I'm Actually The Big Villain In The Book

Chapter 617: Another Son Of Heavenly Dao

Chapter 617: Another Son of Heavenly Dao

After about two quarters of an hour, the two groups of people parted ways on this mountain peak, and continued on their way towards the north and south directions.

Yang Liushi's biggest advantage is that she does things neatly. Since she understood that it is best to divide the army into two groups, she went very decisively. She didn't even refuse Wei Changtian to order Lu Huang to go with her.

Although if Lu Huang followed Wei Changtian, it would undoubtedly be a great help for the latter.

But with Wei Changtian's strength, unless he wants to enter the enemy's formation after arriving in Ji Kingdom, there is actually not much difference between having Lu Huang or not.

But she is different.

With the strength of fifth rank, it is not too safe to walk in this Tianshan Mountain.

If something happens and he dies unfortunately, the blow to Wei Changtian is bound to be huge.

Yang Liushi herself is not afraid of death, but she doesn't want Wei Changtian to be sad because of Own's death.

So she didn't say much, and soon turned around and walked back together with Lu Huang, heading straight for the mountain temple.

two days later.

"Young master, this is the place!"

The snow-capped mountains are still stretching and frozen for thousands of miles.

Three Daoist figures sprang out from among the chaotic rocks and stood beside a small lake.

"The last time the villain escorted the envoys of Zhan Shifu to Ji Guo, he also passed this lake, which shows that we did not go the wrong way."

After carefully observing the shape of the small lake, Huang Sheng said excitedly: "If I remember correctly, I should be able to go beyond the boundary of Tianshan Mountain after walking northward for half a day from this lake."

"At that time, as long as you stood on the mountain peak, you could see the Nanshan County City of Ji Kingdom."


Facing the small lake, Huang Xing introduced the situation seriously.

While Wei Changtian was listening, he walked to the lake and washed his face with the lake water.

After three days in the mountains, he finally reached the border of Ji State.

Thanks to the good weather, this speed is faster than expected.

If there were no unexpected circumstances, the armies of Jue Ji and the two countries should not enter the mountain in two or three days, and the time can be said to be very abundant.

"Zhang San, is there a letter from Liangzhou City?"

Shaking the water droplets off his hands, Wei Changtian turned his head and asked, "Have Liu Shi and Lu Huang gone back?"

"Young master, not yet."

Zhang San shook his head: "But it's only been two days, it's normal that Madam and General Lu haven't returned to the city yet."


Nodding his head, the worried look flashed across Wei Changtian's face.

Before entering the mountain, they did not anticipate that there would be a split into two groups, so they did not bring a few pieces of Mother-Child jade.

Because of this, Wei Changtian is currently unable to contact Yang Liushi directly, and can only ask through Liang Zhen whether the latter has returned to Liangzhou City.

It's been two days and I still haven't returned.

What Zhang San said made sense, and the time was indeed within a reasonable range.

Besides, with Lu Huang escorting him, he should be able to escape even if he is defeated by a strong enemy.

Not a big problem.

Standing up slowly, Wei Changtian shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

The most urgent task now is to continue on the road and try to catch the tip of Jue Ji's two armies as soon as possible, otherwise he will always feel uneasy.

Besides, there was another thing that made him feel a little uneasy all the time.

"Have you found anything at Li Zimu's side?"

"Master Hui, not yet."

Zhang San replied truthfully: "In the past three days, General Liang and General Han brought Miss Li to meet many people, but they didn't ask anything."

"Is it?"

Wei Changtian frowned and stopped talking.

Three days later, Li Zimu still failed to find out who leaked the military information.

So these people hide too deeply? Or did Jue Ji and the two countries simply use other methods to screen out the secret agents in the military?

How exactly one hundred undercover agents belonging to different agencies were discovered at the same time is unclear, and Wei Changtian always feels like a fishbone stuck in his throat, making it hard to feel at ease.

And since there is no progress on Li Zimu's side, maybe he can only wait until Ji Guo


Suddenly, Wei Changtian narrowed his eyes, as if he remembered something.

Liangzhou City, the state government.

Outside a quiet room, Liang Zhen had already paced back and forth a hundred times in the aisle.

And just when he passed the door of the room for the 105th time, the closed door finally opened slowly, and a woman in a green jacket walked out from it.

Although the woman's expression is calm and calm, her immature figure proves that she is not very old.

But facing such a young woman, Liang Zhen did not neglect her in the slightest.

"Miss Li, how are you doing?"

"not him."

Li Zimu shook his head lightly, turned around and closed the door.

She glanced at the disappointed Liang Zhen, hesitated for a moment before continuing: "General Liang, I don't know if I should say something, my little girl."

Liang Zhen nodded: "Miss, please tell me."


Li Zimu looked at Liang Zhen with a serious tone: "General, I don't think there is any need to investigate further."


Liang Zhen was taken aback: "Why did the girl say that?"

"Because nothing can be found after further investigation."

Li Zimu sighed: "Oh, it will make all the generals in the army panic, which is really harmful rather than beneficial."

"The girl is right."

Liang Zhen also had a bitter expression at this time: "But if we can't find out who leaked the secret, I'm afraid the harm will be even greater."

"It's true"

Li Zimu paused for a moment, then looked directly into Liang Zhen's eyes, and whispered something that made the latter stunned.

"But the general dares to be sure that there is really someone who leaked the secret?"

Ji Guo, Nanshan County, a battalion of 800,000 troops.

In a certain big tent, two men, one old and one young, are sitting and discussing matters.

The old man was wearing a casual robe, with a corner of a goldfish bag protruding from his waist, proving that he was a senior official above the third rank.

It's just that I don't know if it's Dajue's official or Ji Guo's official.

The young man was dressed in black, without any other color decorations on his clothes.

This kind of pure black clothes is very similar to night clothes. Ordinary people wearing them, even good people, can easily be mistaken for bandits.

What's more, this man has a rather gloomy face.


"Lord Luan, you don't have to be nervous."

The curtain shook slightly, and the man in black smiled and said, "As long as I don't use my mind-reading ability, I won't know what you're thinking."

"Cough, Mr. Tang was joking."

The old man obviously has a higher status, but his appearance at this time is somewhat unnatural.

He forced a smile, took out a token from his sleeve and pushed it in front of the man.

"Master made great achievements a few days ago. After the emperor heard about it, he was overjoyed and ordered the veterans to come and hand over this token to you."

"Young Master Tang, with this token, you can move around in the army at will, and you can mobilize less than a thousand soldiers at any time for your use."

"Although this power is not too great, it is unprecedented. I hope you can make good use of it."

As if a little apprehensive, the old man didn't say a word after finishing these few words, and just looked at the man opposite.

The latter held the token with both hands, got up and took a step back, and knelt down on his knees with a serious face.

"Thank you, Your Majesty Ron!"

"Tang Chen will never fail His Majesty's trust!"


The golden sun is on the head, and the dust is flying.

Soon, the curtain was lifted, and the old man with the goldfish bag hurried out of it, and after a few breaths, he took the servants outside the tent and walked away.

The man named Tang Chen was still standing in the account, looking at the token with gold letters on the black background and smiling.

After more than two years, I can finally show my ambitions.

And this token is the beginning of his soaring into the sky.

Put away the token, turned to look at the corner of the account.

A black shadow crouched there, shaped like a pig, but with an elephant trunk, surrounded by black mist.

More importantly, this thing has been lying in the corner, but the old man just never looked at it.

"Shan Hai Jing Xi Shan Jing": The ferocious leopard is also the tapir leopard, and the sound of the tapir leopard and the ferocious leopard turns when it is close, waiting for others to walk alone, and often eating people's brains.

[5: Ghost Valley Sect, disciple of Outer Sect, Tang Chen]

Tapir Leopard, the way to control the mind.

(end of this chapter)

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