I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 477 Nothing Is Impossible

Chapter 477 Nothing Is Impossible

I came today to kill them all.

When Wei Changtian uttered these words casually, You Wenzong's figure suddenly trembled uncontrollably, as if he had heard a crappy and funny horror story, but it also sent chills down the spine.

You must know that these are more than 200,000 entry-level warriors.

Not to mention that Wei Changtian only has third rank, even if he is first rank, or even a true immortal, it is absolutely impossible to fulfill this sentence.

So, why would Wei Changtian dare to say that?

What is his purpose?

"Mr. Wei"

After a short period of stupefaction, You Wenzong stared at the man in black robe opposite him, and said calmly: "This joke is not funny."


Wei Changtian sneered almost arrogantly: "Master You, I just said it, and everything I said is true."

"Oh? I don't know what the young master is going to do?"

You Wenzong also showed a hint of sarcasm: "Since the young master can wipe out all my army immediately, then let me die to understand it, right?"

"Hahaha, of course."

Wei Changtian laughed twice, and walked step by step to a position that was only one step away from You Wenzong, causing the soldiers around him to instantly tense up.

However, neither of them looked at the yellow armored soldiers who were holding their weapons tightly.

"Master You, don't you and Ning Yongnian both think that I set up an ambush on Niutoushan?"

"Tsk tsk, in fact, your guess is already very close."

"I did set up an ambush, but it's not at Niutoushan, but here."


You Wenzong suddenly widened his eyes, and suddenly looked at the indistinct and endless black line in the darkness in the distance.

And Wei Changtian glanced at him, then continued with some emotion:

"To be honest, if you really change to the Jinyuan line, then my plan will really be in vain."

"But now it seems that luck is on my side."

"Master You, you can't escape"


Suddenly, You Wenzong's expression became cold, and he interrupted with a sneer: "Young Master Wei, you don't need to bluff here!"

"Before our army set off, we had already scouted the front line along the way, and there was no ambush at all!"

"What's more, your Shu army has only 30,000 people left, even if you add tens of thousands of Li troops, it's only a mere 100,000 people, how can you compete with my nearly 300,000 army?!"

"Young Master Wei, do you really think I'm that three-year-old child?!"


You Wenzong's voice suddenly raised the volume, and what he said was transmitted to many people's ears very clearly.

Sensing that the atmosphere between the two had suddenly become tense, several lieutenants had drawn out their weapons, ready to rush into the encirclement to rescue people at any time.

Although there is a high probability that they will be too late at that time, their attitude must be shown.

After all, You Wenzong was the military governor appointed by Ning Yongnian no matter what, so it would be unreasonable to die like this.

But Wei Changtian still didn't intend to do anything.

He just looked at You Wenzong with a smile, and pointed at the gravel on the ground with the tip of his knife.

"Master You, what do you think is so strange about these gravels?"


Although he didn't know what kind of conspiracy Wei Changtian was playing, You Wenzong still subconsciously looked down.

Rocks the size of finger caps and yellow sand are mixed on the surface of the floating soil, and there is nothing unusual at first glance.


With a cold snort, You Wenzong was just about to speak.

But before he could speak, he suddenly froze again.

Because You Wenzong found that the gravel under his feet seemed to be trembling slightly.

The magnitude of this tremor is small, but it does exist, as if there are thousands of troops rushing in a very far distance.

However, the information shows that the Shu army has already passed Niutoushan to Shuzhou City, and most of the reinforcements from Dali are still on their way to Shuzhou!

Where did these soldiers and horses come from? !

Gazing at Wei Changtian in astonishment, You Wenzong suddenly leaned over and lay down on the ground, staring at the grains of gravel with wide eyes, thinking that he just misread.

But it turns out that this is not an illusion.

Even when the shaking of the gravel became more and more obvious, and the thunder-like "bang" sound in the distance became louder, fear appeared in You Wenzong's eyes for the first time.

"How, how is it possible"

Trembling, he picked up a speck of sand, and turned his head to look west along with the tens of thousands of soldiers around him who had also sensed something was wrong.

No matter what, You Wenzong couldn't figure out how Wei Changtian managed to achieve the "Divine Armament", let alone where these soldiers and horses came from.

Until Wei Changtian also bent down and squatted in front of him, leaning on the Louying Knife, he said with a smile:

"Master You, do you know where the west side is?"


You Wenzong suddenly raised his head, and in just a moment, an almost absurd guess appeared in his mind.

This was a possibility he had never thought of, just because it was too unimaginable.

But at this moment, this seems to be the only answer.

"Ten, one hundred thousand mountains."

The Adam's apple squirmed, You Wenzong's voice trembled, and his expression was a little dull.

Wei Changtian looked at his appearance, smiled and asked again:

"Then Master You, what's in the Hundred Thousand Mountains?"

"Demon, demon is impossible!"

You Wenzong shook his head violently, almost instinctively wanting to deny it.

But before he could say the next thing, he could only hear a few terrified shouts from afar.

The shout was mixed with the sound of horseshoes, and it should have come from the scouts who were guarding the surroundings.

"Beast tide!!!"

"There is a wave of beasts coming!!!"



The shouting stopped abruptly at a certain moment, but the ground under his feet trembled even more violently, and after only a few breaths, it reached a level that made him unsteady.

You Wenzong looked at Wei Changtian with absent-minded eyes, watched the latter stand up slowly with no expression on his face, and gently raised the long knife in his hand.

In the distance, countless Demonic Beasts have already appeared in the dark night, rolling in like an endless black wave.

"Master You, nothing is impossible."

"Oh, please pass this sentence on to Ning Yongnian too. Of course, the premise is that you can live to see the sun tomorrow."


In the ear, Wei Changtian's last words were drowned out in an instant.

In everyone's stunned eyes, hundreds of golden lights suddenly appeared, and immediately turned into a golden dragon tens of feet long.

I saw this golden dragon tumbling a few times in the air with incomparably majestic momentum, and then leading the black beast tide, leaping forward, crashing into the army formation.

the next day.

Daning capital.

Wei Xianzhi led people to surround the palace, Dafeng surrendered, and the counter-insurgency army encountered a wave of beasts.

In just three days, three major events happened one after another.

When heavy news comes too frequently, the common people are more or less immune, so most of them are not as excited as before.

Besides, although the army suffered a lot of losses because of this, it is said that only 60,000 to 70,000 people died, which would not affect the overall situation of the battle.

The only thing is that this beast tide is really a bit weird.

You must know that Daning has not experienced this kind of thing for hundreds of years. Usually, it is difficult for everyone to see a group of monsters, let alone this kind of beast tide that gathers a hundred thousand Demonic Beasts.

So what is the reason for the beast tide? Why did it happen to collide with the imperial army again?

A well-informed person said that Wei Changtian had something to do with this matter, that it was he who colluded with the demon king and wanted to use the hands of the demon clan to destroy the imperial army.

Whether it is analyzed from the existing evidence or motivation, such a statement is very tenable, so most of the people in Daning's impression of Wei Changtian plummeted again.

After all, rebellion is only an internal contradiction of the country, and even colluding with foreign enemies such as Dali and Dafeng is at best an internal contradiction of the human race.

But hooking up with the Yaozu is an act of "betrayal"!

Therefore, except for Shuzhou, almost all the people in Daning scolded Wei Changtian, and at the same time secretly rejoiced that the latter's trick did not succeed.

But for Ning Yongnian, he didn't feel lucky at this moment.

"Nothing is impossible."

Repeatedly repeating what Wei Changtian asked You Wenzong to pass on to him, the ink pen in his hand suddenly snapped into two pieces.

"So, is this your backhand?"

"I didn't underestimate you."

Maoshi, Shuzhou.

Three hours have passed since the end of the beast tide, but the aftermath work has not yet ended, which is enough to show how tragic the battle last night was.

Although Wei Changtian's "kill everyone" did not come true, the court army still paid a price of more than 60,000 people to kill all the 100,000 Demonic Beasts that attacked.

This was the biggest loss the imperial court had experienced since the start of the Battle of Shuzhou. With the addition of the wounded, the number of combatable soldiers in the army was reduced from 300,000 to 200,000 in an instant after the battle.

Even though they still have an absolute advantage over the Shu army, if all the Dali reinforcements can reach Shuzhou, the outcome of this war will be really uncertain.

Therefore, the next step of the army has become particularly important.

It was even so important that Han Zhao could no longer make a decision.

"General Han, hasn't the emperor issued an order yet?"

In the main tent, the pale-faced You Wenzong asked this question for the third time within an hour.

And Han Zhao also shook his head for the third time.

"Your Excellency, where the army will go and what to do next is of great importance, and the emperor must consider it carefully."

"You were injured last night, why don't you go back and have a good rest, I will let you know immediately if there is any news."

"No, I'll just wait here."

Shaking his head, You Wenzong didn't move at all, making it clear that he wanted to wait until Ning Yongnian sent the latest order.

The curtains shook, and the smell of blood permeated the quiet tent.

In fact, not only You Wenzong is waiting, but Han Zhao is waiting.

Even Chu Xianping, who was far away at the pass of Niutoushan, and Wei Changtian, who was heading to Niutoushan, were waiting for Ning Yongnian's final choice.

"Da da da, da da da"

On the official road hundreds of miles away from last night's main battlefield, Wei Changtian was galloping his horse with one hand holding the reins, and clutching a piece of Mother-Child jade tightly in the other, for fear of missing the message from Han Zhao.

Triggering the beast tide ahead of time was all he could do.

According to the original plan, the 100,000 Demonic Beasts should have waited until the imperial army was defeated and retreated at Niutoushan, and then suddenly rushed out to give the latter a fatal blow.

But since Ning Yongnian suddenly wanted to change to Jinyuan, Wei Changtian had no choice but to advance this step.

Undoubtedly, the downside of this is that the lethality of the beast horde was minimized, only consuming 60,000 troops.

The advantage is that he won a chance to make Ning Yongnian change his mind again.

First of all, the beast horde has already appeared, so there is a high probability that Ning Yongnian will believe that there is no ambush in Niutoushan.

Secondly, the 60,000 people lost by the imperial army also made it necessary for Ning Yongnian to end the battle as soon as possible before Dali's reinforcements arrived in Shuzhou.

At this time, it is too slow to go to the front line of Jinyuan, and the Dali reinforcements will arrive at that time.

Therefore, if Ning Yongnian wanted to maintain his military superiority, he had to go to Niutoushan.

Of course, he also has another choice, which is to fight a protracted war.

But this is definitely not what Wei Changtian wants to see.

Facing the setting sun, the shadow of the war horse was stretched very long.

Wei Changtian just rode forward silently, and then suddenly his eyes widened slightly at a certain moment.

Nearly four hours later, Mother-Child Jade is finally hot again!

Ning Yongnian passed the order to Han Zhao!

Subconsciously holding his breath, Wei Changtian didn't take out the codebook, but just clutched the Mother-Child jade tightly.

In order to facilitate Han Zhao's transmission of the letter, he had already made an agreement with the latter in advance.

Yu Zhuo clicked, which represented Ning Yongnian's order to rest in place.

The two strokes of Yuzhuo mean that the army will still go to Jinyuan instead.

Three strokes of Yuzhuo means that the army will go to Niutoushan.


The smooth jade body in his hand became hot and then cooled down.

After one breath, the second stroke.

The setting sun rolled down like a fireball behind the west mountain, leaving a sliver of sunset glow in the sky.

A few birds are flying towards the afterglow of the sunset, as if they want to fly to Nine Heavens to see what is there that day.

Wei Changtian had never felt that one breath lasted so long.

The Mother-Child jade in the palm suddenly became hot again.

The third time.

(end of this chapter)

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