I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 314 Different women, different treatments

"Where's your dad?"

Listening to the slightly excited voice of the man behind him, Bai Ye was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and brows suspiciously.

Her pretty face was beautifully set off by the light in the room, and the outline created by the low light seemed to cast a faint halo over Bai Ye, like a goddess.

However, what she said had nothing to do with the goddess.

"You placed your people beside Father? How did you do it?" Bai Ye asked.

Of course it depends on my strong body and unparalleled charm, Sean wanted to answer this.

However, he glanced at Bai Ye in surprise: "Who has the ability to place his own people next to the emperor of the empire? To put it harshly, although your father is almost gone and he doesn't care much now, he is still the emperor."

Bai Ye glared at him: "Father! It's father! And my father is not dead yet."

Sean shrugged: "Absolutely."

Bai Ye looked at him again: "Why are you investigating that Major General Lance?"

While she was speaking, she didn't even notice that she had naturally put her hands around Sean's neck.

Even when Sean's big hand was making trouble in her collar, she adjusted the position smoothly.

Sean didn't hide much. He couldn't tell Bai Youming about this, but he could tell Bai Ye.

"You said...the enemy invaded this time because there were traitors in the empire?" In the past, Bai Ye would probably be very shocked, but after experiencing so much, she is no longer the girl who can't hold her breath.

On the contrary, after talking to Sean, her behavior has become more and more calm recently, and she looks more and more like a future queen.

Sean nodded: "Although it is just a guess, it can be considered as a trace. It would be too troublesome to investigate from other aspects. It is most convenient to start from Lens."

Bai Ye nodded subconsciously, and then asked again: "Have you told the emperor?"

Sean smiled slightly: "Do you think I should tell him?"

Bai Ye wrinkled his nose: "In terms of the interests of the empire, you should tell the emperor. But from our standpoint, coupled with your shameless character, I think you will definitely not tell the emperor."

Sean pushed his hand deeper inside, lightly scratched and moved it a few times. Under Bai Ye's blushing face, he chuckled and said, "You are getting to know me better and better."

Bai Ye first took a deep breath to calm down, and then said angrily, "Uncle Huang treats you as his godson. I'm afraid you don't think of him as your godfather."

Sean suddenly became dissatisfied and tightened the force on his hand: "How do you speak? My godfather and I are a loving father and a filial son. You can't understand the family affection in it."

Bai Ye exclaimed, and then mocked: "So this is the reason why you attacked me, Your Highness?"

"His Royal Highness, you are so stupid. It's all a false name. We have nothing to do with each other. Really, you are still the Princess after all, and you may even be Her Majesty the Queen in the future. Why are you so fussy about it?" Sean said with disgust. .

"How dare you despise me..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Ye's eyes widened.

Sean kissed her directly.

Just like his own character, he is full of aggression, but beyond the aggression, there is an unexpected and unforgettable tenderness.

Bai Ye struggled subconsciously at first, but for some reason, even though Sean didn't use any of her abilities, it seemed that her powers suddenly couldn't be summoned.

Gradually, everything became distant and blurry, and the only sounds left in the quiet room were the heartbeats and breathing of two people.

Bai Ye closed her eyes. She didn't know if she was lost in it, or how...

When everything was over, it took her a long time to see clearly everything in front of her, and it seemed that reality was gradually returning.

Bai Ye's chest kept rising and falling, and she looked up in confusion, only to see a few shiny strands of saliva hanging between the two of them.

Her fair neck shook a few times with difficulty, as if she was trying her best to return to reality.

"You, you are acting like a gangster again..." Bai Ye said stiffly, as if he wanted to save some face for himself.

This time, Sean didn't choke her back. Instead, he reached out his hand, hugged Bai Ye gently, and finally pressed a final kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you for your hard work, come on, Her Majesty the Queen."

After blinking at Bai Ye, Sean disappeared into the house.

The room seemed to be empty all of a sudden. Bai Ye paused in place as if a restraining spell had been cast on him. It took a while before he recovered.

Touching her face, which was still hot, she glanced around, and then seemed to calmly sort out the completely torn clothes.

"Come out, you don't want to see my joke." She said calmly and confidently like a queen.

However, after waiting for a while, the man did not appear in the room again.

Bai Ye still maintains the elegance and excellent demeanor of a nobleman, as if all this is nothing.

She shouted again: "Come out quickly."

Sean still didn't show up.



Sean is really gone.

Bai Ye let out all the breath he was holding in his throat, and his originally upright body fell limply on the chair.

Her Royal Highness kept touching her face, which was still extremely hot, and her breathing could no longer be suppressed.

The pure black car drove silently through the block and finally stopped slowly in front of a low-key but classical villa.

The female driver got out of the car and opened the silent door, then escorted the black-clad woman who got out into the villa.

She was very careful, but this was indeed an area that few people would pay attention to.

It was not until she walked into the house that the hostess's black hood was pulled down, revealing the delicate face of Elisa Lam whose age could not be seen.

However, this beautiful mature woman looked very tired, with an indissoluble sorrow between her eyebrows.

Rejecting the service of the personal maid, she walked towards the bedroom upstairs with a heavy step.

The maids looked at each other cautiously. Although their mistress was a little arrogant, she was not a difficult person to get along with. On the contrary, the nanny who had been imprisoned was the real king of hell.

However, during this period of time, their group of personal maids had not been allowed to enter the resting floor, which was enough to show how tired Elisa Lam was during this period of time.

When the mistress disappeared on the stairs, the head maid whispered, "Make some desserts and mix a few cool and refreshing drinks. Remember to make a large amount and put them in the meal basket. The master will take them when he wants them."

"Okay, I see."

"By the way, remind everyone to speak and act softly these days, so as not to upset the master."

"Don't worry, I know everything. The master has been unhappy these days..."

"You know it, go quickly!"


Walking into the big bedroom, Lam naturally wouldn't hear the conversation of the maids, but she wouldn't care too much if she heard it.

There were troubles and Sean's reasons, but she was used to a quieter environment these days.

However, the conversations with her father these days made her a little uneasy.

Lying down on the soft big bed, she didn't turn on the lights in the room, but stared at the dark ceiling in a trance.

She really got the secret information she wanted, but...did she really have to tell Sean?

Elisa Lam was in a dilemma. Although she was unwilling to admit it, she was also vaguely aware that she had gradually fallen into the man's tricks.

And this also proved that Sean's skills were beyond her imagination.

Combined with the previous events, it can be seen that when it comes to making decisive decisions, Sean's ruthlessness is far beyond others' imagination.

If the confidential information she knew really became the key point, what would Sean do to herself, the Lan family, Bai You and Bai Si afterwards...

But, after the Bai Si incident...

Moreover, my father's expectation for me is still to be a Lan concubine who can contribute and sacrifice for the succession of the prince and the survival of the Lan family...

Now that I go back, my family won't make my favorite desserts, and I can't have dinner together... Elisa Lam thought with some regret.

Of course, now is a critical period, and the servants of the Lan family are even restricted to a small area, so how can there be a chance...

Emily Lam stared at the ceiling in a daze, her chest rising and falling.

It was uncomfortable to lie like this, so she changed her position in a distracted manner.

Still uncomfortable...

She kept changing positions on the bed, and finally stopped.

Some familiar and reassuring smell seemed to penetrate into her nostrils, as if it could relax her whole body.

Lam Lam grabbed the pillow. Unlike the area where she usually lies, this place has a stronger hormone smell, and it has not been washed for these days, so it is a little oily...

It is the place where Sean has been lying.

After holding the pillow for a while, Lam sighed deeply.

Suddenly, the window made a "click" sound.

Lam Lam subconsciously looked over, which was the code she and Sean agreed on.

Sure enough, a familiar man's figure appeared in the window.

"Why don't you turn on the light?" Sean's familiar voice sounded, but for some reason, Lam suddenly didn't want to talk.

Sean walked through the bedroom, came to the door and turned on the light, illuminating the bedroom.

While unbuttoning his coat, he looked at Lam with a smile: "Have you missed me these days, little..."

Sean realized that something was wrong with Lam.

Wearing her clothes for going out, she just lay on the bed. Although she still smiled at herself, she didn't look excited.

The boots, which were still stained with mud, were thrown randomly beside the bed, which meant that the owner of the boots kicked them off casually when he went to bed.

Although Lam was not a germaphobe, she was also a girl who loved cleanliness. Usually, after the two of them made love, she would always wash up again. Even when she got up early and wanted to make love again, she would brush her teeth first.

Brush again after swallowing.

The mud spots at the base of the boots were still wet and black, which meant that she had been back not long ago, but Lan Fei, who always took care of her, was wearing a wrinkled coat.

This meant that she rolled around on the bed several times in a state of annoyance.

The buttons at the collar were fastened to the top, and the conservative clothes proved that she should have returned to the Lan family.

After seeing me, she supported her upper body with her hands as usual, but this time the amplitude was small, which meant that she was not as excited as she looked, and her waist was more sunken, which was a sign of hunger because she hadn't eaten.

The end of the bun hanging down on the right side is slightly curled, but her hair is soft and she still wears her long hair when she lives outside. This shows that she keeps curling her hair with her fingertips when she is thinking alone. This is a sign of distress. .

After seeing me, his mouth pouted slightly, indicating that he was slightly aggrieved.

Of course, with Lan Ke'er's current relationship with him, she probably wouldn't talk to him.

But Sean knew immediately what he had to do.

"Do you miss me, little beauty?" he asked with a playful smile.

It's just that he suppressed his original little flirtatiousness.

Then, the hand that was originally going to unbutton the belt also moved up, naturally unbuttoned, shook the coat, and hung the coat on the hanger like a newlywed husband returning home.

Walking over and kissing Lan Keer's forehead gently, Sean didn't say anything else, but turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

Washing his face and brushing his teeth with a sound loud enough to be heard outside, he naturally felt like he was home.

When he came out and faced Lan Ke'er, he wiped his face with a towel, his voice muffled in the towel: "Huh, this feels much more comfortable."

Lan Keer looked at Sean in a daze.

According to past situations, after casually saying a few words, it was time for him to start taking off his clothes.

Why are you so gentle today...

Just as she was thinking about it, she saw Sean smiling at her: "To be honest, I miss you a little bit."

My heart skipped a beat, and for some reason, a sense of warmth arose in my heart.

Sean stretched and then sat on the edge of the bed. He grabbed one of Lan Ke'er's hands and stroked it gently.

Just when Lan Keer thought the other party was going to ask her what happened, Sean picked her up.

"What, what are you doing..."

Sean winked at her: "I just think that the time is right now and it would be perfect for us to have a dinner."


I was about to refuse, but my stomach started to growl unsatisfactorily after I had not eaten for a long time.

Lan Ke'er's face turned red, but Sean seemed to have heard nothing. He carried Lan Ke'er to the closet and said with a smile: "Pick out a dress, madam."

"Me. I can't show my face anymore." She smoothed her hair awkwardly.

But Sean shrugged nonchalantly: "It's okay. Besides, I have already booked the restaurant."

He has already booked a restaurant and wants to have dinner with me?

Lan Keer looked at Sean in a daze. He was looking at her tenderly, and the sincerity in his eyes was touching.

Unable to refuse, Lan Keer finally changed into a simple and elegant dress.

When she changed and turned around, she saw Sean pull out a handful of roses like magic.

"I wonder if I have the honor to invite the beautiful Miss Lan Keer to have dinner?" He smiled softly.

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