Chapter 234 Simple Planning

The scene outside the window remained the same, dust and the noise of the crowd from all directions were flying around.

"Son, what do you want me to do?"

When Youjia asked this sentence, it proved that she had already guessed what she was going to face next.

It turned out that even though he had left Longwei, he still hadn't left the chessboard, it was just that he had changed from a white piece to a black piece.

It seems that this is the fate of own.

You Jia held back the tears that were about to burst out of her eyes, and dared not look at Wei Changtian again.

However, the latter paused for a moment, but said something completely different from what she thought.

"Miss You, I don't need you to do anything."


As if hit by a bullet, Youjia's eyes widened suddenly, and her body froze suddenly.

There were still tears in her eyes, but the desolation in her eyes had disappeared.

The small wooden box placed next to it was open, and inside lay the golden hairpin that Wei Changtian won by "winning without a fight".

Five small rubies surround a small white jade, outlining the appearance of a peach blossom, shining softly in the sunlight.

From incomparable despair to incomparable emotion.

All these changes were due to Wei Changtian's words.

But in fact, Wei Changtian was not "blinded by beauty", nor did he forget Youjia's original purpose of getting close to own.

Youjia will return to Longwei sooner or later and become a time bomb that she buried beside Ning Yongnian.

And whether such a bomb can explode when he needs it. The fuse is not in his own hands, but it is related to Yujia's own attitude.

Therefore, he wants Youjia to do all these spontaneously and actively.

He wants Yujia to become a hidden mine that can be willingly detonated at any time.

This process is undoubtedly full of deceit and lies, it is impossible to say that Wei Changtian does not have any hesitation and guilt in his heart.

However, Wei Changtian is by no means a soft-hearted person.

Perhaps from the moment Youjia came to Shuzhou and the design was close to own, everything was unchangeable.

In a life-and-death struggle, any kindness to an enemy may become her own tombstone. Even if she is just a former enemy.

Survival is always the first need of human beings.

That's all.

That night, at the end of unitary time.

Wei Changtian and Qin Zhengqiu came to the Xu Mansion for a banquet as scheduled, and met the current head of the Xu family, Xu Shixing's widow, Wei Yanyu for the first time.

A pair of phoenix eyes are naturally charming, yet awe-inspiring. The black hair is combed into a gorgeous bun, and a seven-treasure coral hairpin is inserted obliquely. The overall look is magnificent and graceful.

There is not much difference from the portrait, she can be regarded as a beautiful woman who still has charm.

But what Wei Changtian was more impressed with was the indistinct aura of a superior person in her body.

Shrewd and capable, the city is quite deep.

There is no doubt that she is a very difficult woman to deal with.

"Young Master Wei, Master Qin, I offer you a glass of wine."

"Madam Wei is polite."

"The current situation is turbulent, and the dishes are a bit shabby. I hope you two don't dislike it."

"Where is this word, ma'am?"


Delicacies from mountains and seas are brought to the table like flowing water, and after eating a few chopsticks, they are replaced with other delicacies.

Amidst the chatter and laughter, the meal ended quickly.

It can barely be regarded as a feast for the host and guest, but that's all.

During the meeting, neither side talked about any key issues, but kept testing each other in and out of the conversation.

After all, the Xu and Wei families are not considered an alliance right now, nor will they be in the future.

And since it is a relationship of mutual use, it still depends on what bargaining chips each has to impress the other.

"Young Master Wei, drink some tea."

In the tea room burning with sandalwood, Wei Changtian and Wei Yanyu sat facing each other, while Qin Zhengqiu and Xu Chengwen were in another tea room.

In this case, it is obvious that we have to talk about business.

"Mrs. Xie."

Wei Changtian nodded, recalling in his mind the own strategy that Chu Xianping had taught him, and after pondering for a moment, he spoke first:

"Ma'am, I have come to Jizhou to discuss something important with you."

"I don't like twists and turns, so I might as well get straight to the point."

"Young Master Wei is refreshing."

Wei Yanyu sipped her tea with a light smile: "I'm listening."

"it is good."

Wei Changtian put down the teacup without changing his expression, and continued speaking slowly.

"Ma'am, my Wei family did not have much contact with the Xu family before."

"But since the Xu family fell out with the court, Madam must have noticed how the Wei family has done."

"Madame is a smart person, so I won't say those beautiful words."

"I'm coming to Jizhou to look for you now, just thinking that the Xu family can do my Wei family a small favor."

"I don't know if you would like it, madam?"


Although these words were not very clear, Wei Yanyu must have already guessed why Wei Changtian came here, so at this moment he just smiled and took another sip of tea.

"On the twelfth day of the second month, Ning Yongnian declared my Xu family to be a rebel."

"Overnight, countless officials, big and small, and wealthy businessmen attached to the Xu family defected to the court one after another, and they ran fast one by one."

"Only the Wei family not only didn't make trouble, but instead helped them a few times overtly and secretly. These concubines have seen it and kept it in their hearts."

"According to reason, Mr. Wei now wants my Xu family to do a little favor, and the Xu family should help with all our strength."

"However. Don't be surprised, my lord. I still want to hear what this favor is first."

Knowing what to ask, nothing leaks.

Wei Yanyu's answer seemed to be full of sincerity, but in fact it left enough room for rejection.

"Mrs. Wei."

However, Wei Changtian didn't expect Wei Yanyu to agree directly, so he lowered his voice and made it clear.

"I want the Xu family to help me destroy the Liu family."


Wei Yanyu nodded without any surprise, and asked again: "Then I don't know how the young master planned it?"

"This matter."

Wei Changtian narrowed his eyes slightly, concentrating his voice into Wei Yanyu's ears.

"The Liu family may be rebels together"


High-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods.

Smart planning often only requires the simplest layout and operation.

What Wei Changtian has to do is very simple - to use the hands of the Xu family to brand the Liu family as "rebels".

It sounds like a fantasy at first glance, but it is actually very feasible.

The "feasible" here certainly does not mean that Ning Yongnian will really believe that the Liu family is rebelling.

But whether he believes it or not, when a series of "evidence" is placed on the court, the emperor can only choose to "believe".

Because this is the only way to quickly end the "Will-Wei Controversy".

"Mr. Wei"

On the other side, Wei Yanyu was silent for a moment, obviously wanting to understand this point.

After several undetectable changes in her expression, it finally turned into a meaningful smile.

"Then, what else can the Wei family pay for this?"

(end of this chapter)

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