Chapter 461 The Old Woman

After half an hour.

When Liang Zhen and Chu Xianping, who had led the Shu army to break through successfully, looked at each other in a daze, it meant that they already knew what had just happened.

After all, even though it was separated by more than ten miles, the Sword Qi falling from the sky was still too obvious, it was hard not to notice it.

What's more, Han Zhao also sent news, confirming that there is indeed a team of tens of thousands of people who intend to intercept the Shu army's breakout route.

So. Who was the Zhenshan Camp beaten back by?

Liang Zhen immediately sent scouts to investigate.

The result was that there were only more than 4,000 enemy corpses on the battlefield, and there were no other traces other than that.

And this also meant that it was not the army that repelled the Zhenshan camp, but only a small group of masters.

However, what kind of configuration can a group of people kill four thousand well-trained and formal troops? And finally get out of the way?

Who cast that shocking sword?

Just when Liang Zhen and Chu Xianping were at a loss as to who saved the Shu army's life, Han Zhao's second secret report came over again.

And this secret report finally restored the whole incident.

It wasn't until this time that the two of them understood that it turned out that Wei Changtian went to delay the Zhenshan camp alone first, and then another mysterious man beheaded three thousand soldiers with a single sword, and finally succeeded in killing Zhenshan, which was about to give the Shu army a fatal blow. The battalion was scared off.

Although the incident was clear, such a process did not calm down Liang Zhen and Chu Xianping's expressions, and even made them even more astonished.

Because Han Zhao's secret report clearly stated——

Mr. Wei, it is indeed third rank now.

As Wei Changtian's number one confidant, Chu Xianping knows very well that the former's breakthrough fourth rank is less than a month old.

So why is this third rank? ?

More importantly, how could someone be able to kill three thousand soldiers with one sword? ? ?

These are not 3,000 ordinary people, but 3,000 warriors who have at least entered the rank!

In the middle third rank, one can fight against a hundred, and in the upper third rank, one can fight against a thousand. This is everyone's general summary of the combat power of high-level warriors.

In this system, second rank masters, even second rank late stage masters, can achieve "two thousand enemies" at most.

Although 2,000 and 3,000 do not sound too different, you must know that "two thousand enemies" means that a second rank master can "fight" with almost two thousand low-level warriors, not beheading two Thousands of people.

The meanings of the two words "enemy" and "cut" are completely different, let alone "cut three thousand with one sword"!

Just imagine if there is such a master in this world, it only takes one person to completely control a war.

One sword is three thousand, ten swords is thirty thousand, how many soldiers are not enough to kill like this!

It's outrageous!

This fact is too unimaginable, so it is normal for Liang Zhen and Chu Xianping to have this kind of reaction now.

But Han Zhao's secret report was so convincing that they couldn't help but believe it.

"Master Chu, now we still need to find Chang Tian immediately."

After being silent for a while, Liang Zhen finally spoke: "And he has just experienced a big battle, and the current situation may not be very good."

"Well, I'll send someone to look for it."

Nodding his head, Chu Xianping analyzed: "Since General Han said he didn't find the young master, it means that the young master should have escaped."

"I just don't know where he went, maybe he is coming to us, so I can't tell."

"General Liang, now we still have to follow the plan."

"Since the young master saved the Shu army alone, we can't let him live up to his painstaking efforts."

"I see."

Clutching the knife handle at his waist with a complicated expression, Liang Zhen turned his head and glanced at Liang Qin who was not far away.

"Oh, I hope Chang Tian is okay."

Choushi, Guanghan County.

Two hours after the Shu army broke through, the unguarded city of Guanghan naturally fell into the hands of the counter-insurgency army.

Teams of yellow-armored soldiers have already entered the city holding torches, firmly occupying various key places in the city, and they will take over the entire city soon.

The people in the city are of course hiding at home at this time, not even daring to light the lamps, for fear of being regarded as traitors and losing their heads.

And at this time, in a certain dark hut, Wei Changtian, who had been unconscious for nearly an hour, finally opened his eyes slowly.


After waking up, Wei Changtian didn't get up immediately, but first squinted his eyes and observed the surrounding situation motionlessly.

Although the lamp was not lit, it was still possible to see clearly under the bright moonlight.

A small bed, lying on his own.

A small table with a Star scabbard on it.

A small bamboo chair, on which sat an old woman with white hair.

A small wooden basin with a long bloodstained towel on the edge of the basin.

That's all that's noteworthy in the sight range.

If taken together, it is an ordinary, even a little shabby house.

Although he still didn't know where he was randomly teleported to, Wei Changtian breathed a sigh of relief at this obviously not dangerous scene.

Fortunately, it's not bad to send it directly to the camp of the imperial army without anything special.

Of course, if it were Xiao Feng instead, what I saw when I opened my eyes would be a cute little girl or a charming young woman, right?

"Cough! Cough cough cough!"

After pretending to cough a few times and successfully attracting the old woman's attention, Wei Changtian slowly sat up from the bed.

And the former wasn't very surprised to see him wake up, he just poured a bowl of water tremblingly, and then stopped moving, as if waiting for Wei Changtian to go to the table to drink by himself.


Wei Changtian couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this, he didn't get out of bed immediately, but gently cupped his cupped hands at the old woman.

"Grandma, do you know where this place is?"


"Uh, the boy was hunted down by the enemy, and after escaping by chance, he passed out from exhaustion, but you saved me?"


The old woman didn't answer two consecutive questions, but she turned her head and took a deep look at Wei Changtian, as if she was skeptical of the latter's statement.

Well, it seems that I should be directly teleported to someone's courtyard or something.

Touching his nose, Wei Changtian didn't speak for a while.

From the current point of view, this old woman should be an ordinary person, and there is a high probability that she is still dumb, so she does not pose any threat to herself.

Of course, if you want to be sure, you should kill or tie her up.

But of course Wei Changtian was not so cold-blooded, so after pondering for a while, he sat cross-legged and began to check his own injuries.

a cabin.

A dumb old woman with plain clothes and white hair.

A young man with wounds all over his body and his upper body naked.

No matter how you look at it, this scene is a bit weird.

It wasn't until Wei Changtian checked the injury that he broke the silence again.

"Grandma, are you the only one in the family?"


"I wonder if the boy can borrow one night?"


The old woman still didn't speak, but nodded slowly.

(end of this chapter)

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