I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 478 The Most Beautiful Moonlight

Chapter 478 The Most Beautiful Moonlight

When night fell, Wei Changtian finally arrived at the pass of Niutou Mountain.

From the tenth day of October to the thirteenth day of October, three full days have passed since the Shu army broke through.

During these three days, he first learned the truth about Xu Suisui's system, then went to intercept the Zhenshan camp alone, and was "killed" by Qin Zhengqiu with a sword, and then used Wei Xianzhi's hand to put pressure on Ning Yongnian, and finally Trigger the beast tide in advance.

In just three days, too many things happened, and the overall plan almost went bankrupt several times.

Wei Changtian didn't know how the subsequent "plot" would develop if he didn't delay the Zhenshan camp that night, but allowed the Shu army to be wiped out, and how he would "turn the tide".

Xu Suisui must be aware of these things, but in fact, even if he had the chance to see her again, Wei Changtian would not ask.

Because it doesn't make sense at all.

Anyway, he is quite satisfied now.

There is no danger, and the "stage victory" is only the last shiver.

Half an hour ago, Han Zhao sent a message saying that the army had set out for Niutoushan and would arrive at the pass around this time tomorrow night.

At that time, the most important drama of Niutoushan can finally begin.


"Brother Changtian!"

Before dismounting from the horse, a cry came from the front, it was Liang Qin who had been waiting eagerly outside the gate.


Wei Changtian responded with a smile, got off his horse, and greeted the figure running towards this side.

In the moonlight, the woman's long hair was shaking, and because she hadn't washed it properly, a few strands of black hair were messily scattered on the side of her face, making her face even more innocent and thin.

Although we haven't seen each other for only three days, Liang Qin has lived like years since he learned of Wei Changtian's "doing", always thinking about his safety, and it is no exaggeration to say "I don't think about food or tea".

Liang Zhen, who saw everything in his eyes, even felt that if something happened to Wei Changtian, his precious girl would probably die in love if she turned around.

"Brother Changtian! Are you okay!"

"Wooooooow, I'm so worried about you."

With her tender body in her arms, Liang Qin's tears soaked Wei Changtian's skirt in an instant.

The latter, on the other hand, patted her on the back and said some comforting words such as "I'm fine".

Maybe because he realized that Wei Changtian was really fine, Liang Qin gradually stopped crying, but he still threw himself into Wei Changtian's arms and refused to let go.

Wei Changtian couldn't push her away either, so he could only continue to embrace the beauty, and looked up at Chu Xianping and Liang Zhen who had just come close.

"Young master."

"Long days."

The two nodded to Wei Changtian respectively, their expressions were a little relieved, but they were not as excited as Liang Qin.

Especially Liang Zhen, who seemed to be indifferent to the fact that "my unmarried young girl is crying bitterly in the man's arms", and even... a little happy?

Perhaps in his opinion, the girl is already going to marry Wei Changtian, and it is not too much for the two of them to have a little intimate contact in advance.

Just because he is not embarrassed does not mean that Wei Changtian himself is not embarrassed.

After all, it always feels weird to cuddle with someone else's daughter in front of the father-in-law.

"Cough, Brother Chu, Uncle Liang"

Gently pushing Liang Qin away, Wei Changtian rubbed his nose and said with a smile, "Then what, let's go into the room and talk."

"Alright, Mr. Shen and Elder Qin are also there."

Chu Xianping obviously understood what Wei Changtian meant, and immediately responded: "The imperial army will arrive tomorrow night, there are some things we should discuss in advance."


Hearing that Wei Changtian was going to talk about serious business, Liang Qin naturally understood that he should no longer pester "Brother Changtian" because of such trivial matters as his children's affair, so he slowly let go of Wei Changtian's hand, and from the latter's Get out of your arms.

"Well, let's go."

Wei Changtian who was finally "liberated" glanced at her, nodded at Chu Xianping, and wanted to walk into the pass.

But just after he took a step, he suddenly felt that own's fingers were gently clenched.

Turning her head to look, who else could it be but the shy Liang Qin.


His eyes stayed on the flushed cheeks for a moment, Wei Changtian didn't "resist" this time, he just took Liang Qin's hand and walked all the way to the gate.

Looking back, since I got married to Comrade Xiao Xu, I really haven't done such a "pure" behavior with any woman.

When getting along with Xu Qingwan, Yang Liushi and others, especially the latter, the scene can really be called "not suitable for children" and "exciting".

Alas, I don't know when the war will be over, when the time comes, the first thing I will do is to...

Unknowingly, Wei Changtian suddenly began to dream, but Liang Qin was a little embarrassed by his look, and subconsciously lowered his head.

It was also because of this lowering of the head that Wei Changtian suddenly saw the wooden hairpin stuck in the latter's hair, the wooden hairpin that entrusted Liang Qin's great ambition of "practicing martial arts for those who have never practiced martial arts".

Liang Qin once said that whenever Wei Changtian returned the wooden hairpin to her, she would marry Wei Changtian willingly.

There is no doubt that Liang Qin must be impatient to "fulfill" his promise right now.


In all fairness, although Wei Changtian had maintained a relatively close relationship with Liang Qin before, he was never unwilling to marry her.

However, compared to Comrade Xiao Xu, or even Yang Liushi and Li Parasol Tree, he never had much "different" feelings for Liang Qin.

In other words, he had always faced Liang Qin with the attitude of "it doesn't matter if you have multiple wives", and it was far from "it's up to you".

But now, when Wei Changtian looked at Liang Qin's disheveled long hair and some red and swollen eye sockets, he suddenly had an impulsive thought.


Glancing at Chu Xianping and Liang Zhen who were walking ahead, Wei Changtian deliberately slowed down a little, turned his head and whispered:

"Let's get married after the war."


His body trembled suddenly, Liang Qin suddenly raised his head, his eyes were a little dazed.

Seeing her like this, Wei Changtian couldn't help laughing and asked again.

"Hahaha, okay?"


Xiaoyue passes through the remnant base, and the border is starry.

The bright moon hangs high, but the night in Shuzhou is actually not so peaceful and peaceful.

Especially in this Niutoushan, it seems that there are undercurrents and murderous intentions everywhere.

The indifferent moonlight is shrouded by the glowing red torches, losing the beauty of the quiet moon, and the hazy fog renders the night blurred.

Obviously, this is not a suitable occasion for a "marriage proposal".

After all, the moonlight penetrates people no matter how you look at it.

But to Liang Qin, she only felt that this was the most beautiful moonlight she had ever seen in her life.

There seemed to be tears welling up again in the eye sockets, across the cheeks, and across the corners of the upturned mouth.

Liang Qin cried and looked at Wei Changtian, but there was a shallow, extremely happy and satisfied smile on his face.


(end of this chapter)

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