Dinner has come to an end, and melodious and soft music echoes in the restaurant.

Picking up a napkin and wiping his mouth, Sean smiled and said, "How about it? Is it to your taste?"

Opposite him, Lan Ke'er, with a blush on her face, nodded slightly: "Well, thank you..."

Human hearts are made of flesh, not to mention Lan Keer who is prone to falling into gentleness.

The reserved restaurant didn't look empty, they even sat in the lobby. Several screens divide the sense of alienation in the space well, and the large floor-to-ceiling windows can still enjoy the night view of the city.

The waiter's eyes were covered with black cloth, which gave her a sense of security even if her identity was discovered.

"His power is sonar." Sean explained it this way.

Extremely considerate... Lan Keer could only think of such an adjective.

What was even more surprising was that she found that almost all the dishes were her favorites, and those who didn't know it thought they were cooked by her own maid.

But judging from the dishes, many of them were dishes that he had eaten a lot when getting along with Sean. It was obvious that he had memorized them.

Sean didn't say it out loud, but Lan Ke'er, who noticed this, felt even more moved.

The accumulated depression and irritability, as well as the feeling of not being taken seriously after returning home, gradually disappeared under the man's caring and gentle treatment.

However, after eating, what should we do next?

As soon as this idea came to his mind, Lan Keer saw Sean standing up.

The lighting in the restaurant is a little dim, but the reflection from the large floor-to-ceiling windows around it brings a different feeling.

Seeing him buttoning up, Lan Keer's face turned redder without realizing it.

The angular facial features are not as aggressive as his character. On the contrary, when he does something seriously, the superiority of the facial features is infinitely magnified.

Sean is really handsome... Lan Keer thought silently.

"Why are you standing there?" She heard the man's laughter.

Lan Keer quickly stood up and saw Sean grabbing a bottle of champagne.

He snapped his fingers, and immediately, the melodious music in the restaurant turned into luxurious dance music.

Just when Lan Keer was wondering what the other party was going to do, one of her hands was grabbed. She looked over in confusion, and the man blinked at her.

The hand that was still being gently pulled gradually fell down, and before she knew it, Lan Keer kept up with the other person's pace.

After walking through the corridor and climbing up the stairs, they arrived on the rooftop.

Sean put the champagne down casually, then walked to the center of the rooftop and clapped his hands.

The dance music that had been rarely heard started playing again, as if there was an orchestra playing for him next to him.

Clapping his hands again, a lot of light spots appeared around the rooftop, and they were gathered within the scope of the rooftop, bringing light to this simple stage.

A smile subconsciously appeared on Lan Ke'er's face.

She saw Sean walking over with a smile: "Beautiful lady, may I have the honor to invite you to dance with me."

Lan Keer subconsciously wanted to refuse, but for some reason, her hand stretched out on its own.

His hand was immediately grabbed, and his waist was covered with a layer of heat.

Amidst the exclamations, she was lifted high and put down gently as soon as she stepped onto the simple dance floor.

The surrounding light spots rose, rotated, and undulated with her, making it extremely dreamy.

My heart seemed to be filled with something all of a sudden, and something that had been suppressed seemed to be released.

After the initial hesitation, Lan Keer began to try hard to keep up with Sean.

"I-I haven't danced in a long time."

This is a fact. When she debuted under the stage name "Blue", she also learned a lot of dance.

It's just that Lan can sing and dance to his heart's content on the stage, but Concubine Lan can't.

Concubine Lan, whose mother is in the world, needs to show her majesty and maturity, and does not need those side details.

There are occasional banquets in the palace, but Lan Ke'er needs to play the role of host of the banquet. What's more, the banquet often ends with her discussing various major matters with her father.

As for dancing with a man?

After thinking about it carefully, Lan Keer realized that she had never danced with a man before.

When she was learning dance, her tutors were all wives of run-down nobles or widows who had only inherited a small amount of property. Her father, Lan Youshan, always had countless unfinished tasks and would only ask the teacher about her learning progress after returning home.

After entering the palace... Perhaps what is even sadder is that after entering the palace, it is said that she is the beloved Concubine Lan. In fact, she has not even seen His Majesty the Emperor many times.

Compared with the ministers, she has met the Holy Spirit much more often, but as a wife, they are complete strangers.

Dancing with a man was something she had never imagined.

As soon as some chaotic thoughts came to her mind, Lan Keer felt the heat in her waist getting higher and higher. She looked up in confusion and saw Sean's extremely handsome face.

He came closer, his warm breath tickling her heart, and his eyes as quiet and deep as lake water made people want to sink in unconsciously.

"Just standing here is the most beautiful dance." He said softly.

Lan Keer stared at him blankly, as if something in her heart was released all at once.

Seeing her beautiful eyes filled with mist, Sean smiled slightly. His movements did not stop, but became more and more enthusiastic.

The passionate dance finally ended when beads of sweat appeared on both of their foreheads.

Elisa Lam couldn't help but feel that she was not satisfied.

She looked at Sean, wondering what he would say.

He had booked a restaurant and dinner, which should have been prepared for her a long time ago, but the dance afterwards should have been a spur-of-the-moment decision, right?

He must have noticed that something was wrong with her emotions...

Touched, Elisa Lam pursed her lips slightly, and she was ready to tell Sean all the secrets she had heard.

Surprisingly, Sean didn't ask her what happened, nor did he say anything like 'How is it? Are you feeling better?'.

He seemed to... just come here to indulge himself.

Opening the champagne, Sean pressed the bottle mouth with his fingers and shook it violently.

"What are you doing..." Elisa Lam was a little panicked and a little expectant when she saw that Sean was aiming at her.

So exciting...

Elisa Lam, who had never tried these things before, was completely excited.

"What do you think?"

Amidst the laughter, the foamy wine sprayed all over Elisa Lam. She subconsciously shouted, and the only response was Sean's laughter.

The elegant but expensive evening dress had already stuck to her body. Strangely, the sticky feeling was not annoying.

Lena Lam chased after him like a little girl who had just turned 18. She snatched the champagne from Sean's hand, shook it vigorously like him, and then sprayed it at him.

Sean yelled very cooperatively, which made Elisa Lam playful and chased him with the bottle.

In the night sky, the woman's laughter finally became wanton and bright.

Tired of playing? Elisa Lam stopped with a smile on her face. She just started to breathe heavily when Sean hugged her again.

He took her to the edge of the rooftop.

All the light spots gathered at Elisa Lam's feet, as if she was eager to try.

"Have you ever played anything more interesting?" Sean asked.

Elisa Lam shook her head, but her face was full of excitement.

Sean took a sip of champagne, then pulled Elisa Lam over and covered her lips.

After a long time, the passionate kiss finally broke up, and Elisa Lam's eyes were already covered with a layer of misty water.

Handing the champagne to Elisa Lam, Sean smirked: "Block it, then shake it."

"Ah?" She did it expectantly.

Then, it fell.

Sean hugged her and jumped down from the edge of the roof without warning. The huge wind and weightlessness in front of her made Elisa Lam close her eyes subconsciously.

"Hahaha, open it." The man's laughter blended with the wind, free and easy.

Elisa Lam finally opened her eyes with courage, and what appeared in front of her was the wall that was passing by quickly, and all the lights turned into strips of light at high speed.

The ground was rapidly enlarging, and she seemed to be able to see the backs of people's heads on the street.

Her heart almost jumped out, and the bursting feeling that stimulated every cell made her eyes widen.

"Open it!" Sean laughed.

Elisa Lam subconsciously loosened her fingers that blocked the bottle mouth, and the champagne splashed up along the wind speed and wet their whole bodies.

As they were about to land, another sudden force made them soar into the air, and the wine splashed out again, falling all over the street.

The people on the street touched their heads in confusion and made sounds, and looked up, but only saw shadows flashing by.

People's voices amplified and then quickly shrank. During the leap, Elisa Lam gasped for the air that almost hit her lungs.

When they landed back on the roof again, she felt like she was hit by the wind and her lungs were burning, and she was floating in the air.

So exciting... Elisa Lam's last trace of fear was completely thrown away. She, who was eager for freedom, was completely ignited by her heart that pursued excitement.

She turned her head and looked over excitedly: "Can we do it a few more times?"

Sean tilted his head and thought for a while: "Then let's go to a higher building."


A huge amount of water was poured down, and the temporary swimming pool was not waterproof. Water kept leaking from the edge. However, for Elisa Lam, this place was much more comfortable than the most high-end fully intelligent swimming pool.

Sean took her to several high-rise buildings and kept jumping down. The excitement almost made her addicted.

Moreover, when she thought that from now on, the legend of "Flying Shadows in the Night Sky" would spread in the imperial capital, she felt numb all over, and even the soles of her feet were wrinkled and shouting excitement.

And the rooftop where she was now was the last building she and Sean jumped down from before.

The clothes of the two people had been wet by the wine and wrinkled by the wind, so when Sean proposed to build a temporary swimming pool on the rooftop, Elisa Lam immediately agreed excitedly.

Even though this was where she grew up.

The Lan family, the owner of the tallest building in the empire, and their whole family also lived on the top floor of this building.

However, when she thought that her family was at her feet, and that they were the upper class people who were discussing various "national affairs" with her father, Lam was so excited.

She didn't care now, and didn't want to think about it.

Here, she had a sense of freedom. The family survival, national power, and the damn throne that her father valued had oppressed her for half her life. She knew very well that she would not be able to break free from it after today.

But standing here, she felt a sense of freedom to trample on the so-called "really important things" and "what you should do as a daughter of the Lam family."

More water was poured down, and Lam staggered to the center of the temporary swimming pool with her hands and feet, letting the water flow continuously hit her whole body.

Throwing her wet long hair behind her head, she happily asked Sean who was pouring water on top: "Where does the water come from?"

Sean held a temporary pipe to pour water into it, and smiled when he heard it: "The waterproof cloth, sun loungers, etc. were all stolen from your warehouse. As for the water, of course it was pumped from your swimming pool."

Lam suddenly chuckled.

Very good!

Anyway, the swimming pool at home is not used and maintained every day, which is a pure waste.

The water level is getting higher and higher, and she can feel herself being immersed in an indescribable coolness, not just water.

Looking up, looking at the man who brought all this, Lam's breathing unconsciously became heavy.

Anyway, it's like this...

She waved at Sean: "Come down quickly!"

Sean turned off the water pipe, pulled off his collar and shirt casually, and jumped.

The water splashed, and the woman's screams and laughter mixed together.

When Sean poked his head out of the water, he saw that his eyes were black.

The dress that had been wrinkled for a long time was thrown on his head.

Lam Lam's laughter was as gentle as a nightingale.

The woman was already facing him after throwing away the dress casually.

Her delicate and mature body was hidden under the water, but the tenderness and desire on her face were no longer hidden.

This time, it was Sean who was pushed to the edge.

Lam Lam's eyes were full of misty and excited mist, and the whole swimming pool seemed to be contained in her bright and soft pupils, like a pool of water hanging on the moon, rippling with the swaying of the crescent moon.

Feeling the empty space under him, Sean raised his eyebrows: "So skilled today?"

Lam Lam gritted her teeth, the charm on her face almost dripping out, she was indeed beautiful and charming, time did not take away anything from her, but only added countless maturity to her.

"Don't you like this the most? Then do you like me like this?" She said moving words.

Sean smiled slightly: "It depends on your performance?"

The shyness on Lam's face flashed away, and then turned into boldness and passion.

She came closer, grabbed Sean's hand and guided it, and said boldly: "Don't think I can't see it, you just want to put a collar on me and make me do what you say..."

"What?" Sean didn't hear the last word clearly.

Lam Lam took a deep breath and slightly increased the volume: "Puppy..."

Sean finally laughed wantonly this time, he pulled the other party and pressed against the wall: "What, not happy?"

Lam Lam shook her head vigorously, her eyes filled with drunkenness and relief.

"No, I want to be your puppy..."

"So, what are you going to do now?"

Lam Lam turned her head, her voice full of urgency: "I want you to love me..."


"That...that...I want..."

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