I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 305: Prison Raid

Black dove, guardhouse.

The old prison guard was bragging to the new prison guard: "No one can approach us unless you hold a special token given by His Majesty."

The new prison guard was surprised: "I heard some before I came here. Brother, is it really that exaggerated?"

The old prison guard sat down slowly: "Of course, the black pigeon is a whole. Under the control of the warden, it is like a living creature - think about it, if you are a crimson and something from the outside enters you body, can you not notice it?"

"so smart?"

"That's not all, our Black Pigeon is even more restrictive. Even if the prisoners here are not in the cell, as long as they are in the Black Pigeon building, they are no different from ordinary people. And intruders will be immediately arrested Treated as prisoners by black pigeons, deprived of their abilities.”

The old prison guard boasted and sat down on the chair. The new guard immediately took out his cigarette case and handed it to the other man's mouth.

After pressing the lighter for several times, the old prison guard smiled and said: "The entire Black Pigeon's air pressure system is specially made, and there are some things that you and I don't understand. So, just to light a fire, you have to press the lighter." Dozens of times, with good luck..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the flames ignited.

The old prison guard came up to light it with some confusion, while the rookie opposite him scratched the top of his head with a confused look on his face.

I'm thinking, I also have a sister's press?

The old prison guard did not notice that a trace of pink mist was sucked into the chest along the cigarette holder, nor did he notice that there was another person in the room.

After hearing the short story, Sean applauded, then shook off the flame in his hand and walked out of the guard room in a swagger.

He had found the key he wanted.

Sean whistled carelessly, but no warning or prisoner noticed him.

This is the ability he brought after being promoted to Crimson, the fox magic.

In fact, it is an enhanced version of illusion. However, illusion needs to be matched with the surrounding environment, the user's own familiarity and other factors to have the greatest effect.

Sean discovered that when the fox magic is combined with Mio Thirteen's concealment of gray mist, coupled with his deceitful heart, he can almost live like a transparent person.

Of course, this swaggering illusion can only last for about half an hour. The price you need to pay is that the body becomes fragile within the next hour. At the same time, for some reason, the etheric layer where the etheric body is located will be targeted by strange things.

The former is not a big problem. When nothing happens, you can force yourself to pay the price. When something happens, you can use rituals to kill dozens of people to offset the price.

As for the latter, Sean has not yet seen the etheric creatures that can bypass the Hall of Thought.

After passing through the long corridor of Black Pigeon, Sean opened the door to the depths of the prison in front of several prison guards.

The further in, the less breath of living creatures there are, and it seems that even the prison guards rarely go to the deepest part.

The Black Pigeon is an underground prison that slopes downward. The further you go in, the more important the prisoners are.

According to the information Sean received, the third prince Bai You was imprisoned on the fifth floor from the bottom and was considered an important prisoner. The count and his wife, Zhu Zhu’s parents, were imprisoned on the fourth floor from the bottom and were actually more important than the prince. Higher.

As for the last three floors and the second floor, the imprisoned characters do not even appear in the information, and not even a little bit of information about the prisoners on the bottom floor can be found.

Sean estimates that his illusions may not be able to hide the defense measures there. Of course, he doesn't have anyone important locked inside.

Arriving at the fifth floor from the bottom, Sean turned left and right and stopped in front of Bai You's cell.

It was dark here, and one could only vaguely see through the weak light source of the only ceiling lamp in the cell.

It had only been more than ten days since the last meeting, but Bai You looked much more haggard. Even the third prince, who was not yet thirty years old, had turned white on his temples.

"Tsk, tsk, it's a good life."

Bai You raised his head in confusion, and then saw that the lock of his cell was loosened and the cell door was pushed open.

A figure slowly emerged, it was Sean.

He was actually able to bypass the defensive measures of Black Pigeon Prison... Bai You's pupils shrank.

"You came."

Sean nodded in response and put down a row of potions and several vacuum bags.

"Supplements, and some compressed food," Sean raised his head and looked around, "Compared with your environment here, it should be pretty good?"

Bai You's eyes lit up when he saw the food. Without saying a word, he stepped forward and tore the bag open, then wolfed it down.

Apparently, dry and tasteless compressed food is also a delicacy here.

Sean bent down again and placed a cigarette and several lighters on the ground.

He didn't throw it away, but lined it up neatly next to it.

Bai You noticed Sean's movements. He paused in his wolfing posture, and then quickly swallowed the food in his mouth.

Bai You raised his head and glanced at the open cell door behind Sean: "You are more reputable than I thought. However, even if the cell door is opened, I can't get out."

Sean chuckled softly: "If you can go out, I have to put you back in, otherwise I will be discovered. The main purpose of coming here this time is to give you something to make your life easier."

Originally, Sean didn't plan to take a detour, but Lan Ke'er was really working hard during this period. Somehow, when he looked at Bai You, he always felt a sense of kindness coming over him.

Bai You ate much slower this time. He chewed the food in his mouth and said calmly: "When will your plan start to be implemented?"

Sean shrugged: "There's no rush at the moment, the empire is at war, which is a bit delayed."

"War?" Bai You frowned.

Prisoners have no information channels and cannot know what is happening in the outside world.

He casually told Bai You about the outside world, and the latter frowned: "This sounds like a creature from the other side of the sea."

Sean asked: "So sure?"

Bai You shook his head: "I'm not sure, but I usually like to collect various rumored information. Moreover, I have thought about whether I can cross the violent sea. Although it turned out to be impossible in the end, I also collected a lot. thing."

He continued: "The legend of the violent sea is just spread, and there is no information within the imperial capital. But I have been to several tribes on the seaside. The old people there said that they have seen the creatures on the other side of the sea. Rumor has it that they look like they have a head. The appearance of humans with shark heads will be slightly different at different times of the day, and everyone is a good diver.”

Sean frowned, this was inconsistent with the enemy corpses he saw.

Noticing Sean's expression, Bai You pursed his lips: "According to rumors, they are very good at hiding, can blend into the water, and can swim in the sand... I can't remember the specific information. If my residence is still If it has not been seized, you can go to the study and have a look. The secret door is above the seventh ornament on the left hand side of the entrance. It twists three left and four right. The password is..."

Bai You was much more cheerful when they last met. It seems that these days of prison life have made him grow up a lot.

After writing down the password, Sean stood up and waved his hand: "Let's go."

"Whenever you implement the plan, come to me at any time."


Sean's figure disappeared into the cell, and the cell door was closed again.

After watching in ecstasy for a while, Bai You picked up the food in his hand and stuffed it into his mouth, swallowing it in one gulp.

After drinking another bottle of supplements, he stuffed the rest under the straw mat.

When the tattered straw mat is lifted up, you can see the pale names scratched with fingernails on it. They are densely packed and all are white thoughts.

Descending to the fourth floor from the bottom, Sean looked around.

The space is getting smaller and smaller. There are about thirty cells on Bai You's floor, and half of them contain people.

By the time we got here, only half of the cell was left, and the cell here didn't even have the ceiling lamp with almost no brightness. The light source of the entire floor relied on the only lamp in the corridor.

It's extremely quiet here, and from time to time you can hear the broken breathing and the sound of water dripping in the cell.

"Tsk, life is even more difficult here."

With just a few cells, Sean quickly found his target.

Two middle-aged men, a man and a woman, were locked in adjacent cells. This seemed to be the last mercy.

They leaned weakly against the wall, each stretched out a hand from the railing, and held each other weakly but stubbornly.

This seemed to be the last thought of the count and his wife.

Both of them were extremely thin. If it weren't for the characteristic information Zhu Zhu gave him, Sean wouldn't be able to recognize their true identities.

Sean revealed his figure slightly and tried to talk to the two of them.

However, it is unknown what kind of torture these two people suffered. Even if Sean suddenly appeared, they seemed to be unable to see it.

However, when Sean tried to separate the two people's clasped hands, they would crawl forward in panic, holding on to each other tightly, even though the two arms were only skin and bones.

"What kind of life are you living on the fourth to last floor? Even my illusions don't work..." After trying it, Sean shook his head helplessly and stood up.

The count and his wife were already half crazy, and Sean could even directly detect the disordered madness and despair in their etheric bodies.

In this situation for another half month, even if they do not die, they will completely become dementia, and this is dementia in which the etheric body is completely destroyed.

Here at Black Pigeon, it is very likely that the deeper you go, the greater the damage to the etheric body will be, and this erosion is unconscious, and it is impossible for prisoners whose abilities are bound to resist.

"No wonder I can't escape..." Sean muttered.

If you can't take people out directly, you still have to find a way to give them the ability to talk, but I'm afraid it won't be possible this time.

Fortunately, Sean had expected it. He took out the prepared potion, thought about it and then halved the dosage again.

The needles were pushed into the bodies of the count and his wife respectively, and as the medicine entered their bodies, a glimmer of light gradually appeared in their eyes.

However, if the deficiency is not replenished, if a large dose is used to awaken the vitality of their bodies and stimulate their mental power, I am afraid that the count and his wife will explode and die.

"Tsk, I have to find a chance to do it again."

Sean stood up and stretched.

At this moment, suddenly, the door leading to the third to last floor shook violently.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was a deafening knocking sound from behind the door, as if the people behind were trying to break open the door and escape.

"The last four floors are like this, how can the people on the third floor still have any strength left? Didn't it mean that their superpowers have been restricted and their prosthetic bodies have been dismantled..."

Sean muttered. He did not approach the door, but was lost in the air.

With this movement, the prison guards should be coming to check on the situation soon, and he has to go.

However, the knocking sound continued behind him, and Sean did not encounter any prison guards on his way up.

He frowned slightly, something happened to the black pigeon...

Sure enough, after arriving at the upper area, the noise grew louder.

"Is there a prison break?"

Sean stepped into the upper area, and what caught his eyes was an endless fire.

The prisoners imprisoned here have already rushed out of the cages. They were making trouble everywhere, and some even rushed directly to the prison guards.

The old prison guard who had lit a cigarette for Sean was in the middle of the crowd, and his arms had turned into sharp blades.

He cut a prisoner who rushed over into two pieces, and roared: "The ban on killing has been lifted. Anyone who escapes from the cell will be killed!"


The prison guards here are all good and powerful, but the prisoners did not cause any obstacles to them, but the outside.

Something was forcing them to retreat continuously.

Sean walked up the wall and casually passed through the crowd.

He finally saw the prison breakers.

The team of nearly a hundred people had already rushed into the hall of the Black Pigeon. They were shouting and killing wildly with the prison guards, and wanted to rush in fearlessly.

Their skin color is all dark brown, their necks are like entangled branches, and everyone's feet are firmly attached to the ground as if they have taken root.


Sean's pupils shrank slightly.

According to the news received before, the enemy's main force should be near Ilia City, why did another group appear here in Black Pigeon?


Sean immediately realized that this is not that team.

This is the second one.

And, even more weird, Sean found that all the enemies here are all people in the eyes? !

How is this possible...

People in the eyes are a rare phenomenon, which usually only appears in people who use other people's genes, and the closer to Crimson, the greater the probability of people in the eyes appearing.

But among all the enemies here, there are king-level, king-like, and even elite-level, but Crimson is not seen.

It is possible to be at the peak of the king level, but other levels of strength should not support the emergence of people in the eyes.

Besides, how could there be a tribe that was full of people who were in their sight...

Sean frowned as he passed the crowd shouting for help. This group of enemies was extremely crazy, and they seemed to be very good at using energy. The prison guards were gradually unable to hold on.

Slowly floating up, Sean saw that the outer gate of the Black Pigeon was closed, but more enemies were already bombarding there and trying to rush in.

A rough glance showed that there were at least more than two thousand people in the team here.

"It's the second team... It's strange, how did they rush in with so many people..."

While thinking, suddenly, a strange wave came.

Sean retreated ten meters in the air, and at the position where he just stood, an iron-black plant soared into the sky!

If he was half a step slower, he would be pierced.

Someone saw through my illusion...

Sean looked down, and finally locked his eyes on a thorn bush more than one person tall in the yard.

Noticing Sean's gaze, the thorn bush changed.

Deep red...

Just as the thought came to mind, dozens of iron-blue plants broke out of the ground and stabbed Sean!

The bushman licked the sap and looked at Sean who had escaped: "The warden is not here... who are you?"

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