I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 308: Habits and a sense of identity

"Teacher, these are all the reports sent back."

At the military command post, the usually majestic Marshal Wu Xiao lowered his head with respect on his face.

And the only person who can make him like this is Prince Bai Youming, who has disappeared for a while recently.

Bai Youming glanced at it a few times after taking it, and then frowned slightly: "Black Pigeon was attacked? And he chose the point where the warden entered the imperial capital?"

Wu Xiao nodded: "You know, Black Pigeon needs the warden to be around all the time in order to exert all its abilities. The other party happened to choose this node to attack and caught Black Pigeon off guard. Half of the prison guards were killed or injured, and the highest-ranking prisoners were also blamed for attacking the police. And most of them were killed.”

"Not only the nodes, but if there are just a few people there are some theories, how did so many people get in without telling the black pigeon?" Bai Youming's frown became more and more intense.

Wu Xiao lowered his head: "We haven't investigated it yet."

Bai Youming was not angry this time. He just picked up the report and read it.

After a moment, he thought: "There was a battle at the gate, but there were no corpses left?"

"That's true after the survey."

Wu Xiao frowned slightly: "According to our speculation, only the opponent's vanguard should have walked in, and then Black Pigeon closed the door. And judging from the scale, there should be a deep red-level strong man outside the door. "

Bai Youming raised his legs directly to the conference table: "It won't take that long for support to arrive..."

"That's true, so we believe that an unknown strong man took action to drive away the troops attacking the gate." Wu Xiao said.

"Unknown strong man?" For some reason, Bai Youming smiled, and he looked at Wu Xiao, "Xiao Wu, judging from the only contact records with the enemy before, can you easily defeat such a team? "

Wu Xiao said calmly: "Yes, and it doesn't require much effort. However, it will take some time when there are a large number of people."

Bai Youming nodded: "After all, the opponent is a weird race that can defeat several elite troops in the military... So, who do you think this unknown strong man is?"

Wu Xiao thought for a while: "It's not certain yet, but what is certain is that the opponent should have reached the upper level of Crimson, or the middle level of Crimson who is very good at dealing with group enemies. According to our database, the entire empire can do Not many people get to this point.”

"Going to check?" Bai Youming asked.

Wu Xiao nodded: "I checked, especially within the imperial capital. However, according to the information from all parties, those few will not appear near Black Pigeon. I tend to be a strong man who lives in seclusion."

"Hermitage?" Bai Youming smiled, "Why would a hermit go to Black Pigeon's place when there is nothing to do? The enemy invaded, and Black Pigeon's place is to the north and it's all bare. What's the point?"

Wu Xiao was slightly startled: "Teacher, you mean, that person himself also went for Black Pigeon? Did he just happen to meet him?"

Bai Youming said leisurely: "Not bad...but I didn't expect that he could successfully deal with so many people."

Wu Xiao frowned habitually. Hearing this, the teacher had already guessed who the unknown strong man was? did not expect? This shows that the opponent's apparent strength may not be that strong...wait...

He asked: "Solved? Teacher, do you think all those enemies have been solved?"

Bai Youming turned his head and glanced at him dissatisfied: "Xiao Wu, your acuity is getting lower and lower. Sure enough, you should not have been allowed to be the marshal of the empire in the first place. Your vigilance and acuity have been wasted in vain."

Wu Xiao lowered his head in embarrassment: "The teacher taught me a lesson."

Bai Youming then said: "Didn't the two people who were captured commit suicide? In the way of plant degradation."

Wu Xiao nodded: "There is no interrogation yet. They had done something similar when they were caught but were stopped. However, it seems that they only need to accumulate some strength to complete this self-degradation."

"That means that the group of people who attacked the gate have degraded themselves."

Such a firm judgment... Wu Xiao thought deeply for a while, then nodded: "What the teacher said makes sense..."

Bai Youming raised his eyebrows: "That makes sense, so you haven't made any move yet?"

Wu Xiao was stunned for a moment, then quickly understood.

"Someone's coming."

The guards ran in, and Wu Xiao said in a deep voice: "Pass on my order, all troops should destroy any wasteland plants they encounter during the advance! Send a message to the Security Bureau, and they will destroy the vegetation around the imperial capital. In addition, let them destroy the vegetation around the imperial capital." The army in the Ilia area was an exception. They sent people to kill the nearby vegetation, release the gophers, and detect the underground water flow. "

"Yes, Marshal!"

Wu Xiao called out to the guards who were about to run out, and ordered again: "Assemble all the members of the Third Army and the Fourth Army. When ready, we will advance towards the violent sea. I will give you five hours!"

"As you command, Lord Marshal!"

Bai Youming nodded: "I still haven't forgotten it."

Wu Xiao turned around, and the marshal's aura disappeared again. He frowned and asked, "Teacher, is the legend true? Is there really some kind of creature on the other side of the violent sea?"

Bai Youming's tone was slightly serious: "When other possibilities are eliminated, the rest becomes the truth. The tree people... are a strange race."

He stood up: "You are in charge of the military department. Don't let me down, Xiao Wu."

"I understand, teacher."

It was dark, and even those who had returned home early because of the curfew heard a lot of footsteps.

Only when the army stationed on the south side of the imperial capital had a large number of troops, would so many people cross the entire imperial capital at the same time.

On the top floor of the high-rise villa, through the huge one-way floor-to-ceiling glass, you can see the imperial army marching quickly not far away.

Even the woman who was working hard turned her head slightly and looked at all this in confusion.

"More than 100,000 people... Why did the imperial army suddenly make such a big move." Lam said a little puzzled.

Sean put his hand on her head, indicating that the woman should continue the work that had not been completed before.

Although she knew that the floor-to-ceiling glass in front of her was one-way and no one could see such a long distance from the bottom up, Lam still felt a little ashamed, and there seemed to be a chill in her body.

Looking up at Sean sitting on the recliner, Lam bit her lip slightly, and she moved the carpet under her to make herself more comfortable when kneeling.

Immediately, the unfinished work continued.

Sean let out a long sigh of satisfaction.

He casually revealed a little about the situation of Black Pigeon and White Worry to Lam. This woman was the first time to ask to help him do this.

I have to say that this sense of accomplishment is quite exciting.

Letting Lam "work" diligently, Sean cast his eyes out the window.

So many troops acted together in the middle of the night. It seems that the military has fully reacted.

He deliberately left a group of people in Black Pigeon. Regardless of whether they were caught alive or not, the military would be able to learn a lot of information.

Moreover, the traces of battle outside the gate have not been eliminated. Sean believes that the other party should soon see the key to the situation.

In the case that there is still an enemy army in Ilia City, the enemies appearing near Black Pigeon are particularly eye-catching.

And this obviously reveals one point: the enemy is pouring into the territory of the empire.

So many days have passed. If the empire still cannot find the source of the enemy, it proves that the empire's military is now full of useless people who eat empty salaries.

However, with Baiyouming taking care of things from time to time, the possibility of this happening is very small.

So, it's not that the military didn't explore the source, but that it really couldn't find the source.

Combining the previous situation and the location and route of the enemy, smart people will naturally turn their attention to the violent sea.

This will be enough to prove that the enemy really came from the other side of the coast.

"But I didn't tell them that the enemy can disguise as trees... Forget it, it should be something that can be thought of with a little brain."

Sean muttered, then leaned back and continued to enjoy Lan Fei's top service.

During this period, Cheryl and Moza had their own things to do, and the gang bosses had been acting according to Sean's instructions. Xiao Ci and Zhu Zhu basically lived in the mirror space, and no one could pass messages back and forth between the two camps as conveniently as Zhu Zhu.

Sean, who was still a dead man in the outside world, was of course happy to be idle. Living with Lan Keer, he had no worries about food and clothing, and had the service of a beauty every day. He was so happy.

Sean reached out and touched Lam's smooth cheek. Although the mature woman was not very skilled in her business, she gradually began to understand Sean's preferences during this period of time, and immediately became more and more forceful.

Sighing with satisfaction, Sean picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

To be honest, Lam was a mature woman, but her experience in all aspects was similar to that of Qiong Ying, and he spent a lot of time to develop and train her.

However, after the development, Lam brought more surprises.

I don't know if it was because she had been holding back for a long time or was born to be suitable for these love affairs, Lam became more and more skilled, and from time to time she would take the initiative to ask for it, which made Sean enjoy it.

Lam, who was under him, didn't think so much. Although her cheeks were a little painful, she still tried to please the man in front of her.

Lam didn't know what was wrong with her. At first, her heart was full of humiliation and shame, and Sean's direct move into her residence made her despair. However, now, those bad emotions have almost stopped surging, and more, there is a wonderful sense of satisfaction.

Although Sean often made her do some indescribable shameful things, it must be said that after getting used to it, the shame faded a lot.

Moreover, apart from those things, Sean is simply the most perfect partner.

When the two began to get familiar with each other, Lam occasionally revealed some thoughts that only close people knew.

Surprisingly, Sean was not as violent and irritable as he seemed. On the contrary, he was an excellent listener.

His handsome appearance and serious and gentle attitude always made people unconsciously feel good about him.

Lam, who had no close people around her, unconsciously revealed a lot of her thoughts, and Sean not only played the role of a listener perfectly, but he was also a wise and gentle gentleman.

He could always judge the true meaning of what he said in time, and expressed his thoughts seriously when necessary, and comforted people with his gentle and humorous language style when not necessary.

In a trance, Lam felt that Sean seemed to be really different from others.

Because, no matter what, after the queen's death, she was regarded as the blue concubine in the world. No matter who faced her, she was respectful. Even if she occasionally talked about some more personal topics, others were either flattering or just. Advise her to put herself in Concubine Lan's perspective and think about it.

She lived as Concubine Lan just as others expected.

But Sean is different. He regards himself as a woman, an ordinary woman who has physical and psychological needs.

And he constantly made himself feel ashamed, angry, speechless, happy, and satisfied in these two aspects...

Lan Keer felt in a daze that she seemed to have truly become a woman now, and that sense of recognition that was difficult to describe in words was constantly eroding her not-so-strong heart.

This sentiment was further amplified yesterday.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally gave Sean the unknown record she had "painstakingly collected".

As she expected, Sean looked surprised.

He hugged himself and listened to those few songs quietly in the afternoon garden.

Just as Lan Keer was waiting for the evaluation with some anxiety, she unexpectedly heard Sean say: "You sang it, right?"

Lan Keer tried to defend, but she also wanted to admit it.

Then, she heard Sean say: "I wasn't sure when I heard it for the first time, but after hearing it so many times, I'm sure...it sounds good, Ke'er."

As if something was broken all of a sudden, Lan Keer bit her lip unconsciously, trying her best not to shed tears.

She seemed to suddenly understand what it meant to be willing.

Thinking about those things in her mind, Lan Ke'er worked harder and harder. On the one hand, she was grateful for his care for Bai You, but on the other hand, it was because of herself...

She heard the sound in the man's throat, and she knew what was going to happen next as she was used to it.

After passing a few bold and shy thoughts, Lan Keer did not move her head away this time, but simply closed her eyes and took a step further.

"Why didn't you hide this time?" Sean asked with a smile.

Lan Ke'er, who had just come back from brushing her teeth, had a blush on her face. She turned her head unnaturally: "According to your personality, it will happen sooner or later. It's better to get used to it sooner..."

Sean laughed, and immediately he pulled a box and pushed it in front of the other party.

Lan Keer said with some uncertainty: "For me?"

"Well, let's see if you like it."

With some apprehension, Lan Keer opened the packaging box, and what appeared in front of her was a record player that was brand new but looked very outdated.

"This is..." Lan Ke'er froze on the spot.

Sean stretched out: "I've been looking for it for a long time, but this model has been discontinued a long time ago. The manufacturer feels that this kind of record player with recording is too bloated. In addition, with the development of science and technology, record players that can better display the quality of records are constantly coming. When it came out, this thing had not been seen for a long time.”

Lan Keer raised her head blankly, her eyes filled with mist.

Sean smiled and said: "It's not a valuable thing, but I think that kind of 'fake' convenience and flawed voice may be more suitable for a little girl who loves to sing."

Before he finished speaking, Lan Keer had already thrown herself into his arms.

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