I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 309 This is the human heart

The warm and fragrant nephrite in her arms exudes heat from her mature and graceful body.

Sean didn't expect that Lan Ke'er would become so emotional after just giving him a small gift.

He habitually made all preparations. Ever since he heard that Lan Ke'er was a debut singer, he went to collect her works from that year.

Due to her future status as Concubine Lan, except for some works that can indeed be called art, Lan Keer's other works almost never appear on the market. However, Sean's gang information network can always help him find something.

For example, the theater where Lan Keer learned to sing, the teacher who taught her for a few days, the owner of the dessert shop next to the theater, etc.

When everything comes together, it makes sense what to do.

Lan Ke'er has never been a woman with deep wealth and strong personality. Although she is Concubine Lan, she has been essentially protected and grown up, and all the education she has received is related to becoming a concubine in the future.

After the queen's death, Lan Ke'er was favored, but this favor had nothing to do with the emperor. It was not because she had two eldest sons, Bai You and Bai Si, and the other princes' mothers were unable to compete for power.

She lives in the palace all year round. Although she can get what she wants, her status as Concubine Lan often hinders her personal wishes.

Glancing at Lan Keer, who was shrinking in his arms, Sean patted her back gently, with a calm look in his eyes.

It was easier to succeed than he thought. Now that he thought about it, even if he didn't use Bai You to threaten, it wouldn't be difficult to lure away Lan Ke'er's soul.

However, Sean has always been a lazy dog ​​and is never polite when he can take shortcuts.

Lan Ke'er raised her head after a long time. The emotions that had just surfaced had calmed down a lot, and now she realized that she had shrunk into the other person's arms like a little woman in love.

Perhaps due to her status, or perhaps considering Sean's previous threat, she stiffly wanted to get up, and at the same time she felt some inexplicable regret in her heart.

I completely lost my mind...

With this thought in his mind, Lan Keer got up from Sean's arms with some embarrassment.

However, Sean did not stop her and allowed her to get up, but a sense of loss could not help but surge up again.

Looking at Sean's calm face, an indescribable feeling came to my heart.

Why doesn't he seem to care at all...

Sean really didn't care. He stretched out his hand to help Lan Ke'er straighten the slightly wrinkled pajama skirt, and even put down the Lan Ke'er's lifted nightgown, covering her fair and pink thighs.

He just covets Lan Keer's body, and the other person's unique identity is of great value, and he is not here to fall in love.

Moreover, this is fundamentally different from falling in love, unlike his little maid Qiong Ying, who has completely returned to his heart and is the time when she should be pampered.

Lan Keer is different. She is currently in the ambiguous period of temptation, and the most taboo thing at this time is to give women a sense of security.

The emotional value has been given, the sense of security has been given, and the sense of life she desires has been given, so what else does she lack?

When love sprouts, the most interesting moment is never the passionate love, but the offense and defense between men and women.

Moreover, Sean likes to stand in the position of winner. He needs to bury his surrender deep in his heart.

Faced with Lan Keer's hopeless and extremely complicated expression, Sean arranged her clothes as usual and stood up immediately.

"Leaving?" Lan Keer asked subconsciously.

Then her face turned red. What she was asking sounded like a little woman who was waiting hard for her sweetheart to come home and was resentful when she learned that the other person had to leave.

Sean stretched out his hand, lightly placed a finger on the corner of her lips, and slowly slid it into the woman's mouth.

"What, you can't bear to leave me?"

Lan Ke'er licked it out of habit, then moved her head away stiffly, and whispered: "No..."

Sean took his hand back in time and stretched.

"The enemy's invasion should be quite powerful this time. I have to take care of some things in advance."

Talking about this, Lan Keer's chaotic thoughts finally found an anchor. She was half a flower vase and knew a little bit about state affairs.

"With such a large number of night marches, the Imperial Army has already found the enemy's base camp?" she asked with a frown.

Sean walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, and the light spot representing the Imperial Army was still moving steadily.


Lan Ke'er walked up to Xiao En and saw that the other person's brows were furrowed and worry could not be gone away on his face.

No matter what, at least he still cares about the empire...

Thinking of this, Lan Keer asked: "What are you worried about?"

Sean pursed his lips, not hiding his worry: "This time, something is not right."

Lan Ke'er thought deeply and said, "Something is indeed wrong. The empire's army has been weakened for a long time."

Sean shook his head: "There may be something wrong with the enemy beyond our imagination."

"Beyond imagination?" Lan Keer didn't quite understand.

In her thinking and inherent impression, the empire will always be invincible. Even if it is a rare loss now, now that the opponent's base camp has been found, it is only a matter of time before the enemy is completely eliminated.

The next second, Sean said what was in her mind: "You think the Imperial Army is still invincible, right?"

Looking at the other party's expression, although he was a little unsure, Lan Ke'er still nodded.

Sean chuckled: "Not only you, other people will think so, right?"

Lan Keer continued to nod, this is human nature.

Sean leisurely said: "Before this, the empire's biggest battle was the annihilation of the cyborg tribe in the southwest. The opponent's population exceeded five million, and the city they built was even more powerful."

Lan Keer subconsciously replied: "But it only took two months for the empire to destroy that tribe, and then it completely incorporated that area into its territory."

Sean nodded: "Indeed, and after that, how many years have there been no large-scale wars?"

"At least almost twenty years..." Lan Ke'er said uncertainly.

"To be precise, it's nineteen years and five months." Sean said, "Since then, the number of generals promoted by military merit has suddenly decreased a lot, and various rewards are obtained based on military merit, such as promotion to the king. Level protection, advanced crimson blood... are also very few."

Lan Ke'er was a little confused, because what Sean said was something that many people knew. The imperial military was powerful, but there really weren't many new people coming forward in recent years.

Sean chuckled: "So, how many people have you accumulated in the past twenty years?"

Lan Keer was stunned. What the other party meant was...

Sean leisurely said: "Those who want higher rights and stronger strength, many people in the military have just a few merits, but the empire is too powerful, and it is difficult to win such a few military merits... "

"This is not only the case for the military, but also for the parliament. War and plunder are always the fastest ways to obtain large amounts of resources. They have no military merit to compete for, so they can only work hard on various resources... But in recent years, the resources plundered in the early days of the empire have Where are most of them?”

Lan Keer paused and immediately replied: "Part of it has been invested in the construction of the empire, and many new projects have been developed over the years. Some of it has been rewarded to various meritorious nobles, which is what His Majesty promised. Some of it has been collected into the empire's treasury. Available for exchange…”

She clenched her fists subconsciously: "There is also part of it...because, because His Majesty's body has been invested in various research and explorations."

Sean smiled: "You understand quite well. Although the empire is a big pie, it is precisely because the empire is too strong, so... there are too many people who survive."

Lan Ke'er's breathing quickened involuntarily.

Sean's expression remained normal: "There are too many people sharing this pie, and now, there happens to be an enemy who can get more credit and even reduce the number of people sharing the pie."

Lan Ke'er's white neck twitched, and she said in disbelief: "You mean... even if the empire is powerful, there will be... a very bad situation during this military operation?"

Sean shrugged: "How bad it is depends on my father's methods and Marshal Wu Xiao's skills. However, no matter how strong an individual is, he is just an individual. There are too many people... As for the destruction of those elite troops before, On the one hand, it has to do with the enemy, and on the other hand, there may also be some problems with the reinforcements."

"But...but..." Lan Keer gritted her teeth, but didn't know what to say.

Sean leisurely said: "My father is very powerful, so powerful that everyone is afraid of him, but he can't kill everyone with thoughts. There is only one person who can control all of this, and that is Your Majesty, but Your Majesty..."

Sean didn't continue, but Lan Keer also knew.

Your Majesty is ill, but how could such a powerful man be willing to die and give up his throne? Even if there is no hope, he is still trying. This is why His Majesty has basically not interfered with state affairs in recent years.

In fact, at this point, His Majesty may care more about his own body than the Empire...

If the commanders at all levels of the front army have their own thoughts, this enemy invasion may be very difficult to solve.

By the way, there's more...

Sean saw Lan Ke'er's expression and immediately smiled and said, "Have you thought of it?"

Lan Keer pursed her lips: "Those princes..."

Yes, the eldest prince Bai Zhan has just celebrated his thirtieth birthday. How can he have the opportunity to contact the past imperial battles?

Now, the competition between several princes is almost coming to light, and this enemy invasion is obviously an excellent opportunity to make great achievements and increase one's own chips...

The eldest prince is powerful in the military, so he naturally has an advantage, but how could the other two princes be willing to watch their eldest brother make great contributions...

If something goes wrong, there might be civil strife... After all, she was born in the speaker's family, and Lan Keer still has this acumen.

She turned around and saw that Sean was frowning, as if he was thinking about what to do.

That's right... he is the crown prince, and the fight for inheritance has nothing to do with him. Moreover, Bai Youming's influence is there. In comparison, the prince's family is probably more concerned about the safety of the entire empire.

If Bai Youming is interested, if the sworn father and son get close to a certain prince, that prince will have a huge advantage. But looking at Sean's worried look now, both father and son want to solve the problems facing the entire empire first...

Lan Keer's mood was a bit complicated. When it came to selfishness, she was naturally biased towards Bai Si.

However, when Bai You's incident came out, no matter how stupid she was, she knew that it was Bai Si who used her own hands to scheme against Bai You... Where does the friendship between the emperor's family come from? Just like what her father said, she should fully support Bai Si.

However, how could a person like Lan Keer not have any grudges in his heart, how could he completely let go of Bai You...

Moreover, how could Bai Si’s behavior not be chilling...

While she was struggling, she heard Sean move his body: "Let's go. I am a dead person after all. I have to ask others to help me find out more information."

"Who are you looking for?" Lan Keer asked subconsciously.

Sean didn't answer, but came over and hugged her while she was looking at her in shock.

Still carefree, his hands wandered inside the nightgown.

"If you miss me, just touch it yourself. I still don't mind. Wait until I come back to feed you, this little coquettish hoof."

The slutty and shameless words made Lan Keer's face turn red, but she was not stupid either. Sean's implicit message was to tell her not to get involved in this matter.

Inexplicable feelings surged out, and Sean kissed her forehead and turned away.

He wanted to say something, but when he hesitated, the other party had already left here.

Looking at the empty room with some disappointment, Lan Keer sat heavily on the bed and stared at the gift Sean gave her.

After a long time, she stood up, quickly took off her nightgown and put on casual clothes.

"Come here, I want to go back to Lan's house."

The eldest prince Bai Zhan is changing into his own specially-made armor under the service of his servants. He is tall and has sharp eyebrows and starry eyes. After putting on the armor, he becomes even more majestic.

"Has the news from the front been returned?" he asked.

The servant on the side immediately replied: "Master, it has only been one night since the army set off, and with the logging order issued by the marshal, I am afraid it is still some distance from the violent sea."

Bai Zhan pulled up his collar: "That's good, I can rush over in time."

The servant whispered: "But, Master, His Highness the Prince said that other troops cannot act without his orders."

Bai Zhan frowned: "Can't I just find an excuse for the reserve troops to be attacked? As a prince, I should naturally provide support as soon as possible. If the general is out, military orders will be ignored. This is what the emperor taught me. He can’t do anything to me.”

"Yes, I understand."

Just as he was talking, a figure wearing a black hood slowly walked out of the room. From the flash of a gap, it could be seen that his chin was covered with horrific twisted scars.

"Your Highness the First Prince..." The man in black said in a hoarse voice, "As far as I know, the police force is responsible for the logging orders near the imperial capital, but the guard force is not very obedient."

Bai Zhan frowned: "You dare to disobey Marshal Wu's orders? You are very courageous."

The man in black laughed hoarsely: "After all, the Security Bureau belongs to the second prince..."

"You dare to do this?" Bai Zhan snorted coldly, "The fight will end in a fight, delaying the opportunity is too stupid!"

The man in black sneered: "The second prince is not so stupid. However, if the plants outside the city are not cut down, the military will not be able to continue to advance. They will have to do it themselves. The security team may also block it intentionally or unintentionally."

"How can you tolerate the violent temper of the military?" Bai Zhan frowned.

The man in black shook his head: "I can't bear it, so I won't go too far... But don't forget, in addition to the Security Bureau, there are also many connections between the second prince and the three major administrative regions..."

Bai Zhan's pupils shrank slightly: "I see... the second brother deliberately let others delay him. He wants to deal with the enemy troops near Ilia City by himself and take the credit."

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