I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 313 I said there was a traitor

There were not many people left in the command room, but there were a lot of things to discuss.

As someone brought by Bai Youming, Sean would not be driven away, but after listening to the general direction of the military's decision, he could not sit still when the group began to discuss the details.

Sean was a detail freak. Those who played the trick of figuring out people's hearts were similar in this aspect, but the details of the military's decision were a bit too boring.

Even though Bai Youming listened very seriously and occasionally had a sharp opinion, Sean still couldn't help yawning.

It was a bit abrupt.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Sean had no expression on his face, but his eyes were slightly serious, and he followed their gaze to look at Bai Youming beside him.

Bai Youming's eyebrows twitched. This kid's face was really thick to the extreme...

He didn't even have this little self-control? This kid just wanted to go around the various positions in the military.

Waving his hand impatiently, Bai Youming signaled him to get out quickly.

Sean nodded seriously immediately: "Yes, Your Highness, I'll go now."

What did I say, you're going now?

No one can beat this kid who is using a feather as a token of authority...

However, this scene is somewhat intriguing in the eyes of others.

A young man who has never been seen before, seems to be quite trusted by Bai Youming...

Whether it is the eldest prince Bai Zhan or Marshal Wu Xiao, they subconsciously showed a thoughtful look.

Sean no longer cares what is being discussed inside. He walked out of the secret meeting room, looked around, and then grabbed a guard.

The guard turned his head. He had just seen Sean beside the prince, but he didn't know who the other party was. Even though he was a second lieutenant, he immediately stood up and said: "Sir, what do you want?"

Sean nodded: "Send some chilled liquor to the meeting room. Your Highness and the others need to think in a calm environment."

Liquor? Thinking?

Although he was confused, the guard still nodded in response.

"By the way, where did General Shi Hai take him just now?"

"Over there, I'll take you there."

"No need, just show me the way."

The military headquarters covers a large area. After going around several corridors and taking two elevators, Sean finally found the medical department.

The entrance of the medical department was busier than other places. Countless medical soldiers came and went, each with a solemn look.

Several soldiers standing by were discussing in a low voice.

"We suffered heavy losses?"

"More than heavy losses... If you have read the history of the Empire's wars, you will know that except for the one when the country was founded, the Empire has never suffered such a big loss."

"Really? I didn't see the situation, but the number of people transported here is almost 10,000."

"It can still be saved if they are transported here... Alas, I have a brother in the front troops, he told me that more than 80% of the 100,000 troops were killed or injured, and important materials such as energy cannons were all seized... A big defeat..."

"Hey, I see that many of the people transported here have been poisoned by that dark green poison. How is the situation?"

"I don't know the specific situation, but we must study the antidote. Now they are hanging on to their lives... Wait, who are you?"

The guard realized that the person who asked the question just now was not his own.

Sean took out his forged prince's badge and shook it, and the guards' eyes immediately became respectful.

"I'll go in and take a look."

"Yes, sir."

"By the way, where is the antidote research?"

"Uh, this is usually in the military research institute or the Imperial Laboratory."

Sean nodded thoughtfully, and then walked into the medical department.

After searching for a while, he finally found Shi Hai, who was dying, in a small single room.

Seeing Sean's prince badge, Shi Hai stood up to prepare his luggage, and was then stopped by Sean.

"General Shi Hai, Your Highness has something for me to ask you in private." Sean said softly.

Shi Hai nodded weakly.

Let Shi Hai describe the enemies he encountered, and Sean nodded thoughtfully.

It is very similar to the Wood Thorn, Wood Acorn and others he encountered, and, judging from the description alone, taking the King-like and King-level as a standard, the strength of the assault force Sean encountered and the treeman army this time is basically the same.

However, Wood Thorn and others did not show the ability to absorb energy when facing attacks.

One-time... and it can only be used after landing?

Then, the group of people of Wood Thorn and the first group of people should have used the energy of the Raya Volcano.

Recalling the deployment map of the imperial army, Sean asked again: "There are also imperial troops guarding near the Raya Volcano, right?"

Shi Hai nodded: "There are no humans living on the Raya Volcano, but from time to time there will be crazy beasts that are good at fire coming out of it, so the military has set up a guard there a long time ago."

"There is no one on the mountain, what about nearby?" Sean asked.

Shi Hai was a little confused. Although he didn't know why Sean asked this, he still answered: "There are very few humans nearby. After all, the living conditions there are poor..."

Suddenly, Shi Hai remembered something and said again: "I remembered that one of my subordinates went there as a rotating duty officer. There seems to be a group of survivors under the mountain range on the side where the Raya Volcano spreads towards the violent sea."

Sean narrowed his eyes: "Before the invasion of the tree people, did the guard troops of the Raya Volcano report back the situation of survivors going to the imperial territory?"

Shi Hai shook his head in confusion: "This... I have never heard of it."

"Who is the current officer on duty at Laya Volcano?"

"Um, it should be Lens, with the rank of major general. The duty period is five years. Currently... it should be the fourth year."

Sean nodded and stood up. When he was about to walk out, he turned his head again: "By the way, General Shi Hai, are you sure you haven't missed any information about the enemy?"

Although he didn't know why Sean asked this, Shi Hai nodded after thinking for a while: "Yes, there is nothing missing..."

"Okay, I understand. I will report all the situation to His Highness the Prince. General Shi Hai, please take good care of your injuries."

Walking out of the medical department, doubts flashed across Sean's face.

After repeated confirmation by himself, Shi Hai still insisted that no news was missed...

However, there is one very important point that Shi Hai did not mention.

Those tree people have the ability to temporarily break through the evil dome, and Sean has actually encountered it.

With such a big movement and such a strong army, how could those tree people not use their abilities?

But Shi Hai still didn't reveal it despite his questioning. Not only that, Xiao Xiao had just walked around the medical department. Those soldiers who had been defeated in the front line and whose injuries were not too serious were receiving treatment and being questioned. .

Without exception, no one has ever mentioned it.

Weird... among the tree troopers that could defeat one hundred thousand imperial troops, none of them had ever used the ability to break through the evil dome?

But it doesn't look like Shi Hai is lying, because in full view of everyone, there is no point in him lying, just like other soldiers... It seems that none of the 100,000 troops have seen it.

Sean intuitively sensed something was wrong.

What's also wrong is that the garrison troops on the Laya Volcano side did not send back any news.

This is unreasonable.

Because Sean clearly remembered that the shelter where Kan Shishi was located was at that location, and there should be only that group of survivors that could be seen in Laya Volcano.

The vanguard of the tree people must go to Laya Volcano to bathe in order to awaken stronger power, and on the route from the Raging Coast to Laya Volcano, there is the shelter where Kan Shisi is.

Based on my understanding, it would be very difficult for that shelter to fight against the tree people.

In other words, there is a high probability that the survivors in the shelter have been driven and chased by the tree people into the empire.

It's understandable that the tree people have hidden special powers that can't be traced, but what about the old humans in the shelter? Didn’t the empire’s garrison troops at Laya Volcano notice anything?

"Tsk, let me just say that the invasion of the tree people was too smooth and too sudden... I just don't know who this mole is..."

Sean did not tell Bai Youming the information he got. The bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish. He is better at seeking more objective interests in a chaotic environment.

Originally, if there had not been an invasion of tree people, Sean's actions to help Bai Ye compete for inheritance qualifications might have required at least three years of preparation.

Bai Ye's power is relatively small, while other princes and the forces behind him are deeply rooted in the imperial capital.

Although he bears the title of His Royal Highness, he seems to represent Bai Youming. But Sean knew very well that Bai Youming could not support him unconditionally.

However, this time the invasion of the tree people made Sean see the possibility of taking action faster.

It is not easy to cut down a big tree, but if there is a foreign logger with a chainsaw and starts cutting down from the other end, then he only needs to choose the right direction and push it so that the big tree can fall down. Just push down more of the shrubs you don't like.

After finding a time when there were the most people in the command center and letting everyone see his face clearly, Sean and Bai Youming said hello and left.

How could Bai Youming not know what he was thinking? The more people saw it, the easier it would be for Sean to move around in the military in the future. He was still borrowing his tiger skin.

However, his first priority now is to formulate a plan to encircle and suppress the tree people, so there is no need to worry about Sean's little thoughts.

And Sean left the military headquarters and returned to the imperial capital. He randomly found an alley and changed his appearance. He got rid of the followers who were sent by Wu Xiao, Bai Zhan, or both, and headed straight towards Went to Baiye's residence.

"Shadow, take my secret order to this congressman. It's time for him to repay my help."

"Yes, Your Highness."

As soon as the shadow's front legs left and Bai Ye was about to sit back on the chair and take a sip of water, he felt himself sitting on a familiar lap.

The moonlight that protected her body was naturally stimulated, but was ignored. Her body that was about to stand up was grabbed and pulled back.

Gritting his teeth and turning his head, he saw who else could be there besides Sean?

A feeling of powerlessness arose, when did this guy come in?

Shadow just walked away... Now even a stealth master like Shadow can't detect Sean's actions? What kind of abilities this guy got after being promoted to Crimson Master is too shocking...

However, without letting Bai Ye think about it, Sean used familiar actions again.

This guy... Bai Ye gritted his teeth, and an imperceptible hint of shyness flashed through his originally clear and calm eyes.

She sadly discovered that she seemed to be getting more and more used to this guy touching her.

Moreover, it seems that my weakness has been completely discovered...

As expected, Sean chuckled in her ear: "I noticed it last time. I touched it for a long time, and not only did you not resist, but you became more and more accustomed to it in the end."

"You, you fart!"

"I farted? Then I'll try again."


Bai Ye's face was flushed. She took a deep breath and said calmly: "You cleared out all the leaders of the Security Bureau. After receiving your message, I will send someone to open up the connections. We must take advantage of the fact that my second brother hasn't come back to let our people sit in key positions."

Sean smiled and said: "I trust you to do the work."

Bai Ye snorted, and she didn't notice that her tone was more delicate than irritable.

"If you can't handle these things well, it's a waste of your trouble in the Security Bureau."

"That's all trivial." Sean leaned over and gently touched the white swan neck of Her Royal Highness the Princess, causing her body to tremble.

Before Bai Ye could get angry, Sean immediately said, "Another good thing is coming. Help me investigate someone."

Bai Ye panted and subconsciously said in a sarcastic tone, "Your Highness, you have integrated underground forces and established your own intelligence network in just a few months since you came to the capital. Do you still need me to help you get information?"

Sean was not annoyed. He slightly increased the strength of his hands and smiled at Bai Ye's murderous eyes, saying, "What else? Of course, only important people have the ability to do important things. What's more, the degree of trust is always different."

He flattered Bai Ye openly and secretly. Although Bai Ye's expression did not change, when he saw her start to breathe from her mouth to her nose and her chin began to rise slightly again, Sean knew that his flattery was right.

Her Highness the Princess is so easy to coax.

Bai Ye glanced at the report on the table, and then asked casually: "Who?"

"Major General Lance, the supreme commander of the Raya Volcano garrison."

"Lance?" Bai Ye frowned and thought for a while, "I have an impression. What do you want to investigate?"

Sean said: "All, his personal detailed information, all promotion and transfer records, the living place, family relationship, and work unit of his direct relatives within five generations, as much as you can find out."

After Sean finished speaking, Bai Ye shook his head: "Impossible, at the level of major general, his detailed personal information will be collected as top secret information. Some senior officials are more famous and can be investigated from all aspects, but Lance is relatively low-key. It is impossible to investigate thoroughly."

"You can't do it either?"

Bai Ye shook his head: "No, this is the foundation of the country. The information of military officers is strictly protected. Only the emperor's uncle and father can view it casually. Maybe the palace minister also has the ability. After all, father has a copy."

"Your father's?" Sean's eyes lit up.

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