I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 251: Ning Yongnian's Intuition

Chapter 251: Ning Yongnian's Intuition

After staying in Longzhou City for one day, Wei Changtian and his party continued on their way back to Shuzhou the next morning.

Nothing happened on the first day, but when everyone rushed to Lingzhou the next day, they heard the news that the Dafeng army was approaching Yuanzhou.

Such a situation is undoubtedly very unfavorable to the Daning court, but it has nothing to do with Wei Changtian, at least temporarily.

Right now, he only cares about how to destroy the Liu family.

As for Ning Yongnian.

"Young master, the emperor has returned to Beijing."

On the carriage, Chu Xianping put away the "code book" and truthfully reported the news from the same boat meeting: "It came back last night, but it didn't go to court today, and only a few people in the court knew about it."

"Huh? Back to Beijing?"

Wei Changtian was taken aback, wondering why Ning Yongnian would return to the capital at this juncture.

The battle of Jizhou has just begun, and Yuanzhou has encountered foreign enemies again, and it may start at any time.

At such a time, Ning Yongnian returned to the capital from the front line, which only shows that there is a more important matter waiting for him to deal with in the capital.

What will it be?

Wei Changtian and Chu Xianping looked at each other, and after thinking for a while, the same idea popped up in their minds.

"Send an order to the fellow shipmates to be more vigilant. Unless there is particularly important information in the last five days, they are not allowed to communicate with other people!"

Wei Changtian frowned and said, "Especially Ning Wenyu, if there is no accident, Ning Yongnian will definitely test him."

"He is our most prestigious secret agent in the palace, it is best to keep him."

"But if you really can't keep it"


Wei Changtian suddenly lowered his voice and whispered a few words.

Chu Xianping's expression changed slightly when he heard the words, and he nodded immediately.

"Young master, I understand, I will send the order."

that night.

Imperial Palace, Shiqu Pavilion.

Standing next to the carved stone pillars are two rows of warriors in black with swords. They are the Hua Lingwei who have been incorporated into the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

And in front of the table at the end of the stone pillar, Ning Yongnian looked at the four people in front of him with an extremely gloomy expression.

The First Prince, Ning Wenjun.

The second prince, Ning Wenyu.

General Zhen Guo, Han Zhao.

Taifu, Pu Siyi.

Except for Xiang Shiyuan, Minister of the Ministry of War, who had died in the prison, these four people were the only ones who knew about the important information.

In fact, Ning Yongnian only suspected Xiang Shiyuan from the beginning to the end, and he chose to tell the information to five people at the same time to avoid Xiang Shiyuan's suspicion.

Yes, Xiang Shiyuan did not have doubts in the end, and he was indeed caught out by himself.

But the plan to take Jizhou City directly failed.

Then this means that among these four people there is a secret agent

The two are the sons of own, one is a famous general who has assisted the two emperors of Daning, and the other is the teacher of own.

Looking across everyone's faces, Ning Yongnian really couldn't believe that one of these four people would betray him and the Ning family.

But it is what it is.

Thinking of Xu Chengwen who was hung high above the city wall by Wei Yanyu, Ning Yongnian took a deep breath, his eyes unconsciously lingered on Ning Wenjun and Ning Wenyu for a while, and then slowly said:

"You all know about Jizhou."

"The officers and men of Daning are still fighting the rebels on the front line, but I chose to return to Beijing at this time."

"You must have already guessed the reason. I want to hear what you think."

"Let's talk about it."


After Ning Yongnian finished speaking, Shiqu Pavilion fell into a brief silence.

Until Pu Siyi, who is both a cabinet scholar and a grand tutor, coughed dryly, and answered first:

"Cough, Your Majesty."

"The old minister feels that this matter cannot be judged rashly."

"The reason why Xu Chengwen was exposed may be because this son himself acted carelessly."

"As for whether someone tipped off the news in advance"

"The old minister believes in the two highnesses, the general, and even more in his loyalty to the emperor, and he will never do such a thing of self-defeating!"

Pu Siyi was originally a well-known good man in the court, so these few words would not offend anyone.

Of course, what he said was not unreasonable, after all, Xu Chengwen might have accidentally exposed himself.

It's just that Ning Yongnian didn't think so, he knew in his heart that someone must have leaked the secret.

The reason why there is such a judgment that actually is not saying that he has any key evidence is actually just a feeling.

But Ning Yongnian was extremely sure about this feeling.

"Teacher, you can't say that."

Shaking his head, Ning Yongnian sighed softly.

"The Xiang family has assisted my Ning family for five generations, but Xiang Shiyuan is still rebellious?"

"Besides, Xu Chengwen, this kid is not some stupid person, he is sure that if he is a little careless, he will end up decapitated."

"I don't think he's going to slip up on something so life-threatening."

"General Han"

Ning Yongnian paused, then looked at Han Zhao again.

"You are a general who leads troops to fight, you should know this truth best."


Han Zhao, who was suddenly caught by the cue, was taken aback, knowing that Ning Yongnian wanted to speak for himself.

He pondered for a moment, and then the cupped fist replied in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, the last general is just a rough man who doesn't understand any profound truths, is clumsy with his tongue, and doesn't know how to defend himself."

"The minister only knows one sentence."

"The father wants the son to die, the son has to die; the king wants the minister to die, the minister has to die."

"Even if someone really leaked the news about the Jizhou incident, then this person is by no means the last general."

"I hope the emperor will see clearly!"


Unlike Pu Siyi, Han Zhao followed the open and aboveboard route.

No matter what, I definitely didn't do this anyway, so check it out as you like.

"I know."

Ning Yongnian took another look at Han Zhao, whose expression remained unchanged, and didn't say much, because he knew that the probability of Han Zhao and Pu Siyi betraying their own was indeed very low.

One of the two is a Taifu and the other is a great general, and they have already sat down to the position of one person below one person and above ten thousand people.

What's more important is that the two of them are already old, and it's not worth taking such a big risk for the illusory further power.

"Teacher, General, you go back first."

Turning his back, Ning Yongnian said calmly, "I want to have a private chat with Jun'er and Yu'er."

"Yes, I will retire."

Pu Siyi and Han Zhao looked at each other with complicated expressions, then retreated in unison.

And the two rows of Hua Lingwei with knives left behind them.

"Clatter clatter~"

There were bursts of noise as the armor rubbed against each other, and the flower feathers hanging from the handle of the knife swayed up and down with the steps.

"General Han"

Pu Siyi looked back at the closed gate of Shiqu Pavilion, lowered his voice and said to Han Zhao who was beside him: "Among the two Highnesses, I am afraid that someone will not be able to go to court tomorrow."

"Master Pu, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Han Zhao stopped and glanced at Pu Siyi, his tone was unceremonious: "Mr. Han still has something to do, so let's go first!"


Looking at the back of Han Zhao leaving in a hurry, Pu Siyi thought that he didn't want to get involved in the dispute over the reserve position, so he cursed "reckless man" behind his back.

Han Zhao had already walked more than ten feet away at this time, so he probably couldn't hear this complaint.

The cold wind was cold, and the sense of murder in Shiqu Pavilion behind him almost pierced the bone.

He walked in the night at a leisurely pace, with a calm expression, but he held something tightly in the palm of his sleeve.

It was a small copper coin with a small boat carved on the back and only two characters on the front——

In the same boat.

(end of this chapter)

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