Chapter 484: The End


When the first purple thunder hit the densely packed crowd, killing hundreds of people in an instant, most people hadn't had time to react to what happened.

But as the wailing and screams resounded through the valley, and the ground under his feet began to shake and then exploded, someone immediately realized the problem.

"Enemy attack!!"

"Damn it! There is an ambush!!!"

"Quick! Retreat! Retreat!!!"


The experienced general immediately shouted hoarsely, trying to urge his soldiers to flee in the right direction.

But in fact, before they gave the order, the panicked crowd had already rushed towards the front and rear exits of the valley.

In the chaos, how many people fell and couldn't stand up again, how many people were blown into the air by the explosives, and how many people were turned into dust in the purple thunder.

The valley where more than 100,000 people have gathered is like a purgatory on earth at this moment, karmic fire splashes out from the ground, dark thunder falls from the dark sky, and the sound of despair and fear is full of bright red as far as the eye can see. The flames or the rain of blood.

Severed limbs can be seen everywhere, some of which can't even fall to the ground, just hanging bloody on the bodies of the living people, but the latter won't even take a look.

At this moment, it doesn't matter whose body these broken arms and legs come from, because everyone has already been dominated by infinite fear, and they don't care about anything other than running for their lives.

A well-trained army should not have panicked to this extent when it was suddenly ambushed.

And this just shows that the situation encountered by the imperial army has far exceeded their understanding of war.

Even before the Shu army and Li army suddenly rushed out from both sides of the valley, they didn't even know who the enemy was.


"Get out!!"



Compared with the narrow funnel exit on the west side, the wide funnel entrance on the east side is naturally the main battlefield for the fierce battle between the two sides.

It was Da Li's 50,000 reinforcements who were in charge of blocking this direction.

Fifty thousand versus hundreds of thousands, although there is a huge difference in military strength, it must be known that most of the imperial army is blocked in the valley by their companions at this time, and they cannot participate in the battle at all.

What's more, Da Li's reinforcements only need to hold for a quarter of an hour.

According to previous estimates, at most two quarters of an hour, the imperial army in the valley will basically be killed or injured in the "Earth Fire", and even if they can escape, it will not matter to the overall situation.

Facing a battle line that is only a few hundred meters away, guard for two quarters of an hour.

Both Wei Changtian and the Li army general named Zhao Dong thought that this should not be difficult to do.

But they somewhat underestimated the combat effectiveness of people in such a dangerous situation.

If you can't break out of the encirclement, you will die.

In this extreme situation, all the yellow armored soldiers rushed out of the valley like crazy, without any reservation.

As for running away

Not to mention that they have no way out, even if there is, they can't retreat or escape at this moment.

Because under the "promotion" of more than 100,000 people behind them, they couldn't even turn around.

All I can do is raise the knife forward


"Bang bang bang!"

"Ah! Daddy doesn't want to die!!"

"Woooooo! Mom! Forgive me for being unfilial!"

"Father! Mother!!"



There were cries, shouts, and roars. Countless soldiers in yellow armor rushed towards the Li army's defense line with their long swords held high, and fell down one after another like straw.

At the next moment, more men who are the same as them will step on their corpses and continue to move forward.

Thousands of people fell down, and thousands of people rushed up.

The flesh and blood bodies piled up into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, moving forward inch by inch in a tragic and desperate manner.

And under this kind of charge that was almost "death", the Li army's defense line that was waiting in full battle soon loosened.

"Damn it! Hold it for daddy!!"

"No retreat!!!"

Zhao Dong, who was fighting at the front line, chopped off dozens of yellow armored soldiers with one blow, shouting loudly in an attempt to stabilize the already shaken morale of the Li army.

Although the Li army has an advantage in all aspects except the number of people, but fighting against such a group of mourners who are endlessly killing and do not know how to retreat, one cannot help but feel terrified in one's heart.

Zhao Dong knew that if this continued, the line of defense would be breached in a short time, so he was naturally extremely impatient.

But at this moment, a muffled sound that drifted away from the battlefield suddenly surged, and it became deafening in a very short time.

"Then, what is that?"

Some soldiers turned their heads and glanced in the direction of the sound, and immediately froze in place in a very untimely manner.

The next moment, it was like a plague quickly spread to the entire battlefield, and at that time, an unknown number of people made the same move as him.

Everyone just stared blankly at the countless ferocious beasts coming from afar, at the black armored soldiers riding on the beasts' backs, and at the black ivory flag embroidered with the Heavenly Dog pattern on each side, feeling as if they were Really in purgatory.

"Clang clang!"

The long knife fell, and a yellow armored soldier somewhere on the battlefield suddenly fell to the ground trembling.

He was shaking like chaff, and there was nothing but fear in his eyes.

"Evil, evil ghost."

"It's the evil spirits coming"


In the valley.


Zilei and Gunpowder are still harvesting life, and Han Zhao's carriage has already been shattered into countless pieces.

As a second rank warrior, it is very easy for Han Zhao to avoid the Earth Fire, even if he is accidentally hit by a purple thunder, it will not be a big problem.

But You Wenzong naturally does not have such ability.


Staggering past corpses, the soldiers around him had long since disappeared.

But You Wenzong didn't care about these things for a long time, he just staggered around like a walking corpse, chanting a sentence repeatedly in his mouth.

"how so."

"how so."

It was obvious that this thoughtful Lord Overseer couldn't accept what was happening in front of him for the time being.

Because in his opinion, even if there was an ambush in Niutou Mountain, it shouldn't be like this.


Why did the sky thunder fall on Niutoushan, and why did it fall at this time.


You Wenzong really couldn't understand why such a "natural punishment" fell on the army, let alone why a full 200,000 people were buried in Niutoushan like this.

He just stared numbly at everything that happened around him, watching a boulder slipping from one side of the mountain wall and rolling straight towards him, and watching a Daoist figure suddenly appear, smashing the boulder to pieces with a single punch.

"General Han"

Looking at Han Zhao in front of him, You Wenzong shook his head in despair: "You don't need to save me, go and lead the soldiers to break through."

"Escaping a little bit is an explanation to the Holy One."


Han Zhao chuckled, "Master You, after tonight, ten out of ten troops will survive, what kind of explanation is this?"

"Yes, but."

You Wenzong struggled to speak, but when he saw the smile on Han Zhao's face, he froze for a moment.

At this moment, he seemed to have thought through many things suddenly.

But at this moment, Han Zhao didn't care what he thought anymore, he just said slowly:

"Master You, it's not that I want to save you, but that Mr. Wei wants to save your life."

"By the way, after I return to Beijing, I will report to the emperor that you, my lord, are the son's secret agent in the army."

"So Master You, you only have one way to go now."

"Of course, as for whether you are willing to leave, that depends on you."

(end of this chapter)

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