I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 604 Leaving Beijing For Liangzhou

Chapter 604 Leaving Beijing for Liangzhou

After leaving Yumai Mountain, Wei Changtian walked back to Wei's house under the rays of the setting sun.

Yang Liushi was chatting with Li Zimu in the courtyard, when she saw him coming back, she got up and greeted him with a smile.

"My lord, why did you come back so early? The servants thought you were going to discuss with Ning Wenjun until very late."

"Something happened to Xinfeng."

Wei Changtian shook his head and walked all the way into the main hall: "The discussion is not over yet."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Hey, Xu Suisui got involved with Buddhism"


While drinking tea, he briefly told Yang Liushi about the "Reincarnation of Guanyin".

Although the latter was surprised after hearing it, he didn't worry too much.

"It's a good thing that Miss Xu can invite Buddhism to help."

"In this way, Xinfeng may be able to hold on."

"Who knows."

Wei Changtian curled his lips: "Don't worry about her, anyway, it has nothing to do with us for the time being."

"um hum."

Yang Liushi nodded lightly, seeing that something was wrong with Wei Changtian's expression, she hesitated for a moment and asked again.

"My lord, what else happened?"


Good guy, Yang Liushi's sixth sense is also keen enough.

With a rant in his heart, Wei Changtian didn't hide it, he sighed and said:

"Hey, after leaving the palace, I went to Yumao Mountain again."

"Fish Maw Mountain?"

Yang Liushi was taken aback for a moment, and immediately seemed to understand something.

On the day of Chongyang two years ago, she was also at Yumai Mountain as a "bait", and she also asked Wei Chang who was killed by Xiao Feng in the Heavenly Horse car.

At that time Wei Changtian replied that one was Xiao Feng's woman and the other was Xiao Feng's savior.


"My lord, do you feel ashamed of those two?"


Wei Changtian took a sip of his tea, "Anyway, I ordered them to be sent to the carriage."

"At that time, I only thought that they wanted to help Xiao Feng, and that was my enemy, so death is not a pity."

"But after thinking about it, they didn't do anything wrong, at least"

"Forget it, don't talk about it."

Suddenly, Wei Changtian shook his head, and ended the topic on his own.

Yang Liushi looked at him softly, and didn't try to comfort him.

Both of them knew that something had happened and nothing could be changed, so it was useless to think about it.

Just like that, the room fell into silence.

But just a moment later, Yang Liushi suddenly smiled and said:

"Hehehe, son, I always feel that you are different from others."

"Sometimes they are cruel and cruel, and sometimes they are very kind."

"How can ordinary people be like you?"

"Is it?"

Wei Changtian rolled his eyes: "Then do you think it's better to be cruel or kind?"

"The slave family thinks that this is the best, young master."

Yang Liushi stopped laughing slowly, looked into Wei Changtian's eyes and said seriously:

"What the slave family said is true."


Seeing Yang Liushi suddenly become so serious, Wei Changtian couldn't help being taken aback.

He didn't say anything, just turned his head and looked at the small courtyard outside the house.

The breeze rolled up the sunset, a piece of soft tranquility.

Two days later, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

Today is the Lantern Festival, a day for family reunion.

Although the enemy was at hand, there was a festive atmosphere in the capital, and there were smiles on the faces of passers-by.

During the day, Wei Changtian and Ning Wenjun finalized the last few things against the enemy in the palace, and at night they went home for a reunion dinner, and then took Yang Liushi and Li Zimu into the carriage waiting outside the door.

From the eleventh to the fifteenth, he had already been in the capital for five days, and all the things he planned to do were completed.

Of course, Wei Changtian can wait until tomorrow morning before setting off.

But the news from Dajue an hour ago made him decide not to wait any longer, but set off for Liangzhou immediately.

[Tomorrow, Jue and Ji will send troops to the south, and the enemy will come to about 800,000]


As previously expected, after learning that Fengning had stopped the civil strife, the four countries did advance the time for the uprising.

It is roughly estimated that they will need to march for about a month to reach Liangzhou.

Then it means that Daning still has a month to deploy its defenses.

One month, whether it is long or not, is not short.

Since Wei Changtian has nothing to do if he stays in the capital, he might as well go to Liangzhou early to make preparations.

After all, he not only had to win this war, but also had to win it cleanly.


"Young master, there are only 800,000 people in the two countries, which is actually a little less than we expected."

The carriage was driving on the streets of the city neither fast nor slow, with bright lights on both sides. Although it was not comparable to Shuzhou City on New Year's Eve, today's Daning Capital City can be regarded as lively and festive.

Yang Liushi's face flickered in the light, like a fairy who sneaked down from the sky while the moon was full.

However, her expression was quite serious, and she was seriously analyzing the future war at this time.

"I just don't know how powerful the Ji and Ji countries are."

"Especially Dajue, they are following the path of witchcraft, and I am afraid they will have some different methods."

"It's best if we can find some people who know witchcraft to ask in advance, so as not to deal with it improperly after the war."


It has to be said that Yang Liushi's book of war is not for nothing, and he can already say a lot of things clearly and logically at this time.

Wei Changtian, on the other hand, listened to her and discussed with her from time to time, and he didn't take her words seriously just because she was a woman.

Generally speaking, the two are relatively optimistic about the situation of this "anti-aggression war".

Although the total strength of Daning and Dashu is only more than 500,000, they are indeed at a disadvantage in terms of numbers.

However, Jue and Ji's armies had to cross the Tianshan Mountains to reach Liangzhou after all, and the journey along the way was bound to be exhausted.

More importantly, their logistical supplies must be very difficult.

As long as Liangzhou can hold for more than a month, there will be problems with the opponent's logistics.

And the longer it drags on, the bigger the problem becomes.

As the defender of the city, Wei Changtian is still confident that he can stick to Liangzhou for a long time.

Even he is not just satisfied with "defense".

If the time is right, it is not impossible to take the initiative.

Of course, the above are all just "on paper", and the specific situation will definitely have to wait until Liangzhou before discussing it carefully with Han Zhao, Du Chang and others.

But at least after learning that only 800,000 people from the two countries will come, the atmosphere in the carriage is quite relaxed.

Just like that, Wei Changtian chatted with Yang Liushi one after another, and Li Zimu next to him didn't know how to fight, so naturally he couldn't intervene. After listening for a while, he quietly lifted the curtain of the car and looked out.

Thousands of doors are unlocked and thousands of lights are lit, and the capital is moved in the middle of the first lunar month.

At this time, the carriage was about to arrive at the North City Gate, and since Pingchang Square, the most lively place during festive seasons, was also in the north of the city, the surrounding atmosphere became more and more festive.

Li Zimu had never seen such a lively scene before, he was a little curious and yearning, so he couldn't help watching it for a while.

And it wasn't until the tall city wall appeared in front of her and the crowd around her gradually thinned out that she looked away and closed the car curtain reluctantly.


Looking back, Li Zimu suddenly realized that Wei Changtian and Yang Liushi had stopped talking at some point, and they were all looking at him with a smile.

"Master, son."

She bowed her head in embarrassment, wanting to admit her mistake.

But Wei Changtian waved his hands and said with a smile:

"It's okay, if you want to see more."


Li Zimu was also upright, when he heard what Wei Changtian said, he actually turned his head away after he answered.

She opened the car curtain slightly, just as a firework rushed into the night sky with its long golden tail, and immediately burst into golden light with a loud noise.


Hearing the huge noise, seeing the sparks blooming in the night and the crowd smiling and raising their heads in the firelight, Li Zimu opened his mouth slightly, thinking that this should be the most lively scene in the world.

But now Li Zimu still doesn't know that she will see a scene almost the same as now one month later.

Same bang, same fireworks.

It's just that there was no smile on the faces of the people standing under the firelight at that time.

There is only endless fear and despair.

(end of this chapter)

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