I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 483: Tribulation Of The Common People (Part 2)

Chapter 483: Tribulation of the Common People (Part 2)

At the end of the unitary hour, there was still an hour before the expected time for the start of the Niutoushan ambush.

Hundred Thousand Mountains, Cliff Valley.

The cold wind blows in the empty valley, and the fierce beast embroidered on the tooth flag sways with the wind, and the appearance of baring its teeth and claws seems to come alive.

And if you move your eyes a little further down, you will find that compared to the vicious scene in front of you, the horror of these Heavenly Dog patterns that are enough to stop children from crying is not worth mentioning.

Eyes revealing vicious beasts, robust soldiers in black armor, each with a cold blade, and heavy and barbaric panting.

When 10,000 Demonic Beasts with strengths of at least seventh rank stood together with 10,000 Shu army elites, the powerful oppressive force they produced was not even weaker than the sword that Qin Zhengqiu swung that day.

Hidden in the mountains for nearly two months of training, this Heavenly Dog army, which is enough to shock the world, is finally about to appear in the world for the first time.

"General Du!"

The Dianjiang platform built of random stones is very simple and rough, but it is very harmonious with this barbaric environment.

A soldier in black armor ran up to Du Chang, stood up and shouted:

"The entire battalion is here!"

"Please give the order, General!"


Nodding slightly, Du Chang turned his head to look at Yang Liushi who was standing not far away, and nodded slightly at the latter.

Compared with before, Yangliu Shi at this time seems to have changed a lot.

Although he still has the Deva-like appearance, the charm in his bones seems to have decreased a lot, and it is more like an iceberg that no one can get close to, with a cold chill all over his body.

The gust of wind rolled up the corner of the skirt a few inches, and the black hair flew behind him.

She turned her head and looked back at Du Chang, her delicate chin raised and lowered.

Then, Du Chang's cold voice resounded throughout the valley.

"Set off!"



Following the words Du Chang uttered, ten thousand black armored soldiers turned over and leaped onto the backs of various Demonic Beasts around them.

Tigers, leopards, wolves, eagles, falcons and vultures.

Although these 10,000 Demonic Beasts are of different types and have slightly different skills, some Demonic Beasts are even two or three Realms stronger than the pawns riding on their backs.

But at this time, none of the Demonic Beasts resisted.

Beasts are rushing in the forest, and birds are passing by at low altitude.

Amidst the rolling dark clouds, ten thousand Heavenly Dog troops passed through the dense forest like this, moving towards the east at an extremely fast speed in a disorderly manner.

Du Chang and Yang Liushi are naturally at the forefront of the team.

One of them was riding a black tiger, and the other was riding a white horse with oxtail.

"Miss Yang, my son asked me to tell you that you must protect yourself after the war."

"Also, if there is a big victory tonight, the girl can go back to Shuzhou City."

Riding on the tiger's back, Du Chang quickly conveyed Wei Changtian's latest instructions to Yang Liushi who was beside him.

The latter turned his head, his red lips parted slightly, and he replied softly:

"okay, I get it."

Daning capital city, imperial palace, Shiqu Pavilion.


Throwing the vermilion pen heavily on the pen holder, Ning Yongnian looked at the half-read memorial in front of him, but felt agitated for no reason.

He had felt this way several times today, and each time it got a little more serious.

"Your Majesty, you haven't closed your eyes for several days."

Li Huaizhong, who was serving at the side, came closer, lowered his body and whispered, "It's better to rest."

"Rest? If the Wei family is not eliminated, I will have trouble sleeping and eating."

Ning Yongnian took a deep breath, closed his eyes and asked, "Where is Han Zhao now?"

"At noon, General Han sent a letter saying that he had traveled three hundred miles from Niutoushan."

Li Huaizhong glanced at the sky outside the hall: "I'm afraid we have already reached Niutoushan by now."

"Where's Wu Ding?"

Ning Yongnian still closed his eyes: "How about him?"

"General Wu has escorted Li Qi to leave Fengyuan and is heading to Huailing Mansion."

Li Huaizhong replied again: "You should be there in five days."


Nodding his head, Ning Yongnian didn't speak any more.

He mobilized the Internal Energy to circulate around his body, hoping to calm down the restlessness in his heart in this way.

But after he ran a few small universes, the restlessness not only didn't lessen, but became more obvious.

This feeling was very bad, and Ning Yongnian couldn't help thinking that something bad might happen.

But what could this bad thing be?

Ning Yongnian didn't know, and couldn't guess.

After all, the current situation on all fronts seems to be under control, but it seems to be out of his control

The candles flickered, and the aloes curled up.

After sitting for a while, Ning Yongnian finally opened his eyes, got up and walked out of Tianlu Pavilion, and then stood in the middle of the courtyard outside the hall.

Qi Luck Yellow Dragon shot out from Dantian, and immediately became bigger and bigger, hovering and circling over Tianlu Pavilion.

Looking at the huge dragon writhing in the night, Ning Yongnian suddenly thought of the Dragon Locking Array, and thought of the more than two million Daning people in Yuanzhou City.

After doing such a thing, it is impossible to say that the emperor never hesitated or struggled.

But Ning Yongnian always felt that exchanging the lives of two million people for the territory of a country was worth it.

Ning Yongnian has always believed in the truth that "you can only gain if you give up", and understands that being an emperor is doomed to be lonely.

But at this very moment, on this ordinary and extraordinary night, he was suddenly shaken.

He suddenly wasn't sure if it was all worth it.

For Dafeng, two million innocent people lost their lives.

For Jizhou, he watched Own's own flesh and blood die in front of him.

For the sake of Shuzhou, the people of Daning today are destitute and hungry.

Including the dead Xu Shixing, Ning Qingyu, Liu Zhongchun

For the so-called great cause of thousands of years, he killed too many people and paid too much price.

But everything he got seemed so meaningless.


No matter how shaken the road is, Ning Yongnian knows that he has no way out.

There is no turning back when he opens his bow, all he can do is to keep walking along this road.


Behind him, Li Huaizhong suddenly whispered: "General Han Zhao just sent a letter saying that the army has arrived at Niutoushan."

Ning Yongnian didn't turn his head, but calmly responded.

"okay, I get it."

At the end of Xu Dynasty, Niutoushan.

The huge funnel-shaped valley has been illuminated by continuous flames, and an unknown number of yellow armored soldiers are crowded in it.

Because of the shape of a funnel, the valley naturally has a large entrance and a small exit. If you don't climb the mountain, you can only get out through a slit between the two mountains.

The length of this slit is too short to be regarded as a natural danger, but it can greatly slow down the speed of the army going out of the valley.

There were fewer people coming out, but more people coming in. Over time, more than 100,000 people of the 200,000 troops "stayed" in the valley.

And these people are Wei Changtian's targets.

"Young master."

Beside him, Chu Xianping reminded in a low voice: "Now more than 10,000 people have left the valley, and there are still more than 30,000 people who have not entered the valley. There are about 160,000 people in the valley."

"Our people are all ready. The Heavenly Dog army will arrive in a quarter of an hour, just in time to help intercept the enemy's retreat."

"My lord, it's about time."


After Chu Xianping said these few words, he stopped talking, and Wei Changtian didn't answer immediately, but just stood on a boulder, silently looking down at the vast crowd who were as small as ants.

The dark clouds above the head were so thick that they blocked all the stars and moonlight, which was very similar to the night when the Tianluo Sect's mountain gate was destroyed.

Yes, Wei Changtian is planning to use "Combination" to create a "Heavenly Punishment", coupled with the huge equivalent of gunpowder that has already been buried in various places in the valley, and use a "Heavenly Thunder Earth Fire" to inflict on the imperial army. fatal blow.

Of course, with his own Internal Energy, even if he goes all out, it is impossible to create a sky thunder that is too powerful.

However, he can imitate Yun Lian, using the blood of Heavenly Dao's son to outline in advance the formation that can increase the power of the sky thunder.

And this is why Wei Changtian left Shen Ran in Niutoushan.

During these days, Shen Ran has been mixing his own blood with some animal blood to draw symbols in this valley.

Although due to the mixture of animal blood, the power of Tianlei must be weaker than the one triggered by Yunlian.

But after all, Wei Changtian was not facing the Tianluo Sect, but just a group of ordinary soldiers in the third rank, so it must be enough.


Underfoot, the soldiers crowded into the valley still didn't notice anything unusual.

Wei Changtian silently mobilized a bit of Internal Energy to focus on the palm of his hand, and looked up at the billowing dark clouds that also crowded the sky.

Now he can trigger the sky thunder at any time, and as soon as the sky thunder falls, the people of Tianluo sect ambushing around will detonate all the explosives, and the Shu army and Li army will also block the front and back directions of the valley at the same time.

In other words, he can kill more than a hundred thousand people with just one action now.

Ink color soaked the valley, and purple thunder surged in the clouds.

Suddenly, Wei Changtian turned his head and asked Chu Xianping.

"Brother Chu, do you think I should support Ning Yuke to become king and rebel?"

"If I hadn't done this, these people shouldn't have died."


Hearing such a question at this juncture, Chu Xianping couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

But he quickly replied calmly:

"If they don't, then they might not die."

"But if you don't fight back, then the people in this world will not be able to live for themselves after all."

"Young master, this is what you once said to me."


"okay, I get it."

With the last sigh, Wei Changtian raised his palm slightly.

At the next moment, countless purple thunders that had been suppressed for a long time crashed down.

(end of this chapter)

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