Chapter 605

Five days later, Liangzhou City.

As I said before, all the border states and capitals of Daning are located on the national border.

The same is true for Liangzhou City, which is located in the northernmost part of Liangzhou.

And Liangzhou is in the northernmost part of Daning

In this way, Liangzhou City, with a population of only 300,000 households, is the northernmost city in Daning.

To the south is Dingshan County, and three hundred miles to the north is the Tianshan Mountains.

If the weather is fine, standing on the city wall, you can see the rolling snow-capped mountains in the distance.

With such a geographical location and climatic conditions, it is doomed that even if Liangzhou City is the capital of a state, it will definitely not be very prosperous.

And it is true.

Regardless of the population, Liangzhou ranks last in various "economic indicators" in Daning. When people in other places hear this name, all they can think of is war horses and good knives.

That's right, Liangzhou's special product is a war horse with a brown body and a white head, and a cold knife with a very high cost performance.

And this also reflects from the side that Liangzhou's folk customs are more sturdy than other states and counties.

Brave and good at fighting, bold and loyal, drinking in big bowls and eating meat. This is the general impression of people in Liangzhou.

Although this impression does not necessarily apply to every Liangzhou person, it is generally true.

All in all, everyone had a good impression of Liangzhou before.

Until a year ago, Wen Wen, the commander-in-chief of Liangzhou, led more than 10,000 Liangzhou soldiers to join the enemy Dafeng in Yuanzhou City.

Abandoning the city and surrendering is a very shameful thing.

Coupled with the fact that the Shuzhou Army fought desperately to the last soldier under the leadership of Liang Zhen at that time, it highlighted the unbearable state of the Liangzhou Army.

You know, at that time Shuzhou was already firmly controlled by the Wei family.

In this case, both Liang Zhen and the Shu army could sacrifice their lives for righteousness, and would rather die than surrender.

However, the Liangzhou army, which is known as "the white armor mounts, and the red armor dismounts", all surrendered to the enemy. It is really hard not to be cast aside.

In this way, the reputation of Liangzhou in the hearts of Daning people took a turn for the worse, as if all the people of Liangzhou changed from righteous heroes to cowards and fear of death overnight.

As for Wen Wen who surrendered to Dafeng

Although he accepted the surrender, it was of course impossible for Dafeng to retain the Liangzhou army's organizational system, and the 10,000 people were quickly dispersed in various Dafeng battalions.

Some of these people died in the ensuing battle, and the rest were buried in Yuanzhou City along with the 500,000 elite soldiers.

Wen Wen is in the third rank realm, so he didn't die in the dragon lock formation.

But his life was not easy.

After the "Yuanzhou City Massacre", Dafeng and Daning changed their offensive and defensive forms, and Wen Wen followed Wu Ding to fight and retreat until he retreated to Fengyuan.

As a surrendered general, Da Feng naturally would not reuse him, and even sent him to lead his troops to charge into battle many times.

Fortunately, Wen Wen has some skills, and he did not die on the battlefield after all.

Later, Li Qi surrendered, and he stayed in Fengyuan.

And now it is said that it has gone to Xinfeng.

The matter about Wen Wen is irrelevant, so I won't go into details here.

In short, since he led the Liangzhou army to surrender, the situation in Liangzhou has become more and more difficult.

According to the "Da Ning Law", whether a soldier in the army flees or surrenders to the enemy, he will be punished for the crime of "conspiring to treason", and his family members will be implicated.

For this item alone, nearly 50,000 people in Liangzhou were confiscated as coolies, sent to the front line to deliver food and grass, and build fortifications.

And there are countless people who left Liangzhou for various other reasons.

In this way, the already remote Liangzhou became even more desolate.

Until recently, with the arrival of armies one after another, it became more lively here.

At noon, at the south gate of Liangzhou city.

The golden day is on the horizon, and the glare of the sun shines directly on the buzzing "cool" flag, but it can't melt the cold of deep winter.

The soldiers on the city wall were all wearing thick cotton robes, holding long goblets and patrolling back and forth in line.

And under their feet, or rather outside the entire Liangzhou city, there are densely packed checkout companies as far as the eye can see.

It is roughly estimated that there are nearly 500,000 troops stationed around Liangzhou City at this time, and they can be roughly divided into three parts.

Wearing black armor farthest away is the most mysterious and fearsome Heavenly Dog army.

A little closer, wearing green armor, is the 100,000 Dashu reinforcements brought by Liang Zhen.

The one wearing yellow armor closest to the city wall is the 400,000 Daning Army led by Han Zhao.

With 500,000 people stationed outside the city of Liangzhou, the visual effect is undoubtedly very shocking.

They are all the strength that Ning Wenjun and Wei Changtian can have at the moment, and they are also the main force of the upcoming battle.

As for the Baijia Liangzhou Army, which numbered only 3,000 in the city, their mission was nothing more than to maintain order in the city.

"Open the city gate!"

"Open the city gate quickly!!"


There was a sudden shout, and the iron ropes were seen rolling, the tall city gate slowly opened with a loud noise, and the suspended suspension bridge crashed down on the other side of the moat.

At the same time, two carriages came straight from a distance, and the black flag with the word "Wei" hanging on the carriages was very clear in the sunlight.

"People from the Wei family are here."

"It should be Mr. Wei."

"Guess so."

"Hey, you said that this world is also strange. Years ago, the Wei family and the imperial court fought so fiercely, but in a blink of an eye."

"Speak carefully! How can you and I discuss these things!"


Looking at the carriages galloping from far to near, the soldiers on the city wall inevitably whispered to each other.

And just as they were talking, two carriages had already passed the city gate, and went straight to the state office that had been enlisted as the "combat command center" without slowing down.

"Give Way!!"

"Give Way!!!"

The roar echoed in the city, and wherever the carriage went, the people panicked and hid on both sides of the road.

Such a scene of chicken and dog jumping undoubtedly reflected the mood of the people in the car from the side.

Obviously, something unexpected should have happened.


After burning an incense stick, the carriage stopped abruptly outside the State Yamen.

With a serious expression, Wei Changtian quickly got out of the car, and immediately walked towards the three people who had been waiting for a long time.

"Long days."

"Young master."

"Young Master Wei."

Liang Zhen, Du Chang, Han Zhao.

At this time, the leaders of the three armies stationed outside the city were all here, and their faces were also very ugly.

They took a few steps forward and greeted Wei Changtian briefly.

But the latter kept walking, and just nodded slightly at the three of them.

"Come on, go into the house and talk."

"it is good."

A group of four walked quickly to the meeting hall, and the guards outside closed the door after they entered the room.

It wasn't until this moment that Wei Changcai finally stood still and looked back at Liang Zhen and the others.

"what happened?"

"How could they find out all our spies at once?!"


"have no idea."

The three looked at each other, and finally Liang Zhen replied with a frown:

"In short, since last night, all the more than 100 secret agents we have planted in the enemy army have not been heard from."

"And up to now, fifty-three people's life cards have been broken."


Before Liang Zhen could finish his sentence, a voice suddenly sounded outside the room.

"To Mr. Wei! To the three generals!"

"Before half a stick of incense, the fate cards of two more scouts shattered!"


ps: I'm a little tired today, so I'll make it up in one update, and I'll make it up in the third update tomorrow.

(end of this chapter)

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