Chapter 464: You Wenzong

At Zishi, in Guanghan County, the anti-rebellion army was in charge of the account.

Two pieces of Mother-Child jade, some banknotes, and a booklet.

When these few things were placed in front of Han Zhao, the rest of the people in the tent were still discussing what happened last night.

The Zhenshan camp that suddenly appeared, Wei Changtian who blocked the way alone, the mysterious master who beheaded three thousand soldiers with one sword, and the dead Liu Guang...

There was something weird about the whole thing.

Why didn't Zhenshan camp report Han Zhao's movements during the day yesterday?

How did Wei Changtian know that the Zhenshan camp would intercept the Shu army who wanted to break out of the siege, and accurately blocked the latter's way?

When did this Young Master of the Wei family break through to the third rank?

Who made that shocking sword?

Even Han Zhao didn't know about such a problem, let alone the other generals.

This kind of situation should naturally be reported to Ning Yongnian, and the latter also immediately sent back the imperial order——

The army is temporarily stationed in Guanghan, don't rush into it.

This is why Han Zhao did not immediately send troops to pursue the Shu army as originally planned.

Only six days after the start of the war, the development of the war has begun to deviate from expectations.

But Han Zhao doesn't care about these things at all now.

Because although the Shu army has successfully broken through the siege at the moment, Wei Changtian can't help it.


Looking at the booklet in front of him, although Han Zhao was calm on the surface, his body was slightly tense.

Not only did he have this booklet, but most of the main members of the fellowship also had it.

Therefore, if this object falls into Ning Yongnian's hands without knowing it, then the entire fellowship will most likely be uprooted.

Fortunately, he was "intercepted" by himself now.


Beside him, a man in a dark golden official uniform coughed suddenly, interrupting Han Zhao's thoughts.

The name of this person is You Wenzong, and he is the military governor of the Battle of Shuzhou, and his status in the army is second only to Han Zhao.

More importantly, he is from Ning Yongnian.

"General Han, these things don't look simple."

Squinting his eyes, You Wenzong casually picked up the pamphlet and flipped through it: "It should be a communication item that the enemy did not miss."

"Well, Master You's words are very true."

Nodding with a calm expression, Han Zhao followed his words and said, "Such an important item can be left behind, which shows how panicked the rebels were when they broke through yesterday."


Looking at Han Zhao, You Wenzong smiled meaningfully: "But didn't the rebels still break through?"


Han Zhao sighed lightly, and his tone seemed a little helpless: "Shooting three thousand soldiers with one sword, who would have expected such a thing."

"No, General Han seems to have forgotten one thing."

You Wenzong flipped through the pamphlet casually, and corrected softly: "The Zhenshan Camp was supposed to destroy the enemy's food and grass a hundred miles away, but it was an accident that it suddenly appeared near Guanghan City."

"If it weren't for the Zhenshan Camp, even if there is no such expert among the rebels, they should be able to break through."

"General Han, are you right?"


The atmosphere between the two suddenly became tense, because the suspicion in You Wenzong's words was already obvious.

No one is a fool, let alone a civil servant who can achieve the position of military governor.

Why did the Shu army choose the weakest defense to break through in the southwest direction?

How did Wei Changtian know about Zhenshan Camp's pursuit route?

These things can be attributed to coincidence or conspiracy.

And You Wenzong is obviously more inclined to the latter, so he took this opportunity to test Han Zhao suddenly.

However, Han Zhao is not the kind of ordinary military officer who can only fight, so he glanced at the several lieutenants in the tent calmly, and then lowered his voice and asked:

"Your Excellency, do you mean that there are rebels in the army who can't do it carefully?"

"I didn't say that."

You Wenzong looked directly at Han Zhao: "I just feel a little weird."

"Well, thank you Master You for reminding me."

Han Zhao nodded solemnly: "I will investigate this matter secretly."

"Then General Lao will have to worry about it."

You Wenzong didn't see Han Zhao's flaws, and his tone softened somewhat at this time.

He pondered for a moment, then suddenly pointed to the two pieces of Mother-Child jade and asked:

"General, what are you going to do with these items?"

"I wonder what your lord's opinion is on this?"

"I can't talk about high opinions, but I think it should be left to the emperor to decide."

There was a smile on the corner of You Wenzong's mouth: "Perhaps His Majesty can use them to do something."


Do something with them.

You Wenzong's meaning is very clear, but Han Zhao seems to be a little hesitant.

"Your Excellency, the rebels must have noticed the loss of these items, and it is not so easy to be fooled."

"Well, what the general said makes sense."

You Wenzong shook his head: "But it's still up to the emperor to decide."

"Then follow what the adults say."


The two talked nonsense again, and soon You Wenzong left the big tent with the two pieces of Mother-Child jade and the "code book".

And Han Zhao waited for a while, then left with an excuse, and immediately sent Zhuo Yu a message to Chu Xianping after returning to his camp.

Among the Shu army, only Wei Changtian and Chu Xianping had the "code book" of the same boat meeting, but the latter had contacted him during the day, so these two pieces of jade could only belong to Wei Changtian.

That's why Han Zhao notified Chu Xianping as soon as possible, telling him not to send any more letters to Wei Changtian, in case You Wenzong learned more secrets.

And now that the "codebook" has been exposed, the Fellowship Club should immediately stop using this set of communication codes.

Of course, I believe Chu Xianping can handle these matters properly.


A quarter of an hour later, Han Zhao finally breathed a sigh of relief after receiving Chu Xianping's reply, and took the Mother-Child jade back into his arms.

But soon this relief was replaced by a more serious anxiety.

Because of the appearance of these two pieces of Mother-Child jade, Wei Changtian's whereabouts have become more confusing.

What happened to make Wei Changtian lose such an important thing?

Where is man now?

Are you still alive?

The more Han Zhao thought about it, the more anxious he became, and he paced back and forth in the room several times before he knew it.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the house.

"General, the villain has something important to report!"


Han Zhao stopped abruptly, his expression suddenly changed.

This voice is very strange, it is not a lieutenant general in the army or an own soldier.

Leapfrog reporting is a taboo in the military, so...

Having just experienced You Wenzong's temptation, Han Zhao is a little too cautious now.

However, after hesitating for a moment, he still responded in a deep voice:

"Come in."


Soon, the curtain was lifted, and an ordinary pawn walked into the tent.

Judging from his clothes, he was just a corporal leader, but Han Zhao just glanced at him and was stunned.

Because this person also has that kind of "similar" aura.

Having served the Puppet Pill, he is a member of the same boat!

But it's not right.

Not to mention that there are all powerful figures in the same boat club, where does a mere corporal leader get the qualification to "join the club".

More importantly, why didn't I know that there was such an "associate" in the army?

For a while, Han Zhao's expression changed several times, but at a certain moment he suddenly figured it out.

He looked at the military man opposite who seemed a little nervous, and asked straight to the point:

"But Mr. Wei asked you to come?"


The soldier immediately moved closer and replied in a low voice:

"General, Mr. Wei said that he is waiting for you at the gazebo in the north of the city."

(end of this chapter)

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