I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 310 Volcanic Eruption

On the wasteland, a team is marching rapidly.

Their clothes are a little strange, and the surface looks like hollow iron armor, but every time there is a bump during the march, the gap between the armor pieces will flicker gently, looking like a bird.

If there are familiar people present, they will recognize that this is the unique armor manufacturing technology mastered by Grand Duke Yuantie, which is light and powerful while maintaining its lightness.

The team size exceeds 2,000, which can almost be said to be all the private army of Grand Duke Yuantie.

The only one who can let the only female grand duchess of the empire use her private army is her son, the second prince Bai Wen.

After Marshal Wu Xiao issued the order, Bai Wen asked the guards responsible for the surrounding areas of the imperial capital to delay the work, while letting this powerful private army rush to the Ilia political district at a high speed.

He is on good terms with the governors of the three major political districts. When Ilia City suffered a heavy blow, he sent people to help and it was not considered a violation of military orders. Moreover, the imperial army in other political districts will also echo his troops.

Bai Wen was determined to get the credit for the enemy army in Ilia City.

In the team, a man wearing armor looked around from time to time.

He was Moza.

Since he "joined" the second prince Bai Wen, the other party gave him a position of medium or small, which was not considered important or trusted, but in the case of "Sean's death", his identity was indeed still valuable.

This time to help Ilia City, Moza was entrusted with some tasks of medium or small.

It was a test to see how he performed... Moza, riding on a motorcycle-type aircraft, lowered his body slightly, with a calm expression.

The leader's voice came from the headset. The other party was called Qi Qiya, a dissolute woman, and there was often only a piece of cloth under the hollow armor.

However, Moza knew that Qi Qiya was an absolute crimson strongman, and was quite trusted by Grand Duke Yuan Tie.

The largest aircraft nearby was carrying her proliferation.

"Enter the crazy beast area, everyone, speed up, don't let me see you falling behind!" Qi Qiya's generous voice echoed in the headset.

The team did as they were told, and the energy of various aircrafts hummed loudly, and the crazy beasts in the exciting beast tide area roared one after another.

However, the team was very fast, and only a small number of those roaring crazy beasts could catch up with the team, and they were immediately killed by the hunting team.

Moza shook his head slightly, too anxious, in the case that the Security Bureau had already delayed, their progress must be ahead, and there was no need to forcefully pass through the beast tide area and make a big noise.

The eldest brother had received news early that the tree people had a special way of hiding, so Wu Xiao ordered the logging.

And the team led by Qi Qiya was just trying to gain speed...

Moza knew very well that if he was the enemy, he would definitely let the spies disguised as trees hide in various beast tide areas.

In other words, the whereabouts of this team had long been exposed to the enemy.

It's not that the team is weak. The enemy raided the energy center of Ilia City and caused a big mess, but after all, they were alone and deep in the enemy's territory, and now they must be hiding everywhere.

But since the second prince wants to take all the credit, he should ensure that all the enemies are eliminated, instead of rushing over like he is now for fear of being overtaken by others.


As expected, when Qi Qia led the elite troops to arrive, the enemy had long disappeared. Not only that, the Ilia City Imperial Army, which had been searching for the enemy, also temporarily lost the enemy's trace.

Moza stood in an inconspicuous position in the team. Until Qi Qia was dissatisfied and helpless and asked everyone to take a break temporarily, he left silently and secretly integrated into the surrounding buildings.

Moza knew very well that he would be watched all the time, and integrating into the building would definitely be noticed, but it didn't matter. Since he had already "surrendered" to the second prince, it would not be wrong to want to make a contribution to gain the right to speak.

And he left temporarily, naturally, to find the location of the enemy.

What the Ilia City Imperial Army couldn't do, the connections left by his eldest brother could do.

Moza melted into the soil, and finally revealed his figure in a ruin with no people.

He looked around and cut down all the bushes he could see. He then killed a crazy beast that pounced on him and slowly drew out its blood.

Recalling what his elder brother taught him, Moza drew blood on the ground and silently chanted prayers.

"The awakener in the deepest part, the reincarnation in the highest place, looking down on this land from the starry sky - the upper storyteller, the thief of time..."

"Your believers are longing for your gaze, please cast your eyes, let the beloved hear my response..."


After the long and obscure prayers were finished, the blood of the crazy beast evaporated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moza stood there, he changed into the robe given to him by his elder brother, and waited quietly.

In a moment, he keenly discovered that someone was approaching.

In the center of the ruins, a group of fanatics wearing robes of the Cult of Time walked barefoot on the ground. The leader was a muscular bald man with bare upper body. There was a movable spiked nozzle on each shoulder blade of his body, which looked weird and evil.

The man was Matthew, the weaving priest of the Cult of Time.

He was the leader of the trap planned by the Cult of Time and Jude, the governor of the Elijah District.

The huge energy that was supposed to be injected into Jude was finally intercepted by Sean, and he also briefly acted as the sleeping master of Matthew.

Of course, it’s a ‘win-win-win’.

Sean ate most of the pure power, Jude got a little, and Matthew was not only given minor powers, but also witnessed the Lord's first coming.

Moza raised his head slightly and looked at the bald Matthew. Sure enough, according to the information given to me by his elder brother, so many people were killed and injured in Ilia City. The Sect of Time who needs the power of the ritual will indeed appear nearby. The leader is still more familiar with this place. of Matthew.

Matthew stepped into the ruins, a little confused.

After witnessing the Lord's advent last time, he couldn't wait to return to the Holy See headquarters and brought the Lord's teachings to all the believers. Naturally, he also received the supreme reward.

Of course, as a web-weaving priest, his duties would not change. After a large number of souls of the dead appeared in Ilia City, he immediately rushed over to collect the power of death and despair.

Therefore, Matthew was a little confused when he suddenly received the call for religious rituals.

He is one of the top performers among the web-weaving priests. How could the sect send someone to his scope of responsibility again?

Focusing on Moza in front of him, Matthew frowned slightly.

There is no special gift, and he is wearing the most common robe in the sect... How can a rice spider know the summoning ritual that only high-level people in the sect are qualified to learn?

Who is coming?

"Mizhu, which priest are you under?" Matthew asked politely.

It's disrespectful to me to ask a rice spider to perform this kind of summoning ceremony without showing up myself.

However, the first words the other party spoke made Matthew's eyes widen.

"Matthew? The angel is right. He has a big bald head and a nozzle. He doesn't look very smart."

"Angel?!" Matthew subconsciously shouted in surprise.

As a direct contact person of the Lord for the first time, how could he not understand the meaning of the word God’s messenger.

Just when he was about to ask again and verify the other party's identity, he suddenly saw the other party praying a few words in a low voice, and a familiar mist penetrated into his body.

It is violent pollution and unpurified power...

Although there was only a trace, the madness that could corrode everything immediately reminded Matthew of the scene at that time.

"How lucky that the Lord actually looked at you for the first time." Moza said coldly.

Playing such a cold and pretentious role has always been in his comfort zone, and there is no need to question his acting skills.

Matthew suddenly showed a look of surprise: "You, who are you?"

Moza shook his robe and said quietly: "Since you got the Lord's attention last time, the Lord's eyes have cast more eyes on you. And I serve the Lord Envoy of God."

"Master God Envoy? Then, where is that master now?" Matthew asked eagerly.

Moza snorted coldly, and the latter immediately lowered his head: "Please forgive my presumption, I just really want to listen to the Lord's teachings again."

It's exactly what the elder brother said. As long as they reveal something that is trustworthy, these fanatical believers will go crazy...

Moza said calmly: "The envoy of God is performing the mission of the Lord. That is something you can't imagine."

"Yes, yes. If you need anything, Lord God Envoy, please feel free to tell me." The bald Matthew said with excitement on his face.

Moza nodded in approval: "At the right time, the God Envoy will come to the current sect with the Lord's new will, and you will be the guide."

Immediately, Matthew straightened up. This was a great honor and he couldn't help but be excited.

The Lord God Envoy will come later... The subordinates taken by the Lord God Envoy in front of me can be regarded as minor God Envoys after all.

He immediately lowered his head and asked: "My dear little envoy, do you have anything to tell me when you summoned me?"

As the elder brother said, fanatics are keen and active when doing things...

Moza cleared his throat: "How is your ritual power collection place going?"

Matthew replied: "It is still being collected. On the one hand, after all, they did not just die. Some time had passed since death when we came. On the other hand, the number is too huge. So, it may still take some time. Are you Do you need this power?"

Moza said: "Continue to collect and donate to the great Lord. I have other things that you need to do."

"Please give me your instructions, little god."

"Do you have any news about the tree people who attacked Ilia City?"

Instead of counting on the unreliable Ilia City Imperial Army, it would be better to go to the people of the Sect of Time.

The people of the Cult of Time are better at underground work, and they are sensitive enough to the power of death.

As expected, Matthew gave an answer that satisfied Moza: "Those tree people? Of course, our people have been keeping an eye on them. As long as they continue to cause killings, we can follow behind and collect deaths without expending strength."

Fanatic believers have always been dedicated to their work.

"Tell me the location of those tree men."

"Yes, Lord Little God Envoy, but please allow me to take the liberty of asking, are you going to encircle and suppress us or what?"

Moza glanced at Matthew calmly, until the other man quickly lowered his head, and then he said quietly: "What the God Envoy wants to do, all come from the will of the Lord."

Matthew nodded immediately: "Yes, I understand. If you need anything, please feel free to ask me!"

Qizia, who had just returned from the Imperial Army in Ilia City, looked unhappy. Unexpectedly, the group of enemies had disappeared so quickly after arriving.

She tugged on her clothes a little irritably and looked at her adjutant: "That boy named Moza hasn't come back yet?"

The adjutant replied: "No, he sneaked away nearby, and then our people lost him."

Qi Qiya licked his lips: "That boy looks good, worthy of sleeping with him once, but his strength is too low, just a king-level upper level, I don't know what the second prince likes about him."

"Then should we wait for him to come back?" asked the adjutant.

Qi Qiya frowned and said: "Wait for a fart, what can a king-level upper level kid do? Send the order to cut down the bushes and search for the traces of the tree people."

Just as he was about to pass the order, suddenly, a subordinate came to report: "Moza is back, and wants to see you."

Qi Qiya frowned slightly: "Bring him up."

Moza came up, and Qi Qiya was about to speak when he saw the other party calmly said: "I know where the tree people are?"

Qi Qiya narrowed his eyes slightly: "Did you just do this?"

Moza pushed his eyes: "What else?"

"Hehe, you are so polite." Qi Qiya waved, "Get on my aircraft, lead the way."

She licked her lips: "If you really find the tree man, then I will allow you to sleep with me for one night."

Moza didn't even look at it, and walked straight onto the aircraft: "I'm not interested in you."

Qi Qiya was not angry, but smiled excitedly: "Then I am more interested in you."


"Lord Qi Qiya, the scout is back. There is something wrong with the bushes ahead. It is likely that they are the tree man team that attacked Ilia City."

Qi Qiya looked at Moza in surprise, and then put her eyes on the telescope. The special telescope can see the scene 30 kilometers away. Looking down from top to bottom, the bushes in the distance are indeed not right.

Qi Qiya is not as impulsive as she looks. She licked her lips: "Where are the people from the three major political regions?"

"Judging from the speed, they are almost nearby."

"Notify them to surround this place..." Qi Qiya showed a cruel smile, "This time, no one can be let go."


At this moment, the 100,000 troops of the empire finally approached the violent sea.

"General, look!"

Just as the defense was being deployed, someone came to report.

The top leader of the 100,000-man army happened to have a chance encounter with Sean, and that was Shi Hai.

Shi Hai picked up the telescope, and what he saw made his pupils shrink suddenly.

On the coast near the violent sea, the thick and deep sea water had long disappeared, and dense "driftwood" floated from the endless coastline.

The driftwood was washed onto the coast, and then they slowly climbed up.


A deep and heavy sound sounded.

Looking sideways, black smoke and red dyed half of the sky.

"The Raya volcano erupted?!"

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