I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 312: Great Defeat

"When did I give you the secret order?"

When he spoke, Bai Youming's expression was not pretty, and there was even some questioning in it.

But Sean didn't panic at all. He pulled a stool and sat next to him with a smile: "Daddy, what gust of wind blew you here?"

Bai Youming snorted coldly: "Someone used the name of the prince to kill high-ranking officials of the empire indiscriminately. You ask me why I came here?"

Sean looked puzzled: "Didn't you ask me to do it?"

"When did I let you do it?"

Sean clapped his hands: "When we met as father and son, you asked me to help Bai Ye become the queen."

Bai Youming almost laughed angrily: "Take the chicken feathers as arrows. The battle is about to begin. Why don't you start fighting in the nest?"

Sean shrugged: "Everyone should perform their duties. Besides, isn't it for your prestige? Second brother, it's unethical. Just for your own merit, you forcefully dragged down the military's order. Now is a critical moment. "

Bai Youming glanced at him for the last time, but he showed no sign of being angry.

The second prince's move was neither clever nor stupid. Taking advantage of his absence, Sean directly cleaning up the security bureau was a move that went too far, but it involved military orders and Bai Youming's prestige, and it was a line that could be crossed. It stretched a lot all of a sudden.

"Although the second child is not here, Grand Duke Yuantie feels sorry for her son. You will be in trouble." Bai Youming reminded.

He has a special status, and he has legitimate reasons to get angry about the last "Shaun's death" incident, but unless there is an accident, he still cannot participate too much.

But who is Sean? He spread his hands innocently: "I came to clean up the security bureau based on your secret order. If Grand Duke Yuantie wants to arrest someone, he should go to the military headquarters."

This shameless face almost made Bai Youming roll his eyes.

But looking at Sean's appearance, Bai Youming was filled with emotion.

The few princes who have been trained up to this point are not as good as this fifth prince who was born in a wild land.

When you are a prince, it is inevitable to fight for power, but how to control the scale is a university question.

But Sean always finds a way to stay on the last line, which no one else has.

Of course, this is because Sean doesn't know what Bai Youming is thinking now, and he would be a little embarrassed if he knew.

The last line? I have slept with both Bai Ye and Lan Fei...

The two talked, and naturally ended up talking about the recent military.

"Is the eldest prince also heading towards the Raging Sea now?" Sean asked.

Bai Youming nodded and said with some emotion: "They all want to make great achievements and gain more chips for themselves."

Sean sneered: "I'm afraid it's not just the princes, right? The empire was built by force. There have been no battles to fight for so many years. I'm afraid the generals are all anxious."

Speaking of this, Bai Youming's expression became slightly more solemn: "This is exactly what I'm worried about. What goes up is what goes down. Brother Huang is not doing anything right now. The princes are busy fighting for power. The people in the military are also jealous. …”

"Where is Wu Xiao? Isn't the Grand Marshal your apprentice?" Sean asked.

"Wu Xiao is certainly good, and the Grand Marshal's position is enough for him to sit down all the time. But, Xiao Wu..." He trailed off in the middle of his sentence, and Bai Youming just shook his head.

Sean did not continue to ask about Wu Xiao. After looking at Bai Youming's expression, he tried to ask: "Have you found out the specific situation of the enemy during this invasion?"

Bai Youming gave him a funny look: "You were the one outside the Black Pigeon that day, right? You didn't know it yourself?"

It was impossible to recognize him. Sean had a pure look on his face: "Black pigeon? I don't know. I am a dead person, how can I keep showing my face outside."

"So you're going to clean up the security station in front of everyone today?" Bai Youming looked him up and down, "Ability or props, your disguise is pretty good. If we meet you on the road, even I won't be able to tell."

"Hey, they're all little gadgets."

Bai Youming smiled: "Did you rely on a similar ability to enter Black Pigeon that day? Did you go to find Bai You?"

Sean blinked: "No."

"You have a really tough mouth..."

Bai Youming shook his head: "Forget it. Later, a few enemies were captured alive, but those tree-like guys have the ability to self-degrade. Even if they were imprisoned by means, the captives still committed suicide, trying to trap them. It’s a hassle to come up with more information.”

Self-degradation? Just like the wooden thorns that day... it seems that it is indeed a special ability shared by the entire clan.

"In addition..." Bai Youming's eyes were a little solemn, "This group of tree people are all scornful people, which is not right... The original appearance of the replaced body is unknown, but collectively they were replaced by scornful people. It’s a terrible thing.”

Sean nodded when he heard this: "The arrogant person can be regarded as a genetic hazard, but the large-scale appearance of the other party is as if it was planned."

"You have good perception..." Bai Youming nodded, "This attack on the empire probably took a lot of time to plan, and something is wrong."

Sean narrowed his eyes, and after thinking for a moment, he decided to express his observation: "I think... part of it is that the enemy has special abilities and has a plan in advance, and part of it is just like you said, something is wrong."

Bai Youming's expression didn't change, he just said: "Let's talk about it."

Sean just shrugged: "I just feel that I am a low-quality and suspicious person, and I have a pure heart. I don't look like a good person to others."

"Pure heart?" Bai Youming's temples twitched.

Sean smiled and did not continue talking.

In fact, the defeat in the war was not bad, it was mainly due to Black Pigeon.

As the most mysterious and powerful prison in the Empire, the Black Dove requires the presence of the Warden to use all its abilities.

As luck would have it, the warden went into Kyoto that day to report the situation.

Even so, the basic defense facilities of Black Pigeon Prison still exist, and those without permission are prisoners and will have their abilities weakened.

Sean is alone, and he has a special ability that costs the price of a deceitful heart, so he can go shopping there.

Why do those tree people do that? Moreover, it was only discovered by defensive measures after breaking into hundreds of people. This cannot be explained by the so-called 'sneak attack' alone.

Sean's meaning is obvious. In addition to special abilities, there are also people in the imperial capital who cooperate with each other inside and outside.

Of course, he can't say it, otherwise it would be like admitting in disguise that he was in Black Pigeon that day.

Sean believed that Bai Youming must have noticed something strange.

This is why, when Sean was cleaning up the security bureau, he charged Fang An with "collaborating with the enemy and treason."

This is a disguised hint.

Bai Youming was just about to continue talking when suddenly, he frowned slightly.

He stood up immediately, and a vortex appeared beside him.

"Follow me." Bai Youming said.

what happens?

Sean was confused. He walked outside and snapped his fingers a few times, asking people to continue to deal with things after the security station. Then he followed Bai Youming into the whirlpool.

There is only a momentary feeling, as if there is an extra hook in your belly button, and then a giant pulls the hook and throws you out.

By the time Sean stood firmly on the ground, he had already arrived in a conference room.

There are many people in the room. Although I don't know them, I can tell by looking at their military uniforms and ranks that this is the headquarters of the military.

Everyone in the military headquarters was pacing around anxiously. When they saw Bai Youming appeared and brought an unknown young man with him, although they were confused, they immediately went forward to report:

"Your Highness, something happened."

Bai Youming frowned slightly and glanced indoors: "Something happened? Where is Wu Xiao?"

"The generalissimo personally led his troops to respond."

"Accept..." Bai Youming's eyes darkened.

As he said so and so, there was a burst of noisy footsteps outside.

Wu Xiao, wearing blood-stained armor, walked into the command room and walked over quickly after seeing Bai Youming.

"How long have I been gone? What happened?" Bai Youming said in a deep voice.

Wu Xiao looked unhappy: "Our vanguard troops returned with a huge defeat, and the enemy even pursued them as far as two hundred kilometers north of the imperial capital..."

Hearing this, many generals in the headquarters widened their eyes with disbelief on their faces. Even Sean looked surprised.

Returning defeated?

He expected that the imperial army would suffer a lot, but an army of 100,000 people was defeated as soon as they came into contact?

Bai Youming's expression showed no fluctuation at all: "Where are the people?"

"All the enemies have been killed, but they are only chasing one team. There may be more behind them," Wu Xiao replied.

"Where's Shi Hai?"

Wu Xiao winked at the guards, and soon, another group of people came to the command room.

Shi Hai was lying on a stretcher. His left hand disappeared, leaving only a vague elbow. Moreover, his lower body was covered in dark green, and it seemed that the dark green was still spreading upwards.

And the person pushing Shi Hai, who was as angry as a silk thread, was the eldest prince Bai Zhan.

Seeing this situation, there was silence in the command room.

The eldest prince Bai Zhan faced Bai Youming and put one hand on his chest: "Uncle, please punish Bai Zhan for impulsively stepping out, and I failed to stop him..."

"Stand up straight." Bai Youming walked to Shi Hai without even looking at him.

His palm slowly pressed against Shi Hai's chest. Gradually, Shi Hai's breathing became noticeably stronger. Although he was still weak, he didn't look like he was dying.

A chill flashed in Bai Youming's eyes: "It's such a powerful poison, I've never seen it before... Moreover, Shi Hai has fallen below the realm."

Falling down?

As soon as this was said, the others' eyes widened.

Shi Hai was originally dark red, which meant that he had now become a peak king-level person... unbelievable.

Falling in strength and falling in realm are two completely different concepts.

Crimson was severely injured and his strength was greatly damaged. He may become the peak king level or even the upper king level. Although this situation is rare, it is not unexpected.

However, as long as it is cultivated properly, crimson is still crimson.

Falling into the realm has become a completely different concept. Even if Shi Hai fully recovers in the future, it will only be the peak of king level strength.

Some generals didn't understand: "How could this happen... To step into Crimson, you need to fuse the blood of the Crazy Beast and raise your limit to the level of the Crazy Beast. This is an essential change."

Indeed, no one could answer his question.

Bai Youming didn't speak, just looked at Shi Hai quietly.

Finally, Shi Hai's eyelids trembled with difficulty, and he opened his eyes. The person appearing in his blurred vision made him understand that he had returned to the imperial capital.

His lips moved twice: "Your Highness, Marshal..."

Someone said in a deep voice: "General Shi Hai, have you been plotted?"

Shi Hai's face became increasingly bitter: "No...we were fooled...as predicted, the enemy drifted in from the violent sea. At the same time, the Laya volcano erupted and volcanic ash floated in."

"I ordered to use energy cannons to deal with them separately..."

There was nothing wrong with Shi Hai's order. Others present at the scene probably gave the same order.

"But what the enemy is waiting for is our energy bombardment..."

When Shi Hai told what happened on the coast, everyone present widened their eyes in disbelief.

A race that absorbs energy bombardments? How can this be……

This is not just a matter of weapon failure, this is simply a subversion of the worldview!

Energy bombardments can be absorbed, but what about the Veto's elemental attacks? What about the energy attacks from those prosthetic bodies that kill the weak?

This is not in line with the laws of the world.

Shi Hai's lips were eroded and purple, and every word he spoke was painful.

"I tried to fight against the enemy, but... after absorbing those energies, the enemy's strength was far beyond my expectation."

"We are also at the peak of the king level. It takes two to one of my masters to hold down one person. It is even more difficult to kill the opponent."

"Moreover, those tree people are very good at group combat. They can combine part of their branches to issue stronger attacks or stronger defenses."

Shi Hai's face was extremely gloomy: "I led my men to repel the enemy's first unit, but... I... I was too greedy for success and did not lead the soldiers to quickly evacuate and reorganize."

"There are too many tree people... They keep floating in from the sea. By the time I noticed something was wrong, the army had already fallen into the quagmire and was unable to break free. And the number of enemies was still increasing..."

Bai Youming stood up, with no trace of joy, anger or sorrow on his face. He wiped his hands: "So, being chased and defeated?"

Shi Hai lowered his head: "Shi Hai is incompetent in leading the troops, please His Highness and Marshal to deal with them according to military law..."

"He knows how to talk about face." Bai Youming sneered.

Shi Hai's lowered face became increasingly ashamed.

"Send him to treatment. Once he's cured, he'll be thrown into the battlefield."


Shi Hai clenched his fists tightly and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Shi Hai will never let down His Highness! He will never let down the empire!"

"Shut up and cultivate yourself."

Shi Hai was pushed out, and Bai Youming looked at Bai Zhan: "Did you catch it when you rushed over?"

"Yes, uncle."

"Take credit of your merit."

Bai Youming turned to look at everyone: "Gentlemen, do you understand now what enemy we are facing?"

"Understood!" everyone shouted in unison.

Bai Youming's expression changed, and he opened his mouth to scold: "Understand your mother's comparison?! I don't even dare to say that I fully understand the other party's abilities, but you understand it?!"

The old military bosses all lowered their heads in shame, like quails in a defeated battle.

Bai Youming glanced around with cold eyes: "Send the order, the empire is on alert, and find out all the details of the enemy."


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