Chapter 465

After half an hour.

Han Zhao, who inspected the barracks for an excuse, was already standing alone in a gazebo with no one around.

There is only one river in the north of Guanghan City, and there is only this pavilion by the river, so he is confident that he has found the right place.

But now the surroundings are empty, and there is no one in sight.


Looking around calmly, he stood facing the woods not far away.

Han Zhao just stood there without saying a word, and after a dozen or so breaths, a figure appeared in his field of vision.

It was Wei Changtian who had been hiding nearby for a long time.

In order to be able to pass on the message to Han Zhao, he deliberately found a military man who was alone, and after some "persuasion", he "made an exception" and let the latter join the fellowship club, and then used the soldier's mouth to bring a message to Han Zhao to meet himself .

This is the easiest way Wei Changtian can think of.

After all, people who have served the Puppet Pill have a special connection with each other, so Han Zhao will definitely not have any doubts.

The reason why he didn't show up immediately was because he was worried that someone was following Han Zhao, so he waited a little longer just in case.


"General Han."

"Young Master Wei."

After a few breaths, the two finally met in the gazebo.

Although this was the first time Wei Changtian and Han Zhao saw each other in real life, since they had already seen each other's portraits, the two of them didn't verify anything at the moment, but took the time to get straight to the point.

"Did the Shu army successfully break through?"

This is the first question Wei Changtian asked.

And Han Zhao immediately recounted everything that happened from the night before yesterday to now.

The Shu army successfully broke through, Ning Yongnian ordered not to pursue it for the time being, and the own Mother-Child jade and code book fell into the hands of You Wenzong

Wei Changtian quickly connected these things together, and after thinking for a while, he asked again:

"General Han, why do you think Ning Yongnian did not allow the army to pursue him?"

"It should be mainly because of that master."

Han Zhao answered quickly.

Although he really wanted to ask Wei Changtian if he knew who the person who "killed three thousand soldiers with one sword" was, he held back in the end and just slowly analyzed:

"Such a person is enough to overturn the battle situation in Shuzhou. Ning Yongnian will be extra cautious before he understands his origin."

"Besides, young master, you delayed the Zhenshan camp yesterday by yourself. This matter may also make the capital uneasy."

"Ning Yongnian may wish to have a talk with Master Wei first."

Ning Yongnian wanted to talk to Wei Xianzhi.

Although Han Zhao's words were very tactful, Wei Changtian knew that it would definitely not be as simple as "talking" in the capital.

However, he was not too worried that the two sides would really break out too much conflict.

After all, Wei Zhaohai was still in the capital, and Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caizhen were not vegetarians either.

The most important thing is that the current Wei family is not what it used to be. Once the face is completely torn apart, the whole of Daning will definitely fall into a turmoil that is several times more terrifying than the "Spring Dragon Rebellion".

Right now, food prices in Daning are soaring, and the world is fighting on two fronts. The world is already difficult.

If there is such a chaos again at this time, the consequences must be unbearable for Ning Yongnian.

Therefore, it is estimated that there is a high probability that the capital will still be brought down with a mouthful.


Shaking his head, Wei Changtian didn't continue talking about this issue.

For me, the most important thing right now is how to force Ning Yongnian to continue marching into Shuzhou City.


Thinking of this, Wei Changtian's eyes suddenly brightened.

"General Han, just now you said that my two pieces of Mother-Child jade will be sent to the capital?"

"Yes, You Wenzong did say so."

Han Zhao nodded and replied, "But don't worry, my lord. I have sent a message to Mr. Chu about this matter just now, and I think there will be nothing wrong."

"Chu Xianping already knows, right?"

Wei Changtian rubbed his chin, suddenly chuckled and said, "It's very easy to cover up this matter."

"However. Since that You Wenzong wants to take this opportunity to plot against the fellow boat club, why can't we plot against him instead?"


Han Zhao was taken aback for a moment, and instantly understood Wei Changtian's meaning.

"Young master, you mean."

"That's right."

Squinting his eyes, Wei Changtian under the moonlight had a sinister smile on his face: "Don't they want to know who that expert is? Don't they want to know who the spy in the army is?"

"Then let's make up a good story for Ning Yongnian."


Another half an hour later.

Carrying the new Mother-Child Jade brought by Han Zhao, Wei Changtian has already returned to the courtyard.

Although he had paid close attention, there was still a slight movement from the dilapidated wooden door, waking up the old woman who was still sitting on the bamboo chair.

"Grandma, why don't you go to bed and sleep?"

Seeing the latter slowly opened his eyes, Wei Changtian said a little embarrassedly: "This door is too old, I will replace it with a new door for you tomorrow."


The old woman looked at Wei Changtian, as if her reaction was a little slow, she stood up slowly after a long while, turned around and went to the back room by herself.

And Wei Changtian didn't say much, and walked to the small bed by the moonlight to get ready to sleep.

The quilt was spread out neatly, although there were many patches, but it was clean.

And compared with when he left, there was an extra piece of clothing on the bedside.

Wei Changtian immediately recognized that this was the one that the old woman had been mending today.

It was sewed for me.

There are young men's clothes in the house, which shows that the old woman did have children, but it is not known whether they are traveling far away or have died.

Picking up the clothes and looking at them, Wei Changtian couldn't help but sighed, and at the same time thought of the sweet-scented osmanthus cake that Qin Caizhen sent from the capital from time to time.

Although Wei Changtian did not inherit the previous master's taste, he has always disliked the so sweet "pastry of mother's love".

But at this moment, he suddenly missed that smell again.

Is it because I haven't eaten for a long time?

The bright moon outside the window is like a hook, and there seems to be a faint fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus in the air.

Capital, Wei Mansion.

It was dark in the huge mansion, only the main courtyard was lit with lights.

The beautiful woman who still had her charm waited anxiously at the door, her eyes kept looking into the distance.

After an unknown amount of time, a lantern appeared from the end of the path, and she immediately rushed to meet it, and hurriedly asked:

"How about it?"


The middle-aged man with the lantern nodded, and the beautiful woman heaved a sigh of relief with just two words.

"Thank God, it's okay, it's okay."


With the current strength of the Wei family, what happened in Shuzhou last night naturally cannot be hidden from Wei Xianzhi and Qin Caizhen.

The two of them never closed their eyes after hearing that Wei Changtian went to block Zhenshan Camp alone and disappeared, and even went to check Wei Changtian's fate card every few hours.

Fortunately, the life card has been intact until now.

But although Wei Changtian is fine, the current situation of the Wei family is not good.

Because just now, Ning Yongnian finally summoned Wei Xianzhi to the palace to face the saint.

The Shu army's breakout happened last night, but the former hadn't moved during the day, so it was hard not to think of what Wei Xianzhi was going to do if he insisted on summoning Wei Xianzhi in the middle of the night.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, the sky of murder and arson.

Perhaps, the emperor finally decided to turn against the Wei family.

"You might as well not go."

Following Wei Xianzhi back into the house, Qin Caizhen persuaded with a worried face: "At this juncture, Ning Yongnian may not be sure what he will do."

"All the imperial guards who were out during the day have returned to the city, and they made it clear that they are for us to see."

"Let's delay the illness for a few days first, and it won't be too late to discuss after Changtian has a letter."


Putting the lantern in the corner, Wei Xianzhi was silent for a long time before speaking.

Although what Qin Caizhen said was not unreasonable, his perspective on thinking about the problem was obviously different.

"If you don't go, will Ning Yongnian give up?"

"Who can say for sure what will happen in Shuzhou?"

"Oh, my son is in trouble. As a father, I will wipe his ass sooner or later."


Qin Caizhen frowned and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Wei Xianzhi waving his hand:

"Needless to say, there is no point in delaying this matter any longer."

"Didn't Ning Yongnian want to show us the Guards? Then let's show him the Xuanjing Division as well."


This time, Qin Caizhen didn't persuade her any more.

Although she was not very polite to Wei Xianzhi on weekdays, she was actually like an ordinary woman when encountering major events, she would never sing against her man's decision.

"Then I'm going to ask my father to go out?"


Nodding his head, Wei Xianzhi watched Qin Caizhen leave in a hurry, and then yelled softly at the door.

"Wang Er!"


Wang Er immediately stepped into the room, bowed and said, "The villain is here."

"Well, now you take my token and go to Xuanjingsi to burn Zuyu."

While speaking, Wei Xianzhi casually threw a black token to Wang Er.

His tone was so calm that Wang Er once thought he had heard wrong.


Wang Er glanced at the fake Xuanjing Commander's Token in his hand, widened his eyes and confirmed, "You mean Zhuo Zuyu?"


"Well, then what?"

Wang Er breathed out and asked again: "I don't know what the master is going to do?"


Wei Xianzhi paused for a while, looked at the night outside the house and calmly replied:

"Then follow me to the palace."

There are too many lines in the recent plot, switching writing should consider logic, layout, and reading perception, and it is a bit slow to write

(end of this chapter)

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