Chapter 412: Discovered

When the moon was full on the west building, when the silvery moonlight fell on the glazed cornice of Fengming Hall, Wei Changtian, who had been thinking for a long time, finally opened his eyes.

Then he saw Ning Yuke who was kneeling at his feet.

Good guy, this guy has been kneeling here just now?

He sighed inwardly, but Wei Changtian got used to it a little this time, and didn't force Ning Yuke to get up.

"What time is it?"

"Back to Master, it's the end of the unitary hour."

Ning Yuke replied softly: "Guishoufu and Mr. Shen have been away for more than half an hour."


Nodding his head, Wei Changtian glanced at the night outside the window, stood up and walked out of the hall: "Okay, then I'll go back too."

"Master, wait a minute, this servant is going to entertain Dali's envoys."

Ning Yuke hurriedly got up from the ground, her body trembling slightly, probably because she knelt down just now.

But she didn't care about it, instead she took two quick steps to follow behind Wei Changtian, lowered her head and asked in a low voice:

"Aren't you staying with me?"


Wei Changtian hesitated for a moment, and asked back, "Mr. Shen, are you going?"

"Shouldn't be coming."

"Then I won't go either."

When Wei Changtian heard that Shen Ran wasn't going to participate, he immediately lost interest: "You send someone to tell Mr. Shen that he can visit me when he has time. Just say that I have something important to discuss with him."

"The servant understands."

Ning Yuke nodded slightly, and followed Wei Changtian step by step, until he sent the latter out of the palace gate.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Wei."

The little eunuch waiting outside the hall immediately came up and reminded in a low voice: "It will be Xushi soon, Da Li's envoys are already waiting in the Changchun Garden, I wonder if we can start the banquet on time?"

"Well, just start the banquet on time."

Ning Yuke nodded slightly, and said to the little eunuch: "Prepare the car, and send someone to send Mr. Wei back to the mansion."


Turning around, Wei Changtian interrupted Ning Yuke with his cupped hands: "Your Majesty, the grass people can go back by themselves."

"it is good."

Ning Yuke's expression was calm, and she didn't say anything more: "Then Mr. Wei will leave on his own."

"Yes, the grassroots leave."


From "Master" to "Grassman", from "Servant" to "Your Majesty".

Wei Changtian and Ning Yuke are now very comfortable with switching identities, and basically belong to "two faces of the former and the latter".

With such proficient acting skills, even if others can more or less see some clues, they will never be able to imagine what kind of "abnormal relationship" the two of them will have in private.

"His Majesty."

Watching Wei Changtian drift away, the little eunuch looked away and asked, "Do you still want to go back to Guangming Palace to change?"

"No need, just go directly to Changchun Garden."

Pulling back her long sleeves, Ning Yuke had completely recovered her empress appearance.

The long skirt swayed slightly, and she walked in a certain direction. The maids she met along the way stopped and bowed their heads, and the guards all knelt on one knee.

As Ning Yuke's "reign as king" got longer and longer, everyone in the palace recognized the empress more and more, so most of their expressions were very respectful now.

Only the eyes of Qing Xian, who was following far away, were somewhat meaningful.

Although she is Ning Yuke's "bodyguard", she doesn't stay away from her all the time.

Especially in the royal palace, Ning Yuke would only follow her when she attended certain occasions.

So Qing Xian was not in Fengming Palace just now, but came to check the situation after the vision of "Purple Qi from the East" appeared.

Then, she saw the scene of Ning Yuke holding Wei Changtian grass with her mouth through the window.

Normal people would probably be shocked if they saw this kind of thing.

Although Qing Xian is not a "human", but the initial mentality is the same.

But as time goes by, she seems to have a different mood now.

The red lips pursed slightly, the embroidered eyebrows were raised, and there was an imperceptible smile on his face.

Qing Xian's appearance is enough to make most men in the world fascinated, even enough to reach the point of "knowing men first".

However, the former quickly suppressed his smile and walked towards his own residence.

the other side.

It was already Xu time when Wei Changtian returned to the small house, so the "state banquet" at the palace should have already begun.

Xu Qingwan and Lu Jingyao seldom eat at home since the establishment of Yingfengsheng. They have to be busy every day until late at night, and it is the same today.

In addition, Yuan'er, Qiuyun, Li Suyue and others are rarely willing to eat at the main table, so the only two girls who "dined" with Wei Changtian recently were Achun and Agou.

"Master! I broke through the seventh grade today!"

During the meal, Ah Chun happily reported the good news.

From "Xunfu" to the seventh rank, the Realm that most normal warriors can't reach in their lifetime, Ah Chun only took less than a year to achieve it.

This kind of speed is not only because she is a "Heavenly Dao body" with all sixty-four meridians, but the extremely rich training resources also play a key role in it.

Heaven-level internal strength "Guiyuan Gong", the unbroken top-grade demon elixir, various Medicine Pills, and the guidance of several "famous teachers" including Lao Zhangtou.

As far as this cultivation condition is concerned, the tethered dog is probably not too bad.

Hmm. That's not the right way to say it either.

After all, Agou, who now has the same resources, has not even been able to "find a house".

Unlike Ah Chun, although Ah Gou has all eight main channels, he has the most basic conditions for cultivation.

But only thirteen of her fifty-six secondary veins were connected, and the total was only twenty-one.

The sixty-four pulses are only 30% connected, which is already the lowest talent level.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of warrior can only reach the seventh rank at most. Even if Wei Changtian piles up resources for her, it is estimated that she can barely break through to the sixth rank. It depends on luck.

And Ah Chun, who is about the same age as her, will also be on the third rank.

Although the two little girls practice almost assiduously, sometimes the gap between people cannot be made up by hard work the day after tomorrow.

As the saying goes - all roads lead to Rome, but some people are born in Rome.



With a dry cough and almost choking on his own rice, Wei Changtian suppressed the "jealousy" in his heart, and said to Ah Chun with a calm face: "That's right, it's a little slower than when I was a teacher."

"Wow! Master is amazing!"

Ah Chun's small face was full of admiration: "Did the Master already reach the seventh rank when he was less than eight years old?"

"It's natural."

Wei Changtian curled his lips without feeling ashamed at all: "So you must not be arrogant, you need to continue to work hard."

"Yes, Master! Ah Chun must work hard!"

Ah Chun hurriedly nodded, and then asked with some anticipation: "Then what rank are you, Master?"


Wei Changtian's expression froze, he pulled the leftover rice from the bowl to his mouth, and then put the empty bowl on the table: "Go and fill a bowl of rice for Teacher!"


Ah Chun was still young, Wei Changtian accidentally diverted his attention, and stopped asking the question just now, and ran to fill the meal with an empty bowl.

At this time, Wei Changtian turned his attention to Agou who was eating with his head down.

Although the latter hadn't spoken and had a happy expression on his face, he probably felt uncomfortable in his heart.


The only family member is gone, and his cultivation is much worse than others.

At such a young age, he has endured the pressure that this age should not have to bear. If it were any other child, he would have given up on himself long ago.

But Ah Gou has never shown a trace of frustration in front of everyone.

From this point of view, it is considered strong enough.

Sighing a few words in his heart, Wei Changtian was just about to speak to comfort Agou.

But at this moment, a person came hurriedly outside the dining hall.

"Brother Chu."

Seeing Chu Xianping's expression, Wei Changtian's heart sank, and he quickly put down his chopsticks and went up to him.

"What's wrong?"

"Young master."

Chu Xianping arched his cupped hands with a complicated expression, and immediately replied in a low voice: "The latest news has just been sent back from Dafeng."

"The situation is very bad."

(end of this chapter)

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