I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 322 Can a lackey serve as a bedfellow?

After fastening the unbuttoned buttons, Sean sat up from the operating table.

"In order to cooperate with your experiment, I even sold my appearance. Is there any compensation for such a big sacrifice?" He said leisurely.

Bai Ye glared at him angrily: "I'm not you, I won't just see the naked upper body of the opposite sex and get my sperm in my head, and don't care."

Sean shook a finger and retorted seriously: "I must correct what you said, I am not that kind of person - even if I am wearing clothes, I can easily get sperm in my head."

"I'm really proud of you, cousin," Bai Ye mocked, then frowned, "My moonlight will be blocked by various obstacles, and I can only perceive it most clearly when I take off my clothes. My feeling is right , the life frequencies of you and those tree people are so similar, you are almost like brothers."

Sean turned his head and glanced at the tree body lying next to him. It was an elite team. I heard that Bai Ye asked Binglan to lead people out to kill and kill them and brought them back.

Looking at the other party's green face and the branches on his head, he said with disdain: "It's really an old lady who got under the bed and made me laugh. It's so different from my beauty."

Bai Ye frowned: "Now is not the time for you to make witty remarks, Sean, do you understand or not, this may be a very important issue."

Even though she was serious about what she said, Sean just shrugged his shoulders indifferently, obviously not taking it to heart.

Bai Ye said unhappily: "The life frequencies of the tree people are close to each other. This can be explained. They are special and different from humans. In fact, the tree people may be the fruits of the same tree, or they may be the fruits of the same tree. Zhiya, it’s not a big problem.”

She looked at Sean and said seriously: "But your life frequency is similar to theirs, which is a big problem. Yes, you are really not the kind of person who cares about your origin. If you block your way, you can get into any relationship. hand……"

Sean interrupted her unhappily: "How do you talk? Why do you make me look like a heinous villain and evil devil?"

Bai Ye's brows raised slightly: "Aren't you?"

Sean said matter-of-factly: "I am, but you can't say that to me. The villain can easily become angry because of this, and then push you down on the spot... No, just push you in that corner and spank you."

As he said that, he tilted his head again: "Hey, so it seems that I should let you say more?"

Bai Ye said angrily: "No need! You...it's not a problem for other people to have similar life frequencies, it's nothing more than blood relationship, but the tree people have a special race. Have you ever thought about it, if the tree people What will happen to you if your clan is wiped out?”

Sean wondered: "What can we do? They are them, and I am me. Hundreds of thousands of tree people have died, and I have no problem."

Bai Ye shook his head: "I'm talking about the race of tree people. My research these days has found that tree people have special ways of contacting each other, such as some kind of pheromones. Their entire race is very connected. Strong, so I suspect that there is a character similar to the king of tree people within the race. "

"Hmm? How to say it." Sean became interested.

Bai Ye continued: "You can compare it to a socially insane swarm, such as a bee swarm. In a highly connected bee swarm, if the queen bee dies, the bee swarm will often die suddenly because they are all composed of bees. After hatching, there is an indescribable connection between the origins.”

"I suspect that this will also happen to the tree people. In that case, if the king of tree people dies, other tree people may also fall into withering and sleeping. The death of ordinary tree people will indeed not affect you, but I am too Now that we understand the empire's methods, it is inevitable to eradicate it. Moreover, judging from the current situation of the tree people coming out, it is likely that the tree people king has crossed the violent sea and arrived on the mainland. "

Her tone became more serious: "If the Emperor's uncle notices this, he will directly kill the Treeman King. By then, you will probably be affected."

Bai Ye spoke a long paragraph in rapid succession, with logic and speculation, and was quite convincing.

In addition, Bai Ye may not know it herself, but one thing Sean knows is that her moonlight power has a certain precognitive effect, which is incomparable to prophecy and divination of the future. It is generally felt by herself. The sixth sense.

It was as if after making her decision, she placed her treasure directly on Sean, a man with no foundation in the imperial capital.

Rational judgment is on the one hand, but on the other hand, Sean knows very well that she is probably also following her keen sixth sense that occasionally pops up.

In that case... Bai Ye's worries are not unreasonable.

Sean was a bit dumbfounded: "Then I have to betray the empire and help my distant green brothers across the sea."

Bai Ye sneered: "This seems to be something you can do."

Seeing that she looked a little unhappy, Sean said happily: "I didn't expect that Her Highness the Princess has a strong sense of belonging to her country, and she started to provoke me."

"Don't forget, the empire will also be your empire from now on." Bai Ye said calmly.

"It makes sense..." Sean nodded happily.

Seeing that he still seemed indifferent, Bai Ye simply said no more.

I have reminded him that as for what he does, it is his business.

Moreover, Bai Ye knew very well that with Sean's character, after hearing his detailed explanation, he might have already started thinking about a solution.

Sean is not as indifferent as he seems, but he has some other ideas.

To be honest, it is not impossible for him to cooperate with the tree people...

Of course, for Sean at the moment, the benefits are too little.

His goal remains unchanged, that is to complete his experiment.

And his experiment, if summarized in the simplest words, is to re-establish a new order, and then reshape the chaos by himself.

To be honest, his ideas are still only in the initial stage. After all, he has just learned to walk, so there is no need to think too much about hurdles.

As for the possible existence of the tree king mentioned by Bai Ye, Sean has some irresponsible guesses.

While thinking, Bai Ye sorted out his things, and then looked at Sean: "What are you going to do in the next period of time?"

Sean thought about it, is it a serious matter to do Lan Fei?

Looking at his appearance, Bai Ye, who has been getting to know Sean more and more during this period, understands that this guy is going to say some dirty words again.

She said first: "If you have nothing to do, accompany me. It's a good opportunity to observe the tree people up close."

Sean looked at her, and then knew what was going on: "Are you ready to advance to the Crimson level?"

Bai Ye did not hide anything and nodded: "Everything is ready. Recently, I feel that the moonlight is about to overflow. I originally needed a little time because of the obstruction of the evil dome. I have not seen the real moon a few times, and the absorption of power is even slower. As a result, the power of the moonlight has been significantly stronger recently."

Sean said thoughtfully: "Because the tree people...they have the ability to break through the evil dome...the number of tree people on the coastline is huge. , the evil dome has been torn apart, so even you who are far away have gained some benefits from it. "

Bai Ye nodded and said: "I guess so, so I must upgrade to Crimson, and besides..."

She paused, then sighed: "I don't know why, although I have confidence in the empire, I always have some bad feelings vaguely, and something big may happen... I must master stronger power, whether it is to protect myself or to gain greater benefits."

"Well, then which unlucky Crimson Mad Beast are you going to find?" Saint Master Three, who had taken countless advantages from Bai Ye with this clue, asked knowingly.

Bai Ye spread out a map: "Here."

Sean looked over when he heard it, and then found that it was not the place he gave Bai Ye.

Is there anything new?

After all, the game they developed only made detailed content in the early stage, including Bai Ye and the future of the empire, and only used a few settings to temporarily set the tone.

"Princess Bai Ye of the Empire finally awakened her supernatural power and summoned the moonlight. Soon, by chance, she encountered [The Lost Soul Under the Red Moon]. After killing this special crimson crazy beast, Bai Ye officially advanced to Crimson, which also became the starting point for the Moon Queen to dominate the continent."

This is a brief description, and [The Lost Soul Under the Red Moon] is located in the southwest of the Empire. The Lost Ruins there are exactly where the Lost Soul wanders.

However, the place that Bai Ye pointed to Sean was close to the Raya Volcano.

Bai Ye didn't know what the man in front of him was thinking, but just moved his finger to the Lost Ruins: "The crimson crazy beast I'm looking for is here, but I'm not going to kill it there."

Sean was slightly stunned, and then he understood the other party's intention.

Turtle, worthy of being the future Moon Queen, so courageous...

She's going to make a big move.

Bai Ye said calmly: "I will find a way to lure it out of the Lost Ruins, and then take it all the way to the vicinity of Raya Volcano to upgrade there."

Sean grinned and said: "You are brave enough. The location of Raya Volcano is just facing the coastline. The tree people may have occupied that area."

Yes, this girl must be preparing to upgrade under the moonlight.

The tree people have the ability to break the evil dome. Although the evil dome will always repair itself, the more tree people there are, the thinner the evil dome will be.

Bai Ye's ability is closely related to the moon. She plans to upgrade in the best place to gain stronger power.

"Risks and benefits coexist. If I just want to upgrade to Crimson, the blood of the crazy beasts in the empire is enough for me to choose. Since I choose to hunt myself, why not take this opportunity to do better." Bai Ye's face was calm. She knew that Sean had understood her intentions.

However, there is one thing that Sean didn't know.

Bai Ye was stimulated by Sean to make such a risky move.

However, at the peak of the King level, even when being watched by two Crimsons and trying to assassinate him, Sean dared to go deep into the Poison City to face the cunning Apat.

In such a dangerous situation, he was able to control everything, and his gains after the risk were also impressive enough.

Because of the special nature of the superpower, only Bai Ye understood how terrifying Sean, who had just entered the Crimson, was. The pressure of the sixth sense was indescribable.

Of course, Sean's existence was also the reason why she dared to take risks.

Clearing her throat, Bai Ye said, "Accompany me, then..."

Before she finished speaking, Sean nodded, "Okay."

Bai Ye was stunned by his straightforward and quick attitude, and even the words he had prepared long ago were stuck in his throat.

This guy is greedy and shameless. Even if they are in a deep cooperative relationship, Bai Ye is ready to be ripped off by him. She even thought about what happened when she awakened her superpowers.

But Sean was so straightforward that she couldn't do it.

Seeing Bai Ye standing there, Sean blinked: "Are you so moved that you can't speak?"

Bai Ye choked, and then asked suspiciously: "Are you thinking about something again?"

"People are so mean. Sure enough, they don't cherish things that are easily obtained," Sean rolled his eyes, "Since you said so, I will start to put forward conditions."

Bai Ye hurriedly said: "Then it's settled."

No matter if there is a pit, settle it first. Anyway, she has been controlled by this bastard more than once or twice.

However, just when she was thinking about this, she saw Sean approaching.

She subconsciously took a step back and covered her chest, but the other party just tidied her bangs on her forehead.

"This is my first vote for the future empress of the empire."

Bai Ye's breathing was slightly quickened. She tilted her head awkwardly. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know how to start.

However, Sean was not satisfied with this.

He smiled and said, "This is also Sean's birthday gift to Bai Ye."

Bai Ye was stunned. She subconsciously recalled that it seemed that it was indeed her birthday in a few days... Birthdays were too insignificant among the things she had to do. She was not a person who valued the sense of ceremony, so it was normal for her to forget.

She didn't ask Sean how he knew her birthday. This kind of guy always has various ways.

Just for some reason, her heart was beating hard.


"I have a way to hide, so why do I have to wear this heavy suit?" Sean knocked on his hard breastplate and said dissatisfiedly.

Although she was going to do something very dangerous, for some reason, Bai Ye felt happy when she saw Sean's appearance.

Her tone subconsciously rose a little: "At this critical moment, if the princess leaves the city openly, people will say she is ignorant, so of course she has to sneak out quietly - you play the role of a lackey of a down-and-out noblewoman, so of course you have to wear this armor."

Sean wrinkled his nose: "Lackey doesn't sound good, how about a personal guard, the kind that can sleep with you, I don't mind sacrificing myself, after all, my loyalty is known to the sun and the moon."

"If you perform well, it's not impossible, hee." After saying that, Bai Ye got into the aircraft.

"It's bad, she learned it." Sean shrugged, rode on his hoverbike, and led the team out of the city.

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