I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 411 I'm Simply A Genius

Chapter 411 I'm Simply a Genius

In a quarter of an hour.

Shen Ran and Gui Pei'an had already gone to the quiet room to Insight "Hengqu Four Sentences", and the Dali envoy also left quickly, presumably in a hurry to report what just happened to Dali.

And now that the guests had left, the officials of the Shu Kingdom had no need to stay. They congratulated Ning Yuke excitedly and then left the Great Hall one after another.

Finally, following Ning Yuke's order, all the maids and eunuchs came out, leaving only two people in Fengming Hall.

It was Ning Yuke, whose face was flushed, and Wei Changtian, who had been sitting on a chair "closed eyes and resting his mind" since Shen Ran left.


Stepping lightly to the side of Wei Changtian who had his eyes closed tightly, Ning Yuke's chest heaved violently.

She didn't know what Wei Changtian was thinking now, but she knew it was better not to disturb her.

Even if she really wants to call the former "Master" now.

To be honest, Ning Yuke would have this urge every time she saw Wei Changtian, but most of the time she could restrain it as long as there were outsiders present.

But just now, when Wei Changtian stood upright in the center of the Great Hall, and said "bring peace to the world", Ning Yuke almost fell to his knees desperately.

Perhaps for Gui Pei'an and others, the shock of "Four Sentences of Hengqu" will translate into their admiration for Wei Changtian.

But for Ning Yuke, this kind of shock will turn into a kind of "surrender".

Surrender to the strong.


Looking at Wei Changtian tenderly, Ning Yuke still didn't speak after all.

She just lightly tidied up the gown with the four-clawed real dragon embroidered on her body, then slowly knelt at Wei Changtian's feet, looking up at her own "master".

The extravagant hair accessories stacked in the hair reflect the golden light, and the beautiful and dignified eyebrows are full of joy and happiness.

Suddenly, the line of sight stopped somewhere.

It was a patch of weeds stuck to the hem of Wei Changtian's robe.

The hygienic environment these days is not comparable to that of previous lives, so even the royal palace cannot be kept spotless.

In addition, Wei Changtian is not obsessed with cleanliness, so he would never notice this piece of grass that fell on his clothes at some point.

Of course, since Ning Yuke has seen the grass now, she must help Wei Changtian pick it off.

But when the white jade hand reached halfway, it suddenly stopped.

The blush spread from the neck to the ears, Ning Yuke looked up again at Wei Changtian who was still thinking about Meditation with his eyes closed, and then slowly retracted his hand.

As if preparing to do something unspeakable, she took a light breath and her expression became disturbed.

But amidst this apprehension, there seemed to be a kind of excitement.

Her body trembled more and more, and her red lips parted slightly.

Ning Yuke just knelt on the ground, put her hands in front of her body, and leaned forward a little bit.

The rays of the setting sun sprinkled a layer of light orange glaze on her lips, and the tassels carved with gold and phoenix crowns lightly brushed Wei Changtian's boots.

Then, Ning Yuke closed her eyes in tension and bewilderment, and gently swallowed the piece of weed with her lips.


Seemingly a little greedy for this feeling, Ning Yuke who "completed the task" did not immediately spit out the blade of grass, but just held it in her mouth and looked up at Wei Changtian.

As if a deer was bumping around in her heart, at this moment, the Empress of the Kingdom of Shu didn't know if Wei Changtian had noticed the own movement.

She was afraid that Wei Changtian would suddenly open his eyes and see her current appearance.

But it seemed that he was vaguely expecting this scene to happen.

In the end, this expectation did not come true.

Wei Changtian was still the same, with his brows furrowed and his eyes closed, his mind was full of "Heavenly Dao luck".

For a fourth rank warrior, he shouldn't be so insensitive to his surroundings.

Even though Ning Yuke's movements have always been very light, they are all "talking" after all, and Wei Changtian should be able to feel something.

And the latter actually felt that Ning Yuke seemed to be doing something, but since he was thinking about more important things with all his strength, he didn't care too much.

Ever since Shen Ran left, Wei Changtian has been thinking about all the details about "Heavenly Dao Luck".

There is obviously only one explanation for plundering the luck of eleven Heavenly Dao sons at once, and that is——

The sum of luck is fixed!

Shen Ran's luck has risen just now, and the rising part will be shared by all the other sons of Heavenly Dao.

And the system judged that all this was caused by own behavior, so it will reward itself with the system!

This can not only explain the eleven pieces of system information just now, but also explain why I didn't get the "Luck God Beast" after plundering luck this time.

You must know that every time you have plundered your luck before, you can get a part of the luck beast from the other party.

For example, Yunyan, Yellow Dragon, Gu Diao, and the complete Yingyu.

According to the previous situation, I should be able to gather all thirteen lucky beasts this time.

But in the end there was none.

The reason for this situation is that this time I was not "directly plundering", but "indirectly plundering" by Shen Ran's hands.

Wei Changtian didn't care about these luck beasts, after all, until now they hadn't developed any function other than being able to crack Yama's Hearts Demon illusion.

But he cared a lot about this method of "indirectly plundering" luck, and came up with a "genius" plan from it.

The plan is as follows.

If the total number of Heavenly Dao luck in this world is assumed to be 1300, and each son of Heavenly Dao initially has 100, then there are only a few directions for the next 1300 luck values.

First, being robbed by oneself.

For example, Yunlian, all 100 luck points were taken away by herself.

But although the 100 luck points are on him, they can't exert their effect, so it can be equivalent to disappearing directly from the total amount.

Second, plunder each other.

Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes yet, I think the sons of Heavenly Dao should be able to plunder each other's luck.

But unlike being taken away by oneself, no matter how they compete, the total number of Heavenly Dao's luck will remain unchanged.

Third, increases or decreases due to other circumstances.

Just like what happened to Shen Ran just now, the son of Heavenly Dao must also be able to increase luck due to certain opportunities, or reduce luck due to certain accidents.

If these chances and accidents are not related to other Heavenly Dao sons, then the increase and decrease must be "collectively borne".

One person has increased, and everyone else has to share the reduction of this part of the luck value.

On the contrary, if one person is reduced, everyone else can share this part of luck value equally.

Combining the above three points, Wei Changtian can be sure that the current world's "negotiable" luck value should be only more than 1,000, and the less than 200 is on himself.

Yes, it's useless to be lucky.

But you can earn system points!

As for how to plunder other people's luck. Previously, Wei Changtian only knew about "hard grabbing", but today he found a better way.

That is to continue to use Shen Ran!

As long as I keep reciting the "sages of wisdom" from the previous life to Shen Ran and let him keep "getting opportunities", wouldn't it be possible for me to plunder the luck of the son of Heavenly Dao all over the world just by sitting in the room? ?

Even if you can't do everything, at least you can prostitute a lot for nothing!

Of course, this approach also has disadvantages, the most important one is that it will make Shen Ran "too fat", and it may be difficult to deal with him if he turns against him in the future.

But this is not a big problem.

Not to mention that Shen Ran looks decent, so he probably wouldn't do such "ungrateful" things.

If it doesn't work, I still have Puppet Pill!

Depend on!

I am simply a genius!

ps: So what, I have laid the groundwork for Ning Yuke's m attribute since the second volume, so it is definitely not because I have any hobbies or satisfy some bad tastes! This is written entirely for the important plot later!

(end of this chapter)

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