I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 391 The Overall Plan

Chapter 391 The Overall Plan

Much more than the treasury.

Sitting in the carriage going back, Wei Changtian was still repeating these words in his mind.

Of course he doesn't know how much silver is in the Daning treasury now, but it must not be less.

Good guy.

This is what the rich and powerful country said! Wei Yanyu is the real rich woman!

But this also proves another thing -

Money really isn't everything.

At least so much money did not save Xu Shixing's life, nor did it save Jizhou.

It will undoubtedly take a long time to transform silver into "combat power", and it is obvious that the time left for the Xu family at that time was not enough to complete this transformation.

This principle is also the same for the current Shuzhou.

Although there is money, the combat power of the Shu army will not improve by leaps and bounds.

It can only be said that the prerequisites are met.

"Brother Chu, tomorrow you will arrange for the Freemasons in each state to exchange the money one after another. For the time being, 30% will be exchanged."

Turning his head to look at Chu Xianping, Wei Changtian made arrangements: "After cashing in cash, we will recruit some local craftsmen or something, and we will pay them to come to Shuzhou to build the city."

"At the same time, spread the news that we will give money and land to the people who are willing to move to Shuzhou for a long time. It doesn't matter who they are, as long as they come, we welcome them all."

"Also, allocate more money to the Tongzhou Association, and let them find a way to persuade Ning Yongnian to raise taxes. After experiencing several chaos in a row, and now that wars are happening frequently, the national treasury of Daning must be empty. Ning Yongnian should agree."


One by one, Wei Changtian quickly began to make the next deployment around this "windfall".

Although he didn't study economics in his previous life, even with his superficial knowledge of economics, he can understand the impact of such a huge sum of money if it is sold out in a short period of time.

Ning Yongnian will definitely notice something strange, and may even forcibly suspend the "business" of cashing bank notes in all banks.

At that time, these banknotes will be no different from waste paper.

So he didn't act too hastily, and planned to cash out 30% for the time being, and wait for the remaining 70% to be used later.

Apart from this matter, Wei Changtian also fully considered the issue of "inflation".

You must know that even if the amount is only 30%, it is already an astronomical figure.

If such a large amount of money is all brought back, it is impossible to eat it with the "economic size" of Shuzhou alone.

It is as if trillions of dollars were suddenly poured into the market of a small African country, and the result would not be economic prosperity, but rapid inflation.

Therefore, Wei Changtian needed to digest the exchanged silver locally in each state, exchange it for real labor and materials, and then replenish it into Shuzhou, which needs to expand rapidly.

Silver itself has no value, only what it can exchange for has value.


I have to say that although Wei Changtian's ideas still have a lot to be perfected, the general direction is indeed correct.

Chu Xianping also understood this point, but he obviously thought more deeply.

"My lord, with such a big commotion, Ning Yongnian will definitely suspect what we are going to do."

"Other things are easy to talk about, but the construction of a new city. Is it delayed for a while?"

"No need."

Wei Changtian shook his head: "It's impossible to hide this matter anyway, so what if he knows?"

"Ning Yongnian guesses as much as he wants, it can just use this to cover up our actions on the other side."

"the other side?"

Chu Xianping squinted his eyes: "Master, are you talking about the Shu army?"


Wei Changtian thought for a while, and truthfully stated his own thoughts: "I plan to select 10,000 elites from the Shu army, and sneak into the Hundred Thousand Mountains quietly in the near future."

"Qing Xian will also choose five thousand fast beasts and birds as mounts for the ten thousand people."

"These Demonic Beasts are more powerful than ordinary war horses. If they can be successful, then these ten thousand people will be our trump card."

"So before the war, their movements must not be revealed."

"The reason why I am so anxious to build the city is actually to better deceive people."



With his mouth slightly opened, Chu Xianping looked a little surprised.

Although the formation of the "Shemale Special Forces" is enough to shock the world, Chu Xianping actually guessed it long ago after learning about the negotiation conditions between Wei Changtian and Qing Xian.

So what really surprises him now is actually this overall plan that is linked together.

The large amount of money given by Wei Yanyu needs to be spent, so craftsmen from all over the country can be recruited to build the city in Shuzhou.

The sudden construction of a new city in Shuzhou will undoubtedly attract a lot of Ning Yongnian's attention, and the latter will do whatever it takes to figure out what the hell Wei Changtian is up to.

But when everyone's eyes are focused on this new city, the 10,000 Shu army among the 100,000 mountains can quietly form the "Shemale Integrated Union" and become a dagger hidden in the dark.

In the end, with the cooperation of Han Zhao, this dagger will complete the final blow to the 300,000 counter-insurgency army.


Chu Xianping, who had figured it all out, looked at Wei Changtian in silence for a long time, as if he was wondering when Wei Changtian had the ability to plan the overall situation.

But Wei Changtian didn't know what he was thinking, he was just stared at and his heart was shaking.

"Cough! Brother Chu, what are you looking at?"

"Oh, nothing."

Shaking his head, Chu Xianping restrained himself and asked, "My lord, the matter of the Shu army is no small matter, who do you plan to ask to do it?"

"Liang Zhen, Du Chang, and Yang Liushi."

Wei Changtian immediately gave the answer.

These three candidates coincided with Chu Xianping's thoughts, so the latter didn't ask any more questions, and discussed the details of the whole plan with Wei Changtian.

Just like that, the carriage soon stopped at the door of the small house unconsciously.

"Okay, brother Chu, you should go back and rest earlier."

After jumping off the carriage, Wei Changtian waved to Chu Xianping, and joked casually:

"Miss Song is still waiting for you."


Chu Xianping did not accept this.

He hesitated for a while, then lowered his voice and said:

"My lord, there is something I don't know if I should say it or not."

"Speak up if you have something to say."

Wei Changtian was taken aback for a moment: "Since when did you hesitate like this?"

"Okay then"

Taking a deep breath, Chu Xianping's expression became extremely serious.

"My lord, I asked you why you value Shuzhou so much. You said that you want people in the world to know that they have another way to live."

"I understand what that means."

"But it is also because of this that I want to remind you, Young Master."

"For the vast majority of people, they would rather be a dog of peace than a person in troubled times."

"In any case, Ning Yongnian gave them hundreds of years of peace, so."

"You want to teach them to be human, and it's not as easy as you think."


The moonlight shone down, and the ground was silvery white.

After Chu Xianping finished speaking, even Zhang San, who was tethering his horse, turned his head in surprise.

Although he had a superb memory, he didn't have any very brilliant and profound insights into this world, so what he heard at this time was half-understood.

But Wei Changtian understood what Chu Xianping meant.

"Brother Chu, what you said is wrong."

"Actually, they can't decide whether the world is too peaceful, and they can't choose whether to be a human or a dog."

Patting the latter on the shoulder, Wei Changtian turned around with a smile, and walked towards the gate in a leisurely manner.

"It never occurred to me to teach them to be human."

"Just thinking that one day, they will have the chance to choose."

(end of this chapter)

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