I'm a villain, not a devil

Chapter 91 It’s wonderful (it will be released tomorrow, please pre-order!)

There were imperceptible ripples in the night air.

The sturdy Rocket disappeared in the air. Looking at the patrol that just walked past, he grinned.

The boss's superpower is really useful, and he can disguise it even with a figure like his.

Of course, disguise is not his favorite method. He prefers to charge all the way in and blow everyone's heads off.

They originally would not have come to Paradise City, but the sudden chip message they received made them change their route.

After getting a general understanding of Paradise City, Rocket sneered a little.

It is one of the largest city-states in the world, with a population even greater than that of the imperial capital, but its development rate is so slow.

Sitting in a well and looking at the sky is still complacent...

However, the Rockets like it very much.

[Golden Ghost] can be said to be the weakest of the four major forces, except for the ridiculous Jin Kui.

As long as Jin Kui doesn't show up, the Rockets are confident that they can come and go here freely.

It's a pity that we can't fight today...

His strong body moved nimbly and cautiously, approaching the nearest core building.

All he has to do is scan the entire building with a detector to make sure the chip is here.

A few minutes later, Rocket left in disguise.

Still found nothing, but he didn't really care.

If someone is discovered, it would be nice to have a fight...

The rocket tossed around for a moment, and finally came to a huge semicircular cover.

This design is basically to maximize the efficiency of the artificial sun, so this is probably the residence of an important person.

Using disguise and his own stealth abilities, Rocket bypassed the tight guards and approached the entrance.

This is the core area of ​​[Golden Ghost]. There are only a few people who can enter here, let alone enemies.

Therefore, the entrance was left open, with only a few guards standing guard at the door.

After mentally comparing the size of the building, Rocket discovered that the detector could not fully scan the perimeter.

Looking at the entrance, Rocket's eyes flashed with excitement.

After silently calculating the time it took for the patrol to pass by and the time left to disguise, he quietly touched it.

His camouflage ability blended him into the air, making him even harder to detect under the cover of night.

The entrance was very large, Rocket carefully stepped back and walked in like this.

Inside is a large yard with green plants everywhere.

"Big dog owner..." Rocket chuckled and moved towards the center.

The detector flashed, and Rocket, who was still a little uninterested, suddenly widened his eyes in surprise.

Scan successful? !

There is a huge source of energy here...

A look of surprise flashed in Rocket's eyes. He didn't expect that he would actually gain something after taking the risk!

There was not much time left to disguise himself. Logically speaking, he should evacuate immediately and inform his companions of the news.


This is a good opportunity to make a contribution!

Take a look. If the defense is not too tight, you can take it away directly.

If he succeeded, wouldn't he be able to make a lot of requests to the leader afterwards?

What's the point of doing detective work every day? It's boring. I want to see rivers of blood.

Rocket moved his steps, even somewhat ignoring the movement requirements of the disguised action, and the ripples in the air were obviously much larger.

He didn't care, but walked quickly towards the direction where the energy source was displayed.

There was no one in the yard, which gave Rocket more confidence to take risks.

Then suddenly he heard a little girl's voice.

"Sister Xiao Ci, eat this! My brother bought it for me. It's very sweet."

"My brother and Sean are the best brothers, then we are the best sisters, so don't be polite to me."

"Eat it? Is it delicious?"

"It's okay, it's all yours if you like to eat it!"

"There's no need to be so polite. I'll give food to my future sister-in-law. It's very reasonable."

"But sister-in-law is not a nice word... Hey, you said, after I marry Sean, you call me sister-in-law, and I call you sister. Isn't this a little weird? Well...it's okay, everyone has their own thing."

Rocket looked over and saw two little girls sitting on the small table and chairs at the door eating.

The black-haired one has a very loose mouth, and his words seem to win people's hearts.

The orange-haired one said nothing and ate in small bites.

Rocket ignored the two men and looked towards the house.

Most likely it's inside...

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took steps, the body that was originally hidden in the air began to slowly appear.

It's time to pretend.

The moment he appeared, a shrill alarm suddenly sounded in the house.

Two guards who came at high speed on flying boards pulled the trigger directly on him.

However, Rocket did not panic at all, but showed a ferocious smile in the hail of bullets.

He didn't care at all that the bullets penetrated into his flesh and blood, he bent his legs slightly and fired his whole body like a cannonball.

Rocket, who instantly appeared in front of the guard, laughed wildly and punched the two men straight away.

He grabbed the flying board in the air, used his waist and abdomen to spin suddenly, and threw the flying board stained with flames towards the other guards who were coming.

There was an explosion, the rocket hit the ground hard, and the bullet was squeezed out of his muscles. Then, he rushed straight towards the back room at an explosive speed.

The two little girls hid back the moment the alarm sounded. When Rocket saw the two of them, a ferocious look flashed in his eyes.

He twisted his body deliberately, actually planning to spend some extra time to deal with these two people!

The huge fist made a sound of wind, and the blood vessels in the muscled arms contracted and expanded rapidly, and even some terrifying gurgling sounds came out.

This punch was actually going to kill two little girls!

However, halfway through the punch, a huge sense of crisis came.

Rocket's heart skipped a beat, and he reversed his fist forcefully, his shoulder blades making a terrible creaking sound.

He looked angrily, and behind the two little lolita, a huge body slowly walked out of the shadows.

His thick hands carefully grabbed the two little lolita and put them behind him, and the body that was bigger than a rocket finally appeared.

The little giant, who was more than three meters tall, had terrifying steel-like muscles all over his body, and his gold-plated chin flashed a dim and ferocious light in the night.

Sherrill laughed ferociously: "How audacious."


Zhu Zhu found that he seemed to be in trouble.

She finally found the opportunity to shuttle into the room, and as expected, there was a man named Sean in the room.

However, shortly after she entered, the lights in the room suddenly went out.

Specially coated armor that never reflected a human figure rose from below, sealing off the entire room.

She was trapped in the only mirror in the room.

In the darkness, the handsome man who had been silent walked up to the mirror.

Zhu Zhu watched him knock on the mirror from inside and said with a smile: "Welcome to [Golden Ghost], guest."

How does he know my abilities? ! How did he know that we had infiltrated [Golden Ghost]? !

Zhu Zhu forced herself to calm down. She knew that no one else could enter the mirror space without her permission.

However, as long as there is no other mirror for her to jump to, she will always be trapped here.

This is almost a dead end!

Looking at the smiling face of the man in front of the mirror, all kinds of information flashed through Zhu Zhu's mind.

[Golden Ghost] The second in command, with a violent and arrogant personality, loves women, farce and torture... However, his combat effectiveness is extremely low!

Zhu Zhu's eyes flashed with joy. Although she was not the type to fight head-on, she had to deal with such an insidious pretty girl...

Hum, let you show off!

A hand suddenly reached out of the mirror and pulled the seemingly defenseless Sean directly into the mirror.

In the pure white space, Sean stood up and looked around.

The red-haired girl opposite had already taken out a dagger, and she sneered:

"Although I don't know how you learned about my abilities, you are still too careless, Mr. Sean."

Sean narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the girl's beautiful body wantonly.

Zhu Zhu snorted coldly: "No one else can enter here without my permission. Of course, the people inside can't leave either."

She waved a beautiful knife: "Be my trophy, you insidious pretty boy!"

Sean nodded thoughtfully: "You mean, there are only two of us left here, and no one else can come in... right?"

Zhu Zhu's heart suddenly beat wildly, and she saw the man's eyes light up.

"That's really..."

"That's wonderful."

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