I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 324 Rebellion and Attack

Looking at the back of ‘Ma Xin’ slowly leaving, everyone present fell into silence.

Where did the princess invite this big guy from?

Most of 1994’s electronic components were burned. If the attack of the Lost Soul just now had not landed substantially, his current special armor should have cracks, and the proliferating pollution would have been completely exposed.

However, the name of the Lost Soul is a good way to describe him now.

The only remaining original brain is still in great pain, but he still can’t understand why this man named Ma Xin can be so strong.

All his prostheses are specially made. In addition to fighting, he is best at detection. These days, the main reason why he has always disliked Ma Xin is that the opponent’s energy source is too low.

It’s obviously only at the level of the lower level of the Crimson...

What happened just now...

However, no one cares what he thinks.

Seeing that the Lost Soul has fallen to the ground weakly, Bai Ye reacted after a slight start.

Without any hesitation, the moonlight condensed into a long sword of dozens of meters, slashing directly at the Lost Soul.

The crescent-white translucent long sword did not encounter any obstacles, and the Lost Soul had completely lost the power to resist.

Unlike ordinary crazy beasts, silver-white blood slowly flowed out of the Lost Soul's body.

Bai Ye took a last look at Sean who was walking away leisurely, and then began to absorb the blood of the crazy beast.

The moonlight fell, and a thin layer of translucent pearl film appeared around Bai Ye.

The shadow that had not appeared came out from the shadow in some corner, commanding everyone present to deploy defenses and explore, while he was guarding the innermost.

Standing on a high place, Sean looked from a distance, and the position where Bai Ye was located had turned into a huge pupa. There seemed to be some light spots in the corner of the sky that was faintly scattered in the distance, slowly drilling into the pupa.

"No wonder the Lost Soul is the most suitable crazy beast for Bai Ye to upgrade to Crimson. It looks like a CG cutscene."

Muttering to himself, Sean quickened his speed and headed to the other side of the foot of the mountain.

There are four main mountain ranges in the Raya Volcano. The one they are currently on is the one closest to the imperial capital. If they cross this mountain and walk a long distance, they will reach another mountain range.

That mountain range is closest to the coastline of the Violent Sea and the closest place to the treeman army.

The number of eruptions of the Raya Volcano in recent days has exceeded the total number of eruptions in the past few decades, so that you can still feel the scorching air at the foot of the mountain.

Looking up, the volcanic ash did not cover the entire sky like a normal volcanic eruption.

The volcanic ash and other contained energy were absorbed by the treeman tribe crowded near the coastline. As the number of treeman troops increased, the volcanic ash became thinner.

What is a bit strange is that according to the information reported by the spies, the number of treemen who drifted across the sea a few days ago has decreased significantly, but the Raya volcano is still erupting these days, and the volcanic ash is still being absorbed as energy.

Not enough energy, so we have to queue up to absorb? Or is it that the treemen have something that is constantly absorbing the energy erupted from the Raya volcano?

With doubts, Sean decided to take advantage of the time when Bai Ye was promoted to Crimson to check the situation nearby.

On the one hand, elite treemen spies may appear nearby. The treemen team Sean encountered before was difficult to capture alive. This time, as long as there is no Crimson in the opponent's team, he can try to capture a live one and bring it back. As for the opponent's ability to self-degrade, he already has several countermeasures.

On the other hand, it is the special nature of the current location.

The Raya volcano guard post where Major General Lance is located is not too far from here.

Instead of looking for missing evidence in the imperial capital, since there is a chance, it is better to go to the guard post in person to check the situation.

According to the military secret order he had read before, Major General Lance reported that his garrison had not yet found the tree man, and was currently on alert, waiting for orders at any time.

Obviously, this major general was not very honest.

The Empire's garrison at Raya Volcano was located in a strange basin with a bulge on the mountain line and a sunken top - the mountain was like a person's hand, with a pimple on the hand, and then the pimple was squeezed out, leaving a pit inside.

Like a crater.

The garrison was located inside the crater, but it must be said that the geographical location was very advantageous.

Moreover, the reflective stealth device first developed by the Imperial Central Academy was used here. It was said that even with a huge camp and tens of thousands of soldiers, the garrison was extremely difficult to find.

But Sean had Lam Ker...

It was much easier for the noble Concubine Lan to check information and find secrets.

To be on the safe side, Sean did not let Concubine Lan continue to go to the office in the palace, but went to Lan Youshan for help. In addition to the specific location of the Raya Volcano Guard Station, he also got back the locations of several other guard stations.

Of course, in order to reward Lam, Sean could only do something to her in the car on her way back to the palace.

With the information that Lam got, Sean finally found the guard station after some twists and turns.

It has been confirmed that Major General Lance has a secret connection with the Benwo Church and a certain prince, and even joined forces with the tree man, so Sean naturally did not slack off.

After determining the surrounding situation, he directly used the gray fog escape skill.

This ability is very useful for escaping. After using it twice, Sean also discovered another amazing feature of this thing - reconnaissance.

Exploring the surroundings in the gray fog world, almost no one will notice it.

And the three times of use every forty-eight hours also allows Sean to consume it boldly and safely, and the fault tolerance rate is further improved.

Entering the gray fog world, everything around him appeared again in the form of black and white lines.

The crater hidden by the reflective cloaking device also appeared in Sean's field of vision.

"It can be regarded as a rare effective technology in the Imperial Central Academy..."

Sean muttered, and quickly followed the black and white lines to the crater.

However, after turning around, he frowned.

There are no tree people, nor hidden ego believers...

The garrison seems to be really like what Major General Lance reported, there was no attack, just on alert.

A large number of soldiers patrolled everywhere, and on the invisible reconnaissance tower, the weak soldiers equipped with special mechanical performances were also concentrating on watching the surrounding wind and grass.


It took Sean half an hour to escape into the gray fog world, and he still had enough time to explore here.

After a thorough tour inside, Sean found that there was nothing wrong with the garrison, except...

The highest commander here, Major General Lance, was missing.

Comparing the surrounding situation, Sean realized that Major General Lance should have temporarily left the garrison with some of his confidants.

In the room that belonged to him alone, even the simple black and white lines could be seen in the mess everywhere-obviously, the owner here had just left here not long ago.

"Where did Lance go..."

Sean observed the surroundings again, and then took the initiative to cancel the gray fog world.

He appeared in Lance's bedroom.

After touching everywhere, Sean thought: "Just like what I observed in the gray fog world, there is no mechanism here, nor any secret door..."

After flipping through the documents on the table, Sean did not find any information that Major General Lance was wrong.

"Is it so well hidden..."

Finally, Sean found something in a resource list.

This is the list of supplies that Lance requested from the imperial capital every quarter.

Looking at the items on the list alone, there seems to be nothing wrong, but one of them caught his attention.

"Disassembly kit, signal component transmitter, Red River gem..." The last name was one Sean had heard before. The captain of the Red River team, Cook, was a person with a very high tolerance for Red River gems.

This is a gem that can accommodate various technological means. If all the gems are combined together, it is a Red River gem that can directly stimulate the user's superpowers to burst out wildly.

But the key is not this. Although Red River gems are not mass-produced, it is not strange that there is a demand for Red River gems in a team of 10,000 people.

The strange thing is the first two.

Disassembly kit and signal component transmitter.

These two things are used by the weak and the poor, generally used for maintenance, repair, etc., and require special personnel to operate.

But the problem is that these two things were also on the list of the previous quarter.

But why does a garrison team without war need so many repair and maintenance supplies?

Sean has observed on the way here that the proportion of the weak and the poor in the team is not high, only about one-tenth.

According to the demand for materials on the table, the materials brought in one quarter are enough for the poor and weak here to use for a year - do you still need them in the next quarter?

And because of the special craftsmanship, it is not easy to sell these things. If you want to make a profit for yourself with logistics materials, there are better choices.

"Besides, I seem to have heard someone say these two things."

After thinking for a while, Sean finally remembered who said it.

The number one engineer of the Golden Ghost, Endeli, who is currently happily researching in Paradise City.

And what he heard was the conversation between Endeli and the mechanical panda Panda when they were in the Mountain of Survivors.

Both of them are mechanical geniuses, and they have a lot in common. Sean vaguely remembers that the two talked about these two things - of course, it was basically Endeli who was talking, and the mechanical panda Panda could only say two words: Panda.

"This quantity is wrong..."

"What did Lancedo want this part of the materials for?"

Suddenly, Sean, who was thinking hard, raised his head and looked in the direction he came from.

He left some things near Baiye, but now, it was triggered.

Moreover, it was not triggered on the side close to the coastline, but on the opposite side.

"Master Shadow, who is that Ma Xin?" After repairing himself briefly, 1994 still wanted to do his best to complete the task he should do.

However, while helping to guard, he still couldn't help asking the elusive Shadow.

The narrow eyes above the Shadow's mask glanced at him, and finally whispered: "You only need to know that Mr. Ma Xin is very popular with Her Royal Highness the Princess."

The bland answer made 1994 feel frustrated, but he also knew that when Shadow said this, he had better not ask again.

He looked at the pupa wrapped in white leaves, which was alternating between light and dark at a slow speed, constantly flashing.

There have been changes, which means that Her Royal Highness's promotion went smoothly, and that she is strong enough and well prepared.

1994 looked at him again with some envy, and sighed in his heart.

Although the status of the weak and the veto is the same, more Crimsons are vetoes. On the one hand, many people want to keep their bodies intact as much as possible, and on the other hand, it is easier for the vetoes to be promoted.

However, it is not surprising that Her Royal Highness has such complete preparations...

I just don't know what level of strength Mr. Ma Xin is, and how he was promoted to Crimson.

While thinking alone, suddenly, he keenly noticed that something happened outside.

Subconsciously, he said: "Lord Shadow, I noticed something wrong. It's nine o'clock in the opposite direction. Can you go and take a look quickly?"

Shadow glanced at him and stood there without moving.

"We have only one primary goal, to protect Her Royal Highness to complete the promotion."

"I know... but I don't think it's right. How about I go and take a look?"

Seeing 1994's serious expression, Shadow nodded.

He must be staying with Bai Ye. Now is the critical moment, he will never leave.

1994 left, and about five minutes later, he came back.

Shadow looked over subconsciously, wanting to hear what the other party had found.

1994 walked over with a normal look and smiled: "No problem, a king-level crazy beast came out of nowhere and was just dealt with."

"Yeah." Shadow was about to nod in response, when suddenly, a strong sense of crisis spread throughout his body.

What is covering 1994's chest...

An idea popped up in his mind, and Shadow, who noticed something was wrong, was about to leap, but behind him was Bai Ye, and he threw his cloak and blocked the front.


The covering on 1994's chest fell off instantly, and the artillery that had been prepared inside suddenly fired!

The sharp trajectory cut through the air and hit the cloak and the shadow behind it.

The latter staggered back a few steps and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

"Someone come!"

He shouted.

But no one responded.

The surrounding guard teams seemed to be dead.

1994's electronic face finally showed madness, and he sneered: "Don't shout, all the people outside have been dealt with."


Finally, a large number of auras were no longer hidden and exposed to Shadow's perception.

His pupils suddenly contracted: When... When did the tree people get so close? ! 1994 is actually a traitor?

As if to verify his conjecture, a large number of plant individuals of various shapes appeared next to him.

Looking at the pupa behind him, Shadow's face became ugly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"It's bad..."

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