I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 306 ‘Plants vs. Zombies’

Tree man?

Sean looked at the other party in surprise.

Even though the Crimson who attacked him turned into a human form, he still retained many characteristics of trees. Compared with his tribe, he seemed to be more "primitive".

Wait, tree?

Sean suddenly understood how these guys were hiding.

The most abundant thing on the wasteland is all kinds of strange plants and shrubs. These plants are not even valuable as fuel, so naturally no one will pay attention to them.

Seeing that Sean didn't speak, the tree thorns on the tree man's surface stretched and retracted, and a thick liquid flowed out, and a slightly fragrant smell filled the air.

"If you have nothing to do with the Black Pigeon Prison, then leave here."

The tree man said in a muffled voice.

Sean showed his figure, he floated in the air, and then chuckled: "Let me go?"

"Of course, what we are going to do has nothing to do with you." The tree man replied.

His limbs rooted in the ground shook, and the tree people who tried to surround Sean slowly retreated and made way.

Sean glanced around and slowly headed for the periphery.

When he was almost at the gate, he turned around and asked, "What's your name?"

The bud on the tree man's head trembled: "Wood Thorn."

"Straightforward name." Sean nodded slightly, and then floated away from the spot.

Wood Thorn did not stop him. When Sean's figure disappeared, one of his hands turned into a thick thorny vine and hit the shaky gate hard.

The gate made a creaking sound. Although it was twisted and deformed, it still firmly guarded its position.

"Continue." Wood Thorn ordered, and the other tree people followed and bombarded.

The soil at his feet squirmed and broke, and a small tree man only 40 to 50 centimeters tall came out. His head was huge, and he was riding a broken rocking car.

Although he was small, he was chubby and looked like a very large acorn. When he spoke, the cup on his head would always shake off a lot of debris.

"Thorn, why did you let him go?" Acorn's voice was like an old child, with a hint of sinisterness.

Wood Thorn said in a muffled voice: "It's not easy to deal with. My leaves are reminding me that the man is as strange and scary as wildfire."

"Wildfire? We even came over the magma, so why are we afraid of wildfire?" Acorn was a little dissatisfied.

Wood Thorn stretched out a branch and whipped the other party, and Acorn started to spin like a big top.

"Acorn, you are about to lose your original intention, and there are some things that you don't need to worry about." He glanced at the rocking car under the other party, "What time is it, and you are still picking up these rags underground."

That guy was actually called Acorn.

Wood Acorn spun several times before stopping. He said angrily: "Thorn, I am no longer a child in the soil!"

"Then prove it to me."

Wood Acorn muttered a few words in a low voice, and then he swelled a little, and the scales on the cupule floated up and flew towards the gate.

The scales slowly stuck to it, and after a short silence, continuous explosions sounded.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The scales exploded violently, and the air wave almost overturned all the other tree people. If they had not taken root in the ground immediately, many tree people would have been blown away.

The gate that had been supported for a long time finally made a mournful sound. After shaking for a while, it collapsed.

A trace of fierceness flashed in the eyes of Wood Thorn: "Kill in!"

The prison guards who were still resisting discovered this scene, and many of them shouted: "The gate is broken!"

"Where are the reinforcements?! Why haven't the reinforcements arrived yet! Why are half of the autonomous defense measures stopped!"

"The warden went to the imperial capital. Without him, the black pigeon can only exert part of its ability..."

Amid the shouting, the army of tree people rushed in.

However, just as Wood Thorn was about to deal with a few seemingly strong warnings, suddenly, a strange wind blew.

The thorns and vines flying all over the sky were actually blown off by a gust of wind!

The strongest Wood Thorn and Wood Acorn looked up instantly.

A young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes was standing in the air, his two hands dragging a wind ball, dark green and blue.


As soon as the voice of Mu Jingzhi sounded, the young man laughed loudly.

"Wind, rise!"

The fierce hurricane and the strange wind merged together, roaring into a wind dragon, and rushed straight towards the two.

Crimson middle layer!

Mu Jingzhi and Mu Acorn's eyes suddenly sank, and the former's arms suddenly broke through the steel ground and penetrated into the soil.

Dense thorns rose up and turned into a wooden wall to block the attacking wind dragon.

The wind dragon hit the wooden wall violently, and the roar of the wind and the sound of branches breaking filled the entire area. Everyone squatted down to avoid the invasion of debris.

"The Crimson Middle Layer who is good at using wind, why is it not mentioned in the information?" Mu Acorn screamed angrily.

Wood Thorn's expression remained unchanged: "Crimson middle level, the power is very strong but not stable enough, there is no such person in the database - don't stand there!"

Taking advantage of the wooden wall blocking the wind dragon, Wood Acorn finally left the broken rocking car, he climbed up the branch, his chest opened like a door, and then revealed the muzzle inside - he was actually a half-bitter weakling.

A ball of wind almost rotated with the space and was thrown directly at Wood Acorn.

Wooden Thorn roared, and dozens of branches pierced out, smashing the wind group.

And the wooden acorn finally completed the charging. After a short buzzing sound, a light green light flashed by, and everyone present felt the hair on their backs stand up.

If you are hit, there is absolutely no possibility of survival!

However, seeing that the unparalleled bombardment could not be avoided, the man actually took back a wind and blocked it on his chest.

Amid the cracking sound, the wind was completely shattered, and the young man behind the wind spit out a mouthful of blood and hit the outer wall of the building heavily.

Seeing the opportunity coming, Wood Thorn's eyes lit up, and a branch on his chest suddenly grew, and the top with a gloomy green light pierced the opponent.

Just as he was about to hit the opponent, suddenly, the surrounding storm rose, and the roar filled the entire area.

Wood Thorn's must-win attack was actually lost.

The buds on his body trembled together, as if sensing some huge danger.

"Mad man! He turned into a mad beast directly..." Mu Jingji gritted his teeth.

A life-and-death fight between the crimsons is often not so terrifying, but the man in front of him, just after contact, turned into a mad beast directly at a slight disadvantage, what else could he be but a mad man? !

A giant wolf wrapped in a two-color hurricane appeared in front of everyone.

The giant wolf was nearly ten meters tall, with one dark pupil and one light pupil, and a strange color layering on its body surface, half of it was full of vitality, and the other half was old and burnt black and yellow.

"Who are you..." Mu Jingji said coldly.

The giant wolf was not very clear-headed, he twisted his head with difficulty, saliva dripping from his fangs: "Old man... Mo... Mo Qingshan..."

As soon as the voice fell, the giant wolf rushed over with the gloomy wind.

After turning into a mad beast, his defense and destructive power were further improved, and the wooden wall that could barely block it just now was torn apart in an instant.

The severely injured Mu Jingzhi spat out a mouthful of blood, and then looked up. Mu Acorn was hit by several gusts of wind and just lost his balance in the air.

The giant wolf's bloody mouth was already open!

"There are always so many accidents..." Mu Jingzhi cursed inwardly, and then his body began to expand rapidly.

However, the expanded body just happened to touch the "treasure" left by Mu Acorn. The rocking car that had been buried underground for who knows how long bumped several times and actually made a sound.

"Dad's dad is called grandpa~ Dad's mom is called grandma~"

The intermittent breaking sound would not be taken seriously by anyone, but the giant wolf that was about to swallow Mu Acorn in one bite was stunned in place.

His face showed human fear, and then he whimpered and retreated, as if he was extremely scared.

Mu Jingzhi, who had already expanded, was stunned for a while, and he cast his eyes on the rocking car that was still singing.

The other party... is afraid of this?

A sense of absurdity arose, but Mu Jingzhi would never give up such a good opportunity.

The tree man, who had grown larger by a circle, pulled out his legs at an unimaginable speed, and the thorns all over his body emitted a metallic luster.

The fallen Wood Acorn also pulled open his chest with force, and the energy bombardment was charged again.


It disappeared.

A look of horror flashed in Wood Thorn's eyes, but the giant wolf in front of him disappeared in an instant, and his full-body pounce instantly missed, and the whole person was smashed into the outer wall.

Was he tricked?

However, the energy cannon of Wood Acorn behind him had been charged and fired directly, and the target was him!

Wood Thorn subconsciously wanted to dodge, but then found that he was stuck in the wall.


How could it be possible? My thorns can pierce the hardest rocks, how could I be stuck... someone is pulling me? !

However, the bombardment has already hit.

"Boom!" Mu Acorn used all his strength to attack Mu Jingzhi. Even though he hardened instantly, he was still hit hard. A large mouthful of dark green juice spurted out of his mouth.

What happened... Mu Jingzhi shook his head vigorously, but the severe pain in his chest proved that everything he had just experienced was real.

A figure walked out of the smoke and dust leisurely.

He put his hands behind his back, with some regret on his face.

"Unfortunately, Lao Mo still has a grudge. Alas, it's still my fault."

His tone was relaxed and casual, with an annoying sense of superiority.

Mu Jingzhi widened his eyes. It was him...

Sean went and came back.

"You..." Mu Jingzhi wanted to move, but found that the strength in his body was constantly losing. He tried his best to detect it with his instincts, and finally found out, "Illusion... Your illusion has been working all the time!"

The giant wolf that just fought with him was not a real person at all, but an illusion created by the man in front of him.

His instinct as a tree man was actually deceived!

Suddenly, a bone-chilling chill rose.

Sean whistled and said lazily: "What else? Tsk, you say you are the kind of person, I just sneaked out, you found it, you wanted to attack me, and it would be fine if the attack failed, but you pretended to be generous and let me leave, you really took all the good things."

Mu Jingji still couldn't believe it. He had clearly seen through the other party once, how could he be deceived again.

But how could he know that Sean's illusion was not at the strongest level at all.

Concealment, fox magic and self-deception, for Sean, this is a practical level.

However, his deceitful heart is the ability that truly transcends concepts. As long as I am willing to pay a sufficient price, then I can deceive you.

This is a perfect match for Apat's fox magic.

But what few people know is that once exposed to fox magic, the enemy the opponent has to face is no longer Sean.

The lie comes true - Sean inherited Apat's ability. He can add the enemies he has faced in the illusion, and even develop the opponent's abilities to a certain extent.

Therefore, Sean merged the two wind-type vetoes he encountered.

The old man surnamed Mo was brought by Gao Qingshan and Viscount Rhodes.

In order to make up for the lack of power without proliferation, Sean fused the two together and added something he had seen before - the crazy beast transformation of the Snake King.

Although all this is very unstable, it is enough as a temporary part of the illusion.

Of course, after all this is done, everything is dominated by "Mo Qingshan", and Sean is just the host who brings the actors to the stage.

Somewhat surprisingly, Lao Mo was frightened by his own rocking car at first, but he actually retained it after making the illusion.

Sean sighed with emotion: "We still need to make progress."

On the other side, Mu Jingjia looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief. He finally understood that he had fallen into trouble.

Twisting with difficulty, he said in a deep voice: "Friend, since you sneaked into Black Pigeon, it means that you are not from the empire. Although I was the one who took the liberty first, at least I didn't have murderous intentions towards you... There is no need to kill everyone, right? "

Sean scratched his itchy neck and said calmly: "Look at people like you, you just do what you do, and you have to have double standards. Unlike me, who is always shamelessly straightforward."

Mu Jingjia's eyes lit up slightly, and he continued in a deep voice: "I apologize to you and will make it up to you, how about it? We just came for the Black Pigeon, and there is one of our companions locked inside."

"Companion, who is it?" Sean stretched his neck and scratched his lower part.

"It's not convenient to tell you, but my compensation will definitely count."

Sean showed a slightly moved expression: "What about?"

"For example..." Wood Thorn's eyes suddenly widened, and the only movable branch stretched out, "Spore, do it!"

Then, Sean held the protruding thorn in his palm with one hand.

The imagined spores did not appear.

How is it possible... The spores are here...

Sean smiled: "Playing tricks on me? By the way..."

He turned his other hand, which had been placed behind his back, as if the thorns had been struck by lightning.

A woman's head was lifted by him. She was already dead, and her hair hung down like dandelions.

"Spores... spores..."

Sean smiled and threw the head in front of the wood thorn: "According to your name, this girl should be called wood spore?"

"You... how dare you... how dare you kill Spore!" A heart-rending roar sounded, and a large amount of light green juice overflowed from the surface of Wood Thorn's body, and its size expanded again.

Sean said disgustedly: "You said you let me go, but you still kept reserve troops outside to intercept and kill me. Now that I killed your people, it's my fault. Tsk, you are so shameless... Oh, no, you tree."

The size of the wood thorn is still expanding, his branches are twisted in strange ways, and the pollution aura can no longer be suppressed.

Sean showed a look of surprise: "Crazy animal transformation? And it's an explosive type? Do you have the habit of accumulating energy? That's right, trees, photosynthesis, by the way, you have so many plants, where are the zombies? They are not here?"

"Death!" Mu Jingjia's eyes were red, and a huge momentum exploded.

Then Sean reached out with a finger and he poked the air gently.

The wooden thorns that had just erupted were like a balloon being punctured. In his incomprehensible eyes, he quickly shrank, and his momentum instantly weakened.

"How is it possible...wait, my proliferation!"

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