I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 307 I am best at having fun with everyone

Woodthorn felt that his power was declining rapidly, and the crazy beast could not even maintain its form.

My own proliferation was attacked...

He looked at Sean in disbelief. How could the other person know the location of his proliferation?

Sean sneered: "You don't think your proliferation is well hidden, do you? You can tell it's underground with your butt."

Power was rapidly dissipating, his proliferation destroyed by unknown means.

Wooden Thorns moved his body with difficulty. Wherever he looked, Wooden Oaks had fallen to the ground and passed out. The other members of his tribe seemed not to notice this at all and were still attacking fiercely.


His eyes widened.

They didn't break through the Black Pigeon's defense at all, they were still outside the gate.

Among all the people, the man in front of him accurately pulled himself and the wooden acorn into the illusion?

Opposite him, Sean was lazily leaning against the wall, surrounded by tree people who were shouting to kill him.

"Aren't you going to tell me where you are from, where you are going, and what you are going to do?"

Wooden Thorns said nothing. Suddenly, his body that could barely move trembled, and the fragrance that Sean had smelled before spread out again.

Sean looked up curiously. This scent seemed to be part of his body. The effect...

Can you break the illusion?

It's not really restrained, but rather like using the influence on the real level to enhance the influence on the etheric level.

After all, fox magic requires eroding the opponent's mental power to activate, and the main battlefield can also be counted as being on the etheric layer.

That scent has quite a disturbing effect...

As he thought about it, the aroma spread to the surroundings in a strange and unstoppable way.

The tree people who were about to break the door were stunned for a moment. Immediately, they noticed that Wooden Thorns, who was still in the team just now, had arrived at the broken wall at some point, lying powerlessly in it, covered with injuries.

The always irritable and willful Wooden Acorn fell to the ground silently, his life or death unknown.

There was only one man standing lazily beside them, looking at them amusingly.

It was that person just now...

The tribe's pheromones were transmitted much faster than shouting, and the thought of Wooden Thorns immediately came to everyone's mind.

Without any hesitation, the tree people who were still besieging the gate went straight towards Sean.

The poisonous wood thorns flew like bullets washing the ground, and they were so dense that it was impossible to find any gaps.

Xiao En's eyes shone slightly, You Ye shone out, and the rusty energy blade cut into a circular arc with one strike.

After all the wooden thorns were swept away, Xiao En looked at You Ye with a regretful expression: "Your poison is not good either. It is not as good as Poison City's. It is not even worth absorbing. Is there anything new?"

As soon as the words fell, the three king-level peaks roared and took a step forward. The limbs of the three people were connected together, and a huge flower bone emerged from the top of their heads and bloomed quickly.

Sean looked up in surprise, only to see that the evil dome directly above him opened up briefly for a moment, and a stream of natural sunlight poured down and fell on the center of the flower.

"Can you still open the evil dome? What kind of trick is this..."

Just as they were saying in surprise, the three people connected together lowered their heads, and the huge flowers that absorbed the sunlight were aimed at Sean.


A ray of yellow-white light pierced the air at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye, and the buds of the tree people around the scorching ground were a little wilted.

"Sunshine Flame, Sunny Team?" A man's laughter rang out in the smoke.

No one could understand his nonsense, but the bramble suddenly raised its head.

Another burst of pheromones emitted.

Standing at the back of the entire team, a group of women with green drops of water on their earlobes raised their hands and recited unknown and obscure prayers.

Sean, who was about to find out, was slightly startled, and then an unimaginable sting appeared directly in his mind.

The stinging pain was like a tarsal maggot, and no matter how much Sean used his mental power to suppress it, he couldn't get rid of it.

"Continue to attack and spray out all the poisonous mist!" Wood Thorn roared angrily.

Poisonous mist of various colors overflowed from the heads, ears, pores and other parts of different tree people. They merged in the air and even turned into colorful colors.

Even if you close your mouth and nose, you can still feel the toxicity of the stimulation.

Sean rubbed his temples and looked at the wooden thorn.

"Where did your ability to detect come from? Are you born in this clan? Or did you have some adventure?"

Mu Jingji struggled to wipe away the green blood from the corner of his mouth, and said in a deep voice: "The price you paid when killing the spores was not small, right? I admit that you are very strong, but without the illusion, that's all."

Sean nodded appreciatively: "You are so sharp."

In order to quickly kill the reserve troops ambushing nearby and the woman named Wood Spore, Sean used his deceitful heart and paid a heavy price.

His mental power was messed up, and Sean's respiratory system was extremely fragile after paying the price for targeted deception.

Unexpectedly, Wood Thorns discovered this quickly.

Moreover, this group of tree people seems to be very familiar with team combat. Various abilities can be used in combination, and there are even types in various directions.

Mu Jiajia dragged his broken body, his eyes full of hatred: "Kill the spores, and you should pay with your life."

Sean shook his painful head, frowned and looked at the other party:

"You are so... simple even though you are already deep red. It seems that there are not many intrigues in the place where you tree people live."

"Hmph, a bunch of thieves! You enjoy the fertile land, but you just ruin it into ruins. You have no mother, no faith, and you don't deserve to enjoy this land!"

Thieves? Mother? Faith?

Sean tried to think more, but his head that was about to explode no longer supported him to think deeply.

A group of tree people who seemed to be able to fight in hand-to-hand combat had approached, and those female tree people who could carry out mental attacks increased the frequency again.

"It should be said that other deep reds may not be able to deal with this group of kings..."

Sean sighed slightly.

Then, he gently hooked his fingers.

In an instant, the scene seen by all the tree people changed.

In the field of vision, countless of their compatriots were crying, the rotten branches in their hearts tried to spread out of their chests, and the nameless evil ghosts grabbed their compatriots' necks.

Murderous intent and madness surged.

In Mu Jingzhi's eyes, his fellow tribesmen who were still approaching suddenly stopped, and then they went crazy and killed their compatriots!

"What are you doing?!" Mu Jingzhi looked at this scene in disbelief.

He saw that the people he knew dug out his brother's heart, cried and bit his wife, and the priests who had lived with him since childhood robbed their companions' green earlobes like crazy, and then hung the green earlobes like water drops on themselves and hugged the people around them, and their heads exploded.

The densely packed tree people fought together, and this place instantly turned into a purgatory on earth.

"It's you... What did you do?!" He looked at Sean with bloodshot eyes.

And Sean was holding one hand, and the blood-red mist overflowed from the bodies of the dead tree people, slowly gathering in his palm.

He threw the energy sphere condensed by the blood mist back and forth as if tasting a delicacy, and finally put it into his body.

"Hu..." Sean let out a long breath.

He looked at Wood Thorn with gratitude: "Fortunately, if you weren't so many, my price wouldn't be offset... I feel much better now."

Wood Thorn was horrified to find that he could no longer see the opponent's weaknesses in his God-given eyes.

The lives of his own people became fertile soil for him to offset his weaknesses.

"Who are you?!"

Sean tidied his clothes and let the tree people behind him kill each other.

He didn't answer the other party's question, but smiled and said: "I'm not good at frontal combat... I'm more used to having fun with everyone."

A screaming tree man seemed to have regained some clarity, and he rushed towards Sean with red eyes.

However, Sean didn't even turn his head.


A branch pierced the chest of the tree man, and the branch came from his companion.

Sean was still collecting mist in his hand, and he slowly walked towards Wood Thorn.

"Your race is very interesting. You are naturally very sensitive to my illusions. Does this mean that there is not much deception in the place where you live? Tsk, it's very similar to a friend of mine. She is naturally very sensitive to energy."

"Moreover, your qualities in all aspects are better than those of us here... plus your special abilities, no wonder the elite troops of the empire were caught off guard by you."

Sean walked to the front of Wood Thorn and slowly squatted down. He bit a piece of the energy ball in his hand like eating marshmallows.

He laughed: "But the essence is still the same. At least, I taste the same as others."

"You are a demon..." Wood Thorn gritted his teeth tightly.

Sean frowned slightly: "Why are you cursing?"

He sighed: "Okay, tell me where you are from, is it really the other side of the violent sea?"

Wooden Thorn stared at him intently, and finally smiled: "The fertile land should be enjoyed by her people, not you thieves. When the people of the Holy Tree completely step on this continent, you will pay the price you deserve. No one can escape, including you."

"Riddler is boring..." Sean's complaints stopped abruptly.

Wooden Thorn stared with big eyes, and his body disintegrated like a rapidly decaying branch.

A huge power that can be sensed merged into the land under his feet in a gentle way.

"Feedback?" Sean didn't have time to stop the other party from committing suicide. To be precise, his illusion couldn't stop the other party's disintegration.

Not only Wood Thorn, but even the unconscious Wood Acorn and the remaining group of tree people who were fighting were also directly degraded in the same weird way.

"Is your method of destroying corpses so convenient?" Sean muttered.

The head of the wood spore seemed to be degrading at the place where he was facing away, but if you look closer, you can notice that the head has sunk into the ground.

Soon, everything turned into 'fertile soil'.

Sean stood up and stretched his body. He touched the back of his head, where an eyeball covered by skin and flesh turned around.

"Tsk, it's really troublesome. No wonder the imperial army suffered such a big loss."

He looked inside the black pigeon. The tree people there did not degrade. They didn't know what happened outside and were still fighting with the prison guards.

Sean thought about it, then smiled slightly and left here.


"Where are the reinforcements? Why haven't they arrived yet?!"

This time, the people shouting out were from two sides. Not only the prison guards, but also the group of tree people who sneaked in first were also roaring loudly.

However, the empire's reinforcements arrived first after all.

A group of troops dressed in red were not rejected by the black pigeons. They went straight in, aiming directly at the tree people.

The tree people realized that something was wrong, but they still couldn't understand that there might be something wrong with the troops outside.

Without any hesitation, these tree people began to degrade on the spot.

However, a man wearing a black mask grabbed the two leading tree men by the necks, and the two men discovered that their clan's degradation method had been blocked in some special way.

With a little force, the two tree men fainted.

Peace finally ushered in the black pigeon that shouted for death, but the corpses of prison guards and prisoners all over the place reminded everyone that a huge accident had just happened.

The man wearing the black mask raised his head slightly and walked quickly towards the underground. Along the way, he kept scanning the surroundings and did not stop until the fourth floor from the bottom.

He looked at the other prisoners, including the count and his wife, and finally set his sights on the door leading to the third to last floor.

The huge knocking sound that Sean heard here has disappeared. The man stepped forward and did some unknown inspection, and finally retreated slowly.

The dim ceiling lamp in the corridor fell down, illuminating the pattern on his black mask, which was a leaf.

There were footsteps again, and the warden of Black Dove finally arrived.

The warden glanced around and finally turned his attention to the masked man.

"How?" he asked.

The latter shook his head: "It doesn't matter... But it's strange. The other party shouldn't be able to break into the Black Pigeon... Mr. Warden, I think you need to explain it to His Majesty."

The warden choked and said in a bad tone: "I am reporting in the imperial capital. Anyone who is not rejected by Black Pigeon will never be brought by me!"

"That has nothing to do with me..." the masked man said calmly, and then he looked at the exit, "Not only did the other party have so many people, they were also attacked outside."

The warden frowned: "Where are the people outside?"

The masked man shook his head: "I don't know, it should be solved... The talents outside should be the main force. This shows that the mysterious man is very strong, very strong."

"Mystery man?"

The masked man nodded and took steps: "I'm going back to report to His Majesty, and I'll leave the rectification work to you."

He left Black Dove, and the warden was alone in the office, having a lot of anger.

However, what they didn't notice was that the blood flowing from the corpses slowly gathered into the sewer and slowly flowed towards the deepest part of the prison.

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