I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 253 Return To Shuzhou

Chapter 253 Return to Shuzhou

In just five days, Xu Chengwen, the eldest son of the Xu family, and Ning Wenyu, the second prince of Daning, died in front of their own mother and father.

The two things look very similar at first glance, but the details are completely different.

Wei Yanyu killed Xu Chengwen with her own hands, and she didn't show any softness during the whole process. In the end, she even hung the latter's body on the city wall.

On the other hand, Ning Yongnian just now showed affection like a loving father, and Ning Wenyu didn't die in his hands, but a puppet erysipelas.

A hard-hearted mother who would give up everything for the benefit of the family.

A father who loves his father like a mountain and only wants his son to know where he is going.

In contrast, the attitudes of the two towards their own flesh and blood can be described as completely opposite.

But hidden under this surface, it is the motivation and emotion that have been reversed again.

For Wei Yanyu, Xu Chengwen, who had to die, was always her own son, and she wanted to avenge him even if she gave everything she had.

But for Ning Yongnian, Ning Wenyu's death may also cause some waves in his heart, but what he cares about at the moment is only the name that he failed to say.

So, who is the person standing behind Ning Wenyu?

The Xu family? Dabong? still


Suddenly, a man in black with silver patterns knocked on the door and walked into the room, knelt down on one knee in front of Ning Yongnian, raised a stack of letters above his head with both hands with a serious expression.

"Your Majesty! That court lady named Dongxiu has been taken to prison!"

"In addition, my subordinates have led people to carefully inspect the inside and outside of Chengqian Palace, and found this stack of letters in the hidden compartment of the bed!"


Ning Yongnian suddenly raised his head, reached out to take the stack of letters, and immediately began to read one after another.

The man in black still hasn't got up, and the room is silent, only the slight crackling of the candle can be heard.

I don't know how long it has passed like this, Ning Yongnian finally put down the last letter lightly, looked up and was speechless for a long time.

It turned out to be.

Liu family?

Three days later, Shuzhou City.

Wei Changtian learned of Ning Wenyu's death when the carriage had just driven into the city gate.

In addition to Ning Wenyu, the same boat girl named "Dongxiu" also died in the prison of the Ministry of Punishment.

Losing two secret agents in the court at once, one of which was Ning Wenyu, was not an insignificant price.

But in fact, Wei Changtian had expected this day when he was in Jizhou.

After all, Ning Yongnian is not stupid, and the problem will definitely be noticed after the plan to attack Jizhou City is exposed.

Coupled with the blessing of Yellow Dragon luck, it is estimated that Ning Wenyu will be found out sooner or later.

It's different from the protagonist in the web novels who only make money and can't stand a little bit of aggrieved. In reality, "getting" will definitely be accompanied by "losing".

Ning Wenyu's death was the price he had to pay for that piece of information.


After a moment of silence, Wei Changtian shook his head lightly, and asked Chu Xianping.

"Brother Chu, do you think Ning Yongnian will believe those letters?"

"It's hard to say, but it doesn't matter if you don't believe it."

Chu Xianping replied with a normal expression: "No matter what, this nail has been buried."

"Well, indeed, now we are waiting for the actions of the Xu family."

While talking, Wei Changtian counted the days in his mind.

It has been seven days since I left Jizhou, and I am still three days away from the "ten-day deadline" that Wei Yanyu said.

In other words, three days later, the Liu family's treason evidence "accidentally" leaked by the Xu family will be sent to Ning Yongnian's desk.

At that time, no matter what the latter thinks, the Liu family can only be included in the ranks of "rebels".

This also means that the "Will-Wei Controversy", which has been showing a stalemate, is finally coming to an end.


The crisp sound of horseshoes gradually died down, and the wheels slowly stopped rolling.

"Young master, we're here."

Zhang San's voice came from outside the sedan chair, Wei Changtian breathed a sigh of relief, and stepped out of the carriage.

The courtyard door of the small house was open, Li Suyue and Yuan'er were already waiting beside the car, but Xu Qingwan and the others were nowhere to be seen.


"Young master! You are back!"

Yuan'er bounced up to meet her, her cheeks were flushed, and her little hands were still smeared with flour.

He must have been working just now, and ran out in a hurry when he heard the sound of the carriage, forgetting to wash his hands.

"Yes, I'm back."

Wei Changtian smiled, walked towards the house, and at the same time asked casually, "Where are Wan'er and the others? Are you out for something?"

"Hmm! Ms. Xu, Sister Liu Shi, and Ms. Liang are all in the General Military Mansion at this time!"

Yuan'er chirped like a magpie: "Two days ago, a high-ranking official from the capital came to Mr. Liang, saying that there was going to be a big war in Yuanzhou, and the emperor ordered Mr. Liang to lead troops to go for reinforcements!"


Wei Changtian's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he turned to look at Chu Xianping who was following him.

The latter immediately understood what he meant, nodded slightly and immediately turned around to leave, apparently to collect relevant information.

And Wei Changtian also continued to ask at this time:

"The imperial court asked Uncle Liang to lead troops to fight in Yuanzhou. What does this have to do with Wan'er and the others?"

"Of course it has nothing to do with Miss Xu and Sister Liu Shi."

Entering the room, Yuan'er helped Wei Changtian take off his coat, and while hanging it on the hanger, she replied casually: "But Miss Liang insists on going to Yuanzhou with the Shuzhou Army, Master Liang can't hold her back, so she has to ask Miss Xu and Liu Sister Shi went to persuade."

"I've been persuading her for several days, but Miss Liang still insists on going."

"Oh I got it."

Wei Changtian sat down at the table and finally understood the whole story.

To put it simply, Liang Qin was "eager to serve the country" and insisted on going to Wonju to snipe foreign enemies.

But Liang Zhen didn't want her to go, so he asked Xu Qingwan and Yang Liushi to persuade her.

Tsk tsk tsk, although it's not "serving the army for my father", it's something Liang Qin can do.

"Young master, drink tea."

On the other side, Yuan'er hung up her clothes, ran over to pour Wei Changtian a cup of hot tea, then ran all the way into the back room, and came out with a wooden box after a while.

"This is a letter sent from the capital in the past ten days, and it has not been opened yet."

"Okay, let me see."

Wei Changtian took a sip of tea, picked up a stack of letters and began to read them in order of importance.

The first is Wei Xianzhi's letter, which didn't say too much, just telling himself that the previous plan has been advancing in an orderly manner, and that he can immediately take full action against the Liu family as soon as the Xu family gets into trouble.

Then there is Li Yang, who said that the breaking news about "Guy Liu and Xu's rebellion" has been edited, no, it is ready, and it can be published in the newspaper at any time.

And then Wang Er, Qin Caizhen

After reading seven or eight letters in a row, it was finally Lu Jingyao's turn.

She curled her lips, tore open the envelope, and glanced quickly across ten lines.

With this reading speed, I am afraid that even the "quantum reading" in the previous life should be called an expert.

He finished reading several sheets of rice paper in a few breaths, but when Wei Changtian read the last paragraph of the letter, his expression suddenly became extremely serious.

In just a few lines, he read back and forth several times, then suddenly got up and shouted out the door:

"Zhang San, prepare the car!"

"Go to Wantong Escort!"

(end of this chapter)

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