walked one-fifth of the distance in one day.

Aker was unfolding a rest cabin. Amidst the sound of metal interlacing, the rest cabin of more than ten square meters gradually climbed up.

Entering the rest cabin, they could finally take off the protective clothing they had worn all day.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Acker said: "This rest cabin is a specialty of Unit 0. We were the main force in exploring Poison City back then. However, this thing is very expensive to make and it is a one-time use. I just can't do it." I finally saved a batch and just needed it this time.”

Moza looked at the rest cabin: "The airtightness is very good, but I didn't see any other abandoned rest cabins along the way?"

Ake explained: "This thing is made of special materials for the convenience of carrying. It will automatically collapse after a period of time. Moreover, even if it does not collapse, it cannot be used anymore. The toxins in Poison City can corrode and assimilate even metal. Our new rest The cabin only lasts for twenty-four hours, and then there is no way to isolate the poison. "

"Luxury goods..." Sean lay lazily on the largest bed in the rest cabin, and then looked at the map, "At today's pace, we can reach the target point in five days."

Ake shook his head: "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. The deeper you go, the more dangerous it becomes. In my mind, there are two crimson crazy beasts on the road."

Sean smiled and said, "Aren't you here?"

Ake was not polite, he smiled complacently: "I cooperated with a few brothers, even if it is a species that has been strengthened by Poison City, the Crimson Middle Layer can fight against it."

The dreadlocks on his head were fluttering with a breeze.

"If you are unlucky and encounter someone you can't deal with, just run away, Your Highness."

Seeing what Ake said, Sean was not polite: "I cherish my life very much. If you ask me to run, I will definitely run."

Ake smiled calmly. It was his life principle to dedicate everything to the prince. Since he was the crown prince recognized by the prince, he was naturally within the scope.

After looking at the map, he was slightly confused and said: "Your Highness, I have never heard of the crazy beast you are looking for. However, after staying in the poisonous city for a long time, the blood of the crazy beast will also be poisonous. You Are you sure you want to use that crazy beast to advance?"

Sean smiled: "It's decided, just use that one."

"Okay, anyway, I'll help you hunt." Ake saw that he had already decided, and he happily didn't ask any more questions.

Sean lowered his head and looked at the map. Two-thirds of the area had detailed map records, but the other third was pitch black, with a marked red dot in it.

There was his target: Apat.

Yes, a crazy beast with a name.

The empire's top-secret information records in detail all the crimson mad beasts observed within the empire, and there are very few mad beasts with names.

These crazy beasts generally have two characteristics. First, their strength is extremely terrifying, and even a large number of imperial troops dare not rush to hunt them. 2. Caused irreparable disasters.

The desperation and fear they bring will make future generations want to call them by a name.

And Apat is a very special one among them. To be precise, she is a crazy beast with a reputation hidden in the dark.

According to the data, Apat has single-handedly created twenty disasters on record.

Among them, there are three most famous ones, and all three times led to the destruction of the city-state.

Logically speaking, Apate has created so many disasters, so it should be notorious, but the fact is that only twenty years ago, a strong man from the empire saw its true face.

Before that, no one knew the true face of Apate, because no one survived the disaster it created, yes, not a single person survived.

The strong men of the empire tried to find the crazy beast based on the conditions left at the disaster scene. However, the method was not used the same way at more than twenty disaster scenes.

Brutal devouring, strange fires, sourceless floods, toxins overflowing from the well...

Different circumstances led everyone to think that it was the work of different crazy beasts.

Until the unknown empire strongman discovered the connection, and finally discovered the weird crazy beast.

An extremely rare humanoid mad beast. Different from the one born after nurture, Apate is a born humanoid mad beast.

What shocked the strong man even more was that Apate only had the crimson lower layer.

Illusion, change, deception, Apatate is not strong in terms of pure strength, but has frightening talents in various elusive abilities.

What's even more frightening is that it seems to have the ability to make lies come true to a certain extent.

That strong man was the terrifying Crimson Upper Level, but he had been chasing Apat for three years and still failed to kill him.

In the end, he forced Apat into the Poison City. After entangled with Apat for more than half a year, he could no longer resist the poisonous erosion of the Poison City. The strange thing was that Apate never left the Poison City.

"One of the best choices for those who veto the conceptual, spiritual, and material systems to advance to Crimson, and a nightmare for the weak."

"But who the hunted person is, no one knows."

This was the last words left by the strong man after his death. He failed to withstand the erosion of the Poison City's poison and left behind a detailed record of the crazy beast and the name Apate.

Almost at the first sight of Apatite, Sean's instinct told him that this was his best choice to advance to the Crimson.

"I just like this feeling of deceiving each other, ha."

The time has come to the fourth day, and Sean and his team are moving forward in an orderly manner, faster than expected.

The fourth rest cabin unfolded, and everyone who walked in breathed a long sigh of relief.

Wearing heavy protective clothing to fight every day is indeed not an easy task, and the pervasive poisonous gas will cause great psychological pressure on people, which will make people restrained during battle.

Especially on the fourth day, they had begun to encounter more powerful creatures.

Just an hour ago, they had just joined forces to kill a crimson lower-level crazy beast.

It's the weakest rat-shaped Mad Beast, and it looks like a fucking semi-truck.

The strength of the group was not weak. Even so, four people, including Moza, were slightly injured and their protective clothing was also damaged.

"It's okay. They are all veterans. They protect themselves very well and the toxin erosion is within the acceptable range. If those young masters and ladies who piled up resources will have to evacuate directly now." Ake raised his head.

He's a good fighter, a tour guide, and even a good doctor.

After putting on the nano tape, Moza moved his arm and said with some regret: "It doesn't matter if you get a little injured, but the blood of that crimson rat-shaped crazy beast was wasted."

Akhun said indifferently: "The blood of the crimson crazy beast in Poison City is not a good thing. Other things can be used together. The blood needs to be fused. Unless it has special powers, otherwise the toxicity will last a lifetime. . Even if you have to risk your life, the success rate of blood fusion here is very low——"

"I know an old friend in the army. He has a hidden disease that can only be cured by being promoted to Crimson. However, his merits are not enough to exchange for normal Crimson Crazy Beast blood. In the end, he got a job in Poison City, which took two years. The time fusion actually failed. Although he was lucky enough to survive, his already small life was even worse. I feel sorry for my newly married little wife. "

The two chatted for a while. Seeing that Sean, who used to talk a lot, didn't speak, they subconsciously moved closer.

The latter is scribbling something on the map.

"What are you doing, His Royal Highness?" Ake asked casually as he had become familiar with him these days.

Sean replied casually: "Record the types, locations, and intensity of crazy beasts we encountered these days."

"You killed so many animals and recorded them all?" Ake didn't understand. The creatures in Poison City, except for the crimson color, had basically no record value.

Sean shook his head. He looked at all the records along the way and finally frowned.

Moza, who sensed something was wrong, asked, "Brother, is something wrong?"

Sean thought about it and said, "It's a bit too smooth..."

"Okay?" Ake touched his chin and thought about what he had seen these days. "The overall progress is indeed smooth, but it can't be considered smooth. I was quite embarrassed by that beast today, mainly because of the sneak attack..."

As he spoke, Ake narrowed his eyes.

The long-term life in Unit 0 made him realize that something was wrong.

Sean nodded: "It's normal for crazy beasts to attack sneakily, but haven't you noticed? All the crazy beasts we have encountered so far are basically large-sized, but each one uses the same routine..."

Ake recalled the crazy beasts he had encountered these days, and then his pupils shrank: "We were all attacked by surprise..."

Sean nodded: "They are all sneak attacks, and these crazy beasts are not good at hiding."

Moza thought, "Are they deliberately attacking us?"

Ake, who was more familiar with the terrain, took the map and looked at it, then frowned: "We are prepared, and the sneak attacks along the way are not very effective, so we..."

He glanced at Sean and changed his words: "So I didn't notice the trick here... Tsk, but it is undeniable that the sneak attack of the large Crazy Beast can easily disrupt our formation."

Acker picked up another pen and daubed it on the map.

After a moment, he raised his head in shock: "Our route has changed..."

Sean nodded: "Our route is affected by the sneak attack of the crazy beast. You see, for example, at this intersection, we are advancing under normal circumstances and should pass through this intersection... But that rat disrupted our formation. We reorganize our formation while fighting, and the battlefield will pass diagonally. After it is resolved, we will naturally move forward from the new intersection. "

He drew a crooked route forward: "So, we actually took a lot of detours, but our speed did not decrease."

Ake thought: "Because, except for the crazy beasts that sneaked up on us along the way, we basically didn't encounter any other troubles, and we rarely encountered even the ruins blocking the road... The two offset each other, and their speeds were almost the same, so we didn't notice it. …”

Sean nodded: "There is a dark zone ahead, there is no map, and our original advance route should be to enter here."

He pointed at the current location with the tip of his pen: "If we continue moving forward tomorrow, we will enter from here. It is more than twenty kilometers away from the original location."

Ake frowned and said, "You mean, someone is deliberately guiding us into the dark area of ​​the map from this entrance?"

"That's what it looks like so far." Sean clicked his tongue, "Besides, it's not necessarily a human being."

Several people raised their heads and looked at each other.

"What's next?" Ake asked Sean's opinion.

Sean thought for a while: "Go back and enter through the entrance where our normal advance route should be, and see how the crazy beasts on the road will react."

"Okay, I understand." Ake nodded, and then asked, "Is there anything else I should pay attention to? His Royal Highness."

Sean looked at the rest cabin and smiled: "This thing is valid for twenty-four hours, right?"

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