Chapter 390: The Rich Man

At midnight, the black carriage that passed through most of Shuzhou City finally stopped slowly in front of another mansion without a door plaque.

After negotiating with Qingxian and temporarily solving the problem of insufficient "military strength" in Shuzhou, Wei Chang Heavenly Stems decided not to do anything, and directly came to solve the second problem that is now imminent——


Whether it is the construction of the city after ten days that Qingxian promised, or all the preparations required for the war, it will require a lot of money.

Even if Shuzhou's financial situation is good, it is obvious that it cannot afford such a huge expenditure.

Not even adding the Wei family.

Therefore, Wei Changtian needed to find someone richer than the Wei family to pay for the money.

There are only two such people in Daning now.

Ning Yongnian who controls the treasury, and...


"Mrs. Wei, long time no see!"

That's right, the person Wei Changtian is looking for is Wei Yanyu.

Ever since Jizhou City fell and Wei Yanyu fled with the rest of the Xu family's property, most people thought she had gone to Dafeng for refuge.

After all, judging from the previous situation, the Xu family seems to be inextricably linked with Dafeng, so it is normal to have such a guess.

But Wei Changtian knew that she did not go to Dafeng.

But he didn't know where Wei Yanyu took Xu's "remnants" to go during this time.

Anyway, when the news spread that Ning Yuke was going to proclaim herself king, they came to Shuzhou, and they have lived in the city for more than ten days now.


"Young Master Wei, long time no see."

Seeing each other again after more than half a year, Wei Yanyu was very calm at this time, as if she was not surprised that Wei Changtian came to find her in the middle of the night.

"Haha, I was busy with the ceremony of conferring the king a few days ago, and I haven't had time to visit. I hope Madam will forgive me."

Laughing twice, Wei Changtian and Wei Yanyu sat down on both sides of the tea table together, and asked casually like when they were facing old friends: "I wonder if Madam is still used to living in Shuzhou City?"


Nodding her head, Wei Yanyu said softly: "Thanks to the young master for taking care of me, I am very grateful."

"Ma'am, you are serious. I have already said that Shuzhou is the Xu family's retreat at any time."

Wei Changtian smiled: "So it's not about taking care of me or not, it's all my job."


Sighing lightly, Wei Yanyu was polite again: "No matter what, everyone in the Xu family will remember your kindness."


Different from Qingxian's straightforwardness, women like Wei Yanyu seem to like to talk nonsense for a long time before getting down to business.

Wei Changtian wasn't in a hurry, so he chatted with her all the time.

For example, "mourn" the soldiers of the Xu family who died on the Jizhou battlefield, "regret" the unsuccessful rebellion, "sigh" the current morals of Daning, and so on.

And after these scenes were finished, today's main topic was finally brought up officially with Wei Yanyu's question, "What's the important thing for Mr. Wei to visit late at night?"

"Oh, that's right."

Taking the initiative to refill Wei Yanyu's cup of tea, Wei Changtian lowered his voice with a serious expression: "Madam Wei, I'm telling you the truth."

"Just two hours ago, I just received the news that Ning Yongnian had sent General Han Zhao to Yuanzhou to mobilize troops."

"There are a total of 300,000 people, and they will rush to the border of Shuzhou in a month or so at most."

"I have already planned to fight to the death with him. If I can win, it will be regarded as revenge for Lord Xu."


The hand holding the tea waved slightly, and Wei Yanyu's face inevitably showed a hint of surprise.

"Young Master Wei, is the current Shu army capable of fighting?"


Unexpectedly, Wei Changtian's answer was very firm: "Not only do I have the power to fight, I'm even sure that these 300,000 people will come and go."


Wei Yanyu was even more surprised, but soon she calmed down again, looked at Wei Changtian and asked calmly: "Mr. Wei, if this is the case, then why do you come to me?"

"Ma'am should know."

Wei Changtian looked back, played with the rim of the teacup and said with a smile, "Of course it's because Madam has what I want."


Conversations between smart people never need to be very clear.

Soon Wei Yanyu stood up, nodded to the old butler who had been standing behind the two of them, and said softly to Wei Changtian:

"Young Master Wei, come with me."

After a stick of incense.

A dark room hidden in the basement of the mansion has been opened. Wei Changtian stood outside the door and took a look inside, but he only saw big boxes.

He smacked his lips, and couldn't help muttering in his heart——

By the way, the Xu family is not very good.

This dark room is not big, although there are many boxes, but even if it is filled with gold, it is estimated to be worth several million taels of silver.

Of course, a few million taels is no longer a small sum.

It's just that it's still a bit small for the Xu family who was once wealthy.

Could it be that the previous wars cost too much?

Or did you not take them with you when you ran?

Oh, what a pity!

Although he was a bit disappointed, Wei Changtian still prepared to accept everything according to the principle of "something is better than nothing".

But he also understood that Wei Yanyu would definitely not give these money for nothing.

"Thank you madam for all your help."

Withdrawing his gaze, Wei Changtian turned his head to look at Wei Yanyu beside him, and cut straight to the point: "But I wonder what Madam wants in return?"

"Young Master Wei is being polite."

Wei Yanyu also gave the answer straightforwardly this time: "Mr. Wei, the Xu family has lost Jizhou now, and the money is still in storage."

"This concubine is willing to do everything in her power to help the young master succeed, just for a chance to kill the enemy."

"Slaying the enemy with your hands?"

Wei Changtian squinted his eyes: "Madam wants to kill Ning Yongnian with her own hands?"


"But what if there is no such opportunity?"

"Then you will admit it yourself."

"Isn't Madam afraid that I will kill people and seize treasures?"

"If the son really intends to do this, he won't say so much."

"Hahaha, that's true. But besides the money, what else can Madam have for me?"

"The concubine has said it before, and I will do my best."


"Okay, it's a deal."

Nodding his head, Wei Changtian didn't ask any more questions.

Although the amount of money was much less than what I had expected, Wei Yanyu's conditions were relatively simple.

Wei Changtian didn't have the obsession to kill Ning Yongnian himself, so he didn't care who killed Ning Yongnian.

And if there is no good opportunity, Wei Yanyu will not force it.

It's just like sending money!

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this wave was not a loss, and Wei Changtian quickly walked into the dark room happily.

Rows of wooden racks were piled up with large and small boxes, most of which were unlocked.

A house full of gold, okay.


He casually unscrewed the brass buckle of a wooden box next to him, ready to take a look and let Chu Xianping find someone to take them all away.

However, Wei Changtian was stunned when the objects stacked in the box came into view.

It's not gold, it's not silver, it's not jewelry, it's stacks of banknotes from major banks in Daning!


Subconsciously swallowing his saliva, Wei Changtian suddenly felt that his previous estimation of the value of the boxes in this room should not be accurate.

"Mrs. Wei, how much money is there in total?"

"Well, after many twists and turns, I don't know the exact amount right now."

Wei Yanyu thought for a while, and then gave an answer.

"But it's only a lot more than the current Daning treasury."

(end of this chapter)

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