Chapter 439 We

"Teacher, go slowly."


When noon was approaching, under Shen Ran's respectful eyes, Xu Suisui, who just "liked to mention his lover", boarded the carriage with a smile, and left Weiyang Palace with Wei Changtian.

Before Wei Changtian came, he had planned to talk to Shen Ran about a lot of things, but Xu Suisui failed to talk about it.

Fortunately, Shen Ran will not go back to Dali with Gui Pei'an, but will stay in Shu Prefecture to wait for the arrival of the 100,000 troops, so there are still opportunities in the future.

Of course, Wei Changtian at this moment has no time to care about those things at all.

"No, didn't you come here for a blind date?"

"Why did Shen Ran suddenly become your student?"

As soon as he got into the carriage, he immediately asked Xu Suisui: "Are you trying to play a teacher-student relationship?!"

"What are you talking about!"

Xu Suisui glared at him: "I still want to ask you!"

"Didn't you say that Shen Ran looks okay? Where is he?!"

"Don't say these things are useless!"

Wei Changtian squinted at the past: "Why on earth does Shen Ran want to worship you as a teacher? Tell me quickly!"


Xu Suisui shook his head with a little satisfaction: "He actually wanted you to be his teacher at first."

"But you don't have anything in your stomach, so you can't teach others."

"So I will share the burden for you! How about it, am I loyal enough?"


From surprise, to anger, to crying without tears.

Xu Suisui's three short sentences caused Wei Changtian's mood to change three times in succession.

Originally wanted to worship me as a teacher?

Do you think I can't teach?

So he "kindly" accepted a student?


This is the son of Heavenly Dao!

Wei Changtian, who probably wanted to understand the process, let out a groan in his heart, only regretting that he was not there at the time.

Otherwise, what would happen to Xu Suisui, Shen Ran would definitely have become his apprentice a long time ago!

Yes, I really can't teach others.

But it's okay to be fooled.

The key is that with this level of "teacher-student relationship", my plan of "whoring all the sons of Heavenly Dao for nothing" can be implemented smoothly.

It's good now, you picked up a leak, and you still say that you are sharing it for me?

The more Wei Changtian thought about it, the angrier he became, and the look he looked at Xu Suisui became more "unfriendly".

"Comrade Xu, you are so kind to me!"

"Yes! I think so too!"

Xu Suisui didn't notice Wei Changtian's gaze, and even complacently explained her mental journey at that time.

"Let me tell you, when Shen Ran wanted to ask me to be his teacher, I originally wanted to refuse."

"But I suddenly thought of what kind of holy son he is, with such a great power behind him, maybe he can help us in the future?"

"Aren't we about to go to war now? If Kuixing Academy is willing to help, it should be of some use."

"Taking a step back, even if he doesn't help, if we don't win this battle, we can go to Kuixing Academy to take refuge together."


Soon, Xu Suisui explained why she wanted to take Shen Ran as his apprentice.

And Wei Changtian's face softened a lot after listening.

Xu Suisui didn't know that Da Li was about to send troops to help, and he didn't know that he had actually made complete preparations for the coming war.

She did it just thinking that maybe she could help herself a little.

It was precisely because of this motive that Wei Changtian forgave Xu Suisui's act of "prying a corner".

Moreover, Xu Suisui kept using "we" when he spoke just now.

Help us, we want to fight, let's go to Kuixing Academy to take refuge together

Although such a change in pronouns was insignificant, it made Wei Changtian feel a burst of warmth for no reason.

The two had only known each other for a few days, but Xu Suisui was able to think of himself to such an extent.

Is this the revolutionary friendship?



With a dry cough, Wei Changtian suddenly asked: "Then do you really think Shen Ran can do it?"

"Ah? Can something work?"

Xu Suisui was taken aback for a moment, and then came to his senses.

"You mean to be my boyfriend?"

"Of course not! What my mother said is to find someone who is as handsome as you!"

"Say it yourself! Is he similar to you?!"


Curling his lips, Wei Changtian couldn't refute this.

Perhaps bound by certain "rules", from Xiao Feng to Bai Youheng and Shen Ran, all the sons of Heavenly Dao can only be called ordinary in appearance.

Only a "villain" like myself can escape from this rule.

Alas, looks and luck can't have both

"Comrade Wei"

On the other side, seeing that Wei Changtian didn't speak, Xu Suisui thought he was blaming himself, so he patted him on the shoulder very generously.

"Forget it this time, but next time you can't fool me again."

"Other things are easy to talk about, but the appearance must pass the test, understand?"

"Oh, got it"

Wei Changtian wondered where I could find someone as handsome as me, and then thought of another question.

"By the way, Shen Ran is your student now. Can you teach him?"

"Don't reveal yourself when the time comes."

"Don't worry, it won't happen!"

Xu Suisui puffed up his chest, and replied very proudly: "I am a student of ancient Chinese literature!"

"No wonder."

Wei Changtian nodded, feeling mixed feelings.

The good news is that Xu Suisui's major in his previous life is somewhat useful in this world.

What is worrying is that he actually prefers to come to a "citizen" who knows how to make cannons.

Of course, what you think doesn't affect reality.

At the very least, Xu Suisui's reserve of ancient poems should far exceed his own, but it will be convenient for the two of them to recite poems in the future.

"Huh? Did you recite poetry for Shen Ran just now?"

Wei Changtian suddenly asked with a smile: "Which one do you recite? Can it make him willing to worship you as his teacher?"


Xu Suisui looked disdainful: "I have memorized more than twenty poems!"

"Two, more than twenty?"

Wei Changxia's jaw was so hanging that he didn't drop it: "Why do you memorize so much without you?"

"Yes indeed."

Xu Suisui nodded in satisfaction: "I've been looking forward to such a day for a long time, and finally I have the opportunity to have a good time!"

"I've convinced you."

Wei Changtian immediately understood why Shen Ran was so respectful to Xu Suisui just now.

He glanced at Xu Suisui, then found a booklet from the carriage, opened it, and said helplessly:

"What have you recited? Say it all."

"What are you doing?"

Xu Suisui moved his head curiously, and whispered out the contents of the booklet: "Yun Xiangyi Hua Xiangrong, is this a poem you memorized before?"

"Yes indeed."

Wei Changtian rolled his eyes: "Tell me quickly, I'll write it all down, so we can repeat it later."

"Oh, that makes sense!"

"I just recited Chunxiao and Yeyu to the North."

Xu Suisui also realized the seriousness of the matter when he heard the words, and immediately began to repeat the poem he had just memorized.

The carriage drove through the busy city, and Shuzhou City was as prosperous as ever, without the slightest sense of tension before the war.

The common people who were having lunch on the street would occasionally look up at the carriage driving across the long street at a moderate speed. The sunlight fell on the bustling crowd, and the merchants shouted one after another, covering up the faint noise in the carriage.

"If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the day and night! How come you have memorized this poem by Heqiao Xian?"

"I used it when I wrote a love letter to my wife, why? You also memorized it for Shen Ran?"

"That's right! Shen Ran probably hasn't heard this poem before?!"

"How do I know, anyway, if he notices it, he won't find a way to explain it to you."

"Then I'll say you copied mine!"

"Hehe, Li Shangyin knows that he will be pissed off by you."

"Hahahaha! Wei Changtian, you are so stupid! This was written by Qin Guan!"



(end of this chapter)

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