I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 323 I'm going to take a walk, the rest is up to you

Bai Ye didn't bring many people with her on this trip, and they dispersed to explore according to her request along the way.

When she arrived near her destination, she was left with only a few confidants and the new guard Sean.

Sean didn't show his true face, and Bai Ye's confidants had a lot of doubts along the way: The mission of this trip was important, was this guy invited by Her Highness the Princess to help?

Believe it or not, let's not talk about it for now. This new guard was careless along the way. He even drove his hoverbike to nowhere from time to time. It often took several hours to return to the team.

When I went to react to Her Highness the Princess, the latter just said, let him go.

This group of confidants naturally listened to Bai Ye's words, but they were still a little dissatisfied with Sean.

The shadow is lurking in the darkness, and the remaining team leader is named 1994, whose name is somewhat abstract.

1994 is a pure weakling, with only one original brain left in his body. I heard that he came from the Chrysalis Administrative Region among the three major administrative regions, which is considered the base camp of the weaklings in the empire. 1994 was when he underwent the transformation of the prosthetic body. time number.

This weakling had just been recruited by Bai Ye not long ago, but because of his outstanding strength, he was still quite trustworthy.

More importantly, the Crazy Beast blood he used when he was promoted to Crimson came from a metal lifeform, which was extremely compatible with him, and could be carried around with him by multiplying it. The layer of what looked like a buffer layer under the 1994 armor was His proliferation.

Of course, 1994 did not say this himself, but for Sean, it was easy to observe, although his special shell could almost completely cover up the smell of pollution.

"Your Highness, I have observed it." 1994's eye detector was retracted, and there was a hint of excitement in the mechanical voice.

They were on the outskirts of the lost ruins, and their first priority was naturally to observe the confused soul under the red moon.

Bai Ye nodded, and then said seriously: "According to the original plan, I will lead it away, and you take the rest of the people to make arrangements first."

1994 said in shock: "Me? Your Highness, you need someone to protect you when you lead it away. Who will protect you if I leave?"

"Don't worry, I have a way, just go and do it."

Bai Ye said a few words of comfort, and 1994 could only stand up. However, just as he was about to ask people to leave together, he saw Sean walking to Bai Ye's side casually.

"Maxin, I didn't hear what Her Royal Highness the Princess said. Get ready and leave." 1994 called Sean's pseudonym and ordered unceremoniously.

Before Sean could speak, Bai Ye spoke first: "1994, do your job well."

She even gave Sean a serious look.

However, people like Sean have never been easy to talk to. He dug his ears and said, "Did you hear that, Brother 94, go do what you are supposed to do, and I will protect Her Royal Highness."

There is no emotion in 1994's electronic eyes, but judging from the movement of his electronic eyes, he must be quite unhappy.

But Bai Ye was in front, so he still snorted coldly and led the people away.

When everyone around him was gone, Sean said with a smile: "It's a world for two~"

Bai Ye glanced at him: "At the node of an important mission, it would not be a wise move to conflict with him, right?"

Sean sneered: "Isn't this a good time to test the loyalty of Brother 94?"

Bai Ye just rolled his eyes at him but did not continue to speak.

1994 often takes too much initiative. Apart from Shadow, he wants to be the second person around him. Being ambitious is not a bad thing, but only if he does what he is supposed to do and cannot violate his own orders.

After this is completed, you may want to consider letting 1994 stay elsewhere.

I'm afraid 1994 himself didn't expect that he would completely cut off his path just by showing some hostility towards the newly arrived 'Ma Xin'.

As the night grew darker, the lost ruins they were in began to look different.

Among the ruins, illusory people came out one after another. They seemed to be the same as before. Some were setting up stalls along the street, some were wandering in the streets, and some were rushing to work.

Seeing several pearl-white children running past with laughter, Sean said with great interest: "Ghost? This is the first time I've seen this."

Bai Ye explained: "It's not a ghost, it's the reappearance effect of the confused soul. There is no record of how this place became a ruin, but it was later occupied by the confused soul. Its characteristic is to reappear the surrounding life forms in the middle of the night. "

Sean stretched out his hand to fish out the child who ran over. Although he caught nothing, he still felt as if his palm had touched a heavier mist, which was a bit strange.

"Is this thing just sitting here, untouched?" he asked.

Bai Ye said: "The place is too remote. For a special crazy beast like the Lost Soul, since it did not run to the nearest human gathering point, we simply ignored it."

"Then it's not bad luck. Just stay alone, and you'll still keep an eye on it if it doesn't do anything." Sean yawned.

Bai Ye's expression remained unchanged: "This is its honor. Moreover, crazy beasts and humans can never coexist. Besides..."

She stood up: "Late at night, its abilities have been enhanced, and it discovered me."

"You two still have feelings?" Sean wondered. With his perception, he didn't notice anything unusual for the time being.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a powerful aura coming towards him crazily.

A blood-red giant spirit came at an extremely fast speed. It passed through the ruins, leaving a red mist everywhere. Those illusory people screamed silently in the mist and then melted completely.

"Forget it, I take back what I said before. It is not a good thing after all." Sean said with astonishment.

Bai Ye grabbed Sean's hand and hugged him around his waist: "No need to say the word 'also', now, run!"

Sean hugged Bai Ye tightly. Countless mini tornadoes emerged from under him, and in the center of the tornado, there were ant-sized people one after another. If you can see clearly, you can find that the little dragon controlling the mini tornado is 'Mo Qingshan'.

Sean's new research method is currently only practical for escaping.

But running away was enough. The head of the Lost Soul was composed of countless human faces of fear, confusion, and spiritlessness. They all opened their mouths, and a thick fog rushed to the two people like a cannonball, and Sean just jumped out holding Bai Ye.

Looking back, the place where they were just now collapsed like a rotten cake.

"Is this a spiritual or material attack?"

Bai Ye happened to be covered by the soft moonlight on the two people. Hearing Sean's words, he shouted: "I don't know, but I know that it must be uncomfortable to be hit by that."

"It is also related to the moon, so it can sense my superpowers, and it will chase after me."

Sure enough, after noticing the moonlight on Bai Ye, the Lost Soul shook violently like crazy and immediately chased after him.

"I see it looks so anxious, but it's not confused at all?"

"Stop your jokes, and run to the agreed place!"


"How is it?" At the foot of a fairly open mountain, the team that had been deployed long ago was waiting in full battle array. 1994 looked at the personnel who had returned from the investigation.

"No tree people were found. According to the news, the tree people are more active during the day."

1994 nodded: "It's a good thing. Get ready. According to the time, Her Royal Highness the Princess should be here in a while."


1994 looked up at the sky. In the past, the sky was iron blue at any time, but now, the Raya volcano erupted, and the tree people's ability to temporarily break through the evil dome dispelled the iron blue around them.

Standing at this place not too far away, he could even observe a vague white sphere in the distance with his naked eyes.

"Is that the moon..." he whispered softly.

I don’t know what the princess’s ability will become when she advances to Crimson with the blessing of moonlight...

They stayed there for a short time, and soon, there was news.

“There is a change in the distance, it is very likely that the princess has arrived with the Lost Soul!”

“Everyone get ready, kill the Lost Soul on the spot after arriving at the location, and help the princess advance!”


It was said to be far away, but only half a minute later, the huge spirit crazy beast chased the prey in front of it and came into the encirclement.

When they first saw the Lost Soul, its terrifying and weird shape made everyone gasp in their hearts, and a sense of powerlessness naturally rose from their hearts, as if depriving them of their fighting spirit.

“Wake up!” With a delicate shout, the white moonlight fell, and everyone woke up again.

Bai Ye jumped down from Xiao En’s arms and shouted: “Kill on the spot!”

The others reacted and quickly responded: “Yes!”

Suddenly, the Lost Soul, which had not stopped yet, was instantly attacked by a large number of attacks.

Energy bombardment, elemental attack, mental attack, before coming, Bai Ye had made a plan and brought all kinds of vetoers and weaklings.

Different types of attacks bombarded the body of the Lost Soul, and it immediately let out a series of inhuman roars.

Although it looked like an illusory spirit, except for the physical attacks of some enhanced vetoers that did not work well, the attacks of the others all played their due effects.

This huge spirit crazy beast was immediately caught in a bombardment, and the strong men waiting on the spot suppressed it so that it could not raise its head.

Bai Ye's eyes flashed a trace of joy. This Lost Soul has not yet reached the middle level of the crimson. With her arrangement alone, it can achieve what it is now. There should be no more problems today.

"A new round!" 1994 roared, and bombarded the weaklings again.

His prosthetics were running at full capacity, and dozens of large and small gun barrels with different thicknesses drilled out from various parts of his body, and each shot was a fierce bombardment that distorted the air.

Seeing that the Lost Soul couldn't even lift its body, 1994's eyes flashed with a hint of pride.

Not as strong as imagined...

He couldn't help but look at Sean, who came here with Bai Ye in his arms and found a high place to sit lazily, with no intention of taking action at all.

There is no need to find someone to help, and he is even a guy who doesn't contribute much... Humph.

The idea just popped up in his mind, and suddenly, everyone around him felt that time seemed to slow down for a moment.

They were shocked to find that their movements and even thoughts became slower for a moment, but the Lost Soul in front of them was not affected at all.

It roared loudly, and countless faces on its head opened their mouths.

The people present noticed this, and they wanted to stop it, but the slowed-down movements and thoughts could not provide strong support.

The countless faces let out a sharp hissing sound!

The world's brief slowdown finally passed, and the hissing sound instantly spread throughout the entire area!

More than a dozen king-level masters suddenly cried out in pain and fell to the ground, and some of the weaker ones even fainted directly.

Their ears, nostrils, and eyes were all overflowing with bright red blood. Obviously, the roar of the Lost Soul just now had a severe impact on their spirits.

The huge attack was therefore stagnant, and the Lost Soul, which finally got a chance to breathe, floated off the ground, and its pearly white body began to turn blood-red.

The blurred moon on the horizon briefly sprinkled moonlight on this area, and the breath of the Lost Soul suddenly increased.

"Under the Red Moon..." 1994 finally understood why the Lost Soul had this prefix.

Under the moonlight, Her Royal Highness's promotion would be smoother and stronger, but the Lost Soul also received a huge boost!

He launched another round of energy bombardment, but this time it was so weak that the body of the Lost Soul even shook slightly.

The huge head, countless faces had turned into various grins and madness, they all stared at 1994, and a red light suddenly flashed.

1944 screamed, and under the red moonlight, he felt that many of his electronic components were instantly burned, and his remaining head was in great pain.

The situation was reversed instantly.

Those who could still stand subconsciously cast their eyes on Bai Ye.

However, unexpectedly, Bai Ye was looking at others like them.

"This is an experience." Sean, who was stared at by Bai Ye, spread his hands.

Seeing her expression, he had to jump down from a high place: "If everyone runs so far, wouldn't it be boring if they don't do anything?"

"Okay, okay, don't look at me like that."

Sean waved his hand helplessly and took a step forward, approaching the Lost Soul.

Is he crazy? The people present had the same idea.

The Lost Soul had just been strengthened, and it might have the strength of the middle level of Crimson...

Sure enough, the Lost Soul roared.

Then, the sky changed.

The surroundings were completely wrapped in darkness, and everyone lost their vision at once.

The man's lazy words sounded: "It's so strong under the moon, so why not keep it from the moonlight?"

Along with it, there was the helpless and furious roar of the Lost Soul.

In the deep darkness, there were only terrible sounds that kept ringing, and no one knew what happened.

Suddenly, the eyes lit up again.

They all looked over, and in front of them, the Lost Soul, who was still roaring just now, was lying weakly on the ground. Its huge head had been torn off half by someone at some point, and the only remaining human face on it had closed its eyes!

Sean stretched and walked back: "I'm going out for a walk, and I'll leave it to you next."

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