A gust of wind passed through the security door, making the already cold apartment corridor even more chilling.

In the room 401 on the fourth floor, Qin Cang, who had been with Zuo Qian the whole time, disappeared, leaving Zuo Qian alone on the sofa in the room, muttering to himself bitterly.

"That bastard, he clearly promised to protect me, and he clearly promised to be good to me forever, but he just scolded me and ran away! You bastard!"

Zuo Qian has not met Su Qingxing for a while now, the feeling of a modest gentleman on the surface, his ordinary face has become more gloomy under the influence of strong negative emotions.

"Why did it become like this!" Zuo Qian kept scratching his hair with his hands, his emotions were obviously out of control, "Why did things become like this! I am obviously the heir of the Zuo family, and I should have a bright and beautiful life, now But I can only live in this crappy apartment and eat a bunch of flesh and blood that pigs don't want to eat."

"I have nothing left! If Qin Cang doesn't come back, I really have nothing! Nothing! Nothing!"

Just when Zuo Qian was about to collapse, he suddenly heard some movement from the side.

"Qin Cang, are you back?" Zuo Qian's first reaction was to raise his head with a smile on his face and look in the direction of the movement.

But the next second, the smile on Zuo Qian's face stiffened.

In the originally small apartment, dozens of figures stood in unison. Every figure seems to be scorched by the whole body, and it is impossible to see the appearance or even the gender at all. Like monsters crawling out of the abyss of hell, it fills the entire apartment room.

"Ahhhhhh!" Zuo Qian's scream came instantly, sharper than expected!

The group of ghosts who suddenly appeared in Zuo Qian's apartment is naturally a group of thirty-four people from the second and fourth classes of high school who have just turned into ghosts and are now starting their first entrusted work!

After becoming a ghost, all "people" learned the first skill without a teacher, which is to switch between the normal posture and the terrifying posture at will.

The ghost standing at the front was the promise, and as soon as they entered the apartment, they felt a smell of flesh and blood hiding in this small place. It's just that for today's students, this smell can no longer cause any influence.

"Ahhhhh!" Zuo Qian was still screaming.

The sharp voice made the ghost's ears a little unbearable, so Xu Nuo immediately shouted: "You are no longer human, you are still shouting so loudly, and I will eat you!"

"Hmm!" Zuo Qian immediately covered his mouth with his hands, "Woo woo woo..."

"Are you Zuo Qian?" The promise confirmed.

"Hmm." Zuo Qian huddled on the sofa and took a deep breath before turning his attention to other places, and said boldly, "Who are you? What do you want to do? Do you know my boyfriend? Who is it!"

"We know, isn't that the guy named Qin Cang?" Promise, who turned into the terrifying appearance he is now, also has a bad momentum when he speaks, and even the words he speaks are completely incomprehensible that he is reading a manuscript. .

"Zuo Qian, after you died, in order to prevent you from entering the underworld, Qin Cang used the treasure in his hand to cause the underworld to move, closing the entrance to the underworld for three seconds in an instant, and making the dead souls who died within these three seconds have nowhere to go. !"

"We are the lonely ghosts who have nowhere to go because of your boyfriend!" Ying Jiaojiao also pretended to be beside him and said, "We know your boyfriend is very powerful, so we came to you. revenge!"

"That's what he wants to do, it has nothing to do with me!" Zuo Qian saw that these ghosts were not afraid of Qin Cang at all, so he became even more afraid, "I don't know anything, these things are all What Qin Cang did has nothing to do with me! Go to him if you want, don't come to me!"

When Zuo Qian was alive, no matter what his identity was, his essence was just an ordinary person. After Zuo Qian died, although he became a living dead, he also had no ability and could only survive by eating flesh and blood for a long time.

So in the face of dozens of Specters who couldn't be harmed, Zuo Qian had no other way than to avoid them.

"You are also dead, so you should be with us." The thirty or so specters rushed towards where Zuo Qian was, like a hungry tiger rushing towards food!

For the first time, the ghosts who knew that they became the living dead were not accidental, and it was very common to have resentment in their hearts.

"Stop!" A voice belonging to Qin Cang suddenly came from the door.

Half of the Spectre Ghosts had completely held Zuo Qian down, while the other Ghosts turned to look in the direction of the voice.

I only saw Qin Cang standing at the door, looking a little out of breath, as if he felt that Zuo Qian was in an accident, so he spent a lot of effort to rush back from a long distance.

Qin Cang also held a strange-looking thing in his hand. It looked like a carved round mirror, but if you looked closely, you would find that it was just a mirror frame, and the place that was supposed to be the mirror surface seemed to be broken. Like the rippling water surface, sometimes it is calm, and sometimes there will be some waves.

"It's just some little devils, do you know who I am?" The "mirror" in Qin Cang's hand suddenly appeared golden ripples, and the light burst from Qin Cang's hand all the way to the center of the room, "I don't want to cause more trouble. Duan, as long as you let Zuo Qian go, I won't do anything to you."

All the ghosts stepped back, as if they were really afraid of the power of that mirror.

"Qin Cang!" Zuo Qian, surrounded by ghosts, cried with joy

, "I know you won't leave me alone!"

"Don't worry, Qianqian." Qin Cang looked at Zuo Qian with a complicated expression, "I will definitely find a way to make you look like you were."

"Yes, you said you would turn me back into a living person, so that I can go home again!" Although the surrounding Specter hadn't left yet, after seeing Qin Cang, Zuo Qian didn't seem so scared.

"No, it's not like that." Qin Cang approached Li Gui step by step, "Qianqian, you are neither a living dead nor a human being, you are someone I have admired for more than two hundred years! I will definitely turn you into the original. Your appearance, whether it is character or appearance, I will make you return to your original appearance!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Zuo Qian was at a loss, but subconsciously didn't like what Qin Cang said.

"Who are you? Why should the living take care of the dead?" The person who spoke was the ghost standing between Xu Nuo and Ying Jiaojiao, whose identity was somewhat unknown.

"Humph!" Under the light of the round mirror, Qin Cang seemed fearless, "As Qin Cang, the guide of the heaven, I promise you by my real name that as long as you let go of Zuo Qian, I will definitely let you go. ."

"We know your identity, will you still let us go?" The ghost obviously didn't believe it.

"Of course, our heaven is not those evil things in the underworld, and what we say will naturally count." Qin Cang showed a lofty smile.

"But are you still from the heavens?" The ghost asked back, "If the heavens know that their guides have caused the entrance of the underworld to move, I'm afraid they will remove you from your name."

"Who are you?!" Qin Cang's expression finally changed when he heard the ghost talking about the movement at the entrance to the underworld.

The ghost did not answer Qin Cang's words, but continued to say to himself: "And if you really want to let us go, why are you secretly preparing a secret behind you? You are planning to wait for us to let Zuo Qian go. , let's be ashes, shall we?"


"In order to save Zuo Qian, you did not hesitate to steal treasures from Wenshenjun, causing the underworld to move. Although I don't know the reason, Zuo Qian should be very important to you." The ghost continued to say slowly, "The light of that mirror will Inflicting damage to ghosts will also cause harm to the living dead, so as long as Zuo Qian is in our hands, you don't dare to use this mirror, don't you?"

"How can you know so much." Qin Cang's expression showed that what the other party said was true, "Who are you?!!"

The light of the mirror does not distinguish between enemy and foe, it will only cause damage to all the ghosts in front of it. And Zuo Qian, who was surrounded by ghosts, was also a part of the ghosts. If Qin Cang launched an attack, the final result might be to kill Zuo Qian together!

"It seems that you have already admitted it all." The ghost standing in front of Qin Cang breathed a sigh of relief, then suddenly turned around and said, "Xiao Xiong, have you recorded everything?"

"Don't worry, Brother Qingxing!" A small ghost emerged from the group of ghosts and transformed into a little girl with a single ponytail, holding a hand-held video recorder made by humans." Guaranteed to be recorded from start to finish! It feels very colorful!"

The ghost standing in front of Qin Cang also gradually changed into Su Qingxing's appearance, and once again instructed the little bear, "Quickly send it back to Zhu Sha."

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