
"And us!"

Under Xu Xu's astonished gaze, all thirty-three classmates in Class Two and Four of Senior High School stood up, and Ying Jiaojiao, who was standing at the front, said to Xu Xu with a solemn expression, "Permit, I know we have done something for you. It's a very bad thing, so we don't want to expect too much, just hope that you can use your own eyes to see more and more beautiful scenery instead of us."

"Enjoy a very wonderful life in our place with an eternally optimistic spirit."

"With the regrets of the thirty-three people in our fourth class, we greet graduation, further studies, dreams, happiness, and any setbacks that may come with a fearless spirit."

"Permit." Another classmate stood up, "don't listen to her, just do what you want to do, that's enough."

"That's right, how can there be so much emotion." Jiang Qi, the narcissistic son in the class, stood up, "Don't listen to Ying Jiaojiao, as long as you are happy, it's enough to be happy with us. !"

"Please!" Everyone bowed their heads.

"I'm sorry, permission." Xie Meng also walked over, "If there is a chance to do it again, when you ask for help, I will definitely not take all this as a joke again."

Xie Meng's mood should be the heaviest. But now, she is trying her best to let herself go, instead of being here because she is reluctant to say goodbye. It's better to just leave so resolutely and take advantage of the opportunity of dreaming, so that the people you can't forget will spend the rest of your life well.

"I understand, what happened in the past has passed." Xu Xu nodded slowly, "but my life will not change the props because of everyone's words, all I can do is to use these eyes to see more scenery, Use these legs and feet to travel more mountains and rivers."

"Thank you."

After Ying Jiaojiao and the others finished speaking, they turned to look at Su Qingxing and asked, "Transfer student, is it true that you said we can choose our own way to leave?"

"It's true." Su Qingxing gave a positive answer, "How do you want to leave!?"

"If possible, we want to make it feel as if it never happened," promises to take a deep breath. "But it all started with the bus, and we want it to end with the bus!"

"Is that such a simple request?" Su Qingxing was surprised by everyone's request.

"That's the kind of request, unless you're a transfer student, you're willing to wear a waist-length wig and wear a period costume to send us away." Ying Jiaojiao hasn't forgotten to make a joke at this moment, "Don't take it seriously, I'm just talking casually. That's it."

The reason why Ying Jiaojiao made such a joke is because she remembered the back killer in ancient costumes, and because she found out that she could no longer participate in the next art festival.

In fact, everyone was reluctant to leave. If it wasn't for the current situation, everyone would not be willing to leave with Su Qingxing.

Although they are also reluctant to give up now, the situation has reached a critical point. In addition, Su Qingxing said that they have another chance to dream, all the students are finally willing to follow the guide of the underworld and leave.

So, just an hour after the 34 teachers and students in the second and fourth classes of high school made their decision, a bus that looked a little worn out suddenly appeared outside the church.

In the hot summer, the staff who were preparing for the wedding outside the church were going to see why the bus came here.

But at that moment, a gust of wind that shouldn't exist suddenly blew up, and the flowers that the staff had placed beside them for decoration violently rose, and the pink and white petals flew all over the sky.

Outside the church, flowers are fascinated.

While the staff whose sight was disturbed by the petals were busy making up for their losses, thirty-four figures came out of the gate of the auditorium and boarded the bus at the fastest speed.

The bus staggered forward, and even attracted the attention of many people involved.

But in the end, the bus went all the way and came to the road on the outskirts of Huaiyu City.

If you keep going, the bus will come to a lake, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, which is a very suitable place for students to conduct social practice and picnic.

Last time, the bus didn't get here.

This time, they wanted to take a look at the scenery here.

How many times have they found this place of social practice boring and boring.

Now, they want to take a few more glances and feel the green mountains and rivers of this human world.


In the green mountains and green waters, the ghosts sent by Su Qingxing brought a driver with the same identity as the living dead. They drove the bus like this, with a teacher and thirty-three students from the second and fourth class of high school, and turned into the firelight again. A puff of smoke.

Originally thought this would be the end of everything, but soon some students found out that they were still "alive"?

Thirty-five people stood close to the scene of the accident, watching the bus in flames together. Unlike the previous car accident, this time the bus exploded and spontaneously ignited, and there must be Su Qingxing driving it.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, and found that they all looked back to their best condition, no withered complexion, no red eyes, and even no burn marks on the promised right arm.

It's just that...everyone looks translucent.

There aren't many cars on the suburban roads, so promise they'll watch for a while before traffic finds out about a major accident here.

Soon, all kinds of vehicles honking their horns came one after another, when they knew that there were so many in the bus

There were voices of regret and grief behind the scene.

All the staff were busy at the scene, and they accidentally bumped into the students standing there as they walked back and forth. It's just that in the next second, they will pass through the student's body, as if they can't see or touch.

"Everyone has worked hard." All "people" bowed apologetically to the busy staff.

"We are really dead now, right?" Ying Jiaojiao looked at her current state curiously. Although she seemed to have become some kind of transparent existence, it was much better than when she crazily wanted to eat people. .

"Yes." Su Qingxing did not know when he stood beside them. He was also in a translucent state and could not be seen by humans. "In simple words, everyone has now become a 'ghost'."

"And then do we need to go to that ghost town?" Everyone heard Su Qingxing say something related to the underworld before, so they knew that they who were taken away from the human world for Su Qingxing would skip the trial of the underworld and enter directly. 666 Ghost Town.

"Yes, in fact, life in a ghost town is not as scary as you imagined. Apart from the need to complete some work and the fact that the streets are not as lively as Human World, you can still live as before..." Su Qingxing specially adjusted, "Like before. the same" these five words.

However, they promised that they obviously didn't hear anything in Su Qing's jargon.

So Su Qingxing said bluntly: "Because you are still underage when you die, according to the special regulations of our ghost town No. 666, you need to continue studying in the school in the ghost town for a period of time."

"..." The students in Class Two and Four of Senior High School were silent for a while, and then burst out in unison, "What did you say?!!"

"Cough cough." Su Qingxing said, and turned to the head teacher Xie Meng and said, "Mr. Xie, I will trouble you to continue taking office."

Xie Meng seemed to be much more dazed than his students. After listening to Su Qingxing's words, it took a long time for him to regain his senses. He nodded lightly and said, "It's a good thing to be able to do what you're used to."

"Then can we set off now?" Thinking that he had finally died, he still had to go to a ghost town to study. He has always been healthy and has developed motor nerves, but Xu Nuo, who is always at the end of the exam, feels very melancholy.

"Actually... I came here this time to ask everyone to do me a favor." Su Qingxing smiled slightly, "Actually, the reason why everyone has suffered so much during this period of time, and has become a living dead that is neither human nor ghost, is because Someone single-handedly caused it."

"And this culprit is still living in Huaiyu City." Su Qingxing was a little excited when he saw the students in front of him, "Now, as a guide to the underworld, I will give you the first task in the ghost life. "

"Come with me and get the culprit back!"

It was clear that it was daytime, and it was green mountains and water, but a translucent bus was coming staggeringly from the fog. The speed of progress is very fast.

The ghost bus from the ghost town, whether in the underworld or the human world, is a communication tool for ghosts.

When we returned to the luxury apartment, it was already evening, and the ghost bus stopped at the gate of the luxury apartment, but the old man, the landlord, who was sitting outside the door as usual, just looked up.

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