I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 233 Preemptive Strike And Late Strike

Chapter 233 Preemptive strike and late strike

"Come and play~"

This sentence directly reminded Wei Changtian of those Pleasant Goat shaped rockers placed on the side of the road in his previous life.

But of course there will be no rockers these days, nor will there be street girls soliciting customers.

The person who said this was an old man squatting on the ground with mischievous eyebrows. There was a chessboard in front of him, and there were several open wooden boxes in which there were some gold and silver jewelry.

It seems that he should be the kind of chess player who plays against others.

If you lose, you will give some silver taels, and if you win, you will get a piece of jewelry, something like this.


Speaking of Go, Wei Changtian’s level was limited to a few extra-curricular interest classes under the pressure of Wei’s mother in elementary school. Later, because the Go class’s time conflicted with the right brain development class, he “reluctantly gave up” and never went to it again. Pass.

Wei Changtian doesn't know if own's right brain has been successfully developed, but he has a good grasp of own's Go level.

So don't be ashamed.

Glancing at the old man, he was about to leave.

But at this moment, Wei Changtian found that Youjia's gaze seemed to stay somewhere.

Looking along, it is a hairpin with a ruby ​​in the shape of a peach blossom.

After a moment of hesitation, he walked up to the old man and squatted down, picking up the hairpin casually.

"How much silver is this hairpin?"

"Hehe, my son, I don't sell this hairpin."

The old man squinted his eyes, and pointed at the chessboard: "Three coins are a game, if you can win a game, you can take the hairpin away."

"I don't play chess."

Wei Changtian said impatiently, "Ten taels, is it enough?"

"Young master, you only lose and don't sell, this is an old rule."

The old man was unmoved: "If you want to, you have to play chess."


What shit rules.

Wei Changtian felt upset, stood up and prepared to leave: "At least half an hour for a game of chess, I don't have the time."

"Son, I am not Go"

The old man didn't stop him, but corrected him: "It's five sons in a row."



Wei Changtian was taken aback for a moment, and immediately squatted down on the ground again.

In order to flirt with his younger sister, daddy had specially learned the "gobang method" in his previous life!

I can't beat you to death!


"Looking at the excitement" is an external manifestation of human nature--the pursuit of novelty.

Therefore, seeing Wei Changtian, a handsome young man in luxurious clothes, wanted to play chess with the old man, many people soon surrounded him.

The small chess booth was crowded with people on the third floor and the outer third floor, but the chess game did not start for a long time.

"Why is it that you hold your son first?"

Wei Changtian was still squatting in front of the chessboard, and Youjia squatted next to him with her skirt pulled back, with a curious expression on her face.


Facing the questioning, the old man on the opposite side was unmoved, and threw out that sentence again: "This is the old rule."

"The rules of the fart, the first move has the advantage, this is not fair at all."

"My lord, isn't it equally unfair that you can win my golden hairpin for only three coins?"


Hearing the old man's insistence that he must go first, Wei Changtian already guessed that he should also know the "go-bang-qi method".

Feelings, you are relying on this trick to cheat money.


He curled his lips and threw out a bank note.

"This is one hundred taels, which is far more than the value of this hairpin. Can I go now?"


One hundred taels, with such a huge sum in front of him, the old man was a little dazed for a moment.

But the onlookers didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and immediately booed:

"Old Zhangtou! You have set up a chess booth here for so many years, and you have always been the first to go first, so what if you let us go first today?!"

"That's right! This is one hundred taels! If you win, you won't have to set up this game anymore!"

"You are lucky to meet this young master today!"

"Did you step on dog shit when you went out this morning?"

"Ha ha ha ha!"


There were booing and sayings, but most people were persuading the old man to let Wei Changtian go first.

But the old man didn't seem to hear what these people said, looked at Wei Changtian, and after a long silence, he suddenly handed over the silver ticket and the hairpin together.

"My lord, this hairpin is for you."

"Chess, let's not play."


Wei Changtian was taken aback for a moment, and soon understood what the old man meant.

The other party should have also guessed that he would win first, so he wanted to use this method to prevent himself from exposing his "trick".

"No down, no down"

After receiving the hairpin and the silver ticket, Wei Changtian slowly stood up.

Cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents.

Now that the hairpin is in his hands, he will "uncover the deception" for the onlookers when he has nothing to do. After handing the hairpin to Youjia, he prepares to leave.

But at this time, the old man suddenly said behind him:

"My lord, I live in Luoguo Lane, and there is an old willow tree in front of the door."

"If the young master has time tomorrow, you can come and see the old man."

In a quarter of an hour.

In the private room of a certain teahouse, Wei Changtian and Youjia were sitting opposite each other.

Wei Changtian heard the old man's last words, but he didn't take them to heart.

Tomorrow he still has to negotiate with the Xu family, how could he find time to find such a bad old man.

If it's a beautiful young woman or something, I can spare some time.

Wei Changtian has put this matter behind him, but You Jia is very interested in what happened just now.

She looked at the hairpin in the box fondly for a while, then raised her head and asked:

"Young master, why do you and the old man insist on going first?"


Wei Changtian didn't bother to explain what the "five-moon chess must win method" was, and said casually: "Playing chess is like planning a job, and the one who seizes the first opportunity will naturally win more easily."


You Jia nodded half-understood, then asked in a low voice, "Isn't there still a late attack?"

Late strike?

Wei Changtian said in his heart that I'm going to take you against Ning Yong later, and explained one more sentence.

"Those with strong strength may be able to strike later, while those with weak strength can only strike first."

"Is it?"

Youjia frowned and thought for a while, but it seemed that she didn't want to understand the meaning of this sentence.

Regardless of whether she understands it or not, Wei Changtian is ready to cut to the chase.

"Miss You, now that we have arrived in Jizhou, you must have guessed what I am here for."

"Now the situation in Daning is in chaos, and the struggle between Liu and Wei has reached the point of life and death."

"And if I want to defeat the Liu family as soon as possible, I have to borrow the strength of the Xu family."

"But that also means"

Wei Changtian paused at this point, looked at Youjia and said word by word:

"Sooner or later, the Wei family will become a thorn in Ning Yongnian's side and a thorn in his flesh."


The location of this teahouse is good, there is a light blue river quietly lying across the window, and in the distance you can faintly see one after another ink-painted mountain shadows outside the city.

The wooden buildings with flags hanging on the river bank are adjacent to each other, and small stalls and small loads are set up on the bridgehead on the street.

In the middle of the Qingshi Street, people were thronging. Amidst the sound of hawking and bargaining, satisfied smiles bloomed on the faces of pedestrians who bought and sold goods, and there was no sign that a war was imminent.

Compared with the noise outside the window, there was a long silence inside the window.

Ning Yongnian.

Hearing this name again, Yujia seemed to have a premonition.

She bowed her head in silence for a long, long time, then squeezed out a smile with all her strength, looked at Wei Changtian and asked softly:

"Son, what do you want me to do?"

(end of this chapter)

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