I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 311 Enemies and ‘Traitors’

Although it is the largest active volcano in the world, Laya Volcano has not had a large-scale eruption for hundreds of years.

Now that it broke out without warning, Shi Hai immediately realized that something was wrong.

"There are monsters living on the other side of the sea. They cross the sea and bathe in the Laya volcano. They will become more powerful monsters and invade the empire..." As he murmured, Shi Hai's eyes flashed with an unbelievable look.

This is obviously just a legend, and the reason why the Raging Sea is called this is because the violent waves can swallow any ship just two kilometers away from the shore. There were once strong men who could fly who tried to cross the Raging Sea, but none of them came back. .

Damn it, how did these tree people get here? Just rely on yourself and drift over from the sea?

Before Shi Hai could figure it out, his subordinate hurriedly reported: "General, something is wrong with the volcanic ash. It is drifting towards the coast."

At this time, there was no time to hesitate. Shi Hai immediately ordered: "Deploy the artillery team on the spot, one third of them will bombard the volcanic ash, and the rest will aim at the group of trees!"


Several tons of energy cannons were pierced into the ground. Specially trained weak artillerymen boarded the cockpit. The energy interface on the back was connected to the energy port of the cannon. It was as if the blue light of lightning was transmitted from the artillery's body to the energy cannon. There was a loud buzzing sound all around the cannon.


"Calibration!" The soldier in front of the cannon poured the energy core into his specially-made charity performance, "Calibration completed."

"Ready to launch."

"Ready to launch!"

One-third of the guns were turned around, and two-thirds of the guns were aimed at the coast.


Hundreds of energy cannons gathered energy at the same time, and there was even slight spatial confusion in the area where the empire's 100,000 troops were stationed.


The deafening simultaneous shelling only sounded for a moment. The extremely high synchronicity caused the first salvo to be fired almost at the same time. The huge energy aftermath swept all the surrounding areas, leaving only sharp tinnitus in everyone's ears. Voice.

The energy was so huge that a phenomenon called "energy crystallization" briefly occurred.

The hearing was slowly returning, and the dazzling light gradually dissipated. The soldiers of the Imperial Army subconsciously looked in the direction of the bombardment.

The side of Laya volcano is far away from here, and the distance of the shelling is also relatively farther. The volcanic ash covering the sky is like torn rags, dozens of large holes and even the evil dome above the volcanic ash has been torn to pieces. .

Turning to the coast again, vast amounts of smoke and dust rose up, as if a huge nuclear bomb had been dropped.

Noticing that no enemy appeared at the edge of the smoke, Shi Hai snorted coldly: "In front of the firepower of the great empire, everything is vain."

His words are arrogant, but his actions are still cautious.

Shi Hai ordered again: "Wait for the barrel to cool down and continue the bombardment!"


Even though most of the soldiers here have not experienced large-scale wars, the well-trained soldiers still quickly carried out the general's orders.

The water-type veto came to the side of the energy cannon and used the most primitive method to lower the temperature of the barrel.

"General, when you go back this time, you won't lack any of the credit for your shortcomings." Shi Hai's trusted sergeant was already flattering him.

"Humph, that's nonsense. The enemy hasn't been completely wiped out yet. Is this something you and I have to consider now?" Shi Hai's eyes suddenly widened.

"I'm sorry, General, I was careless!"

"Forget it, few of you have experienced such a big scene. Go and cheer everyone up. Don't slack off."

"Yes, General!"

After the sergeant left, the pride in Shi Hai's eyes flashed.

He is a direct descendant of Marshal Wu Xiao, and he has made countless contributions. Unfortunately, the empire is too powerful and expands too fast. After large-scale wars almost no longer occur, it is difficult to turn another page in his merit book. Ascend to heaven.

He is already a general, and if he goes up further, he will be a general of Weiguo, and he can also be awarded the title of knighthood again.

Shi Hai doesn't expect to be able to meet the marshal and the following positions. His strength will probably be in the lower level of Crimson in this life.

But as long as he takes a step further, he will have the opportunity to obtain the hereditary glory of the title.

The Shi family now has a foundation and a fire of inheritance.

This time is obviously the best opportunity!

Looking at the smoke and dust that had not yet dissipated, Shi Hai sneered.

What about the enemies on the other side of the Raging Sea? What about the legendary monsters?

In front of the powerful army of the empire, they are just a group of primitive people.

Let you take the credit for my promotion...

Thinking in his heart, Shi Hai subconsciously stretched out his hand to cover his eyes.

This light is so dazzling that I am not used to seeing the evil dome every day...

Wait...it's been five minutes since the energy bombardment, how can the light still be so strong...

Shi Hai's body suddenly stiffened.

Turning his head, he looked directly upward. Immediately, this admiral, who was famous for his seriousness and calmness, was stunned for a moment.

It was blue.

The things that accompanied his growth, the rise of the entire empire, and the world, things that had long been integrated into the minds of the people of the wasteland, suddenly shattered.

The evil dome is open...

A ray of golden sunlight fell down and fell on Shi Hai's face.

It's a completely different feeling from the artificial sun. It's warm and full of natural flavor.

But at this moment, Shi Hai felt cold all over.

How can it be……

"Keep bombarding!" the admiral roared.

"General, it will take some time to cool down..."

"I said, bombard!"

"Yes! Bombard!"

The red barrel raised its head again, and the buzzing sound came out again.

The same situation happened again. This time, Shi Hai ignored the strong tinnitus and squinted his eyes to look at the smoke and dust on the coast.

Still no tree man appeared.

He immediately looked up at the sky again. At some point, the evil dome, which had not been bombarded, opened automatically. More and more blue skies appeared in front of everyone, and the increasingly scorching sun fell on the entire land.

Others also noticed something was wrong.

"General, what do you see?"

"Damn..." Ignoring his subordinates, Shi Hai's face turned livid in an instant.

This time, there was no silence in the smoke and dust.

Blows of air rose up one after another, densely packed, as if a tsunami of energy was coming.

"How is it possible...after two rounds of bombardment..." the sergeant widened his eyes.

The Empire's energy cannon has been specially modified. Even if Crimson stands in place to defend, it will not get any benefit after two rounds.

However, this uncontrollable energy aura, this dense number...

What's worse is that even a king-level can feel that the energy reaction is still rising.

"Bombard! Bombard!" This time, the sergeant immediately gave orders without waiting for Shi Hai's order.

The red barrel has been slightly deformed, but it is still raised stubbornly.

"All bombardment, stop!" Shi Hai roared.


Shi Hai's face was extremely ugly: "I've been fooled..."

Those legends say that monsters that cross the violent sea will bathe in the Raya volcano - this is nothing more than absorbing the huge energy of the huge active volcano.

And now that this situation has happened after two rounds of bombardment, Shi Hai still doesn't understand.

The other party can not only bathe in the Raya volcano, they can also absorb all the energy around them!



Although he doesn't know why the other party is so special, Shi Hai understands that he must not bombard anymore.

The smoke and dust finally dissipated completely, and the tree people who looked like driftwood all raised their hands high.

There was no corpse, only countless pits and tree people standing in them.

Their bodies, which had become weak because of the sea water, were growing majestically. When the sun behind the evil dome shone down, they became stronger and stronger!

"The energy has been absorbed... and they can also use their abilities to tear open the evil dome for a short time to absorb more energy..." Seeing that his guess came true, Shi Hai's face was extremely ugly.

Finally, the evil dome slowly pulled up the iron-blue curtain again, and the tree people who had absorbed the energy knelt on the ground and kissed the soil under their feet.

Then, they stood up one by one, and the buds and branches were sprouting, but the expressions on their faces had become fierce and ferocious.

Shi Hai's face completely sank.

On the coast, a steady stream of driftwood was still rushing to the shore, and a particularly tall tree man made a huge breathing sound.

"This world should be taken over by the real master... People of the fertile land, kill these thieves. They have only one way to return, and become the mother's nourishment!" Shi Hai shouted: "Soldiers, line up and meet the enemy!" ... In the secret meeting room of the military headquarters in the imperial capital, Wu Xiao was discussing something with Bai Youming. Suddenly, the door was knocked gently, and Bai Youming's housekeeper, Old Hansen, walked in. He came to Bai Youming and whispered a few words, and the latter immediately showed a little strange look. "Teacher?" Wu Xiao asked. Bai Youming stood up and waved his hand: "The military department is handed over to you." "Yes." Bai Youming and Old Hansen disappeared in the black vortex at the same time. Wu Xiao stood there for a while, and finally sighed. "I don't know why, I always feel that the teacher doesn't love me as much as before." Shaking his head, the imperial marshal walked out of the meeting room, his face still serious. …

Outside the imperial capital, a group of military soldiers were watching the scene in front of them with some seriousness.

The felling of trees near the imperial capital was handed over to the team of the Security Bureau, but these idiots delayed it for a while. After they arrived, although the other party showed weakness frequently, they still looked unlucky, which made these young non-commissioned officers very angry.

But everyone knew that the Security Bureau was a force in the hands of the second prince, and it was too difficult for them to turn against them directly.

At this time, a young man in military uniform came here with a group of soldiers.

The other party's rank was second lieutenant, which was not as high as some of them in terms of rank, and they didn't remember that there was such a person in the army.

When they were confused, the young man who didn't know him went up and slapped the captain of the Security Bureau, pulling out most of his teeth.

"Delaying military affairs, I think you are tired of living!" The young man scolded.

The captain spit out the broken teeth in his mouth and subconsciously looked at the other party. When he saw that he was just a second lieutenant, he was furious.

"I think you are tired of living! It's not your turn as a lieutenant to teach me how to do things in the Security Bureau!"

As soon as the words fell, heads flew up.

Whether it was the people from the Security Bureau or the non-commissioned officers of the military, they were all stunned.

Killing people over a disagreement?

Even, no one present saw how the other party made the move!

The young man took out a badge and waved it casually, but no one could see it clearly.

He said calmly: "His Royal Highness ordered me to come here, who has any objections?"

As soon as these words came out, the people in the Security Bureau who were about to explode wilted like eggplants hit by frost.

His Royal Highness was already famous, and recently it was even more frightening. Who dared to check that person's ID?

The sergeants asked cautiously: "Who are you?"

The young man turned his head, revealing an ordinary face, and he said calmly: "His Royal Highness ordered you to confiscate the weapons of these idiots."

Several people didn't understand what was going on, and walked confusedly, and all the police officers in the Security Bureau knelt on the ground.

Then, the man laughed grimly.

"Delaying military affairs, disobeying military orders, kill."


Before the sergeants could react, the soldiers brought by the young lieutenant waved their weapons, and the police officers of the Security Bureau who had just surrendered fell into a pool of blood one by one.

Several sergeants felt a chill in their backs. Didn't this man know that the Security Bureau was the power of the second prince? How could he kill them just like that...

That wasn't the end. The other party stuffed two branches into the hands of several corpses in front of them.

"Collaborating with the enemy and selling out the country, you should be killed even more."

The sergeants were dumbfounded. What kind of a lie was this?

The man yawned: "Everyone, remember to testify for me when the time comes."


Without waiting for them to speak, the man asked the soldiers to take several corpses and swaggered towards the city.

Of course, this man was Sean.

The changed Sean led his younger brothers and ran straight to the Security Bureau.

The people of the Security Bureau were still working when they heard a loud noise.

The door was kicked open, and several bodies were thrown into the center of the hall.

Everyone looked down and found that they were the leaders who were on a mission.

"Who are you?!" Someone shouted immediately.

Sean kicked the man away and shook his ID: "Prince's secret order, someone in the Security Bureau is collaborating with the enemy and selling out the country."

The title of the prince immediately frightened people, until the former deputy director and now the new director hurried over.

"What are you talking about? How could someone in the Security Bureau be collaborating with the enemy and selling out the country..."

As soon as the voice fell, the new director, who was obviously at the peak of the king level, stood there stupidly.

"I already have a confession, it's you!"

No one saw what happened clearly, only that the director who had just taken office for a few days fell to the ground weakly, and his head rolled in front of the badge of the Security Bureau.

What is he doing...

Sean just clapped his hands calmly: "Where is the director's office?"

The clerk he saw trembled all over and immediately pointed to the depths of the corridor.

"Everyone start self-examination. Traitors, die."

After leaving a sentence that made everyone tremble, Sean strode towards the director's office.

When he opened the door, there was already a person sitting inside.

Bai Youming turned around and said, "When did I give you a secret order?"

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