I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 616 Wei Changtian's Personality Charm

Chapter 616 Wei Changtian's Personality Charm

There are hundreds of waves in the vast sea, and thousands of miles of snow in the Yinshan Mountains.

The vast snow-capped mountains embrace the horizon, and one peak after another competes with the sun for splendor.

From Wei Changtian's point of view, the solar eclipse pearl was originally given to Yang Liushi by the little fox, and this object can only be used by demons, so of course it belongs to the latter.

But in Yang Liushi's opinion, the eclipse pearl is too precious, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is the treasure of the monster clan.

And Wei Changtian wanted to give it to himself without the slightest hesitation, and the emotion contained in it naturally moved her beyond measure.

Bai Xue reflected Jin Yang, she threw herself into Wei Changtian's arms and wept with joy, she even stood on tiptoe and closed her eyes to look for Wei Changtian's lips in the depth of her love.

The latter was taken aback for a moment, wondering how moved Yang Liushi would be to ask for a kiss in front of Zhang San and the others.

Good guy.

Women in this world are too easy to please.

Wei Changtian suddenly had some weird thoughts popping up in his mind, and Lu Huang and the other three who were not far away also quietly walked away with great insight.

Just like that, after about half a stick of incense, the blushing Yang Liushi finally reluctantly left Wei Changtian's arms, but still stood very close to the latter.

"Master, son."

Her breathing was a little short, and her expression gradually changed from blurred to gentle.

She wiped the corners of her eyes, and gently pressed Wei Changtian's chest with one hand, her voice was very soft.

"Why are you so kind to my slave family?"


Wei Changtian frowned solemnly: "In my opinion, this fact is perfectly normal, and you don't have to."


Although Wei Changtian didn't say any sweet words, this sentence of "it's so normal" made Yang Liushi finally calm down a little and caused waves again.

One thinks it is normal operation.

One thought it was a great "favor".

In the final analysis, all of this is actually because the two people have different values ​​​​and love views.

As a time traveler in the 21st century, in Wei Changtian's view, the equality of men and women is only the most basic thing, and it is the same when it extends to the relationship between lovers and marriage.

But for Yang Liushi, even if she doesn't think she is Wei Changtian's "appendage", the concept of "husband is bigger than the sky" is deeply rooted.

So now, when Wei Changtian thinks about things for her from a very "equal" perspective, she will have such a violent reaction.

In fact, it is not just a matter of today.

Perhaps even Wei Changtian himself didn't notice that some actions he took for granted in daily life would often secretly move all his wives for a long time.

There are also Zhang San, Chu Xianping, Du Chang, Yuan'er, Qiu Yun and others.

In terms of status, they are all Wei Changtian's subordinates, retainers, servant girls, and even servants.

But they can always feel the kind of sincere "respect" from Wei Changtian.

For Wei Changtian, this "respect" is subconscious.

After all, he has only traveled here for less than three years, but he has accepted the civilized education of his previous life for more than 20 years. Many thoughts have indeed changed, but there are still many thoughts that are far from changing.

He would not think about saving those brothel girls, eradicating gambling houses that harm others and himself, or even overthrowing the feudal society and bringing the glory of the Bolsheviks to this land.

But it is also difficult for him to face Zhang San with the mentality of "master to slave", to face Qiuyun and Yuan'er with the mentality of "master to maid", and to face anyone with the mentality of "noble versus lowly". an ordinary person

To put it bluntly, Wei Changtian actually doesn't have a clear class view like most people in this world.

He will not think that the emperor is more noble, and the beggar is more humble.

Even if this world is not "everyone is equal", but at least it should be "equality of personality"

It is clear.

Wei Changtian's values ​​are a little ahead of his time.

However, this is precisely where his personality charm lies.

If it is said that Xiao Feng is "loved by everyone" by virtue of the protagonist's halo, then Wei Changtian has made so many people willing to work for him wholeheartedly by virtue of this charisma.

Although Wei Changtian hadn't thought about this question until now, he probably won't think about it in the future.

But Yang Liushi at this moment finally understood this matter.

She finally figured out why Wei Changtian is different from others, why he is sometimes ruthless and sometimes kind and tolerant, why he is obviously mysterious but can make people feel reliable.

She finally understood why Wei Changtian had to avenge the dead people in Yuanzhou City, why he came to Liangzhou to help Ning Wenjun fight against the enemy, and why he named the new city "Datong".


The clouds are floating in the color of jade, with a bright head and a blue sky.

In ancient times, Hanyuan was high and far away, and the sun was shining brightly.

When the question that has been bothering her for a long time finally found the answer, Yang Liushi didn't know what to say.

She just stared blankly at Wei Changtian, and after a long while smiled lightly and said:

"Young master."

"It's so kind of you"


Why did you receive a good person card for no reason?

Hearing Yang Liushi's sudden emotion, Wei Changtian was a bit confused, not to mention confused.

But he only thought that the former was still touched by the Eclipse Bead, so he curled his lips and brought the topic back on track.

"Okay, don't let this move you, let's get down to business."

"Now the name of the eclipse bead has been found out, but how the little fox obtained this treasure and why he gave it to you, these things also need to be clarified."

"I don't believe that this kind of treasure was picked up in the snow at random. Maybe there is a bigger reason behind it."


At this time, Yang Liushi's emotions had gradually stabilized, and her clever mind was able to function smoothly again, so she quickly understood Wei Changtian's meaning.

"My lord, are you saying that the little fox may have encountered a treasure hiding place by chance?"

"should be."

Wei Changtian nodded slightly: "Even if it wasn't, since it gave you such a treasure, we naturally have to ask about it."

"Young master is right."

Yang Liushi thought for a moment, and said seriously: "However, spying on the enemy's situation is more important right now. If we turn back, I'm afraid we won't have time to reach Jiguo before the enemy enters the mountain."

"Anyway, it should still be in the mountain temple, why not look for it when we come back."

"No, this matter can't be delayed for too long."

Wei Changtian shook his head: "I don't think you need to go to Ji Guo, but go back quickly to find that little fox and ask the matter clearly."

"Go back to my slave's house?" Yang Liushi was slightly taken aback.

"Well, I'll let Lu Huang escort you."

Wei Changtian nodded: "After you find the little fox, don't act rashly. Take it back to Liangzhou City first, and I'll talk about the rest after I go back."

"This will neither delay the battle, nor prevent Ye Changmeng from letting that little fox run away."

"How about it?"


Since the solar eclipse beads are too special, the little fox who gave them must get them.

Therefore, Wei Changtian suggested that the five soldiers should divide into two groups, let Yang Liushi and Lu Huang go back to the mountain temple first, and he would continue to cross Tianshan with Huang Sheng and Zhang San, and rush to Jiguo as planned.

There is nothing wrong with this plan, so Yang Liushi took out the solar eclipse beads from the package after thinking for a while, and agreed softly:

"Okay, I'll go back now, slave."

"Since this solar eclipse bead can attract Demonic Beasts, it's not safe to carry it on the servant's body, so I'd better take it with you."


Wei Changtian didn't refuse, nodded and prepared to take the eclipse beads: "It's just right, if there are any big monsters that don't have long eyes along the way, I can kill a few more."

"My lord, you must not be brave."

Yang Liushi suddenly retracted her hand, and said very seriously: "If you lose, just throw away the solar eclipse beads as soon as possible."

"I don't care how powerful I become, I just want you to be safe and sound."

"You agree to this matter first, otherwise the slave family will not give you the eclipse pearl."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Okay, I promise you it is!"



(end of this chapter)

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