Chapter 252

Han Zhao was "absorbed" into the same boat club just two days ago, and he was also the last Beijing official above third rank to "join" the club.

Unlike other people who "chased fame and fortune" or were "forced to do nothing", the reason for his "surrender" should be the most special one.

However, this matter is too complicated and will be mentioned later.

In short, with his joining, the Tongzhou Club has temporarily completed its staged goals, and Wei Changtian has basically finished playing the last card above the Daning Chaotang.

So far, all court officials who have been grasped by him and are valuable for use have already accepted the Puppet Pill.

The total number is thirty-two, accounting for one-fifth of all officials with the "right to go to court".


"It's safe and sound~Third watch~"

One slow and two fast gongs sounded in the distance, and it was midnight.

Tightening his collar, Han Zhao bent down and got into the sedan chair waiting outside the palace, thinking only of Ning Wenyu.

There was no morning court a few days ago, and he never knew that the second prince was also a member of the same boat meeting.

After seeing it just now, he already understood who sent the information.

It's not that Han Zhao never thought of helping Ning Wenyu.

But today the "above" just issued an order, requiring them not to contact each other, communicate with the outside world, and not to act without authorization within five days.

To put it bluntly, the meaning is to let them hide themselves well, so as to prevent Ning Yongnian from following the clues.

In Han Zhao's view, this is already giving up on Ning Wenyu.


Sighing lightly, he stretched out his hand to lift the curtain of the car, and glanced at the palace in the night.

The tall wall almost completely blocked his sight, and he could only vaguely see the shadows of a few buildings.

The heavy palace, the overhanging eaves of the bucket arches, and the glazed animal ridges are all quietly immersed in the night like a sea of ​​ink.

In the ear, the watchman's repeating over and over again the sound of the watchman getting farther and farther away.

"It's safe and sound, three o'clock"

"Father, my son will retire."

In Shiqu Pavilion, Ning Wenjun bowed out from the side room, backed up seven or eight steps before slowly straightening up.

He turned his head to look at Ning Wenyu who had been waiting outside, and whispered with his expression unchanged:

"Second brother, father let you in."


"I see."


The sound of the door opening and closing was very small, and Ning Wenyu's footsteps were even lighter.

He knew that he had to overcome this hurdle no matter what, otherwise he might never be able to see the sun tomorrow morning again.

"Royal father."

Going around a screen, I saw Ning Yongnian, who was facing away from himself.

The latter did not turn his head. After a moment of silence, he just pointed to a picture on the wall and asked casually:

"Yu'er, what do you think of this word?"


Ning Wenyu looked intently, only to see the word "struggle" written in sharp strokes.

"Father, this word is too harsh."

"Too hostile."

Ning Yongnian did not deny it, and went on to say: "Yu'er, this word was written by your grandpa."

"Except for me, each of your thirteen uncles has a pair, and they all write the word 'struggle'."

"At that time, I was just as old as you."

The last sentence seemed to mean something, but Ning Wenyu had long been mentally prepared, so he just stood respectfully and waited for the next sentence.

After a few breaths, Ning Yongnian's voice sounded again.

"Yu'er, you have to fight for everything in this world."

"Ordinary people fight for fame and profit; warriors fight for luck and opportunity; emperors fight for power and the world."

"There is nothing wrong with the word 'struggle', but you have to know what you are fighting for and who you are fighting for."

Turning his head slowly, Ning Yongnian looked at Ning Wenyu with calm eyes and asked, "Do you know who you are fighting for?"


Without hesitation, Ning Wenyu immediately raised his chest and said loudly: "My son is naturally fighting for the foundation of the Ning family!"

"Is it."

Ning Yongnian smiled and didn't respond to Ning Wenyu directly, but just shook his head.

"Yu'er, people in the court privately say that you are not as good as your brother, but do you know what I think?"


Hearing this sentence, Ning Wenyu's pupils contracted suddenly, and his breathing stagnated uncontrollably.

"Son, I don't know."

"Hahaha, then I will tell you now."

Ning Yongnian took two steps closer and patted Ning Wenyu's shoulder lightly.

"Yu'er, as others have said, you are indeed not as good as Jun'er in both literary and martial arts."

"But you have to be above him in one thing, and that is that you know better how to achieve your goals by whatever means."

"As a prince, this is a good thing, but it will also harm you."

"Yu'er. No matter what, I am your father."

"You have to know that no father in this world is willing to own his son to get deeper and deeper on the wrong road."

"You are still young, if you do something wrong, I don't blame you."

"I only hope that you will come back from the wrong way, and compete with your brother in an open and honest manner."

"Whether you win or lose at that time, at least you can be worthy of the ancestors of the Ning family and me."

"You are also worthy of yourself."


Needle drop could be heard in the room, only one intermittent breathing.

Looking at Ning Yongnian's calm and kind expression, Ning Wenyu didn't know what to say for a moment.

Before coming here, he had envisioned countless possible situations and had made adequate preparations accordingly.

But the present scene was something he had never imagined.

"Royal father."

The mouth opened and closed several times, and the thoughts in my heart were like a mess.

And at this moment, Ning Yongnian finally got to the point for the first time.

And it's a killer right from the start.

"Yu'er, the reason why Jizhou's plan was exposed, I already knew that it had something to do with you."

"To be honest, when I first heard about this, I really wished I could cut you into pieces."

"But as I said just now, no matter what, you are my own flesh and blood."

"Tiger poison doesn't eat babies, let alone me."

"Jizhou City will be destroyed one day in the future, and the Xu family will be wiped out one day, but if you are killed, I will lose a son forever."

"I can't do it."

"Hey, I've said so much, but I don't know if it's in your heart."

"Actually, nothing else matters now, I just want to know one thing."

Ning Yongnian paused, and there seemed to be endless fatigue in his eyes.

He looked at Ning Wenyu, who was short of breath, and gently asked the last question with some self-blame and anticipation.

"Yu'er, I wonder if you still recognize me as my father?"


The old man returned from Yuyuan at the foot of the mountain, and planted 30,000 green pines.

So he didn't cut it with Gan Tang, and he was waiting to return with a gray beard and a white armor.

It seems that no matter what their status is, parents all over the world always have the same heart.


Ning Wenyu's body swayed slightly, his psychological defenses were completely torn apart at this moment, and a wave of endless regret and guilt rushed straight into his heart.

He didn't dare to look at Ning Yongnian, but knelt down on the ground with a "plop", and said word by word as if a little choked up:


"My son, my son was wrong."

"The matter of Jizhou was indeed leaked by the son-in-law. At that time, the son-in-law was confused, so he-he told the matter, uh"

Suddenly, Ning Wenyu's eyes widened, and only then did he remember the Puppet Pill he had taken.

To betray is to die, it turns out to be true

His vision instantly became blurred, and there seemed to be a viscous liquid gushing out from the corner of his mouth. Ning Wenyu could really feel the rapid loss of vitality in his body.

He was in so much pain that he wanted to reach out and grab the corner of the person in front of him, but his trembling hands finally fell down halfway.

And that unspoken name became a secret forever.


Everything seems to be long, but in fact it is just a blink of an eye.

Before the truth was revealed, Ning Yongnian suddenly felt shuddering.

But as time passed, this fear turned into incomparable anger.


With a majestic and mighty palm, the stone wall on the opposite side exploded with a bang.

Numerous imperial guards shot towards this direction, and Ning Wenjun, who was waiting at the door, was the first to rush into the room.

The room was in a mess, and Ning Yongnian was still wantonly venting the fury in his heart.

And as for the corpse lying in a pool of blood at his feet.

Ever since he realized that the latter was really dead, Ning Yongnian never looked at it again.

(end of this chapter)

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