I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 440: The Eve Of The Great War

Chapter 440: The Eve of the Great War

Four days later.

Shuzhou, Guanghan County.

Guanghan County is located in the northernmost part of Shu, with Shiwanda Mountain to the east, Yangzhou to the west, and Anzhou to the north.

According to the battle plan submitted by Han Zhao to Ning Yongnian, the 300,000 counter-insurgency army will enter from Anzhou to attack Shu.

This is the shortest route from Yuanzhou, and it is also the fastest route to Shuzhou City.

Although Liang Zhen had led his troops to Guanghan ahead of schedule, Ning Yongnian did not change his battle strategy because of this.

On the one hand, according to the movement of the counter-insurgency army, anyone with a bit of military common sense can tell that Han Zhao is planning to launch an attack from Guanghan County, so it is far from causing suspicion of "whether the military situation is leaked".

On the other hand, if they choose to attack from other directions, the counter-insurgency army will need to detour to Yangzhou, which will delay another ten days at least.

Moreover, once the army changed its direction of attack, Liang Zhen could completely change its deployment position.

It is always easier and faster to dispatch 60,000 people than 300,000 people, so Ning Yongnian has no need to do anything extra.

Anyway, no matter where it is fought, it is 300,000 to 60,000. Once the war starts, no one believes how long the Shu army can resist.

Hit the city of Shuzhou within ten days, and destroy the city within a month.

These are the two time limits that Ning Yongnian set for Han Zhao.

And Han Zhao also issued a military order for this, using his own head as a guarantee, and vowed to enter Weiyang Palace within a month.

Both of them are full of confidence in this. At least the performance is like this.

It is needless to say why Han Zhao is so "confident".

But for Ning Yongnian, he didn't really think it was safe.

Because the information sent back from Shuzhou recently confirmed that a Shu army of 10,000 people suddenly disappeared.

He did not follow Liang Zhen to defend Guanghan, nor was he deployed elsewhere.

Although 10,000 people are not many, it may become an uncertain factor on the future battlefield.

More importantly, Da Li seems to be a little restless

As the king of a country, even though Ning Yongnian has lost the "eyes and ears" of Xuan Jingsi, he still has a certain intelligence network.

So many things happened in Shuzhou and Dali and they couldn't escape his eyes.

Not only did he know that Dali might send troops to reinforce Shuzhou, but he also knew that the reinforcements were about 100,000 people, and they would arrive at the battlefield in about half a month.

As a result, the number of the Shu army changed from 60,000 to 160,000. Although it was still nearly half less than the counter-insurgency army, it was always a trouble.

Under normal circumstances, at this time, Daning should let the anti-insurgency army speed up the march, and make a quick decision at any cost, and strive to end the war before the Dali army arrives in Shuzhou.

Or mobilize more troops from surrounding states and counties in advance to prepare for a protracted war.

However, the strange thing is that Ning Yongnian has not made any redundant arrangements for the time being.

He just told Han Zhao the news that Da Li might join the battle, and then let the latter continue to follow the previous plan, without any need to adjust tactics.

Knowing that the enemy has strong reinforcements about to enter the field, but does not make corresponding preparations.

The reason for this is either that Ning Yongnian's current attention is mostly focused on the Fengyuan War, and he has no time to estimate too much in Shuzhou.

Or, the Emperor Daning had a deeper plan.

Just like the previous "Yuanzhou City Massacre", he was trying to get more.

Of course, Bai Youheng's ability to "slaughter a city" only once in 60 years, so Shuzhou will not repeat the mistakes of Yuanzhou City.

But what Ning Yongnian wants to do, no one knows except himself.

It can only be said that Wei Changtian and Ning Yongnian's first confrontation will not be as easy as the two sides planned.

This is true for both the former and the latter.

September thirty.

Guanghan County.

"Hurry up! Move swiftly!"

"Transport all the rammed earth to the north of the city!"

"Lieutenant Zhang, why did your scout battalion come back so late today?!"

"Count the ordnance! Distribute it to the five battalions tomorrow morning!"

"Report! The 500,000 arrows transported from Shuzhou City have arrived outside the city!"


Chaotic horseshoes, hurried footsteps, kicking up dust, green armored soldiers running in formation.

Compared with the still calm and peaceful Shuzhou City, this small Guanghan County is full of tension before the war.

Liang Zhen led the Shu army to arrive here two days ago and immediately took over all authority from the county government, and the entire county has since entered a wartime state.

There are few common people on the streets, and all the people coming and going are groups of Shu soldiers and carriages loaded with a large amount of military supplies.

The city wall, which was not originally considered tall, was heightened and widened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and several urns rose from the ground, tightly protecting the four city gates in the south, east, north, and west.

The young and strong men in each household were recruited as laborers. Although they did not need to go to the front to fight, they were assigned tasks to ensure the logistics supply of the war.

Although there are 60,000 enemies and 300,000 enemies, the military and civilians in Guanghan City are very active in preparing for the war, and there is no pessimism about breaking the pot.

Everyone is doing their own things according to the orders handed down from first-level first-level, just for their own side to have a better chance of winning after the war starts.

At the same time, the three people who bear the most direct responsibility for the outcome of the war in Shu are conducting the last tactical deduction before the war in the conference hall.

The deployment map of Guanghan County, the combat map of the surrounding area.

The establishment of the 300,000 anti-insurgency army, and the detailed information of the generals of each army.

Ning Yongnian nodded and agreed to the imperial court's battle plan.

Various map ciphertexts are stacked next to the huge sand table, and in the sand table are small flags of different sizes and colors. It is roughly estimated that there are nearly a hundred of them.

There are three types of red flags, representing the front, middle and rear of the imperial army.

The green flag represents the 60,000 Shu army.

The black flag represents an army of ten thousand Heavenly Dogs.

The yellow flag represents the 100,000 Demonic Beasts that are hidden in the 100,000 Mountains, and Qingxian promises that they can be mobilized at any time.

The purple flag represents a thousand "tactical squads" composed of Tianluo and Freemason masters.

The green flag represents the 100,000 "green forest heroes" who are still gathering at the border of Dali.

Leaving aside the last force that cannot be put into the battlefield for the time being, the real combat power of the Shu Kingdom is about 200,000 "people", and the gap in combat power is far less than the "one to five" that the outside world thinks. exaggerate.

If you add the huge advantage that the enemy's general is his own, it's no wonder that Wei Changtian has always been very confident in winning this war.

"Shua, Shua, Shua"

Small flags of various colors were raised and lowered, Liang Zhen and Chu Xianping frowned, and they went back and forth to carry out military exercises.

And Wei Changtian watched intently from the side.

Then, at a certain moment, he suddenly raised his hand with a wave.


(end of this chapter)

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