I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 462: The Beginning Of Everything

Chapter 462: The Beginning of Everything

At the beginning of the hour.

At the beginning of dawn, the rising sun broke through the morning mist and shrouded the small Guanghan County.

The white-haired old woman was sweeping the dust in the yard with a broom. Her movements were very slow, and she had to stop and take a few breaths every ten or so breaths.

But even so, the old woman still rushed to sweep the small courtyard before the sun fully rose, then put down the broom, and walked slowly to the side room to light a fire to cook porridge.

In the earthen chimney, milky white cooking smoke curls into the air.

The old woman was sitting on a short bamboo stool, slowly flicking the cattail fan in her hand, the fire in the stove flickered with her movements, and the sound of "crackling" burning of dry wood was very small.

Thanks to the stable grain prices in Shuzhou, the white porridge in the pot is not too thin. Fine air bubbles float between the crowded rice grains, and every time it breaks, there will be a faint fragrance of rice.

In fact, ordinary people these days only have two meals a day, and only wealthy families and wartime troops would "luxury" an extra breakfast.

Judging from the living conditions of the old woman, she does not seem to be able to "three meals a day", so today's "extra meal" may have another reason.


I don't know how long it took, but the firewood in the stove has gradually extinguished.

The old woman stood up slowly holding the stove, brought a large bowl from the side, and filled a bowl full of thick porridge.

The porridge in the pot was reduced by half at once, and even if it was full, it could still hold another half bowl.

But the old woman didn't fill it any more. Instead, she covered the stove with a wooden lid, and then walked out of the stove slowly with the porridge in her hand.

A bowl of porridge, a pair of wooden chopsticks, and a small dish of pickled radish.

When the simple breakfast was set on the table, the small courtyard door outside the house was gently pushed open and closed.

The man in common clothes stepped into the small courtyard, looked around, and then walked towards the hut against the rising sun.

It was Wei Changtian who just took advantage of the dawn and went out to inquire about the situation.

It was definitely impossible for Wei Changtian to sleep in the situation last night, so he went out quietly after a brief recuperation of Qi and blood.

He was planning to leave and not come back, but after walking out of the yard, he found that he was teleported back to Guanghan city again!

Today's Guanghan City has been completely controlled by the imperial army, and it is very difficult for him to get out of the city.

Either change to a "avoidance talisman" to sneak out, or use the "escape technique" to teleport out.

However, both approaches have some problems.

Yesterday, in order to delay the Zhenshan Camp, I first used a 300-point "Tianyuan Pill" to restore my state, and then used 500 points to exchange for the Qingjue Jade Pendant.

Although he earned another 150 points later, even with the 150 points added, there are only 700 points left in the own system.

An "Avoidance Talisman" is also 300 points, if you buy it, you will not have 500 points left.

500 points, a pure jade pendant, this is the "bottom line" Wei Changtian set for himself, in case of accidents that may occur at any time.

So he didn't want to use the talisman to get out of the city.

And if you use the escape technique you just learned.

The disadvantage of this thing is the same as that of Qingjue Jade Pendant. If the teleportation distance is too far, the "falling point" cannot be controlled.

Now there are barracks of the imperial army everywhere inside and outside Guanghan City. If the time comes, if unfortunately it is transmitted to the enemy's face, wouldn't it be death?

It is difficult to get out of the city, and the injury has not healed.

The above two problems are actually relatively easy to solve. At worst, let Han Zhao open a "back door".

However, Wei Changtian has no way to contact Chu Xianping and Han Zhao now.

Because when he broke through the third rank yesterday, his jacket was torn apart, and the few items he was carrying with him naturally fell off as well.

And Wei Changtian was too emotional at the time, he only cared about protecting the most valuable "Magic Strike Talisman", and left all other things near the toilet.

Among them are the two pieces of Mother-Child jade that communicated with Chu Xianping and Han Zhao, and the "code book".

Therefore, he actually knows nothing about the outside world at the moment.

Has Zhenshan Camp been scared off?

Did the Shu army successfully break through?

Did Han Zhao lead his troops in pursuit as planned?

He didn't know all the things now, so he had to go back and forth, preparing to re-plan what he should do next.

In particular, the two pieces of Mother-Child jade and the code book are of great importance. Once they fall into the hands of the imperial army, it may cause a series of uncontrollable consequences.

However, if these things are really found, they should also be handed over to Han Zhao, so the temporary problem is not big.

Maybe I should find a way to meet Han Zhao first.

Thinking this way in his heart, Wei Changtian had already opened the door and entered the hut.

"Grandma, I just went out for a walk."

Looking at the old woman who was sitting at the table mending clothes, he casually said something without explaining more.

And the old woman naturally couldn't ask anything.

From this point of view, it would be nice to meet a dumb person after waking up, at least you don't have to make up a story.

"That. Mother-in-law, can I stay with you for a few more days?"

Glancing at the porridge on the table, Wei Changtian touched his chest subconsciously while talking.

And after he realized that all the banknotes on his body had been dropped, his expression showed a moment of embarrassment.

"Hey, mother-in-law, don't worry, if you allow me to stay here for a few days, you will be grateful before I leave."


Looking at Wei Changtian, the old woman still just nodded.

She pointed to the white porridge on the table, and then continued to do her needlework with her head down, as if she didn't care about the request of a man full of doubts.

Is your heart so big?

Or is it that the own face value has reached the level of "all ages"?

Naturally, Wei Changtian couldn't explore the thoughts of a mute, so after saying thank you, he stopped thinking about it, let alone being polite, and sat at the table and started drinking porridge.

Although already third rank, but people have to eat.

Coupled with the injuries on his body, he is really a little hungry now, and he swallowed a large bowl of thick porridge with only a few mouthfuls of pickles.

"Uh, mother-in-law, I wonder if there is porridge?"

Wiping his mouth, Wei Changtian only felt that this little porridge would be enough to appetize.

The old woman glanced at the clean and empty bowl, then put down the tattered clothes in her hands, as if she was about to get up and serve him porridge.

And although Wei Changtian is used to being served by Yuan'er on weekdays, he still doesn't "open his mouth for food" to this extent.

"Grandma, I'll go by myself."

He hurriedly stood up first, and went to the kitchen with the bowl in his hand.

The old woman looked at his back, then continued to mend the clothes with her head down.

This is a man's clothes, which should belong to the same person as the one Wei Changtian is wearing now.

This person should be taller and stronger than Wei Changtian, so Wei Changtian's clothes are a bit baggy now.

And the old woman may have discovered this, so she wanted to change the one in her hand to be more suitable.

The needles go through the linen, and the stitches are densely packed, which looks very delicate.

The old woman worked slowly, and then raised her head at a certain moment, staring blankly at the smoke rising from the stove again.

Obviously, the half bowl of porridge left in the pot should not be enough for Wei Changtian to drink, so the latter directly came to "do it yourself to have enough food and clothing", and even started a fire to cook rice on his own.

This behavior is undoubtedly very rude.

What's more, with Wei Changtian's appetite, one meal is estimated to be able to supply the old woman's rations for several days.

But the old woman did not stop Wei Changtian's behavior.

She just stood up, took some pickled radishes from the porcelain jar in the corner, added them to the small dish, and then sat down again to pick up her needle and thread.

Her white hair was combed carefully, and her back was slightly hunched.

It can be seen that the eyes of the old woman should not be very good, and it takes many attempts to find the needle hole when threading the needle.

But she was not impatient, she just tried it over and over again, and if her hands trembled badly, she would take a break before continuing.

Outside the window, the golden sunlight enters through the window, bringing the freshness of the beginning of everything.

(end of this chapter)

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